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  • Ard Rock GoFundMe | Swaledale Floods Fundraising Giveaway – Win A Santa Cruz
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    As I mentioned earlier, sometimes we need to look after ourselves and ourn own priorities instead of other people and their's.

    It's also important you qualify this with your missus. Ask the right questions and you'll get the right answers (on behalf of both of you).

    Full Member

    @MF: you have access to a very weird acrosaurus … or are you do an Edmund Blackadder and creating one?

    Full Member

    You gay m0th8rfcuker

    Full Member

    +1 Malware

    Also install Spyware Terminator – also free

    If all the above fails, get an account on Tech Support Forum[/url] – you might have to wait a day or two for a reply, but the experts on there really know their stuff and it's possible you'll be sorted without having to do a rebuild/reinstall.

    Full Member

    That's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for – cheers guys.

    Full Member

    That's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for – cheers guys.

    Full Member

    That's exactly the kind of thing I was looking for – cheers guys.

    Full Member

    What are you creating the document in, e.g. Word, Excel, etc? Which version?

    Full Member

    Watched about 20 mins of the first episode and thought it was sh1t. Each to their own, but I (and the better half) shan't be bothering again …

    Full Member

    Tuna, spag, pesto and parmesan – it's my favourite pre- and post-ride fuel.

    Full Member

    BTW, the hills along the SDW are an absolute fecker in parts. And if it's hot, then rather you than me.

    Full Member

    If you already know of carby foods that work for you on the trail then stick to them. Probably best to keep a supply of both simple and complex carbs though.

    If you're walking/trekking/running 100k in 20hrs then can I assume you've done some long rides in the past? If so, how did you prepare for them? What helped you perform the best?

    Carbing up doesn't seem to work for me – or perhaps I haven't done it properly. What I do know is that I have a favourite breakfast that does work, and I know what food/energy drink to take.

    We're all unique in some way, so by all means see what everyone else recommends. Personally I'd stick pretty much to anything I know to have worked in the past, and just take more of it on the day.

    Full Member

    Like nickjb says, download another AV tool (Kaspersky is also very good) and do a proper scan. Also scan any suspicious downloads you make (you'll know the ones I mean).

    Full Member

    I've no idea what you've picked up, but I'd definitely recommend you create a login on Tech Support Forum – AV[/url].

    It might be a couple of days before you get a response, but once you do, follow their instructions to the letter (particularly if you're IT literate) and you've every chance they'll fix it.

    Full Member

    IMO you've done your bit, now it's time for him to get off his ar5e.

    Sometimes we just need to look after ourselves (and our own time, priorities, etc) instead of "always" being there for others.

    I've practiced this more and more in the last couple of years and it's remarkable how less I've been "hassled" in that time (and yes, that's taking into account the better half's feelings towards friends and relations).

    Full Member

    Ahem, if I may just intervene (on my own **** post) between those in the blue corner and those in the red corner …

    … Got a very good deal on a mint 07 Focus (Zetec + climate pack) with only 25000 miles this afternoon. Missus is happy, which is important seeing as it's "essentially" going to be her car.

    Also had a good time at ante-natal class today – all in all: happy days :D

    Full Member

    It took six cops in full PPE to "subdue" him which involved all standing on his limbs and taking it in turns to hit him about the head with their asps.

    By the end of it there were eight people in hospital no doors left on the hinges and blood literally up the walls. I went in the next day to clear up and there were bloody handprints all over the windows where people had struggled to get them open to jump out and escape.

    All this done by a man who I had been laughing and joking with minutes earlier.

    That's not nice … however, one of my mates "achieved" the same purely through a combination of booze, his "attitude" and a history of drug abuse (mainly trips and ectasy). Abbreviated version = he got kicked out of a club for physically threatening his girlfried > went outside > heard his sister was nearby with his girlfriend > decided he wanted to pretty much do them both in > chased them back to his sister's house > smashed up her house and car (and I mean literally) > attacked his sister > she managed to call 999 > police arrived and it took five of them to subdue him … house was a **** mess with doors ripped off and blood up the walls etc (and her car was properly smashed up). She pressed charges, as did his girlfriend, but both relented within a couple of days and he got away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. This did my **** head in. Whilst I could kind of understand them not wanting to see him go down (in some way or other), I couldn't understand how the police had no choice/jurisdiction to press charges anyway.

    What **** me off is he went on to do similar things in his next couple of relationships (though not to that extent thankfully), yet he got off on every occasion.

    The whole system **** sucks and it pi55es me right off.

    Sorry for the "hijack" and rant – I just feel strongly about this type of sh1t.

    Full Member

    And talking of TdF inspiration, the Alps do it for me more than any other stage. IMO there's a twisted "glamour" about watching riders going mental on the climbs and descents – it seems like one of the purest forms of torture (albeit strangely gratifying) to me.

    I dunno about you lot, but there were times (as a 15-20 yr old) when me and my riding buddies would "pretend" to be the likes of Roche, Herrera, Delgado, Indurain et al, on the hardest climbs we could find. I think those memories are what keep me going on the absolute b4st4rd climbs that I find today.

    Full Member

    I've been hankering after a road bike too (for several months), but can't justify the cost right now – it's been a v expensive year thus far.

    Have had to settle for putting slicks on the Stumpy and getting in some road miles. General fitness has probably improved, but the biggest plus for me has been checking out some old skool roads/scenery (Sussex, Surrey, Hants, Kent, South Downs) that I used to ride on my trusty Peugeot Mont Cenis when I was well into road biking as a teenager.

    TBH, I never thought I'd want to get back into it – MTBing seemed to have taken over in recent years. But my experience this year tells me different – I miss those long days in the saddle, the hard slogs on those never-ending climbs, hours in the blazing sun … If only someone would kindly donate the funds for me to acquire the steed I want …

    Full Member

    I'll leave you lot to argue over your JD vs WD stats … in the meantime, I'll be booking some test drives.

    TVM to the wisdom of the masses.

    Full Member

    @CaptainMainwaring: agreed with HJ, I've been using his site for years (and loads of others).

    Hmm, looks like Focus (for VFM) > Golf > Astra at the mo …

    Full Member

    Avoid Vodafone. Their aftersales customer service is some of the worst I have ever had the misfortune to experience.

    Strange – they're by far the best I've ever used. Have remained with them since 2004 and wouldn't change (unless for an exceptional deal).

    Full Member

    Had those choices last year, ended up with a civic

    Aye, been thinking about these too. Did you go for the Geordi la Forge model? Impressed?

    Full Member

    Hmm, interesting comments chaps.

    I've never owned a Golf but I thought they'd stayed still a little while the rest of the pack were catching up (specifically in terms of driver feedback, fittings, switchgear, etc). Hence wondering if it was worth spending the extra. DSG is an option, but depends on VFM.

    @molgrips: I thought the Mk5 came out in 03/04? That's the one I'd be more inclined to go for over the Mk4.

    She's only going to be doing 3-5000 miles/year so no need for a diesel.

    Personally I'm not a big fan of the Astra but IMO they've improved a lot in recent years, plus the Focus always seems to come out well in tests.

    @Surf-Mat: why do you say their autos are cr4p?


    Full Member

    Strangely, I have no desire for chocolate any more.

    That's a tough one for me. I very rarely used to touch chocolate until recently – and now I could eat it all the time. Other than that the odd packet of crisps etc, I eat pretty healthily (but large portions of it).

    Am back on the iDave wagon after a few days of straying. Snacking on carrots and humous as I write.

    Full Member

    I had an E30 M3 for a year or two


    Full Member

    Defo take it for a spin to see how you get on.

    I've done a few miles in a couple of LHD hatchbacks (a few years ago) and it was a bit weird but generally fine. You just need to re-calibrate how you measure gaps, etc.

    Also did a few laps in a LHD Viper on a track day – I thought I'd brick it at least a little because I was encouraged to hammer it, but surprisingly I got the hang of it in no time. In fact, it was a POP.

    Full Member

    Congratulations Mr North. Our first is due in 7 weeks.

    We managed to get lucky by buying £1200 of kit off friends for less than a third of that (their nine month old boy had outgrown it all). And it's all in immaculate condition. All we need now is the pram/pushchair – probably a Quinny Buzz, and then the usual running costs.

    It's the child care that scares me. Some are paying £800/month around here – and one couple are paying £1100! And it seems they're having to pay for the holiday time when the kid(s) aren't even in child care!

    No idea how we're supposed to find that amount of extra cash, but I guess one will somehow.

    Full Member

    As most people have said already, it's a case of "having" to work in order to fund one's lifestyle and commitments.

    Personally I enjoy my work; lots of benefits in terms of interesting projects, working from home 75% of the time, good money, being able to finish early to hit the trails etc.

    Have earned more in the past (but that came with far more baggage), and had lots of disposable income. Have also had some sh1t jobs. I now have a greater respect for everything in my life as well as that of those around me (and also those who have it harder).

    Life (and work) is pretty much what you make of it

    Full Member

    I'm with Surf-Mat et al, in that I've had a few stacks that I "got away with" and a couple of others that really hurt (cracked ribs). I've never had the balls to try and be better/faster/gnarlier than several riders I know, so I go as near to the limit as I feel I can and that's (usually) it.

    I'm certainly less 'core these days, and much prefer getting miles on the clock in a XC-stylee as opposed to nailing some of the stuff I used to.

    I also sit high on the bike (6' 4") so some of the steep stuff can be right horrible.

    Full Member

    She should check the original copyrights of any contents she includes, e.g. images, or embeds, e.g. video. Seeing as it's educational (and not commercial) she should be okay so long as she includes a credit somewhere in the "show."

    She should be able to embed video via Insert > Movie Clip > name of video. Which version of PPT is she using? Which format is the video in?

    Full Member

    I named it 'Keep The Faith' cos if you ride the roots high and have faith in yr tyres, you can generally get thru it…

    I remember riding it one evening last summer and sketching all over the place. I thought what little ability I had was on the wane and my days were over :( Then I woke up the next day and found I had a flat. Went back a few days later and nailed it – felt a whole lot better :D

    Full Member

    I must admit I've become bored with TH in the last couple of years. It hasn't evolved in any way (not that is necessarily needed to) – in fact, I prefer the off-camber section on the right or the bit at the end of TH where you wiggle your way do the "downhill" bit onto the firetrack.

    Each to their own though …

    Full Member

    You're right, £3 would've been offensive IMO.

    I remember giving £20 to the guys who fitted by double-glazing a few years back. I would have liked to have given more but was spending a fortune doing the place up.

    Also bought lunch (not that sort – I was heading into town anyway) and gave a tip to the guy who did my cladding shortly after.

    Am still waiting for the curry that a mate promised me when I laid a patio foundation for his outdoor office 2 years go. He reckons he's going to cough up the end of this month – nom noms.


    do you have a few beers or couple of bottles of wine in lieu of cash?

    great idea

    Full Member

    You're not gonna turn up in full Stormtrooper regalia are you … just like all those other "outsiders"? :D

    Full Member

    Ah, Star Wars … they got it absolutely spot on in terms of merchandising for us kids back in the day. I remember my AT-AT fondly, and my Snowspeeder, X-Wing, Y-Wing, Landspeeder, Scout Bike, Dagobah "System", and all the other stuff. Plus the memories of building "sets" … those were the days …

    Awesome vid too.

    EDIT: I still yearn for the day I can buy (invest/spend money on/waste money on – tick as applicable) a full complement of original Star Wars figures with all accessories, etc and stick them in a cabinet … and have another full set still in their packaging. Sad?

    Full Member

    curry never fails though

    No, no, no! There are umpteen poor/average curry houses around these days. Cheap quality meat/poultry, tough/overcooked lamb, overcooked prawns, dishes that taste the same no matter the name, etc.

    There's only one curry house I'd "trust" in the vicinity, but you can expect to pay IRO £30-£40/head for 3 courses. The rest are all a much of a muchness – very disappointing.

    And the best Chinese in the area had gone under – ar5e! They were pricey but bloody good.

    Full Member

    Thanks guys

    This is her company laptop (after she had her last one blown up) so I'm limited by not having admin rights. She can't even install any software on it.

    Like Cougar says, it seems to be using some kind of proprietary connection manager to "override" the router's security (ish).

    The irritating this is that it connected first time to my original DLink router because all it wanted was the password. So why is it now getting all stroppy? Ar5e.

    Full Member

    Sounds like a pretty sh1t policy for £7.99/month.

    My phone is covered (for loss/theft/etc) by my bank. I lost my Hero 3-4 weeks ago and have replaced it with an HD2. They've also coughed up for the accessories.

    I'd sort out your current claim and then dump the CPW policy.

    Full Member

    Those Lentils sound like they're worth a try, nice one

    Don't think you have to plough through a bowlful of plain lentils

    Homemade lentil and smoked bacon soup is the nuts. Cook lentils according to instructions (in chicken stock, seasoning and a little garlic) > blend to thick soup consistency > add smokey bacon lardons.

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