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  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    I can handle pretty much any kind of weird sh1t and was "into" the best parts of LOG throughout the period is was on. But I remember having to switch off from watching one particular episode because it was scrambling my head too much – can't remember which episode, but it was pretty damn weird.

    On the subject of Sherlock, I haven't taken to this adaption at all yet. Much prefer the old skool Jeremy Brett style. But I'll happily give the new ones another go when the proper series starts.

    Full Member

    I must admit I used to like the explorative part of dating, i.e. finding our about each other. If I was in that situation again, then that's where my mojo would be.

    Full Member

    After losing 8-10 lbs at peak, I decided to ditch the "diet" for a couple of weeks to see what would happen. Have somehow only put on a couple of lbs in that time, and that's with me eating rice/curry/spag/potatoes/bread/ciabatta/cereal/crisps/chocolate and drinking beer/wine and also biking only a couple of times.

    Will return to it shortly and see if I can shift the next few lbs and generally create a more aggressive base weight for winter training.

    All in all I believe it works – it's just a case of adapting it to your lifestyle and mindset.

    Full Member

    IME +1 for Springer, Lab or Retriever

    Full Member

    Loved it for the first couple of weeks and then it became really repetitive. Sold it.

    Full Member

    Just do a Google and you'll find loads you can download. I tried about 10 or so but then, like GrahamS, decided to use a plain black one because anything else just didn't look right to me.

    Full Member

    Most pundits spout the occassional b0ll0cks, but TBH I have no problem with him – and I'm a United fan. Same goes for Hansen – found him arrogant for years and then suddenly got in tune with him vibe and all became well.

    Full Member

    Not sure how much difference this might make because I've only owned a 4 (for two weeks), so have nothing to compare it too … but I've been charging while running Battery Doctor Pro – tis supposed to maximise your charge etc. Battery life is great TBH – but like I say, I have nothing to measure against.

    Full Member

    bernie inn (do they still exist?)

    Dunno, but Beefeater's somehow still do …

    Full Member

    Mr Tobin's place in Reigate is apparently damn awful too – highly overpriced and with small portions and poor service. Could just be the minority bleating of course, but it's enough to stop me giving it a go.

    Tis very hard to successfully find other places to dine where you come away feeling you've genuinely enjoyed the whole experience.

    Full Member

    I used to coach the wife of one of the Directors of WHO. She admitted herself that the organisation blew pots of cash flying him and cohorts in luxury, putting them up in swanky locations, and basically funding their very high standard of living.

    For me, charity begins at home. I do, however, pay a DD to various charities and have so for years.

    Full Member

    Before opting for the cheapest, do some research on how they handle claims and admin costs etc. That's one reason we've stuck with Mini Insurance on one of our cars – surprisingly good deals and excellent service (with Mrs SM having had to make a claim).

    Full Member

    Autotrader is definitely the best place to start because most people are familiar with the site. Other than that, check out Pistonheads AND Mazda forum classifieds.

    Full Member

    You want to try these bad boys[/url] … Finished off a packet off lightly salted in record time last w/end.

    Full Member

    Bonty, I use both Hot and G-mail: Sadly, much of my email still comes to me via hotmail, so I can't just sack it, although I agree it is a pile o' pants.

    I used to use Yahoo mail for years then started using Google in about 04/05. Google became my primary account but I still have subscriptions etc that link to Yahoo – easy peasy because Yahoo justs forwards everything to Google. If necessary, Google can set the "sent from" account as Yahoo so I can still "use" my Yahoo account if need be.

    All in all, it doesn't seem to make any sense to stick with Hotmail especially if you're on an Android phone. Just start moving stuff across.

    Full Member

    I've been running Big Apples over the last few months and found myself getting right back into the road vibe. Never thought it would happen TBH, but now I'm converted enough to look at some kind of cross bike for winter.

    On the subject of forks, have you thought about getting a decent pair with lock-out?

    Full Member

    Nice story mate: that's what it's about – sharing the joy that is MTBing.

    I remember taking a (psychotic) mate out round Leith Hill a few years back for his first taste of biking. He said it was the best time he'd had in years – and for all his (psychotic) faults, I still believe him.

    We then went out a few more times but unfortunately he wouldn't put the effort into getting fit enough to really get into it. Still, that didn't stop the silly ba5tard splashing out on a £1500 Marin and a load of other gear … only to once ride it round the block and then call it quits (his nutter tendencies took over).

    Shame, because being out on those trails was the one time I felt he could genuinely leave his "sh1t" behind and figure out how to change.

    Full Member

    IMO Chrome is the quickest but lacks usability because it doesn't have the plugins that FF has. As for IE – pah, it's still sh1t.

    FF for me everyday (although 4.0 beta doesn't like Flash)

    Full Member

    I'm going to give Everytrail a go because neither Sportypal or Trailhead seem to run properly in the background (haven't checked if they're 4 compliant). PITA because as soon as you take a snap or make a call, the whole thing stops and you can lose your route history. Shames, cos Sportypal worked a treat on Android.

    Full Member

    That's just plain out of order IMO.

    Full Member

    The souls of the dead walking the world? Or a dodgy switch? You decide!

    Dodgy switch – not physically possible. Like I said, it's stiff to move because it's designed that way. And it hadn't been used for days. Impossible for it to turn itself on "accidentally."

    Full Member

    I really don't get why people harp on about the iPhone being "restrictive." I too thought it an issue and stuck with HTC (Tytn II, Hero and HD2) for 3 years until suddenly opting for an iPhone 4.

    Have to say it is by far the most functional device I've owned (or used). The restrictive side of things is hardly an issue in real-world terms – and I say this having customised all my previous HTC's.

    IMO, the iPhone works admirably as a phone and music player, plus the app store gives virtually functionality for minimal effort/cost.

    To summarise, I'd say HTC HD2 and Desire are great VFM all round, but the iPhone is a better device if you can justify the additional spend.

    Full Member

    I bought a custom-fit one for our Freelander about 18 months ago – waterproof/dog vomit proof/pretty much "unbreakable". Worked perfectly.

    Didn't use it for the bike though, but it would have been fine if I had.

    Can't find the link anymore – plus the receipt was passed on when I sold the car.

    Full Member

    We had another "visit" last night at about 10:30pm. This time he/she turned on the oven extractor fan. Only me and the good lady in the house and no way could it have been an "accident" because the button is very stiff.

    The weirdest was 3-4 months ago when Mrs Spacemonkey, her mum and I were all sat in the living room and heard a wine glass smash in the kitchen. Again, same time at night and no evidence whatsoever, i.e. no smashed glass. And bear in mind it's open plan downstairs.

    Other stuff has happened too over the last 4 years or so, but we get a friendly vibe from it. Tis a cottage though, with parts of it 400+ years old.

    Full Member

    Emma Crosby does the trick for me.

    Full Member

    Thisisnotaspoon – sorry to hear about your spaniel, I know how you're feeling having had our beloved Bert put to sleep in March. It does get "easier" with time though.

    On the subject of people just being ar5ey, my policy is to refrain from posting about the more personal/private stuff because you cannot "control" what response you are going to receive. Ergo, you don't give insensitive dumb-ar5e people the chance to mouth off = you don't get hurt/offended/etc.

    There are a lot of good people on this forum, but there are the minority who have a habit of voicing their opinions without first engaging their brains.

    Full Member

    did you happen to see 'Dave' out on your travels then ?

    That's the reason he "borrowed" it … to impress Dave :D

    Full Member

    Worth investing in a Park chain tool. I've tested mine loads of times (at home and on the trails) and once you've got the knack, you soon realise how reliant you are on it.

    EDIT: I'm not saying your mate should buy one just for this particular fix – I'm talking to the massive in general

    Full Member

    BTW, my iTunes (Mac) doesn't seem to enable me to check locally for artwork – hence I tried adding it manually but that was pain. Maybe the Windows version is more flexible.

    Full Member

    I found iTunes completely sh1t for matching artwork – even Windows Media found about 90% of mine, but iTunes about 25%.

    Ended up buying TuneUp – it's a plugin for iTunes and is IME about 95% accurate for most/all commercially available stuff, but less so for the weird and wacky. Costs about £12 I think.

    Full Member

    Mollski, YGM

    Full Member

    Cheers Mat – managed to get a room at the Lowenach.

    Full Member

    CountZero – thanks, but I couldn't justify that sort if spend on some 'phones. Am using some Sennheisers at the mo – good enough for me for now.

    Full Member

    Mollski, I'll email you the details tonight or tomorrow morning – am out n about at the moment.


    Full Member

    HD2 very good IMO for music. Sweet UI, excellent sound, equalisers, and earphones with controls.

    Am selling mine (6 weeks old and mint) if you happen to be interested – just switched to an iPhone 4.

    Full Member

    Lower the saddle at the front.

    Full Member

    Have had my 4 a week now. It's seriously rapid and had no issues with reception.

    Not for me to say if it's worth the extra because it depends what you want to use it for. But for me, I'm well impressed.

    Full Member

    Then he did it again further up the road. I caught up with him stuck in a long line of traffic at lights, and after a bit of mental arithmetic to check he'd be there for long enough, I rode up the inside and batted his mirror.

    The whole thing smashed! Does this mean I get 7 years bad luck? It was worth it to see him standing on the bonnet of his Landy screaming at me!

    Whilst I don't exactly condone that kind of behaviour, I certainly wouldn't oppose it (and beyond, e.g. dinking a panel with a bar end of clear/toecap, etc) if it's obvious enough that the driver is being a complete twunt.

    The thing is, there's enough road rage/anger/moodiness/aggression/incompetence/snobbishness/etc that it really doesn't need adding to.

    But some drivers deserve all the sh1t that comes their way.

    Full Member

    If, on a downhill section, the person ahead of you stops abruptly to pick up something dropped by the person in front of them, DO NOT hit the rear quarter of their bike so as to invoke an airborne manoeuver that results in a visit to casualty.

    Full Member

    The first part was levelled by all the tree felling about 3-4 years ago. Prior to that, IIRC, we used to have to clamber over/around piles of branches. I can't really remember what that bit was like now – beside, the remaining two thirds is nice and flowy as it is.

    There also used to be a weird roll-in to the right of the cricket pitch (kind of dug into the hill as you look out over the view) that hooked round to the left and spat you out 50m along near the play area en route to Deliverance/Roller Coaster. I think that got officially turned over too.

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