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  • Banshee release the new big travel Titan and 26in wheel compatible Rune V3
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    I'll check out your link later. In the meantime, take a look at the ID Software's Quake engine demo[/url] – highly impressive!

    Full Member

    At the risk of sounding grumpy, that did absolutely nothing for me whatsoever. For a start, whatever town it showed looked nothing like it, neither then nor now … plus it just seemed pointless.

    Full Member

    I too will remember him for that epic battle with Lemond in 89.


    Full Member

    Yeah, lime+soda was great to begin with when in the pub – proper cheap as well.

    Knocking it on the head when out and about doesn't seem all that tough for me – it's just cutting right back (or entirely) during the evenings at home that feels harder. Still, with the little fella arriving any day now I guess I'll have to be more responsible along those lines anyway.

    Full Member

    Good man – I should do the same.

    I've gone on the wagon loads of times in the past. Longest I lasted was 4 months (in 2003) and felt better for it.

    What substitutes are you going to use? I've done funky cordials and unusual tea blends.

    Full Member

    Weirdest thing to begin with was only being able to see in front of me.

    Full Member

    +1 for what Jim said – both work and sync perfectly (although IMO FD is better than NNW)

    Full Member

    Auralogic Defragger – much quicker than the default one.

    +1 CCleaner and Malwarebytes

    Also check out Spyware Terminator.

    Full Member

    Check out PhoneDisk – allows you to navigate around your iPhone's folders like Windows Explorer. Free to try then $10.

    Full Member

    Is that a claustrophobic thing CH?

    I only ask because I hate claustrophobic things like tubes and trains (during peak times that is).

    Full Member

    One of my mates can't go near anything tomato-based, e.g tomato sauce, baked beans, etc – otherwise he turns violent. I've seen him physically threaten someone who 'confronted' him with a hidden tomato!

    When he orders a pizza it comes on a base devoid of any sauce. And if he orders some food and it accidentally arrives with something tomato-based then he'll either send it back or avoid eating anything that's even touched it.

    Full Member

    We used to stay in Neath when doing Afan etc. Probably not the best for families though – it gets a bit League of Gentlemen of an evening …

    Full Member

    Beer after a solo ride makes me feel dirty, so I wait a couple of hours or so while I rehydrate/eat/freshen up etc.

    But beer after a social ride is fine, even more so in front of a rolling pub fire in winter.

    Full Member

    Use the forum search and you'll find a fair few comments.

    Depending on fitness, you'll be spending 10-20 hours in the saddle over 1-2 days. There's also a "famous" site with all the SDW info you'd ever need – haven't got the link to hand though.

    Best to do it during dry/mild conditions because the trail becomes a complete bind (literally) as the weather worsens.

    Full Member

    [/quote]I design buildings for a living but studied furniture design and would like to make a simple website where I can put images of my furniture work on so if I'm applying for work I can direct people to it. I need to be able to upload images myself (where not talking 100's) and I need it to have a uniform easy to navigate look. Basically an online portfolio but one where I have control of the aesthetic.

    WP has evolved into much more than just a blogging tool. You can now buy (very cheap) themes to build all kinds of site – here's one that does something in line with what you want:

    Theme Forest – Shiny 6

    Possibly a little more techie work involved than you'd like, but once you're familiar with it, it's pretty fluid. Loads more themes on the previous link I posted above.

    Full Member

    I dont think the MF templates look particularly amateur

    Each to their own, but I beg to differ.

    Full Member

    A mate is also seriously addicted to this, but then his family all play it heavily too. This is after they got addicted to City of Heroes for a couple of years or so.

    IMO, playing this kind of thing in moderation is okay, but FFS get a life instead of getting taken over by it.

    Full Member

    Nativespace are pretty good for costs and support, plus for something like £5.95/month you can have up to 10 sites/domains. WP-ready so you can upload any theme and away you go.

    WP (out of the box) is great for starting out in blog-based sites, but the major widget/plugin-mongery can really only be done when you host it on your own domain. Then you can also check out themes etc from people like ThemeForest.

    Full Member

    Our little boy is due next week and I'll be taking two weeks pat leave.

    Fortunately my boss is paying me full salary and also offering me another two weeks at the same later in the year – but the company do owe me a few bob from outstanding commissions and this is one way of contributing.

    Not sure how I would approach it if I was only going to receive statutory because I work from home pretty much 4 days in 5 so I'd be able to shift some of my pattern around the little fella anyway. I must say that knowing I'll get the extra money does make it a no-brainer though.

    Full Member

    So Ross Kemp's doing a documentary on biking now is he?

    Full Member

    I reckon BB would be awesome.

    In the meantime I'm listening to the very foxy Emma on my iPhone CoPilot – almost makes me want to carry on driving, especially through residential areas with lots of turns 8O

    Full Member

    Aye, could get slippery and sludgy if this rain continues …

    Full Member

    Jim, ignore the insensitive b0ll0cks spouted (inevitably) by the minority here. They don't get it and probably never will.

    Like Frankenstein says; go for a ride (or whatever other escapism you feel the need for), spend time with friends/family, and generally keep yourself busy.

    Full Member

    For me, less is better. Hence I wear shorts as much as I can throughout the year (at home and out n about). No-ones ever had an issue with it – in fact, people often ask why I keep wearing shorts when it gets cold.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear that, especially losing both so close to one another. It does get easier though …

    We lost our beloved Bert back in March and were devastated. One thing that definitely helped was taking her to the crem for an individual cremation (better for closure IMO) and then bringing her back home. She now resides in a casket in the living room. The difference being that she's "with us" and will remain so even when we move, as opposed to having her ashes scattered which just didn't feel right.

    Full Member

    If you really want the 4×4 side of things then IME and 03-05 Freelander. Alright, they still sound agricultural and plenty of people will say bad things about them. But I've lived with an 03 (from new) for 3 years and it never went wrong, a 55 (from new) for 6 months and it never went wrong, and an 06 (from 08) and it never went wrong. Only had a couple of minor niggles but nothing mechanical/engine/transmission/ECU related at all.

    If you get a good one then you'll be sorted – just do your research and/or get an inspection if you feel the need.

    IMO I wouldn't recommend spending £6k on a RR of Disco, unless you know someone that has a peach.

    Plenty of other options our there too.

    PS a friend bought a 54 XC90 last year and had to replace the engine within 3 months – he was not chuffed. Another friend also had nothing but problems – engine and electrical from new on an 04. Not saying avoid XC90 – just saying BEWARE whatever you go for.

    Full Member

    If you fancy her then you've got to put it to her – simple as that. If you don't, then you may never take the opportunity. The worst that can happen is she'll say "no," at which point you'll know where you stand and can move on from there.

    If you don't fancy her then you've nothing to worry about – just get on with the next 20 months of your life.

    EDIT: I spent 6 years "seeing" someone even though we weren't technically going out with each other, and we both had other proper relationships for much of that time anyway. We never crossed the line, but we were always there for each other (emotionally as well as for going out and just having loads of fun). In the end I asked if she thought we should have a go at it ourselves, but she declined – it made perfect sense and would never have worked. Nothing changed between us and we carried on "seeing" each other up until we both settled down.

    Full Member

    Nope – one of my mates that had the desk next to me used to do the fasting thing. He had no issues – in fact, we all used to wind him up over it and he was fine.

    Some might obviously expect a little more respect though …

    Full Member

    Depends what you're selling and how much you expect (want/need) to get for it. If it's worth £1000 then maybe try eBay, but if it's £10000+ then AT IME.

    Full Member

    +1 Lambrusco Cowboy – sentiments well put. And welcome by the way.

    nobody wants an e-book

    Usually yes, but sometimes you need to blurt what you need to blurt. IMO, LC's blurt was relevant, eloquent and read-worthy.

    Full Member

    TJ has a point, at least IME. I too ride defensively if I can either see or sense something that could go wrong, e.g. a car accelerating from behind in a way that tells me he ain't gonna stop until he's made the gap (or whatever). But I also ride "ascertively" by widening my presence on the road if I feel it's right to make myself "bigger" if you know what I mean, e.g. I sense the car(s) behind want to overtake near the top of a long twisty climb with a blind corner up ahead, so by taking up the road they "can't" go anywhere and have to hold back.

    EDIT: I will happily ride on the pavement if I deem it measurable safer. Always give way to others too (unless they're being a pr1ck).

    Full Member

    Yep, but on my evening ride (not commute). Last night: on a residential road a white A3 decided to go for a gap that was barely there and flew past me with a couple of inches to spare; and then a pizza delivery boy decided to turn across my lane at a set of traffic lights without giving any notice which forced me to anchor on.

    IME for every tw4t that tries to save a few seconds by being a d1ck (or generally drives like a d1ck), there are thankfully loads more considerate drivers who show lots of patience/give loads of room when overtaking/etc.

    Full Member

    Seeing as it's a sales role then might I assume you've qualified yourself and them as being right for one another? I.e you've identified and discussed:

    what they're looking
    what you're looking for +
    what they bring to the table +
    what you bring to the table +
    when do I start? =

    If not, then you'd better start asking things like "Where do you see me bringing most value to the role?" "How do you see me fitting in with the team/ethos/philosophy?" "What are the reasons you feel I'm right for this role?"

    I.e. if you're confident you want (and can do) the job, then you need to get them to convince themselves (by speaking aloud) why they want you too.

    Good luck

    Full Member

    SOunds like config issue with outgoing mail server. Have you set it up according to Virgin's recommendation? Does anything need to be enabled from within Virgin account?

    If no joy here, then post on the iPhone UK forum or the main Apple one.

    Full Member

    There is no true one app that fixes/protects against everything. IME Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS suite) is highly effective and customisable, especially when couple with Malwarebytes Malware and Spyware Terminator.

    Do a Google and you might find KIS 2010 still available for the £20 or so download offer that I snapped up a while back.

    Full Member

    I print out a "receipt" for both me as the seller and they as the buyer – we then just add the date, reg and names/signatures.

    Full Member

    Good link Mat – loads of decent looking cases on there.

    Full Member

    John – why do you think the tender process will be crooked ? They are open and fair, that is the entire point.

    11 years of tendering across public sector = oh no they're not

    Full Member

    I have a couple of Vista machines and a MBP running SL. TBH, Windows works for me and without it I couldn't do my job. I only use a few apps on my MBP and sure enough there are a few nice features about SL, but IMO it is not better than Vista or W7. One particular real-world PITA is the inability to drag all sides/corners of a window – WTF will Mr Jobs not allow me to do that when Mr Gates gave us this years ago?

    As for stability, I consider myself pretty IT savvy so my machines are all in very good order. Fair enough, there were compliance issues with Vista 2-3 years ago but I've never had a problem. I might get the odd crash/error/bug report but my MBP has far less to contend with and has crashed twice without reason in three months.

    Full Member

    Is this PP sh1t just based on overseas sales? I've used PP for selling on eBay in the past (with no problems) but now have a load of stuff I want to get rid of. Will only post to UK though.

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