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  • spacemonkey
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    These types of post make me laugh because at the end of the day, people have different experiences/standards/expectations/levels of understanding etc.

    Hence I’m generally with MF on this. Sure, if someone wants to pay a few hundred quid for a “proper” ecommerce site then go for it. If they’re happy with it then even better. Job done. But if it looks shit, doesn’t encourage the viewer to stick around, has unstable cataloguing/banking, requires additional fees for edits and CMS, etc, then is there really anything to be gained? Hopefully iDave’s mate won’t deliver anything like this.

    It also depends on your market.

    IMO, if you want proper functionality + design + support + longevity etc, then investing in a proper build tends to be the way forward.

    Full Member

    A few times i’ve had customers ask what bike can i get thats the same colour as my old one purely on the bases that the missus wouldn’t notice the difference if its the same colour, and we often do 2 receipts 1 for the proper value and a show the missus one usually half price ish, as mentioned above i’m amazed how many people have rolled up notes the missus knows nothing about…


    Full Member

    I tend not to tell her the full cost of things when I’ve bought them – particularly if money is a sensitive subject at that time.

    But she’s well aware it’s generally an expensive hobby and doesn’t give me a hard time – so long as I don’t admit to every purchase. She knows it gives me the escapism I need to maintain at least a few moments of sanity.

    I did make a boo-boo a few years ago though. Bought some custom Wilson irons for £550, put them in my golf bag and used them as normal. Totally avoided telling her because she hated golf. But stupidly put my old irons in the Wilson box with the receipt hidden away in the garage. Missus decided to do a clear-out and found said box and receipt. Not a happy bunny.

    Full Member

    Find a Lenovo forum or just go to Tech Support Forum and post there. Should be plenty of people who can point you in the right direction.

    I’ve used the latter for a fair amount of stuff and always (except once) get sound advice.

    Full Member

    Really wanted to like him about 10+ years ago, but never really took to him. Don’t know why, I just don’t find him funny.

    Saw him live 2 years ago and that did nothing to change my opinion.

    I reckon he’d be a good laugh down the pub mind.

    Full Member

    Remember that employment is a two-way thing, i.e. it’s not just about what you can do for them, but also what they can do for you.

    IMO a lot of people fall down on this (unless they’re just desperate to get THAT job), and only ask about the role etc. All you’re doing here is helping the employer qualify whether you fit THEIR requirement. What you should be doing is also qualifying whether they fit YOUR requirement. By asking questions around this area you’ll soon decide if they really are the people you want to work for etc.

    EDIT: I have an example of this at the moment: we’re recruiting for 2 sales positions and the MD wants one person (whom he kind of knows) in particular. Said person has already exclaimed how keen he is to join, but my concern is he sees it as a temporary role (he’s already jumped jobs once in the last 4 months and I know he’s unhappy where he is). Therefore when I meet him I’m going to qualify him as normal and wait to see if he then qualifies us back. If he doesn’t, then that tells me he’s looking short-term only (or is particularly short-sighted). In which case, I’ll help him qualify us by asking myself the questions he should be asking – and then gauge his response.

    Full Member

    My max is only a 200 mile round trip for a frame, but when we were 15 my mate’s date dad drove him from Sussex to Leicester to pick up a Duralinox.

    Sometimes you just have to make the effort.

    Full Member

    Haven’t owned a 3, only played with one. But have had a 4 since Aug – awesome piece of kit and by far the best phone I’ve owned/used/seen. Faster, slicker, smoother, and generally lag-free regardless of what it’s doing.

    Depends on your circumstances as to whether you can justify the added expense vs how much you’re going to make use of it. 4 all the way for me though.

    Full Member

    Have given in to the prospective power of SSD and ordered the full box with a Corsair Force 60Gb jobby.

    Not sure it’ll be here for Xmas, so I’ll have a have a word or two with my patience.

    EDIT: Current screen and kb/mouse work fine – for now anyway.

    Full Member

    IA, I open most of my apps first thing but naturally open and close files all day long. It’s not the loading time that’s an issue – it’s using/editing heavy image-intense files, especially in PowerPoint. The files themselves might only be 5-15Mb, but some slides can have 30-40 objects on them, hence it’s the “refresh” rate when moving between slides and making edits that causes lag. I also use a fair few plugins and apps that hang off the back, and they too can be sluggish when working with a lot of objects.

    CPU doesn’t really seem to get stressed, so I’m thinking it’s more a case of the RAM (4Gb) being unable to offer more help.

    Current machine is an AMD dual core 2.3, 4Gb, 150Gb, Radeon 3470, 32bit Vista Bus. Fast enough for everything work-related except the PPT stuff and Mindjet MM8 (which become massively laggy when working with big maps).

    Spec I’m looking at is an overclocked i5 760 3.6GHz, 8Gb, HD 6870, W7 Pro 64bit, with the relevant board/PSU/etc to support.


    Full Member

    Whenever in ‘everyday’ use do you need 10 apps / 20 tabs?

    I do virtually all the time.

    And some of those apps are constantly under heavy load, mainly due to masses of images.

    Constantly have IE and FF open because they’re the two browsers that our published stuff works on. And Chrome is what I use for my everyday browsing.

    Full Member

    Cool. Sounds about right from what I’ve heard so far. Might take a punt on a size C unless I can grab a trial somewhere.


    Full Member

    mboy – Yep, I’d agree with that.

    IA – Interesting feedback on the SSD. I had a chat with the techies at both ChillBlast and they said that an SSD is noticeably quicker for those who boot up their machine multiple times each day, or are continually opening and closing apps. But for those who boot up once (me) and then tend to open all the apps they need for the day (me) the difference isn’t worth the expense. I wish I could justify the extra £150 or so to switch to an SSD for OS/apps and a normal drive for data, but I’m still not convinced. How are you “using” your machine?

    Full Member

    Cheers guys – feedback appreciated, and good that it kind of differs from some I’ve heard elsewhere.

    3. Have been recommended to use a SDD for OS and some kind of funky hybrid Seagate thingy for data. Don’t think I can justify the price diff though.

    4. Point taken ref cards – haven’t decided how much gaming it’ll get – probably not much.

    6. I know the number of cores can make a difference, but I’m talking about VFM between them. Some people say a properly OC’d i3 is better VFM (for most purposes) than an i5 or i7. Think I’ll check out OC’d i5’s now though.


    Full Member

    I bought some kind of Petzl about 5 yrs ago and it turned out to be completely shit for anything remotely like off-road running. Wore it once > walked around a bit > jogged a bit > fell over a bit > looked at my feet a lot > went home.

    Would only consider using it for camping etc.

    EDIT: how come the naughty word I wrote still appears? I thought the filter cleaned stuff up, else it was a ban?

    Full Member

    Sensible advice above ref bike choice.

    The other thing to bear in mind is whether you see your weight dropping off as you get more into it. Not that I’m making any judgements (nobody does in this place :-) )but if your username is ‘hungryb’ then one might assume you like a good feed. Therefore, if you expect to drop a couple of stones in say the next year, then you’re likely to find yourself being a much more confident/competent/speedy type of rider who might like to experiment with other riding styles (that require a different kind of bike).

    Just my tuppence.

    Full Member

    No idea on the best one.

    Weirdest one was when I was about 15 – dreamed I was being chased over some local fields by werewolves in tanks. Not something I would take too kindly to in real life.

    Full Member

    Fair enough Broady n Katich cancel each other out – but at least Swanny is getting in the groove.

    Full Member

    Hughes n Hauritz to make a return surely?

    Full Member

    Hmm, The Accused … IMO McGovern has lost touch with reality (since The Street) and is churning out stuff that is either dull or just doesn’t make sense. Tonight’s episode being a point in case.

    HNTLYL on the other hand – well worth a chuckle for half an hour.

    Full Member

    ebay sales fee is 40 pounds, 25 quid for paypal. where did the rest go to get to 620?

    I just got stuffed for £25 on a £225 sale (which has gone wrong, but that’s another story). So I guess they collect 10% of final bid = £70+, plus whatever else they can grab?

    Full Member

    Bloody hell – how selfish of Team England? I saved what’s left of a bottle of whiskey for tonight’s showdown, expecting to last at least until 3am. What happens? We only go and grab four wickets in the first hour. Might have to start drinking quickly.

    Full Member

    If you’re anywhere near Bracknell then check out Bracknell Tyres – they’re renowned for low prices and quality work, e.g. using pads to protect damaging certain types of rim etc.

    I used them for years until they lost (and refused to admit it) my locking-key nut. Won’t go back again. Currently use a local firm because they’re similar pricing and a damn site nearer.

    Hence haven’t had to bother with online stores, so I can’t recommend one myself.

    Full Member

    FFS, why don’t some of you read/listen? I’ll happily sell something worth £10 to someone with little or no feedback, but I’m not particularly happy selling them something worth £200+. How is that unreasonable? Newbies get a fair shout and everyone’s happy.

    Plenty of people have been scammed and ill-supported as a result of dodgy buyers. IMC I sent the guy two messages asking if he was serious about buying, and called him twice – but he hasn’t replied to anything.

    Full Member

    I think it’s Artega/Ategra(?) who make the OEM kit for BMWs, so it’s worth checking them out. In fact, go to Roofbox[/url] > select your car > then check out options.

    Full Member

    + Palmer Sport

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    Times like this I wish I’d kept my Sky Sports subscription, not that I could possibly stay awake, even for matches like this.

    <cough>Plenty of places you can watch online …</cough>

    Full Member

    OP, you should have at least given them a chance

    In my first message to him I re-iterated that bidders with <10 wouldn’t be considered, but he could still confirm whether he genuinely wanted to pay. Never received a reply. So I called on Fri and Sat but no answer. Then he just leave neg feedback. Hence why my skepticism has IMO been founded thus far.

    Full Member

    BTW, I did offer him to pay but he didn’t respond. All he’s done is ignore my messages and phone calls and then leave neg feedback.

    I could be doing him a dis-service, but so far he seems the sort who just likes to mess around, especially having been a membed for 2.5yrs and not actually boughty/sold anything.

    Full Member

    Duh … if you’re selling low value items then accepting bids from newbies is fine. But selling something for £225 is not fine IMO, hence the reason people include “Only bids from people with X feedback accepted” etc.

    If you’ve nothing valuable to add, just move on.

    Full Member

    Is that second pic the top of White Downs/NDW?

    Full Member

    Knock over Hussey and Watson before lunch and I’ll be a happy chappy :-)

    Full Member

    General advice is that little people need one more layer than us. Usually pretty straightforward to work out during the day, but at night we’ve been adding a layer or so to ensure the little fella is nice n toasty, e.g. babygrow + top + sleep-suit + blanket double-folded. Room temp remains 18-21deg, usually hanging around the 19deg mark.

    It’s good that you’re asking the question and being cautious, but you’ll soon work out for yourself what works out best.

    Full Member

    Didn’t Paul the Octopus predict England winning?

    If so, I know where my money is.

    And yes, I would welcome the WC here, but only from a sporting/fans/commercial side – not the politics and corruption that comes with FIFA.

    Full Member

    The missus has had an 07 Focus Zetec since the summer. Very sound, and with a surprising amount of space.

    Full Member

    Gcal for personal calendar, and Exchange for everything else – also use GCal Sync (desktop app) to sync appts from Outlook into GCal so I can see them if for some reason I only have access to GCal at that time.

    No probs here.

    Full Member

    Endura strikes aren’t a bad glove, but they are NOT waterproof. Not bad at keeping your hand warm in chilly conditions but not when its cold. Not a bad glove but not brilliant. Hoping my gore ones are better

    They’re not bad then?

    Full Member

    Absolute shite. If the rest of his series is of a similar vane then his career may well take a downward spiral (although perhaps it already is).

    As for SKA – yet more diabolically unfunny tripe.

    Full Member

    Not quite … but had a similar experience when viewing a Pug 209 GTI about 15yrs ago. Popped the bonnet, started the engine and began poking around for anything obvious that needed work. Managed to put a digit (on my right hand) into the spinning alternator vanes, the noise of which made me jump more than the pain – “Bbbzzzzggghhhhhh!!!” Owner wasn’t beside me at the time, so he hadn’t seen or heard what happened. Seconds later he asked if I wanted to take it for a spin – to which I said “yes” of course. Spent the next 10 mins wiping blood on his seat and around his column (ooh er). Ended up feigning interest and even pretended to shake hands as I departed. Needless to say I didn’t buy the car.

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