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  • Christmas Countdown Day 10 | Win A Saracen Zenith Carbon Frame!
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    Call Spesh CS and run it past them. They’ve always helped me out in the past.

    020 8391 3500

    Full Member

    I’m going to be moving house soon, so am going to pass on it.

    There’s another on ebay – medium, I think.

    Arse! I really want one of those now but will have to shrink myself in the wash, else ride it like a BMX with my knees under my chin.

    Has to be 60 or so for me. Cheers anyway.

    Full Member

    Nondescript pub near Ashford does some awesome Mexican food. Far better than all the uninspriring SA shit I’ve had in expensive London eateries.

    Full Member

    I asked the same thing on here last year. Do a search and yee shall find …

    Full Member

    Pardon me for hijacking, but Ourmaninthenorth, what spec/size is your friend’s Uncle John? TVM

    Full Member

    +1 for Roofbox. Their site will tell you options, plus they’re decent folk too.

    Full Member

    Have been running 2.0 Big Apples for about 9 months and they’re great. But I have nothing to compare them with. Had 2 punctures and about 2 unidentified ‘slowies’ in approx 1000 miles (80% tarmac). So reliability is pretty good IMO. I’m just not sure how much faster I’d be on something slicker/thinner.

    I just wish they did a 1.75. All in all, I’d say give them a go.

    EDIT: some of those off-road miles were proper rocky – tyres didn’t give in but naturally you have to compensate in terms of speed and line etc. Like most slicks they’re pants in the slippery stuff though – but that’s a given IMO anyway.

    Full Member

    Like Muffin Man says, check out MSE forum – should be plenty of wisdom and experience to at least give him some ideas.

    Full Member

    I’ve dabbled with iDave’s diet plus other low carb/high protein type ideas.

    General theme IMO is to pick from the following:


    veg (typically choose anything from celery, courgettes, carrots, leeks, spring onions, shrooms, toms, olives, peppers, etc)
    fresh herbs

    Lunch and supper

    pretty much anything that avoids carbs/starch and most (some might say any) processed foods


    humus with celery/carrots
    nuts and dried fruit

    I still have to exercise a good few hours/week to make or maintain any significant loss. But cutting out bread etc is pretty easy most of the time – other times not so. Hence I will sometimes indulge in noodles/spag when I feel like it.

    EDIT: also have a protein shake first thing most morning, and then breakfast at brunch o’clock (just now in fact)

    EDIT: soak and cook up a batch of pulses/lentils, then liquidise with herbs/spices – gives a solid base or accompaniment 2-3 days a week

    Full Member

    new stig did look quite small

    Warwick Davis?

    Full Member

    Sure, it’s contrived and childish these days, but most of the time it’s still imminently watchable (IMO). Fifth Gear on the other hand is still totally shit by comparison – shit presenters (VBH excepted), dull items, and generally just tosh.

    Full Member

    I am rather shite though as I have cheated with all the weapons from the start, still haven’t got the hang of the gravity gun in combat situations too. I have a feeling it is going to interfere with my job search…

    You have got to be shitting me? HL2 is genuinely one of the best games ever, and deserves to be played ‘properly’. You’re spoiling the development curve by having everything at the beginning because the game builds on the suspense of you being vulnerable.

    You absolutely HAVE to quit and start again, WITHOUT cheating.

    EDIT: Ravenholm – that’s where it’s at!

    Full Member

    Had an unbreakable Dlink (506T I think) for about 4 years until last summer. Replaced it with a Netgear DG834G and it’s been a POS the last few weeks; connection (wireless and wired) drops virtually every day and has to be rebooted multiple times.

    Not impressed – which is contrary to 95% of reviews you’ll find.

    <goes off in search of guarantee>

    Full Member

    I’d park at Starvael (Leith Hill). You can at least start with the downhill section into Holmbury > do everything around there and Peaslake/Winterfold > head back to Leith (climbing the same section you sped down earlier) > do SL et al > return to Starvael. Simples.

    Saves having to climb right from the start, which is usually the way it is with Holmbury. Although the sandy CP near the pond (nr the fort) is also a good call.

    Full Member

    Fortunately I took at the Apple Care Plan with my MBP so booked a slot at a Genius Bar, the dude ran some checks and gave me a new battery. I asked him about the battery sensitivity thing with SL. In my case it was due to a chemical fault in the battery which had caused it to swell. This resulted in the trackpad feeling a bit funny (the battery is right underneath it, and the MBP would cut out without warning after about 20 mins use.

    I had the same problem with my MBP last summer. Took it to a Genius Bar and they replaced the battery without any fuss (even though warranty had expired).

    Not sure if SL is to “blame” but there are certainly a fair few cases out there.

    Probably won’t bother going to Lion.

    And if I’m really honest, I don’t even see why everyone raves over SL in the first place – all IMHO of course. Win 7 for me anytime.

    Full Member

    I once had burger and chips at a biker cafe near Boxhill 20 miles into a ride around the North Downs.

    Sounds like the greasy spoon that is Rykers. Best avoided at all costs.

    have you tried torq bars?

    Tried loads of them and they’re probably in the top two energy bars IME. Tried Mule bars lately and not sure they really did much. Stingers did nothing either, nor most other bars/gels.

    Gonna have to make me some more jack flaps.

    And like CG says, carbing up your fluid helps – Torq works best for me.

    And equally important is having the right pre-ride/run fuel.

    1. Bacon/eggs/toast/beans (pre 11am
    2. Spag, pesto, tuna, olives and truffle oil (post 11am)

    Full Member

    Home-made flapjacks (with things like peanut butter/chocolate/nuts/seeds) are the best IME. Do a search for recipes on here – there are a fair few. On a good day they give me 40-60 mins of energy. Most other foods/bars/gels give me 20-30, e.g.

    malt load

    And jelly babies rock – better IMO than all those expensive/fancy energy drops etc.

    Full Member

    head up Reading road then out through Caversham towards the Chilterns

    Got a car? If so, how about driving to the Chilterns?

    Full Member

    Thisisnotaspoon – personally, I’d do some intense speed sessions of 2.5-3.5hrs to know I can operate at that level and beat the 3hr mark. Would mix it up with longer 4hr 70 mile rides to stretch the endurance.

    I know we’re not talking big figures here, but at least knowing you’ve got the sessions in the bag already can be enough to inspire those “foot down” moment if needed.

    Am I right in thinking the L2B goes up Turners Hill? If so, I’d do some hill sessions (nothing massive – just enough to improve your climbing) to help you make up time. Plenty of people lose minutes by not being able to climb efficiently or confidently – so IMO that could win you 5 mins on just that section.

    EDIT: I thought your stomping ground was the Surrey Hills? If so, you’ve got the perfect trails/roads to get those hills miles in.

    Full Member

    There’s always gonna be various bits of scientific stuff to support X, Y and Z, but IMO a traiing plan is only “better” if it’s proven to work and you stick to it enough.

    Sometimes you can achieve a helluva lot just by varying your rides/runs, e.g. endurance/stamina vs intervals vs hills vs low cadence vs chilled/fun/freestyle etc.

    I’ve never stuck to a rigid plan, but I do tend to look 3-4 rides/runs ahead, so I know roughly what sort of sessions I’ll be doing. Managing all the other stuff in my life is hectic enough, let alone creating a plan than must be adhered to. Hence

    I also like to make nearly all my sessions hurt in some way – except the chilled ones. Intervals are “great” for this, but so IMO is getting close to cracking in the last 90 mins of the home leg.

    Could be talking scollobs, but that’s my tuppence.

    EDIT: Resting is also vitally important – get it right and your recovery/repair is super effective; get it wrong and over-training will soon have you wondering what you’re doing wrong.

    Also read years ago that we should all take a block of X weeks rest every year, based on our age. Something like 1 week for every 10 year, e.g. 45 yrs old should take a month off. Don’t know how true it is though.

    Full Member

    Check out Iams – that’s what we’ve been using for years. If it really is as nutritious as they say, then it’s well worth it all round. Sure, it costs a bit more, but the animal will less. IME they’re healthier, happier, shinier etc. Have a look at their www.

    Full Member

    I agree that a good nursery offers loads of developmental/pre-school benefits. It’s just a case of finding the right one. But I (and the missus) also think a CM might be better until he’s 2-3yrs, then let him loose in one because he’s maybe more likely to build his social skills at that time.

    Full Member

    Useful comments guys – thanks.

    Ofsted reports – I’d like to think there’s something accurate and sincere about them, but also feel gut instinct and WOM is just as important (sometimes)

    CM cover – what happens if she’s sick or one of her other kids is? Need to check

    Chill Drac – I asked a question, not made a statement:

    We put both our kids through nursery, it was excellent and the kids really benefited from it. The staff weren’t on minimum wage and really cared about the kids, one of them still ask after them both when we see her or speaks to the kids if they’re there.

    And at the risk of sounding very non-PC, are most nurseries really staffed by mainly large (obese even) 18-22yr old girls who (IMO) don’t look the brightest?
    What a load of bollocks.

    3 days/week = £650-£1000 per month.
    Cost us half that.

    From those I’ve seen so far, they are fat (grossly in many cases) and they don’t look too bright – that’s my impression. Just being honest, but there could be “better” around the corner.

    As for costs, that’s what it is round here. Lucky you for paying half that.

    Full Member

    No, not the price. Sure it’s a factor, but not key. Trust (especially if by word of mouth) is probably the biggest factor.

    3 days/week = £650-£1000 per month.

    Full Member

    RealMan, like you say, our preference is a CM, probably for pretty much the reasons you mention, especially experience/wisdom/maturity/day trips/interaction/development etc.

    Full Member

    Agree about the minimum wage thing – I do get pissed off with companies that sit top heavy with profit because those on the shop floor are “happy” to work for sod all.

    NVQs fair enough – not sure how much they count for in the real world though. Maybe being a nursery worker is a bit like being an apprentice, i.e. learning on the job? Sure, some will be very capable and very bright – others IMO somewhat less so.

    Have already been asking around locally/friends for months. Heard a few bad stories and a few good ones. Followed up on the latter but so far haven’t found the right option. Seeing more childminders next week.

    I just can’t see myself trusting the little man with the nursery staff we’ve seen so far. Maybe I’m doing them a dis-service?

    Full Member

    Do a search on here for interviews. Loads of people have raised this before, so you might find something useful. Life TurnerGuy says, make sure you ask pertinent questions either throughout or at least at the end (or both). Both parties need to know what they’re getting into, and IMO the only way to qualify that is for both to ask questions.

    Not saying you’re not doing this already – just re-iterating the importance.

    I wouldn’t entertain taking someone on if they didn’t ask questions. Gives the impression they want the job for the sake of having a job. Might be different for those stacking shelves et al, but not in more “esteemed” roles.

    Full Member

    Format Factory[/url]

    Full Member

    Mind, if you’ve seen Hartlepool, surely suicide isn’t out of the question ?

    If he was still alive he’d probably get in Liverpool’s first eleven :-)

    Full Member

    I’m still running my original (front) 317 from 2003. The rear got buckled beyond repair and have since gone for 717s. Well impressed overall. Will probably get another pair this year unless I get another good deal on 717s.

    Full Member

    I thought they were called monkeyhangers?

    Aye, they are indeed the monkey-hangers. Something to do with a interrogating a chimp they suspected of being a German spy IIR …

    Full Member

    +1 Gore Phantom

    Light, breathable and pretty much showerproof in anything up to a fairly heavy downpour. Am wearing another waterproof layer on top for the heavy stuff.

    Full Member

    He hung up fairly quickly when I questioned why my macbook would be logging faults with microsoft but not before he tried to convince me that mac OS is mearly a skin for windows and that macbooks are actually made by microsoft!!!!!

    Have you never heard of that Nigerian mega corp called MacroSoft?

    Full Member

    Dell? YMBFJ? Four letter word in my world.

    When they work they can be great … but when they don’t, the support is amongst the worst I’ve ever known. And I speak from 12 years in the trade.

    Full Member

    There have been a fair few threads along these lines in the last few weeks, but only now am I (IMO) really seeing a change. Having been a “member” since something like 2002, I honestly don’t think I’ve seen the place like this. Not sure how it’s going to develop from here … could be a good thing … could be the demise … who knows …

    Full Member

    For what it’s worth (Mr OP Knobber) we’re quite friendly with our RM postie, and he admitted in the run-up to Christmas that his depot had a backlog of 3000 items. i.e. he’s admitting RM were behind as a result of seasonal activity + snow. So what? Stuff doesn’t get delivered. Life goes on. Or at least it does for those that have one …

    Full Member

    No complaints with my iPhone 4 battery. It has the odd day when it eats reserves maybe twice as quickly as expected, but generally lasts 18-36hrs depending on use.

    Usually carry a charger when I’m out and about for a day or so, but TBH it lasts better than expected.

    <ducks> And the phone itself (with the App store of course) is still IMO miles ahead of the opposition </ducks>

    Full Member

    Worth checking out Ebuyer too. Usually very good pricing and decent people on the end of the phone too.

    Full Member

    Just heard this on the radio. Very sad, especially if the verdict is indeed careless driving.

    Full Member

    What a hilariously sad post this is … all for the sake of a £4 magazine subscription. Get a life you miserable sod.

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