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  • YT Launches Alloy Jeffsy Base | A £2k Bike For Metalheads
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    4 miles. What’s that – 15-20 mins on a MTB? And you’re considering a road bike?

    Full Member

    Either he gets some shit roles, or he happens to put in some shit performances. With the exception of a couple of films, he is IMO a pretty average performer. Seems to lack versatility, depth, “believeability” etc.

    Full Member

    Whereabouts are you Lakerider?

    I only ask because I used to work in the green energy/eco field and might be able to introduce you to someone who can advise better.

    Don’t get hung up on putting in GSH just because the property is on oil. Many installs (e.g. 3 bed) can easily be £10k-20k, depending on bores vs trenches and the amount of additional groundwork/excavation necessary.

    Oil isn’t that bad at all, unless you’re on an absolute budget. Sure, it tends to go up in winter before dropping again, but going for GSH or even ASH may not be necessary. Also depends on rads and boiler(s) etc – if they’re crap then you’ll probably need to replace them anyway. Plus GSH can ruin gardens, i.e. cool it down and prevent much from growing. Still relatively new in the UK, unlike Scandanavia et al.

    What does the oil do? CH and HW? Is there an immersion?

    Full Member

    I wanted to give the scrote a right kicking, but hitting kids isnt exactly on is it.

    Are you mates with fourcrossjohn?

    Full Member

    What Drac said. End of.

    Full Member

    +1 CCleaner.

    Also check out ATF Cleaner.

    Full Member

    And OP, do a forum search – there have been a gazillion threads on food/energy/drinks/snacks etc.

    Full Member

    Unless it was very very hot, 1 litre is plenty in 50 miles, I’ll get through around 500ml max over that distance in winter / spring temps.

    Not necessarily.

    Plenty of advice recommending 1 litre/hour etc.

    Plus IMO body shape/size/mass can also impact the amount of fuel and fluid that one requires. I know people that eat and drink little and perform solidly. Likewise I know people that need a lot more.

    Full Member

    Not sure this is particularly scientific, but I find that if I train; 1) specifically for hill climbing, then I can climb hills better, 2) for endurance, then I can endure longer rides/distances, 3) using intervals then I can climb short hills quicker and sprint better.

    Haven’t had to analyse this, but the upshot to me is that what I do repeatedly is what I get better at. Oh, and diet + recovery + ignoring the odd ride where it just doesn’t work out = just crack on with it …

    Full Member

    So far, yes, I think. Haven’t re-visited the thread for a while, but he did put the agressor on his erse in round one. Ding ding!!

    Nice. I’ll check it out.

    Full Member


    You do realise that certain sites make reference to that “phrase” in a way that I hope you really don’t intend …

    Full Member


    Did he win?

    Full Member

    Luckily (in terms of bank balance) I don’t yet have the palette for fine Whiskey et al. So instead of blowing £30-40 on a bottle of something that (to me) tastes pretty much the same as something half the price, I’ll take the cheaper option and tip it in diet coke.

    Half the price, a tenth of the calories, and all the “hit”. Simples.

    Full Member

    I’d say the same with whisky. Decent 20 quid + malt needs nothing to keep it company except a nice fire and a good book. Cheap sub tenner stuff is great with lots of things. My favourite is a pint mug, (pewter is nice) with 1″ of paint stripper whisky, half an inch of vimto and topped up with boiling water. take it to the bath after a cold wet ride with a choice of books. Enhance it later with a sunday lunch or a good chilli(whilst still in the bath). Get out 2 hours later to find that the missus has lit the fire and there is the Paris Roubaix on the telly.

    Now, that I like 😀

    Full Member

    Ali was as much about personality and charisma as he was about ability. Shame he was a rude, self-righteous prick (who happened to be quite capable inside the ring).

    Possible the best, but not IMO. Maybe only those who’ve genuinely witnessed 50yrs or so of talent can say whether he was. Unfortunate that he finds himself only a husk of the man he once was.

    Full Member

    The sensation of having a piss when you’ve been trying to find a suitable place for 20 mins.

    Full Member


    Yep, along with all the other cheapo non-brands that advertise in the back of shitty magazine/newspaper supplements.

    Full Member

    One thing I have noticed is the amount of non-techie/gadgety people going out and buying crappy low-end tablets, saying stuff like:

    – “Oh, we got one of those iPad things the other day.”
    – “Really, you got an iPad?”
    – “Well it’s not a proper iPad, it’s a different one. It only cost a quarter of the price.” Smiles. Pulls out one of those shitty £120 jobbies from under a bunch of magazines. Waits 30 secs for home screen to appear, then another 10 secs for browser to open, then another 30 secs for a webpage to load. Tries switching apps and machine pauses for half a min. Then wifi disconnects.
    – “Yeah, they’re great aren’t they?” Wanders off wondering why this person bothered.

    Full Member

    Pretty spurious reasons for buying something, and proof, not that it was needed, that marketing works, and sure it’s you’re money and that,

    Spurious only to a degree because pretty much every “thing” I buy has to offer the right functionality for the money. The four items I mentioned have all been bought because they do the stuff I need them to – and offer VFM. The same goes for bike stuff, car stuff, home stuff …

    The iPad2 is something that most PC/Mac/smartphone users don’t necessarily “need”, but like you say, put some Apple spin on it and many will soon part with the necessary (and IMO over-priced) wedge. Plus IMO the breadth and quality of content in the App Store if far superior to the competition – which would certainly help sell it to me.

    We certainly don’t need one, but if I wanted to blow £400+ on something fancy then I’d probably sell the MBP and buy one.

    Full Member

    All these “what tablet?” arguments are IMO the same as all the “what new phone?” debates. Apple’s technology (again IMO) is made all the better because of the App Store, hence why the iP4 is “better” and “more useful” than possibly any other phone out there.

    The same for tablets … loads of cheap imitations and nothing really from the Android stable that rivals Apple.

    So as someone that has an iP4, MBP, laptop and PC, do I really need another device? Well, I’m a sucker for “stuff that looks pretty” and can see us forking out for an iPad2 before the year is it. We don’t need one, but it sure as hell is one foxy piece of kit.

    EDIT: no retina is a thumbs down though. iP4 literally opens your eyes to what’s possible (compared to the competition).

    Full Member

    Speaking of Alice Roberts, it looks like she may be one of us …

    Full Member

    If you think it’s real then sign up (it’s free) and post on TSF.[/url]

    They really know their stuff on there. It might take a day or two for someone to pick it up, but once they do they’ll give you step by step instructions.

    Full Member

    I’m fine and laughed it off with the teachers after lunch after what we’d all said, a few of them woulda liked me to fight him full on as they said he’s got it coming.

    I take it that’s all of them except your English Language teacher?

    Full Member

    Not used Enduroshield, but have used Rain-X over the years. IMO not nearly as effective as it used to be. Preferred when it came in separate “bottles”.

    Full Member

    Will always remember Leonardo on Ramos WC ’94.

    Full Member

    Oh FFS…

    Get the police in? Are you serious? For a little elbow??

    Have you ever played football?

    Yeah, let’s take all passion and desire out of all sports, just in case someone gets hurt.


    I agree in the main, however, what Rooney did had nothing to do with any aspect of the game whatsoever. He’s having a shit season and behaving like a greedy/selfish/oafish/petulant/belligerent/bullish cock head whenever things don’t go his way on this pitch.

    FA rulings let the whole system down on stuff like this. Regardless of Twattenberg’s incompetence to admit he made a mistake, the FA should still be able to throw the book at Fat Boy and dish out a 3-6 game ban.

    I’m a United fan of 30+ years but wish Rooney would go in the summer – he’s a disgrace and an arse.

    EDIT: I played Sat and Sun football into my late 20’s and it’s off-the-ball shit like that that gets players kicking off at each other. No justification whatsoever.

    Full Member

    I asked pretty much the same question here.

    Full Member

    Plenty of Uncle Johns around. Or there were a couple of weeks ago.

    Full Member

    even as a united fan I am disgusted

    Same here.

    Also pissed off with SAF’s comments too – sometimes he goes too far when defending his own.

    And how the hell Twattenberg believes he dealt correctly with the incident at the time is beyond me.

    And the FA laws that “condone” this are shit as well. Will Carling was right all those years ago ref the RFU – the same applies clearly to the FA (and the ECB given recent debacles, i.e. Stanford, fixture pile ups etc)

    Full Member

    3 litres of water? How long are you going out for? 6 hours+ it makes sense – assuming there are no sources to refil from.

    Eh? I can easily put away 0.75l/hour in winter, and well over 1l/hour in summer. Anything less isn’t an option. Plenty of sound advice out there to advocate min 1l/hour in hot conditions. Having said that, I know people that get barely halfway through a 750ml bottle on a summer ride – weird IMO.

    Then again, I don’t fanny about on trails like some people do – I prefer to get a move on. And would much rather be hydrated as I do so.

    Full Member

    Very rarely any VFM in the market these days – some areas excepted of course.

    Did some looking around last week and saw a 3 bed in our road for £545k! WTF?

    Full Member

    ‘kin el! Hope he gets chain-whipped while being anally raped by a Mountain Morph.

    Mind, on the bike or not, you’re always (very slightly) vulnerable to some insane **** deciding to have a crack at killing you becaue he’s annoyed, high or whatever.

    As in: James Martin’s love of cyclists …

    Full Member

    Had a cracking ride today, even when fishtailing through some seriously boggy downhill trails on slicks. Rear must have popped out 45deg every couple of seconds on one steppy section. Expected 1hr of rain but got 3hrs. Chose to leave waterproofs at home. Got soaked. Loved it.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t quite say that Prescott is making Clarkson look like a cock. He is after all skilled in spin, so I personally wouldn’t trust much of what he says anyway. Clarkson is being his usual arrogant self. Methinks that makes two such protagonists.

    Full Member

    Crucial and Kingston usually do the trick. Often best to avoid the cheaper ones IMO.

    Full Member

    Hmm, never had any joy with ReadyBoost – nor have I heard much that “proves” it really makes any noticeable difference.

    Full Member

    Some interesting comments here:

    More Than, especially having to pay the remainder of your annual premium if your animal is put to sleep!

    Pet Plan page isn’t like by AV so won’t post that here.

    I guess most people are going to post a review if they’ve had a negative experience … or is that just the reality? Hmm

    Full Member

    Cheers guys – looks like Pet Plan vs putting the equivalent into a savings account each month. Best part of £60/month for a cat and dog = WTF?

    Full Member

    Had a Hero until I lost it last summer. Insurance claim = HD2, which had a fantastic screen and a few Windows bells n whistles but nothing else. Switched to an iPhone 4 within weeks. By far the most “all round” capable phone on the market by far IMO.

    But that’s based on me having something like 75+ apps, most of which I use pretty regularly. Android app store doesn’t have nearly the breadth of choice to match, nor the quality or level of polish/functionality.

    Having said that, if you don’t want the extra capability (and expense) of an iPhone, then stick with Android or check out the HD7. The iPhone, IMO, is not great when used “just as phone”.

    Loads of good phones out there – and each to their own of course.

    Full Member

    Out of interest, what did you feed him in his formative years, i.e. 6 months onwards?

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