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  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    PS and GIMP aren’t the tools for this. I’m looking for something that takes an image and converts into into a painting/sketch automatically (with adjustable filters/settings of course).

    DAP seems pretty good but is Win only. And the Akvis app doesn’t seem to have much PR around it, so I’m not yet inspired that it’s really any good.

    Full Member

    BEB, you mean this?

    Which basically means the PC sits out the way but is connected to the Mac in order for it to be controlled remotely? Hmm, might well try that.


    Full Member

    Check out the relevant forum on Money Saving Experts.

    Full Member

    Cheers guys – pretty much what I hoped for.

    – KVM – forgot about those, so might just get one anyway (or else look at Synergy – whatever that is).
    – “Extend these displays” is just what I’m looking for

    The only reason I mention running machines on separate sides of the room is so I can literally step away from my daily workspace and sit at a totally different desk with different surroundings. Clearing one’s head space is key!

    Full Member

    I had my tongue firmly in my cheek LimboJimbo because I’m proper pissed off at the amount of times people get away with this shit.

    Like you say, the police have “better” things to do and no doubt a box was ticked somewhere. And yes, I too wouldn’t swap anything of their lives for mine.

    Yet I hate the fact that these low-lives often have so little to lose that they fear no punishment and no-“one”. Hence they just keep on going until one day they might just become unstuck.

    I had a couple of cars stolen (one of which was stripped) a few years back, so I know where you’re coming from. Scum.

    Full Member

    The Police now consider the matter resolved and won’t be taking any further action

    What did you expect? The scrotes committed theft/burglary while also causing damage … they got away and are still at large, no doubt making a few quid by shifting your stuff on in-between signing on at the job centre.

    And we’re the ones picking up the tab for their “lifestyle” AND the coppers who have to “sort out” this kind of shit.

    I think we can see who the mugs are in this game.

    Sorry mate – that’s just shit.

    Full Member

    I did wonder about the program maybe bogging down the process (of writing) rather than helping me be able to do things more efficiently.

    “If you want to be a writer … then you have to write.”, so said someone semi-famous a while back.

    Full Member

    mrsgrips, which version are you using; Win or Mac? I only ask because I really started getting into the former a week or so ago (after a long lay off from any writing). Then I tried out 2.0 on the Mac – and IMO that absolutely blows all other versions away.

    Loads of cool new features, particularly if you’re a visual person (which I am) and like to be able to drag n drop content around (colour-coded, labelled, tagged etc).

    Win version currently only has some of the new Mac features + it doesn’t look nearly as “shiny” 🙂

    The missus is now getting into it too, which means she’s commandeered my MBP 🙁 so I’ve just had to fork out for a Mini so I can pick it up again. Well impressed.

    EDIT: The integrated tutorial is probably the best way to figure out what’s possible and how best it can work for you.

    Full Member

    They cost you £98k? Was that money you genuinely owed them, or did they stiff you for it?

    Full Member

    Just heard that apparently the police made a mess of the initial investigation, hence they’ve lost confidence in the police actually doing anything.

    Full Member

    Cougar, they’ve asked him where he’s coming from but the bloke just goes into a rage. Now they’re afraid of confronting him full stop. Seems one of those types that isn’t interested in reasoning. I’ve only met him in passing (they live miles away) but we know other families in that street who’ve started noticing his behaviour elsewhere. Just seems to have lost it, but is being particular nasty to said neighbours.

    Will tell them about the diary idea and mention the PFHA. Makes sense at the very least.

    Any ideas on whether proper evidence, e.g. cameras, are any good?


    Full Member

    Hmm … the law is an:

    Full Member

    Check out Roofbox > do a search on what’s available for your car > check out some reviews > have a chat with Roofbox > order.

    Full Member

    Bala? My missus has grandfolks in that neck of the woods – farming I believe. And the old fella is the other side of 80 and still working every day! Must be the air!

    Still haven’t made it across to there even though we go in and around Chester a few times a year. Really need to take the bike and my own car and just disappear for the odd day or two. Looking at SaxonRider’s pic, I really need to make this happen.

    Full Member

    It will be fairly basic, just a few info and picture pages with possibly somewhere for comments to be posted or online surveys.

    WordPress. It’s free so long as you remain on their domain. Some limited functionality though – much better to pay say £5/month, get your own domain and use a proper WP theme with more scope. But you might find the free version fine for your needs …

    Full Member

    Cool. I’ll give it a whirl tonight and if all else fails just buy a new one. Ta.

    Full Member

    Sorry to hear that Monkeychild. But as others have said, time is a healer (although it often doesn’t feel that way in the beginning).

    I lost my mum to a stroke a few years back. All pretty sudden – probably happened inside a week. Can’t even recall the last conversation we had (which would’ve been the night before she went into a coma). Still struggle to talk about it now. Sometimes you don’t realise the importance of certain people until they’re no longer there. I guess I have more gratitude for my life these days as a result.

    Might be worth trying to keep yourself busy … spend time with your family … and give yourself some time to do the stuff YOU want to do.

    Chin up. It will get better.

    Full Member

    Nice one Sue. Good to hear you made your way through “the system”.

    I believe everyone has the potential to “change for the better”, regardless of whatever situation they are in or the self-limiting beliefs they “suffer” etc. Like you say, not every “problem child” or “troubled teen” has to be a loser.

    We are all creative, resourceful and whole.

    Responsibility + Action = Results

    Full Member

    spacemonkey for Headmaster

    I was involved in a very cool transformative coaching programme (for kids) about 4-5 years ago. It was a global collaborative and we nearly got a book deal, but it didn’t work out. Some of the others are still beavering away though and it’s still my ultimate ambition to transform the way kids are educated.

    presumably schools had effectively ‘given up’ on these teenagers?

    Friends of mine who teach (or used to teach) have become increasingly pissed off with the shit they have they to deal with. Partly from “the system” and partly from the kids. Academic targets mean bullshit. Education begins at home and is nurtured everywhere else – that includes the classroom, the playground, the playing fields, the green, the street, and everywhere else. No wonder so many are disassociated from reality. **** me right off.

    Full Member

    Was gonna create a new post on the topic of education but might as well have a rant in here anyway, so here’s my tuppence:

    JO’s Dream School IMO is borne out of his passion to see kids do better for themselves/take responsibility/take action/believe in themselves/and generally make something of their lives. I believe part of his personal inspiration comes from getting fed up with employing young British workers who end up jacking in the job because they don’t like hard graft. Hence he admitted getting far more productivity from eastern Europeans and such.

    Anyway, my take on his school project is pretty damning so far. I genuinely believe his heart is in the right place, but the methods of “delivery” are generally not “right”. The kids need to be coached on respect (for self and for others), the importance of listening and communicating, and loads of other “personal” skills before being unleashed in the classroom. How many are just sat there playing with the phones/laptops or talking with each other? WTF is that all about? Someone bring in some ground rules please. How can you reach out (and embrace) an audience that doesn’t give a toss about anything you have to say (or indeed share)?

    Put the academic bullshit to one side and bring in some youth coaches. Get the kids to understand their actions (and the consequences of) and see where the wheat (in this group) can be separated from the chaff.

    Give them a voice. Let them be heard. Have them qualify (justify) their arguments and POV. Those that back themselves into an indefensible corner can then be dealt with in one way, and those that actually wake up from their bullshit coma might then be prepared to make the change.

    It’s not **** rocket science. Education in this country stinks. This generation of youth are in a bad place and it’s probably going to take half a gen at least to start coming out the other side (provided enough appropriate is taken from now onwards). Coaching is key, not sitting them (and every other pupil in this country) and teaching them everything from Shakespeare to algebra and photo-synthesis to the value of tin mining in Bogata. Bring some real **** life to the table. Make it relevant. FFS.

    All IMHO of course.

    Full Member

    Go on, give it at least another 24 hours!

    Full Member

    You gooners better get used to keeping your heads down because you’re also going out of the cup on Saturday 🙂

    Full Member

    Not getting enough attention are we?

    Need a whole post dedicated to oneself do we?

    Getting a bit flouncy, eh?

    If you can answer yes to any of the above then you are a true STWer. In which case you must STAY.

    Full Member

    One for the gooners: great uncle (or great great) was Cliff Bastin.

    Another relative played for West Ham in the 70’s – always forget the name.

    Full Member

    FWIW I have an HTC Desire which is awesome – does everything an Iphone does

    No it doesn’t.

    Some Android phones do certain things better than the iPhone and vice versa.

    I’d agree that Android (particularly with HTC’s Sense) makes a better “phone”, but IMO the App Store pisses over the Android Market. Then again, it depends what you want/need it for. Maybe most people are happy with the apps in which case fair enough. But for me, the added scope/slickness/functionality of the former makes the whole experience much improved.

    Full Member

    he let me ride his manitou

    Is that a euphemism?

    Full Member

    Not me, but a mate spends time over there (or Malaysia or whatever it is nowadays). Not sure where he is right now but might be able to ask the question …

    Full Member

    Having someone deliberately wasting my time and energy, raising expectations then being found to be completely full of fraudulent shit

    Plenty of those types around.

    Our MD fell for one such **** end of last year, even though we collectively told him the bloke was a clear fraud. Ended up paying him a load of money for work he couldn’t deliver, then have to fulfill a contract with a new client (of his) at a quarter of the price we would normally charge. Turns out they were shafted by him as well, and have since written off all the consultative fees they gave him in receipt for nothing.

    What winds me up is the bloke’s website – it is so clearly full of shit. And of top of that he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about. Yet he spins it full of consultative bollocks.

    I believe the upshot is that the MD’s suing him.

    Full Member

    I’m going to attempt to pack in smoking. Anyone fancy joining me.

    Not feeling particular optimistic then?

    FTR, I quit on NYD 2003. POP.

    Full Member

    Hmm, I once met a women who took me back to her place which happened to be a very weird cabin/lodge in the middle of the woods nr Theale. Turned out to be a lunatic with a crazy ex who used to go round in the middle of the night with a knife. Stories since verified by those that know.

    So maybe a day ride as opposed to something after dark …

    Full Member

    What’s in a cigarette? Various chemicals that are also used for:

    Paint Stripper
    Floor Cleaner
    Poison in gas chambers
    Insecticide, weed killer
    Car batteries
    Poisonous gas in car exhaust
    Makes PVC
    White ant poison
    Lighter fuel
    Petrol fumes
    Embalming fluid
    Radioactive gas

    Long term effects:

     Heart disease
     Chronic bronchitis
     Lung cancer
     Mouth and throat cancer
     Stomach ulcers
     Bladder cancer
     Premature ageing of the skin
     Peripheral vascular disease in
    arms and legs (can lead to
     Poor circulation
     Damage to foetus in pregnant

    Full Member

    Can’t remember with mine. But I do recall it was, like you say, agony doing all the little day-to-day things. First few nights sleep aren’t fun. And you might like to get an electric toothbrush 🙂 and a flunky to put yours shoes on for you.

    Full Member

    “entry-level lightweight” surely an oxymoron?

    Agreed. I was trying to emphasise something light enough that she can at least get moving on and not feel that she’s having to fight it all the time. Certainly wasn’t talking “proper” lightweight.

    Was thinking about a Halfrauds special if I can’t find anything else. Carerra or similar would probably be fine.

    Full Member

    That KM-210 looks nice, but trying to find a fully built spec second hand might be difficult. And don’t have time to do a self build at the mo or spend loads seeing as it may end up being a “first bike in years … might just use it once or twice”. Definitely will consider it if she gets into it though.

    Will check out the Scandal.

    No need for anything dramatic like carbon forks.

    That’s a lot of bike boobs – more than she’ll need. She’s about 5′ 3″, so I’d guess anything around 14″-15.5″ should do. How much are you looking for?

    Full Member

    Coffee Making Monkey?

    Full Member

    We didn’t turn up. Totally outplayed from start to finish!

    In recent years that’s been our problem in a lot of away games against the teams around us, with maybe the exception of Arsenal. We’ve crumbled at Anfield and the Bridge in particular. Can’t understand why they’re just not up for it, especially against the scousers.

    Full Member

    He may well cry wolf every time he’s touched, but this time he might have a point.

    Also seems feasible that adrenaline ’caused’ him to confront the ref before going down again.

    Carra should’ve gone though, as should Rafeal.

    EDIT: Hmm, bit weird: image will no longer display. Oh well, here’s the linky.

    Full Member

    i once found a 6ft python skin in my local woods

    I remember coming across two carcasses of (to me) totally unknown beasts while on an evening run about 5 years ago. Right next to each other, but no idea what they were.

    Full Member

    I had a habit last year of finding shoes, one of which was the kind of horrible “bling’d-up” gem-studded sabago that only Michael Winner would be seen wearing whilst presenting an award at the Oscars.

    Full Member

    Whereabouts is that top pic Trekster? I went off-piste with John (one of the Mabie designers) years ago, but don’t recall seeing anything like that.

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