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  • Exclusive: Kilian Bron’s travel diary to the Eolian Island Volcanoes
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    Some of the Ranmore stuff you can link up as you make your way down the gradient (i.e. from the top of the hill to the bit you mention that pops out near the S-bend). That includes starting at Abu Hamza and making your way back up and round.

    Full Member

    You might remember this story that was in the news. If not, worth using as “evidence”.

    EDIT: IMO your in-laws need to sort their shit out (pun intended)

    Full Member

    Chinese-style marinade that works a treat on ribs and any chicken pieces:

    Mainly consists of 5-spice/dark soy/chilli/garlic/ginger

    Home-made burgers are a must as well; beef, pork/beef and lamb. Use oyster sauce, ketchup and an egg to bind (no need for salt). Then just add diced onions, seasoning and fresh herbs of choice.

    Full Member

    I can’t remember the name of the trail that goes left, but the one that goes right is “Hot Burrito” apparently – newly created by Simon from Nirvana. Even at the first run-in it’s a challenge if your (my) idea of “getting air” is hopping over a twig

    So that means there are now 2 trails coming off that section? The first appeared about 4-5 years ago? And now Si’s added another one?

    He’s a bit of an air bear is Si, plus he does like his technical stuff

    Full Member

    I believe there’s filming over at the Redlands so it might be out of bounds

    Yep, looks that way – saw a “Makin Movies” van up there with some other stuff last w/end. Always miss those old skool trails whenever I head up through that area.

    Full Member

    Whoever MS employ to build their browsers should be flogged and told where to go. Horrible piece of software.

    Full Member

    Far from wanting to wish harm on those at the Westboro Baptist Church, I think it would be a great deal more productive to try to understand the reasons and motivation for their hatred and zealotry. As Mr Theroux is doing.

    That’s my point – hence why I said:

    Education (I’m talking moral/ethical via open discussion/listening/qualifying) is what’s missing in many circles these days – and that’s the stance I would always favour.

    I agree that’s where the ‘challenge’ lies, howeve, IMO some people really are beyond reasoning.

    Full Member

    This isn’t going to come across properly on a forum but I’ll say it anyway: while I’m no advocate of taking someone’s life, I wouldn’t shed a tear if someone did exactly that to the Phelps’ (children exempted).

    Education (I’m talking moral/ethical via open discussion/listening/qualifying) is what’s missing in many circles these days – and that’s the stance I would always favour.

    However, is there a law or dictum that declares every human being’s life as sacrosanct? If there is, it cannot be proved. And there are plenty of people who ‘break’ that rule anyway. Hence IMO if they push the bar one step too far, then they deserve everything they get.

    EDIT: I’ll have one of those digestives if you’re offering any … 😉

    Full Member


    My patience for the terminally ignorant is on the wane. And IMO I don’t see them (and their kind) being re-educated by the masses.

    Full Member

    As odious as the views of this group are, murdering someone for their religious beliefs is somewhat extreme, and not particularly tolerant.

    Extreme? Yes. Deserved? Yes (IMO).

    EDIT: Speaking of tolerance, they’re hardly the most accepting of people. Hence they can FRO and – to use one of their own phrases – burn in Hell.

    Full Member

    All this “.. you’ll go to Hell …” shit is really mindnumbing. Someone should just torch their church when they’re all in it and then they’ll get a taste of it for themselves. Hopefully it’ll be the last thing they experience. Scum.

    Full Member

    A friend went round to her estranged husband’s place this morning to pick up her 7yr old son as planned, but the arsehole had taken him out for the day. He always does this kind of shit – such an arse.

    As for me, managed to accrue a whole load of credits over the last couple of weekends and was given a 4hr bike pass. Just got back 😀 and now sorting out roast duties.

    Full Member

    Belter of a downhill down Happy Valley then over to Crabtree Cottages and WHOOOOT all the way back home.

    Is that ‘Dinosaur Valley’ as in the trail that runs down Juniper valley? Or the one up top where you get the panoramic view to your left?

    Full Member

    Interesting, but looks pretty much the same (i.e. bens and restrictions) as with the CTF. Will check it out some more. Ta

    Full Member

    I’ve got Crysis 1 + Warhead (both PC) and will definitely be getting 2. Worth checking out the reviews (especially IGN and GameSpot) at Gamerankings.[/url]

    Full Member

    Nice one. Hope nothing’s been damaged or removed. And hope the scrotes have been collared.

    Full Member

    That is quality 😀

    “Don and Katy watched hypnotically Gino place more coffees out at another table with supreme balance.”


    Full Member

    I left my job to have a bloody good crack at it, story is here, read that lot and you’ll understand that I’ve made a huge great mistake.

    That’s an interesting blog you’ve got there Dave 🙂 And sounds like you’ve got your work cut out if you’re going to write two books instead of one! FTR, I jacked in my job too – and here I am nearly 7 years later still wondering when I’m going to get the fooking thing finished.

    Full Member

    Aye, there is a certain romanticism about being published – well, there is for me anyway. It’s just a matter of converting that into substance. TBH, one of my main drivers is being able to make enough to support lots of charity/NfP/community projects – especially those that focus on young people. I’m not going to get on my soapbox about it, but I really want to make a difference.

    Editors? Hmm, have only had dealings with a couple of those – both through so-called friends of friends. The same with agents. Nothing valuable came of any discussion whatsoever. But I’ve no issue with that – just need to get my next phase sorted and give it another shot.

    Full Member

    I’m banking on Mrs Grips to fund me quitting my job. No pressure honey

    So is my missus. She’s forever saying “… when you get your book sorted …”

    Full Member

    Hmm, hadn’t thought of the Kindle route before … that’s good thinking. Will definitely check it out if nothing comes from approaching any agents.

    Although I still don’t yet have anything anywhere near complete, I had thought that using Lulu to get some hard copies out in the field might be an idea. Like iDave says, the marketing aspect is key if you’re going to go it alone – so hopefully my background will come into play if I have to go down that route.

    Full Member

    On a similar notes to Loddrik’s original post …

    Like several people I’ve had different ‘best mates’ at different times of my life … one of whom I casually knew for a couple of years in the 90’s through playing football with. Then in 2000 he split from his missus and moved into my place, after which we realised we were born in the same ward of the same hospital, on the same night within 8 hours of each other. Became best mates overnight for the next 3 years. Cracking times.

    Full Member

    Cracking pics and commentary raceface 🙂

    riding a mountain bike is one of the best things in the world as far as i am meet some great people/see some of this beautiful country/see wildlife that you wouldn’t have seen any other definitely makes you feel alive


    Full Member

    We always soak ours for something like 12 hours then boil for 15-30 mins. Job done.

    Full Member

    Quiet day just pottering around at home ‘doing stuff’ with Mrs SM and SM junior.

    Had a cracking day yesterday though; 4 hour loop around the Surrey Hills followed by beer/wine/whisky and loads of thai food over at a friend’s house. Very late night and proper knackered today.

    Full Member

    In amongst my Rock/Metal/Alt CDs, there’s always been room for The Beautiful South.

    No there hasn’t. Not ever. And neither will there ever be,

    Full Member

    She does have nice norks though.

    Full Member

    Hmm, a bit Metallica-esque IMO. Good call.

    Full Member

    I’d risk rounding off my nuts.

    Are your nuts not already round Cougar? (Not that I really need to know of course)

    Full Member

    BTW, I’ve been using RocketDock on my PC/laptop for a couple of years because I wanted to replicate some OSX funkiness. Does the trick too.

    Full Member

    Euain, I just don’t get on with the contextual menus for a start – they seem lacking and limiting throughout. I’m happy to admit that I just don’t get the whole OSX thing even though I really want to. And believe me, I’m a sucker for stuff that looks pretty – but ultimately I want/need stuff that gets the job done.

    EDIT: Having seen Lion demos I’m sure I’l upgrade both (10.6.7) machines almost right away, but that’ll be me just satisfying my shallow desires for visual loveliness and nothing more.

    EDIT: And I am in no way anti-Apple. I stayed away from iPhones until last summer – picked up an iP4 and IMO it’s the best smartphone on the market (but mainly due to the app store). So I’m not being hard on Mr Jobs here.

    Full Member

    I then have breakfast at my desk while my computer is booting up.

    Get an older machine and eat a bigger breakfast.

    Full Member

    IMO Windows is still a more functional OS for everyday stuff, particularly for folder/file management via Explorer. Sure, OSX (particularly SL) looks slick etc, but it really doesn’t have the scope that Windows does.

    I say this having used PCs for years yet never really taken to the Mac despite now having two of them. Only got them so I could use a piece of Mac-only s/w.

    Personally I wouldn’t touch a Mac for ‘just replicating the stuff a PC can do’, but that’s just my opinion.

    EDIT: XP is proper old skool so I can understand anyone being seduced by the lure of OSX. However, OSX to me is a bit of novelty MILF (who you enjoy showing off) that’s great for using once in while, but doesn’t quite have the all-round package to secure sticking around.

    Full Member

    All the CRA will do is add a note – usually it has to follow a certain syntax too, which doesn’t really allow you much room for elaboration.

    Hence asking your CCC to re-assess, especially if they defaulted you and then paid you compensation for making the mistake. Does depend on who they are though – some are more helpful than others.

    Full Member

    Yep. Open a free account with Experian, Equifax or whoever the other one is. Then call them up and put forward your dispute.

    Do bear in mind that notes are supposedly overlooked by most searches.

    EDIT: have you defaulted as a result of that issue? If so, you could try writing to the CS Manager and asking for it to be removed.

    Full Member

    You cannot give what you have not got, so a thief cannot give good title to a seller, so if your bike is stolen and sold on it is still your bike in law.

    Years ago, a mate bought a car in good faith blah blah … replaced the lump and had it tuned … then 6 months later had a visit from the plod saying “Sorry son, you’re in possession of a stolen vehicle … we’re impounding it for collection.”

    Needless to say he was well out of pocket and properly gutted.

    Full Member

    £20 posted?

    I hope you have better luck that I do with mine. Complete POS – have had to reboot it once/twice a day every day since it turned 4 months old. Sometimes have to reboot it 3-4 times in quick succession just to get the cable connection up, let alone wireless.

    Most owners seem perfectly happy with them though – so methinks mine is just a dud.

    EDIT: connection disappears for all devices in the house (Android, iPhone, Mac, PC, laptops etc)

    Full Member

    Hmm, doing the SDW in Mar/Apr is proper risky. Like GD says, the chances of clag are magnified somewhat, plus some of the chalky/flinty bits can become really sketchy. There’s very little cover so if it rains, there’s no escape. Any if it’s windy (which it can be, especially on some of the ridgy parts) then you could be expending a whole lot more energy.

    FME I’d make my decision based on the weather. If it’s dry then go for it, but if it’s wet (immed before or during) then I’d reconsider.

    Full Member

    … am a werewolf.

    Full Member

    Yeah, but PS is too damn expensive in the first place.

    These Akvis examples look good though …

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