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  • Review | SRAM AXS Eagle – Wireless Shifting That Works
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    Pretty uninspiring IMO from that first episode.

    Put it this way, if you wake up from a coma, go walkabout and find a load of dead bodies, then hook up with some geezer and his son who start talking about “… the Walking …: … I mean, what a load of bollox. The first thing we (and they) would say is “… zombies …” instead of trying to be clever and fresh.

    And the ‘dragged off a horse’ scene was pretty pathetic too.

    Really wanted to like this (love Egg because of This Life etc), but IMO it’s all a bit pants so far.

    Full Member

    Horses can’t speak.

    If they don’t want to run, they won’t run. It’s not like they are electrocuted if they fail to comply.

    They run, it’s what they do.

    Like you say, running is what they do. But they don’t need jockeys and trainers to coax them into doing it.

    I doubt you’ve ever met a trainer in your life. Most are paid bugger all and are not making millions gambling money they don’t have.

    FAIL. One of my past customers was and probably is still is a trainer (up in Manchester). Used to bring in horses from Eastern Europe IIR.

    Full Member

    As has been said before, has a horse ever said, “Here, I’m up for a race … count me in.”

    I think not.

    Just an excuse for trainers et al to make money out of something they ‘love’.

    Full Member

    I **** hate people that say ‘toona’ instead of tuna. My ex- used to say this and it really go my goat.

    Full Member

    Put mine on the market on the Friday, had offer on the Sunday, and did the deal on the Monday. Solicitors then took the usual 6-8 weeks to complete.

    That is by no means a gauge of what you might expect though. Good luck.

    Full Member

    Can’t today,but a nice stretch of the SDW beckons for me tomorrow (with the missus being away it would be rude not to).

    Full Member

    AWIL freaked me out as a kid too – I already had a werewolf complex before that, but that just reinforced it. I suggest you avoid watching this before your next night ride. It’s certainly never done me any favours.

    Full Member

    It could’ve been a were-owl Binners. I reckon the fact you’re still here means it wasn’t, therefore that increases the chances that the next one will be 😯

    Full Member

    There is a cracking scene in s1 where they are re-inacting a shooting scene in a flat and every word is a variation on F word, over and over. Great script writing in a weird way… heh

    That’ll be this one:


    Full Member

    Which version of PPT? I believe 2007/10 (and poss 03) only handle absolute addresses for links, therefore if you’re calling an external object then the address must be static.

    Like wwaswas says, try Insert > Movie … but you’ll need to ensure the movies are individual files.

    Full Member

    Very few people even contemplate doing the double, even the seriously fit. Getting the miles in isn’t the problem – it’s the hills. As others have said, they’re a mix – and they can easily catch you out.

    An army mate attempted the double about 6-7 years, but gave up about 3-4 hours into the return leg. It ain’t easy.

    Check out this.[/url]

    Full Member

    My best mate’s FIL is the absolute spit of him. He’s Persian and lives in Sweden. Bit of a fruit all in all. Never really understood us when we took the piss out of him.

    Full Member

    Nothing. You’re just going to the wrong chip shops.

    Full Member

    No need for any of this breadcrumb bollox – just do this:

    1kg minced beef
    3 tbs ketchup
    3 tbs oyster sauce (negates the need for salt and improves binding)
    1 egg yolk
    diced onions
    herbs of choice (fresh definitely best) – pick a good handful from one or more of; marjoram, parsley, rosemary, sage, lemon thyme or whatever you fancy

    Add seasoning (pepper only)

    Roll into patties and slap in the oven/pan/BBQ …

    EDIT: most burger buns/baps these days are so puffed up that they take away all the flavour of the burger. So look for good quality ones otherwise try wraps, pittas, Dr Food stuff or just have ’em naked.

    Full Member

    THE AWESOME ONE (aka Surf Mat)

    Full Member

    Mass Effect 2 on the PC is pretty good, i.e. the usual high standard from Bioware.

    But I get bored of games easily these days and stopped playing after a while. Cool group combat system.

    IMO makes games like Fallout really dull in comparison.

    Full Member

    I don’t watch it and never have, but I do find Amy Childs strangely appealing. Though I feel guilty just typing this…

    What’s so appealing about these?

    Just a shame she’s Jordan’s love-child.

    Full Member

    This thread is useless without…

    You want Cougar?

    Full Member

    Your point is?

    Full Member

    Somebody will surely come along soon with an answer.

    In the meantime, I’d recommend posting on Tech Support Forum[/url]. It might take 24hrs before anyone responds but when they do they really know their sh1t.

    Full Member

    “Shut up!” 🙂 That’s the whole point – it’s supposed to be a combination of real life mixed in with various ‘set pieces’. The fact that some of them are like, well thick like, innitt … is like the way it is, innitt.

    Voyeurism is the best way I’d describe it – it’s like being a fly on the wall. Just take it for what it is – a humorous, light-hearted look at one of our more colourful counties.

    Full Member

    The Wire: best TV series ever. End of.

    And Bubbles is just lovable.

    Agreed. As is Bunk. And Omar. And Vinny. And various others.

    Full Member

    I use MB already but don’t like SD for some reason. Uninstalled it ages ago. Will investigate MSE further.

    Full Member

    If you’re on Windows then Feed Demon is a good app for managing all your feeds locally.

    Full Member

    Look for the RSS button (typically orange) or any link to subscribe etc.

    EDIT: Sometimes the feed isn’t always so obvious but FD (and I think GR) can automatically grab the feed URL if you happen to be on the page anyway.

    Full Member

    TBH never really felt KIS to be intrusive or a hogger. It just kept bad stuff away from my machine and gave quiet little alerts when it suspected dodgy activity. Would like to think MSE is equally good at picking stuff up.

    Full Member

    I would like to thank this thread for informing me of an Iain M Banks book I haven’t read.

    *** heads off to Amazon for ‘Surface Detail’ ***

    Ditto, but I’ll take the cheapskate option

    *** heads off to local library ***

    *** Heads off to the Kindle store to download some M samples to see if I can now start getting into them ***

    Full Member

    You’ll probably get the full spectrum of comments when it comes to asking STWers to recommened his space stuff. I’ve read 2-3 (Player of Games, Phlebus …) and had a go at others but just don’t get on with them. Much prefer his more contemporary stuff.

    Full Member

    Some properly OTT characters, especially the Vice Chancellor who’s some kind of depraved David Brent megalomaniac.

    Full Member

    XP may well be stable etc but it sure as Hell is friggin dull by today’s visual-topian standards.

    Vista was great (IMO) – no issues whatsoever with any piece of software.

    And Win 7 is a step up again. Definitely stolen some ideas from OSX but all for the better. Decent enough eye-candy and very functional. Worth persevering IMO.

    Full Member

    Don’t even get me started on nursery staff.

    Full Member

    good manners on here


    Full Member

    We had a mad woman, who lived on a local tip in a caravan, seriously. Her name was Bertha, a harmless old lady. They tried for years to get her into a council house but she wouldnt leave this old caravan. She used to push a pram round Lichfield, with half a dozen dogs sat in it. Well, the longshot of this waffle is that I was afraid of this Woman because I thought she was the lady who slapped the kids face in the film.

    We used to “know” an old hag-like woman that lived in a shack in the woods at one end of our village. She just kept chickens and used to sell eggs. Didn’t look too dissimilar to Grotbags IIR (gaudy colours excepted). Used to freak us out as kids, even though we’d go there in the middle of the night and play silly bastards outside.

    Full Member

    You could do a lot worse that call round some of the more reputable indie builders – to at least get their recommendation. They should also ask you want you want to do short-term and long-term and help you figure out what to do. If they don’t then be careful of being sold to.

    Personally I’d recommend calling Chillblast. Loads of their machines get raves reviews and they’re very good honest folk. I bought a custom PC off them in Dec and am proper impressed.

    Can’t do any harm to ask around …

    Full Member

    … vaguely remember some French film that was on in our digs late at night. Some sort of anarchy happening in france (Paris?). Ends up with this bloke going loopy, knocking out the front wall of his apartment and roasting a cop to feed his family…

    Sounds a bit mental.

    Also reminds me of a French film I watched with a mate (both totally cained) in the middle of the night: was about a chimp dressed up in some kind of clothing (including a beret?) while sitting on the beach chuntering away to himself. No idea what that was about.

    Full Member

    Think I found one my films: Don’t go to sleep

    Full Member

    Hmm, I don’t recognise any of the films you guys are on about.

    It just seems weird to me that there are things we see or experience as kids that we kind of know we’ll always remember (sometimes during that exact moment). Naturally this doesn’t apply only to films – but everything. Have never understood how that works. Just weird.

    Full Member

    +1 Joe Abercrombie and China Mieville
    +1 Jo Nesbo for the crime stuff

    You might like to check out the Tales of the Ketty Jay trilogy by Chris Wooding – colourful, inventive and funny.

    What about Julian May’s Coloured Land? And anything by Arthur C Clarke, e.g the Rama stuff?

    Full Member

    Yep, still lovin’ it. The same goes for road miles (for extra fitness).

    Last year I think I drove to the trails about twice (out of about 100 rides) – all the others I did straight from the lair. Started this year doing the same, but decided last week that I’ve had enough of the immediately local stuff coupled with heading home along the same road sections, so I’m now using the car more. Tis all miles n smiles.

    Full Member

    The missus uses one every now and then. She gets some cracking results so I just leave her to it. Not really my bag because I too think I’d end up blowing us all up.

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