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  • Coronavirus means you could be fined €3000 for cycling in Spain
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    FIL has been working overseas for years, mainly Yemen and then platforms off West Africa. He’s some kind of Ops Manager. One month on – one month off. Gets paid a lot. Can be very long days though. Plus his platform was hijacked a few months ago with his name on the wanted list – got a bit messy (can’t say anymore than that).

    Full Member

    Have Copilot on mine iP4 – it’s a big old download IIR (best done via laptop/PC/Mac as opposed to the phone directly). So yes, the maps are stored on the phone.

    Full Member

    We stayed near Peebles (so I could do GT, Inners, Mabie etc) a few years back – can’t remember who we organised it with.

    If you’d like to head down to Cornwall then I’d recommend Toad Hall Cottages. Very helpful and loads to choose from.

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Excellent – thanks poly. I meant to reply sooner but it slipped my mind.


    Full Member

    Very … 🙂

    Full Member

    Pinto beans can be used to make a wicked ‘refried beans’. Had them last night as a meal on their own because they didn’t need any other meat accompaniment.

    Just get a packet of dried pinto beans, soak overnight, then boil/simmer until soft. Decide how many to use vs store.

    – reheat (low to medium heat) in a pan
    – add chopped onion and garlic
    – add smoked paprika
    – add butter (if you wish)
    – heat through and mash up – add a little creme fraiche/stock if you want a different texture
    – meanwhile, grill some smoked bacon
    – chop bacon and add to mashed beans
    – season

    Voila. Refried beans with a smokey hint. Far far better than that crap you get in supermarkets etc.

    EDIT: add some chilli if you want.

    Either way, perfectly nom nom as a main by itself, or an accompaniment to any mexican-oriented dish.

    Full Member

    Princess Leia was never that attractive IMO.

    No, of course not …

    Full Member

    It all seems pretty inevitable as their granny (my mother in law) has a small part in return of the jedi.

    … as an ewok? 🙂

    Full Member

    Thinking of getting one of these Strider Bikes[/url] for little monkey in the next few months.

    Admittedly it could just be a load of spin (no pun intended), but they do look cool IMO.

    Full Member

    Not good.


    Full Member

    I was brought up in the pub game so have always felt comfortable in pubs, bars etc. Probably used that as an excuse over the years to frequent them too regularly – and therefore drink too much. Loads of my mates (from teen years) drank/smoke/etc so that was my ‘thing’ too. Then University accelerated that even more blah blah … followed by spending many years doing the same as a result of it being a part of my working culture.

    Have often given up for weeks and even months, and usually felt/performed better for it. But I enjoy a social drink, a quiet solo tipple as well as a full-on session. Don’t drink to get leathered (these days) – much prefer that ‘edge’ it gives me – that’s enough. My tolerance is high so can put a lot away if need be (which can unnecessarily expensive).

    Would like to cut back to one day a week for the next few months. Currently on day two and feeling right in the groove.

    Used to drink soda and lime as a pub ‘replacement’ so will do the same. But at home I’m getting into hot chocolate and low cal/no sugar substitutes like fiery ginger beer etc – anything that has a kick or similar quality to it. Never been a fan of no-alcohol beer/cider – just doesn’t do it for me.

    Might be helpful for people to list their substitutes or tips. Plenty to be gained by giving up (or cutting back) the booze – and I reckon a few people here would be up for it.

    Full Member

    The driver, who is described as an elderly lady with white hair, did not stop at the scene.


    Full Member

    Pretty much agree with all the positives mentioned already about SPDs. I’ve not used flats since I was a kid 25 years ago, and subsequently swear by SPDs. So IMO, yes, they will make you faster. End of.

    Full Member

    Very sad … Another legend ‘leaves’ us.

    RIP Seve.

    Full Member

    Hmm, I dreamed last night that I met someone doing exactly that. He said he was cycling the exact circumference but when I hooked up with him he was cheating by using some forest roads several miles inland.

    He also had some kind of support person with him – who weirdly seemed to be on foot, so not sure how supportive he really could’ve been.

    And he said he as going to sprint up every ‘short’ hill so he could continue his equivalent of interval training. I joined him on a climb and we both did that for a bit before he disappeared into the distance.

    I then ended up trying to get people out of a car that had crashed on a road because of flooding. Oddly the water kept rising until it was as high as the tree tops – so it was like being underwater but on land. Weird.

    Good luck anyway.

    Full Member

    How much fruit did we used to eat out of season before we had it flown in from Kenya, or in cold storage etc?

    Not exactly scientific or proof of any kind. Plus I’ve yet to find anything on the interweb that substantiates why it’s pointless/unnecessary for us to eat fruit. Sure, there may be a load of spin out there – in which case, where’s the evidence to prove otherwise?

    IMO your friend is sincerely wrong

    That’s your opinion. She’s always been a very fit, healthy person (now late 30s). Eats, drinks and exercises sensibly. Would piss on many people here when it comes to running, rock climbing and gym stuff.

    IF you want an effective way of losing weight then just do this diet, its been explained why you shouldnt eat fruit.

    My understanding (maybe I’m wrong) is that this is not a ‘quick fix’ diet, but a long-term change of eating habits. Ergo, fruit only once per week …

    I suspect your nutritionist friend is not coming from the same angle as a specialist cycling coach.

    True, she’s not a cyclist (not a keen one anyway). But she’s in bloody good shape and looks after herself.

    IMO some people’s bodies just behave differently. I know people who can eat/drink and do what they want, yet they still keep in shape with minimal training etc. And I know other people who put on the pounds and/or can’t even run a mile without blowing, and that’s when they’re being sensible with their intake and doing some gym work etc.

    Full Member

    So, any news or evidence as to why we can forgo eating fruit? Any proof as to why eating ‘extra’ vegetables makes up for that?

    Had a chat with a nutritionist coach (old friend) yesterday who pretty much knows her stuff and she categorically disagrees with avoiding fruit. To her it’s about a sensible balance (diet and exercise) – and eating fruit only once a week is just plain bad.

    EDIT: I’ve used Dave’s diet from time to time since he first mentioned it last year, so I have no issue with the bulk of what’s happening. It just seems weird that people have a go at things like the High Protein/Low Carb diet because it says “avoid fruit” yet people here seem to be bowing down …

    Full Member

    What SHOULD piss you off is that your therapy consists of watching Midsomer Murders on Youtube.

    Full Member

    Nice one AlasdairMc – sounds fair to me.

    FX rate risk – I see what you mean. I guess that seeing as the rate can go up AND down, then I could be quids in on top or a few quid short, given that anything can happen in the 30 or so days it’ll take for them to pay (hopefully). Hence opening a US account could be wise. Will look into it.


    Full Member

    Made a claim (via my bank) for my HTC Hero last year. Had no probs getting a replacement – my only issue was that I was given 5-6 phones to choose from, only 1 of which I wanted (HD2). All sorted out very quickly, plus I sold the HD2 and was in profit on an iP4.

    Hence check if you get a like-for-like replacement + warranty approved repairs. If not, then you may need to accept taking the best or most valuable replacement and selling it to at least give you the funds to do what you want next.

    Full Member

    Looks like it exempts me from US tax 🙂 … or so I now think …

    Full Member

    Hmm maybe … can’t see how the US can take a 30% slice though.

    Full Member

    Like what? (honest question – I don’t know)

    I don’t know either. A Google seems to throw fruit AND veg into the same equation, as opposed to document why one is in any way ‘better’ than the other.

    Why not just adopt the iDave diet, but eat fruit aswell? Thus creating your own diet. Best of both worlds and you get to eat how you want to.

    Because avoiding fruit is said to be a key factor in managing insulin levels etc, hence end result being better weight management blah blah.

    Therefore if one was to follow the diet but also eat fruit, then initial weight loss and subsequent management may well go out the window. Ergo, what’s the point in that?

    Full Member

    I’m not dissing your diet BTW, it’s just that loads of us eat fruit because it’s just part of our diet. Yet if we have to drop this (and risk losing out on vital vitamins etc that can’t be picked up elsewhere), then surely this isn’t the healthiest option possible.

    Look at the feedback for various high-protein/low-carb diets: no fruit = plenty of people struggle to accept it.

    Full Member

    What evidence do you have to support eating a lot of veg is a healthy way to ‘avoid’ eating fruit?

    Doesn’t seem right in my book – and I’m sure plenty of scientists/nutritionists etc would also disagree. Hence interested in how you substantiate that. After all, your idea is that the iDave diet is a ‘way of eating’ as opposed to a fad/short-term plan.

    Full Member

    Dave, can’t remember if we’ve covered this before – what’s your take on fruit? I can understand how the sugars etc can mess with the diet’s vibe, but surely eating fruit only once per week isn’t ‘good’.

    Full Member

    One of my mates once wangled a 320d from his local dealer for a M-F week. He had no intention of buying it but just wanted to compare it (manual/standard) with the one I had at the time (steptronic/Sport).

    Full Member

    IME I’ve found the likes of Audi/BMW/Mercedes to be less accomodating when it comes to test drive time. Even my local BMW dealer (Vines) gave me only 15 mins in a new M3 when I’d spent £50k+ with them in the last 2 years (and got on brilliantly with them). My main contact had left just weeks before so I had to make do with a new guy who wouldn’t budge. Needless to say I didn’t buy from them.

    Have found the smaller indies far more giving. They seem happy for me to just rock up, have a jovial chat and throw me the keys and say “Bring it back when you’re ready.”

    Full Member

    Also tryed Surrey Hills but the trails seem to be well hidden and spent most of the time climbing firetracks!

    Yep, the good stuff is indeed well hidden. Hence you’ll have to hook up with someone who knows their way around, or pay a visit to Nirvana (Westcott) or Pedal n Spoke (Peaslake). Tag along with them for a ride or grab a map of two.

    Way more trails than you might think – and a whole lot more to explore than Swinley.

    Full Member

    Yep – in 2004. Became totally bored with my career (IT solution sales) due to the politics/travelling/mundanity et al, but was lucky enough to be offered voluntary redundancy.

    Sold my house, kind of ‘split’ from the missus and then just did my own thing. Loads of biking, travelling and seeing friends – and started writing a book. Thought I’d do it for just a few weeks > which became a few months > and then pretty much a year and a half.

    Got into coaching (mix of life/career/business) – proper coaching, not the charlatan stuff. Did that for a couple of years and then started blending that with my renewed interest in IT.

    Was happy with most things in life around the time of the break, but just needed a change. Job and relationship weren’t going anywhere etc. Had plenty of material wealth though – far more than now. But priorities and responsibilities have evolved and am now a family man with a (slightly) altered take on life. Thankfully still have energy, drive and ambition etc. And have ‘created’ the job I want. But still aim to make it as a writer while doing the right thing by the family.

    Full Member

    bagged and frozen

    That’s probably what I’ll start doing then. Have been doing them in batches and always keeping in the fridge until now.

    lentils and bacon

    Defo. Has to be smoked bacon though – preferably with red lentils, chicken stock, garlic and a few spices. Major nommage.

    Full Member

    Google the name/title/email address and see what comes up. You’d be surprised who appears in LinkedIn, Facebook etc.

    Failing that, just write something natural. I’ve no problem receiving unsolicited emails from individuals looking for work, regardless of how they address me (or my division). What’s most important to me is that their email makes sense and that their CV etc is eligible and piques my curiosity radar. Anything less and it’s either deleted or filed away.

    Full Member

    Which cafe are you referring to? We went to Afan a few times in 03-05 but can never remember which trails run from which car park.

    Can recall the dingy little cafe run by school dinner type ladies – where you daren’t risk anything other than a jacket potato … and then the well-sorted (re-opened in about 04/05) cafe at the other site (with all the camping facilities etc).

    Full Member

    +1 Conti’s

    Full Member

    Dave, in your emailed notes (from last year) you said you soak a load of beans/pulses once a week and then split into portions. Do you just keep these in the fridge? Or do you freeze them?

    Just asking because IME chickpeas last 3-4 days in the fridge; lentils 2 days (before going squidgy), and other beans maybe 3-4 days too.

    Are you getting a full week out of yours once cooked?


    Full Member

    In my experience 90% of cyclists, including roadies say “hi” and give some form of minor acknowledgement and this is in Dorset / Wilts area on both road and mountain bikes. As do walkers. And horse riders although horse riders are probably the least sociable. Probably cos they’re arrogant, bike hating tossers and jealous that we don’t have huge at$ES like what they do.

    Can’t quite figure out what you mean there. Are you saying 90% of horsey types also say “Hi” even though they’re the least sociable and hate ‘us’?

    IMO I reckon less than half the riders I see say hello. About 75% of runners and walkers. And genuinely about 85% of horsey people. Am I’m in deepest Surrey where I’d expect the latter to be dead against ‘our sort’, but for some reason they seem to just dig us (or at least me!).

    Full Member

    “I arrest you in the name of blah blah blah…”

    I thought they were going to cart him off and duff him up – but they just set him free outside the same chippy. Odd IMO.

    Full Member

    A bit cheesy in the way all the protagonists are so intertwined, but other than that, pretty damn good. Highlights the impact something like Alzheimer’s can have on a family.

    Always liked John Simm – happy to watch anything he does.

    Full Member

    I didn’t know he was a Swinley regular …

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