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  • Backyard bikeparks and Chameleons this is what the pros do in lockdown part 2
  • spacemonkey
    Full Member

    What’s the score regarding binging out on carbs/crap in the evening during pig-out day? Based on the belief that eating carbs (in particular) are ‘better’ for weight loss when processed earlier in the day. Hence wondering if there’s a cut-off point to eating the really bad stuff even on a day off …

    Full Member

    Bloody hell, you run your PSI low – I guess that’s okay if you only weight 50kg. I have mine around 45 normally. Will check out the tyres you mention even though I wasn’t a fan of Kenda a few years back. Ta

    Full Member

    If I fold next week and start eating pies, can you pretend you never saw this post please?

    You can fold for 24hrs on Sunday and stuff yer face with all the pies you can eat. Then back to the iWay from Monday.

    +1 drink pints n pints of water. Good hunger pang killer.

    Full Member

    I wouldn’t worry about it Doctor. I think we have established what we have here is a severe case of user error

    Think again. Finder’s contextual menus just aren’t as functional/user-friendly as their Windows counterpart. That’s all IMO of course. And the inability to resize windows from anything other that a single corner is a PITA.

    Full Member

    So you’re moaning about people doing the RIGHT thing?

    My original point was about people walking/running on the LHS, i.e with their back to traffic.

    JD (like everyone else here (except the Sparkly one)) said they should walk/run facing traffic … to which I agreed, i.e. why is ‘everyone’ not doing the ‘right’ thing?

    Full Member

    If no pavement then walk/run facing the oncoming traffic

    That’s the point I’m getting at … nearly everyone I see walking/running on the road these days is on the LHS.

    Full Member

    Cheers TD

    Full Member

    Yep, must all be lower-class thick-tards 🙂

    Full Member

    RST google doc

    What be that? And where be it?

    Full Member

    Sounds like you need to get absolutely clear about what you want plus your motivation behind it.

    Talk it over to yourself and/or others. Write it down. Just blurt it out.

    Ultimately you need to keep asking “Why?” until you get the root. Just peel back the layers until you find it.

    Full Member

    Endomondo is the only app I’ve found where the GPS tracking actually works. Loads of other apps just seems to suffer with drops. No idea why.

    Can’t figure out if Endomondo lets you zoom in and pan around though (like others) – mine just offers a static “here’s the region you’ve covered” map, which is pretty basic. Also doesn’t seem to offer any OS mapping – just a Googlemap type tile.

    Maybe having an online account does more?

    Full Member

    Are you racist and ageist?

    You forgot talentist … plenty of those around.

    Full Member

    Arse. Cheap annual premium but £55 cancellation fee = no go.

    Full Member

    I think you’re right about going down the cancellation route. Missus has an existing policy and is being asked to pay £80/month as temp cover. I’ll call my insurers and see what I can do – paperwork only says stuff like “You may be charged £35 admin fee … and get a refund”, i.e nothing about paying the full term for early cancellation etc.

    Cheers all

    Full Member

    Warranty Direct are good

    Do you speak from experience uplink? Only asking because I’ve heard mostly bad stuff about them.

    IMO 3rd party warranties are usually tosh when it comes to the more expensive claims (and some of the less expensive stuff too).

    All in all, I wouldn’t recommend one – but that may be because I’ve gone with main stealer when possible. I’m sure others will be along with better experience of the former …

    Full Member

    Carrots/celery and any approved dip, e.g. humus, lentil mush (from the day before), etc.

    Cheese is still high on my nom nom list so I do have a chunk from time to time, normally with Ryvita. Just had some now in fact. Both on the banned list I believe.

    Full Member

    Please explain what’s not great about OSX. In all seriousness, I really find it hard to think of a problem with it.

    Inability to resize windows via (four sides/corners) dragging – a real PITA.

    Lack of functionality in Finder – nowhere near as capable as Windows Explorer.

    And I have a MBP and a Mac Mini both running 10.6.6 so I’m not coming at this from an anti-Jobs angle. I just find it dysfunctional in ways that Windows isn’t.

    Full Member

    JFTR, I know a fair few arseholes (inc the really sick type) who’ve passed through our glorious justice/penitentiary system and come out none the better for it. In fact, most are happy to continue as they were.

    Coming from a coaching background, I’m all for ‘re-education’ et al. However, from my discussions with people ‘on the inside’ (CID, CP, young offenders etc) lead me to believe there are far too many flaws in the way such methods are utilised. Too much focus on “you’re the problem sonny … I’m going to fix you my way or else …” instead of giving the perp a voice and having them unravel their own shit themselves etc. Which ultimately seems yet another waster of tax payers’ money …

    “Let’s charge this person … lock ’em up … give ’em a few mod cons and a cushy life … have a chat about where they’re going wrong … no, let’s TELL THEM where they’re going wrong … add a dollop of bullshit counselling … release ’em …” All for a few £thousand. Nice. And if they do it again, we’ll just do the same.

    Full Member

    Can’t even bring myself to click on the link.

    It’s not civilized to kill creatures like that, not humane and yet our culture isn’t civilized anyway, as long as they exist in it!

    I’m always up for selective culling.

    Full Member

    day off = food carnage

    otherwise you won’t get huge losses

    Music to my ears (or whatever the stomach equivalent is).

    So pigging out to the Nth degree is guaranteed to pay off more than just kind of going for it? That sounds awesome – just can’t figure out in my head how that works. I’ve always gone for it but sometimes held back thinking too much carnage is gonna be anti-good.

    EDIT: I take it this is too far?

    Full Member

    1.1L Saxo between £1700 and £7000!

    J-E-E-E-S-U-S C-H-R-I-S-T 😮

    Full Member

    Not sure if things have changed in the last couple of years, but if your childminder is Ofsted approved & registered, & your wife goes back on no more than 24hrs a week; you could get half that £1200 p/m back in the Childcare element of working tax credit.(Assuming you dont earn megabucks).

    Unfortunately the threshold is below what we earn, so it seems that Childcare Vouchers are the only ‘handout’ we’re entitled too. Both currently sorting that out with our employers.

    Part of the problem with being the one with the earning potential is that you are the one that has to go out to work. I go out every day when I’d much rather be at home with my kid. It’s what I do for the family. Currently I am home every night.

    Yep, that’s pretty much the case here. Although I work from home 80%+ of the time, so I get to play with little fella on and off throughout the day. And I do the last feed etc so get another couple of hours with him before carrying on with any necessary work.

    We live in an expensive part of the country and don’t have any family nearby to support us. Naturally both impact our expendable income. Hence putting the effort in now is key to creating as much financial stability as possible. I don’t want to be working ‘all hours’ by the time he goes to school – I want to be able to support him in every activity he does etc.

    obviously all those parents who buy expensive mtb’s, drive VAG estates and go riding every weekend should take a long hard look at themselves

    2.5 our of 3 on that one 🙂 I do escape for a few hours most weekends but other than that we do just about everything else as a family.

    Full Member

    Bloody hell, I only went away for a few hours and look what you lot have got up to …

    <perches on the sofa at the back of the room>

    Full Member

    Grum/MF/geetee – yep, we want to create as much financial wellbeing as we realistically can while building a solid home life. No harm in that methinks – provided it’s done sensibly.

    IMO it’s a good deal harder to ‘survive’ in this climate. We can’t just think of today, not with mortgages and everything else. Hence providing for tomorrow has to come into our thinking.

    I’m also in agreement that a quality minder can bring something very valuable to the lad’s development. Plus we, like geetee, spend plenty of time with him and want to do our best all round.

    Full Member

    I think you’ll find I’m more working ‘arse’ than working class. Certainly not middle.

    Would be great if ‘er indoors could drop her job and be a stay-at-home mum, but as has been said already, getting back into working life isn’t necessarily easy. Especially after say 2-3yrs. Plus the difference between her taxed income and minder’s fees makes it that bit more worthwhile.

    But this isn’t just about finances. We want to do the best we can for the little fella but also be realistic where we feel is necessary.

    Certainly food for thought all this child rearing malarkey.

    Full Member

    Any large estate should mean you can get two up front and two bikes in the back without having to dismantle the bikes

    I wish that were the case, but I have to remove wheels and seat post to get my bike in my A4 Avant. Can get another bike and loads of kit on top … but dismantling cannot be avoiding.

    Can’t remember if it’s a L or XL – either way, it’s a good deal bigger than an S.

    Full Member

    I’m with you on that one geetee. Finding the ‘right’ CM can be a lengthy struggle, particularly when some seem the sort to do little more than babysit.

    £1200 seems like a lot unless you’re in central London. We’re down in west sussex and full time care, 8am to 5pm, including lunch, nappies and all trips out (he went horse riding last week for example) and it costs us about £1000 a month.

    Surrey – not much change from that in the immediate vicinity unless you want a (sometimes significant) drop in quality.

    She really seems to be the identikit minder for us and ticks all the boxes. Alright, we don’t ‘know’ her properly yet, but all the signs are that she’ll be fantastic. Only time will tell though if we trust her implicitly – but she feels right, that’s for sure. Hence we’re happy to pay more.

    Will put my diplomatic hat on and see how we go.

    Cheers guys

    Full Member

    There are plenty of parents around here who would haven’t an issue paying for the full 52 weeks.

    Full Member

    so is she a nanny working in your home as an employee or a childminder (LEA and ofsted registered) doing care in her home?

    Childminder (LEA/Ofsted reg etc) in her home. Normally has 3 infants/children on the go.

    Full Member

    She charges for bank holidays too – so my argument is we can ‘use’ her for those if we choose, i.e. we want a day off to ourselves once in a while.

    Full Member

    Hmm, this is what we’re trying to figure out. She really is the best we’ve come across and you can see she’s devoted to nurturing and developing infants and children (as opposed to just looking after them).

    But £1200 is financially and psychologically a big hit, especially when she’s in S Africa for 2 weeks this autumn and we’re stumping up £600 of it. Going to find a way to approach this – especially as she surely can’t have a legal right to such.

    Full Member

    I had a terrific amount of LEGO.

    My gran sold it all one day without telling me because I was “too old for it.” Must’ve been thousands of pounds’ worth, I think she let it all go for about 30 quid.

    Twenty+ years on, I’m still cross about that.

    I’m with you on that one. I remember my mum advertising my collection in the local rag for £50 (after convincing me I’d outgrown it 😈 ). Sure enough it went that weekend. T’was a sad day.

    Full Member

    A black widow catapult


    We used to use dried chickpeas (probably about 10p/kilo back in the day) and kick up some carnage in the woods. Lost mine in a swampy river thing – was gutted 🙁

    Full Member

    Summer Lightning just feels odd with no trees!

    Totally desolate IMO. Always feel you get a sense of proximity and speed when you’re surrounded by trees.

    Full Member

    Two pages … I see the sensor police moving in any minute …

    Full Member


    Aye, that’s the name I was trying to remember. Need to find a healthier way of making it though. Chai latte is bang tidy.

    Full Member

    Hmm, currently sampling a coffee with a dash of cinnamon. Not bad. But not great. Might be quite weird in tea methinks.

    Full Member

    baked beans

    Are these not off-limits? Too carby/sugary?

    Full Member

    Spoke to a client earlier this week about her challenge with diabetes. Sounds like her doctor has put her on a very similar diet (up the legumes, remove ‘bad’ carbs, and even have a day off to pig out). So Dave, have you found any diabetic types getting into this?

    Full Member

    Gonna give the gram flour wraps a whirl this w/end. Found it on Ocado – which means Waitrose might do it if you fancy turning middle-class for a bit 🙂

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