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  • Lust Is Not A Sin: Paul Brakes for Bromptons
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    Free Member

    One MTB (On-one 456) and one road bike (Dawes thingy). But both my commuters (EBC Courier and Singlecross) are happily off- and on-roadable.

    So maybe I have one and two-halfs MTBs, and one and two-halfs road bikes.

    Free Member

    This reminds me of that Baz Luhrmann tune from a while back.

    So in deference to that, wear sunscreen.

    Free Member

    Remember when the 'show us your singlespeeds' threads used to be 80 or 90% white On-Ones? What happened to all of them? I never had one.

    Free Member

    It was only caught with me from a blood test for everything else, as the only symptom I seemed to have was the depression. Like Ebygomm, the rest of the usual symptoms (fat, sleepy and lazy) are so far off the mark for me that everyone kept asking, "Didn't they mean HYPER-active rather than HYPO-active?"

    Free Member

    Oh, excellent reminder, I'm due another blood test for this next week! I was diagnosed with this last July, and the doc's have been trying to sort out my dosage since.

    The weirdness (I think, I don't pay much attention) is that I don't actually have an underactive thyroid, but I produce thyroid antibodies that counter the thyroxine I produce. And it seems these antibodies are awfully unreliable. The results of my last test showed a lower thyroxine level than the previous test, even though the prescription dosage had been raised. And I've also had a wee bit of an overdose too, which was interesting.

    I'd heard it was more common in women than men. Certainly both my grandmothers had it and both my sisters have it, whereas I'm the only bloke in the family known to have it.

    Free Member

    Background level of fitness, best-the-money-can-buy training and back-up aside, having it televised means it's inspiring others to try something they would never have thought possible. It's inspiring me!

    Free Member

    There's also a Run 4 It on Bothwell Street in Glasgow. Go along to any of these proper running shops during the week (i.e. when it's a bit quieter) and they'll watch you walk and judge if/how you pronate, choose the few shoes suited to that, then you'll get time to try them all for comfort. Definitely recommend that approach.

    After that, as said, just take your time to build up distance.

    Free Member

    This has got me thinking about other possible explanations now! Maybe the Earth is actually inside a really, really big snow-globe. That would explain all the, y'know, snow. And stuff.

    No, in fact, I've just changed my mind back. I much prefer the idea that our whole universe is just the little bits that make up an atom ina chair leg. But I will keep an open mind to other folks ideas in the future.

    Free Member

    Gosh, there are some weirdies on here. Probly why I feel at home.

    Free Member

    The Edinburgh Bike Co-op used to do a singlespeed version of their courier. More of a hybridised mtb, but I had considered one myself (before I got a Singlecross).

    Free Member

    Meh, maybe 4 on a good day.

    Free Member

    Oh. When I saw the title I was going to come on and say "Years ago, I presented a roadshow of events to Council workers on the (then) new European Union consolidated public procurement directives. It went really well!". But having read the other posts, I think I will just keep quiet.

    Free Member

    Well that's pretty conclusive. Disks it will be then. Thanks for the feedback guys!

    Free Member

    Roach – none of your symptoms for me so can't/won't suggest anything except talk to your GP. I had severe anaemia (less than half the usual haemoglobin count) but with no visible blood loss. Quite sensibly the docs wanted to have a good look-see to find the cause.

    Free Member

    I had Klean-Prep rather than Picolax. Allegedly vanilla flavoured but it was the most vile tasting stuff I have ever put in my mouth. I was still drinking the second 2-litre dose on the morning of the appointment (the first dose was the evening before) while sitting on the toilet spraying it back out! And so my advice would be to take the laxatives with plenty time to spare – every time I thought I must be finished I'd fart and jettison yet another load out. They pump air in during the colonoscopy that gives some nasty trapped wind and I kept that firmly clenched in until I was safely sat on the pan again.

    I was sedated from the upper endoscopy I was also getting so none of it was painful, it was just odd feeling and over quickly. I'd reassure anybody getting the procedure that it's not something that needs worried about.

    Free Member

    For the bike, if you can stretch to £500 then follow the recommendations and spend £500.

    But to immediately contradict myself, my first mountain bike cost around £230 new about 4 years ago. Heavy suspension fork, okay gearing, v-brakes that added to the excitement, but it still got me up the hills and away from the bustle. It got me round the blue and red routes at the Stanes, and out to Carron Valley and Mugdock, etc. Now that I've had that a few years I'm willing to spend more on a replacement.

    Free Member

    Forgive me if I'm being a bit thick here, but can't you just put them on upside down? Would that not sort it?

    Free Member

    I'm going N-2 for space reasons (small one-bed 2nd-floor flat). I need a commuter hack as it's my main mode of transport anywhere, and I can justify keeping the mtb for weekends with mates. I've really loved playing on the Singlecross this winter but it and the road bike are going to have to be rehomed. I'm quite sad about it.

    Free Member

    Had a couple of tits at our nut sack. But still far too early to expect a swallow.

    Free Member

    Their standard 26" Courier was the bike I got when I started commuting around six years ago, and still use it. I used it off-road and for 100+ mile road trips before expanding the bike collection. It's fast, strong, adaptable (and once I swapped the useless chain guide that came with it for an N-Gear jump stop, reliable). I recommended one to a friend, would recommend one to anyone else.

    Free Member

    Nope. The one day I tried it I hit ice and hit the road. Been walking since.

    Free Member

    Another freak of nature here, being close to a decade since I last got jiggy with it. A few years recovering from an untimely end of marriage, and since then finding it both increasingly difficult to rejoin the dating game and increasingly more comfortable being single. To the extent that when I got a no-strings-attached offer not very long ago, I turned it down. I haven't really regretted that decision too much, time and time again, since.

    Free Member

    The guilt that won't leave is having cheated on my girlfriend, who then became my wife. Even now, having been divorced for 9 years, I can't forgive myself.

    Free Member

    Nearest two bikes (road bike and commuter) about three feet away, sitting here comfortably in the living room. Poor cx has to sit in the hall so maybe seven feet away. STILL not got myself a replacement mtb so it's only in my mind.

    Free Member

    If the stomach bug is one that causes you to upchuck four times within the first hour, then continue to dry heave whenever you take so much as a sip of water, then yes, I have that. It's a cracking headache it comes with too.

    Been told it only lasts 24 hours so may well be back at work tomorrow. Joy.

    Free Member

    Thanks again. I'd looked at the rabbids games but even the one with the lowest age rating was still 7+. Doubt it includes drowning kittens or playing with razor blades, so figured that might be because it was considered too tricky for five year olds. Seeing as the weans parents have invited me over for Christmas dinner (so much for my usual Christmas Day alone with a bottle of Glenfiddich and 40 Marlboros!) I'm looking to play it safe with the 'pressie from Santa' bit.

    Free Member

    Cool, ta. Will check that out.

    Free Member

    My dad also had a Fiat 126! Followed by a Strada, then he went all Ford and sensible – Fiesta, then Escort. All considered uncool at the time because my mate's mum had a Triumph Spitfire. Coolest thing to a 9 year old was being told, due to lack of seats, that I'd have to stand up in the back (roof was down) and hold on tight while they drove us to whereever we were going.

    Free Member

    Just bought one, but it was my first 'crosser and also my first singlespeed. Regret selling the MTB (even though it was to my nephew who's been happily enjoying it since) as I've yet to replace it.

    Free Member

    Not ridden an mtb since I sold it in June, swiftly followed by a some nasty news from the doctors that kept me off all the bikes 'til the start of last month. Just been playing and commuting on the Singlecross since, waiting for the right bike at the right price. Oh, but to answer your question, Thursday. Been drunk since.

    Free Member

    37. Cripes, that snuck up on me!

    Am a data analyst (number cruncher) for a management consultancy.

    Free Member

    Ooh, I like this thread after the other suicidey ones!

    At the start of this week my sister turned up on my doorstep, out of the blue. I hadn't seen her since June as she lives overseas. That means this year is already the best Christmas I've had in a long time.

    Free Member

    Some old, dead bloke is quoted as saying "There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering. All the rest are merely games."

    Televised mountaineering? I don't think.

    Free Member

    I got a blister on my thumb from building a wardrobe yesterday.

    Free Member

    What all they said. Will be raising a few toasts to the pair of you. Have a fantastic day.

    Free Member

    I am not finding it easy, the waiting.

    This afternoon I'm due to get the results of my latest blood test.

    A blood test I had three months ago freaked the doctors out with how little haemoglobin I had. Lots of concern about where it had gone but tests, including getting a couple of cameras inserted, found nothing obviously wrong. Been on strict orders ever since to avoid all physical exertion.

    Which has been driving me right round the bend! I know I shouldn't let myself get my hopes up, but I'm praying to any gods that'll listen that there'll be good news and I can start exercising again. I never realised just how much I rely on it for stress-relief.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the updates Mark. Just update us when you feel like it, we'll wait patiently.

    And of course congratulations on the engagement. I'll raise a glass to you and Meg on the 31st when I toast your life together and your fight back to health. Awrra best!

    Free Member

    I regularly find myself listening to the 'Scotland Outdoors' things on Radio Scotland on a weekend morning. They do podcasts.

    (Disclaimer: I'm getting quite old, if that's liable to influence your pre-judgments on these)

    Free Member

    I wanted a Burner!

    Free Member

    I've had a month and a half off all physical exertions so far. Am about halfway through the treatments so I'm now on a countdown to October! Never realised I'd miss it quite so much.

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