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  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    It doesn’t mean that when you lose a vote you have to abandon all your principles.


    Jo Swinson happily rolled over (as did many LibDems) as soon as she got a sniff of power, when she helped enable the formation of the ruinous Con/Dem coalition.

    At the very least, as a result of the LibDems actions, thousands of young voters became disillusioned with politics after their first ‘go’ at it.

    She is as self-serving as any if the Tory MPs she jumped into bed with, and her voting record shows a remarkable degree of cognitive dissonance, given the the historic leanings of the party she now leads.

    Free Member

    I’ve no idea whether the US’s prior planting of the Stars and Stripes on the moon entitles it to claim the moon (or part of it) in the same way planting a flag on a newly discovered (and inhabited) continent used to…

    The UN has this covered with the 1967 ‘Outer Space Treaty’.

    In short, no country can lay claim to any ‘celestial body’,

    Free Member

    How about you give me an example from her voting record.

    How about you do your own research?

    It’s fairly easy. You just type “Jo Swinson Voting Record” into Google.

    Free Member

    Why? She seems fairly inoffensive.

    Have a look at her voting record.

    Free Member

    Wot scotroutes said


    Never trust a Tory, nor their enablers.

    Free Member

    I’m sorry to hear this. As a Critical Care nurse I am regularly involved in the process of breaking bad news to patients and family members and, having had my own father die from cancer two years ago, have experienced it from both sides.

    On the subject of a DNR though, one of the most important things to remember is that it isn’t a one-way street. Briadly speaking a DNR is purely put into place at a specific time and taking into account the (at the time) current prognosis and best interests of the patient. They can, and are often, reviewed and cancelled if prognosis improves and the use of CPR in the event of an arrest would be suitable, given potential quality of life.

    Whatever happens I hope your Brother-in-Law remains comfortable through this.

    On a broader note, something that is rarely mentioned in these discussions is that not having/refusing to accept a DNR is extremely unlikely to change a medical team’s plan if said patient were to arrest. If the medical opinion remains that commencing CPR would be futile and/or against the best interests of the patient then it’s likely the attending arrest team would cease CPR efforts fairly quickly.

    It’s a difficult subject to broach with family and loved ones and, as a society, it would be far better if we could have these conversations with each other well before such requirements become necessary. Within Critical Care we are generally very good at having these conversations, which is likely helped by the public’s perception of what an admission to Intensive Care can mean, but elsewhere within the medical and nursing field they can be difficult conversations to have.

    Free Member

    If any of you folks buy into this I have some magic beans you might be interested in too.

    And no, I don’t mean the equally BS ‘Revital U’ coffee beans.

    Free Member

    the worst I saw was a Happy Monday’s act when a sweaty man mumbled their lyrics into the mic like a man too drunk to see the screen at karaoke, worse still it was the actual Happy Mondays

    Sounds like The Pogues gig I was unfortunate enough to attend a few years back.

    Free Member

    If you like tribute acts (and who doesn’t, after all they play the stuff you want to hear rather than “this is something new we’re trying”?) then I can recommend Glastobudget in Leicestershire.

    Best acts I’ve seen there? Either Jilted Generation (Prodigy) or Four Fighters (take a wild guess…).

    Worst? Either Antarctic Monkeys or Lisa Gaga.

    Free Member

    My ITU sees a lot of Gastro patients. A memorable one…

    Male pt, 3 day hx of abdo pain, CT results ‘interesting’.

    On opening surgical team found – perforated transverse colon, 4 quadrant soiling, 30cm long dildo in situ.

    Free Member

    As a Palace fan I have nothing good to say about Steve Bruce. He is an absolute cretin who jumped ship to Brum after only 3 months at Selhurst Park, shortly after splashing out on a load of players to suit his ‘vision’. Thankfully we had an owner at the time who didn’t take his crap lying down.

    He and Ashley are a perfect match.

    Its hard to say this, but I actually feel for NUFC fans for having this thrust upon them.

    Free Member

    As @5thElefant says, the AVS guards are the way to go.

    The problem with ‘armoured’ gloves is that invariably you will lose dexterity. Back when I used to race DH and 4X I knocked up something similar to the AVS guards (using a set of MX guards) to avoid having to use bulky ‘DH’ gloves.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Apparently the Swiss Navy are a bit busy at the moment. They’re doing a training exercise with the Royal Dutch Mountain Rescue Service.

    Free Member

    It’s a swedish ship, with no british people on board. It’s registered in Britain so it sails under our flag, but that’s all. What are the Swiss doing about it?

    Swedish or Swiss? Make your mind up!

    Free Member

    We don’t have enough boats to even protect tankers in a relatively narrow strip of water.

    Indeed we don’t.

    Unfortunately the UK has very much swallowed the “technology will solve all” pill, whereas often it’s still very much boots on the ground (or in this case, in boats) that is required.

    It’s all well and good having a slack handful of Type 45 Destroyers, but when your foe arrives in many, small, fast attack boats rather than by air, then it could be argued that a fleet air defence vessel is a bit unwieldy.

    Unfortunately Admirals, Generals and Air Marshalls seem to repeatedly push procurement teams to buy for the conflicts they ‘want’ rather than the ones they’re likely to have.

    There was a time not so long ago when the RN had a fairly sizable mine sweeping fleet based in the Gulf, which when it wasn’t mine sweeping proved quite useful for escorting civil vessels.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Its a shame the MoD is unlikely to bill her for the cost of the two Typhoons being sent up.

    Per hour operating costs are approximately £50-60k per aircraft!

    Free Member

    go and put out a fire then

    Been there, done that.

    In a previous career I was awarded a QCB for rescuing aircrew from a burning helicopter in Northern Ireland.

    I was also later ‘volunteered’ for Op Fresco.

    As for my comments earlier in the thread, that was purely a bit of inter-emergency service banter (hence later describing myself as a “doctor helper/backside wiper”). There are some delicate flowers around these parts.

    Free Member

    Wow, that was far too easy. You’d think with all that time water fairies spend sat about waiting to do some work they’d have ample opportunity to develop a sense of humour.


    As for poor pay rises, I’m a doctor helper/backside wiper/Critical Care nurse, so I know all about that.

    Free Member

    You’ll probably find that they rotated crews during the often lengthy period of damping down. Can’t have fire crews being late for their second jobs/window cleaning rounds…

    (Standby for triggered water fairies…)

    Free Member

    Bit of a dick move, especially so given they know the trail (and that it’s a blind corner).

    Free Member

    Free Member

    They went in my luggage and we’re back in the UK now.

    Free Member

    Cheers folks. In the luggage it is then!

    Free Member

    Fair doos, things must have moved on.

    A fair bit has changed since the Francis Report came out.

    Unfortunately much hasn’t though.

    Free Member

    Typically Hospital based Nurses work 12.5 hour shifts 3 days a week so they’re cutting it fine if you do 2 days on the bounce…

    At our trust you can be rostered in for 3 nights in a row (2000 – 0730) but they prefer not to roster in staff 3 Long Days (0730 – 2000) in a row.

    Of course if you choose to work Bank shifts as well all manner of shifts can be worked, though they have to be at least 11 hours apart.

    3 rostered nights with 5 Bank nights tacked on the end is my ‘record’ so far. When Bank pays mid-scale Band 7 pay it’s hard to turn it down!

    Free Member

    Yet loads of nurses routinely do ‘late-earlies’ And no one bats an eyelid…

    The (city based) trust I work for doesn’t allow this, neither does the county trust nor the neighbouring trusts.

    Free Member

    I brought a ZTTO dropper lever from AliExpress and I must say I am quite impressed by the quality.

    Free Member

    “Now I’m wondering if you went to the same South London junior school that I went to…?!”

    Kingswood Primary School.

    Free Member

    “…And I only spent three years in a boarding school. I have no idea what kind of state I’d be in if I’d spent most of my upbringing in that environment…”

    You do understand that your experiences are exactly that right? Yours?

    I started at boarding school when I was 7 years old and left at 16. At 42 I’ve thus far managed to be a productive member of society, spent 12 years in the military)which truth be told has done far more to affect my MH than boarding school did) and I continue to provide what I see as a positive benefit to society as a Ctitical Care Nurse.

    If I had stayed at the South London junior school I moved from I’d have likely ended up at the local comprehensive school (Kingsdale) which, at the time, was llittle more than a finishing school for criminals.

    Free Member

    Take a CO2 inflator, let some air out at the bottom so they will squeeze in, top up when you get to the top.


    Free Member

    Bristol Stool Chart

    Free Member

    “…but I guess the medical reasoning was more pressing that waiting until they had a phone signal to check the WADA database.”

    I reckon they made the right choice. The potential to lose a leg (or more) to Necrotising Fasciitis comes well before checking a treatment option is ok with the UCI. Having seen a fair few patients succumb to NF I can tell you, it’s not pleasant. Even ‘just’ a non-NF tissue infection can get pretty nasty.

    Very shoddy behaviour by the UCI. Does Maes have the option to appeal this decision?

    Free Member

    “…Grafham Water Cycle Track…”


    Apparently the UCI is planning to hold a round of the EWS there next season due to its hucktastic and super sweet lines.

    Definitely somewhere you need an uplift or e-bike if you want more than a couple of runs.

    Free Member

    Think I’m missing a trick here. Apparently getting a scholarship at The Royal Alexandra and Albert School gave me access to an old boys club that could have greased the wheels for me.

    If only I’d have known this before I joined the military and ended up both physically and mentally damaged by my service. Or maybe its ‘Boarding School Syndrome’ that’s to blame for my PTSD diagnosis, I guess the resident shrinks would know best…

    Free Member

    Alanl – Sounds like your partner and you went through the wringer, glad to hear she is doing well though.

    Oddly enough about a month ago I looked after a patient who had been admitted to our ITU with very similar symptoms to your GF and given I also kayak and fish, and the patient had recently returned from a fishing holiday, I sent of a blood sample for a Leptospirosis screen, which it later proved to be and thus we treated him for.

    Unfortunately there are a great many things that such symptoms could also be and in the process of differential diagnosis, Leptospirosis would come very far down the list. Its only because of my knowledge of the disease based on my own hobbies that I considered it.

    Most medical teams would consider Meningitis or Sepsis as the most likely candidates, but there are other possibilities as can be seen here.

    Free Member

    Having only fairly recently returned to MTBing after a fairly lengthy sabbatical (during which NW rings and clutch mechs became a thing) I built myself up a Cotic Rocket with a mixture of old parts I still had and new/newer ones that I brought. One of the things I used from my old parts box was a set of cranks with a plain, non-ramped nor NW chaining. This was complemented by a Shimano Zee (clutch) mech.

    Based on my previous experience of running single chainring set-ups I brought a chain guide just incase, but so far the clutch on the mech has proved quite adequate to keep the chain on without need for the chain guide nor a NW ring. Its also a damn sight quieter than my previous full-sus bikes with non-clutch mechs.

    Perhaps the variation of experiences relate to the specific geometry of the frames various parts are fitted to?

    Free Member

    “Why don’t they just use treadmills?”

    That’s some Old Skool STW right there!

    Free Member

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