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  • Review: Adidas FIVE TEN Freerider Pro
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    Grumm – Its could be, although the seat clamp on mine is profiled slightly differently to the Kind Shock one.

    Aye, they only come in 27.2 but its easy enough to fit a shim.

    Free Member

    I’m going to be popping up to Sherwood Pines tomorrow and would happily show you around some of the better singletrack.

    Free Member

    How about getting one of these? Sette Ryde ST850.

    Less than $30 plus p&p.

    I have one and have had no problems with it at all. Fantastic little bit of kit.

    Admittedly its 100g heavier than the KS i900 one and give an inch less drop but how much is 100g and an inch worth?

    Free Member

    Isn’t that sort of similar to saying ‘why do you need to ride your bike on this bridleway when you could just walk?’


    Unfortunately picking on ‘type’ of bikes certain people choose to ride is an easy win for those less versed at the fine art of debate.

    Its almost a cycling specific version of Godwin’s for some.

    For what its worth I agree in part with ‘geetee1972’. Although a committed bunch some of the members of Redlands Trails have always had a very narrow view of what they think a trail should be like and aren’t particularly open to suggestions that vary from their ‘vision’. I should know as this was the reason that I stopped trail building with them.

    Whilst I understand fully that there are limits to what you can get away with building on public access land there are ways to build in more interesting features and yet keep them rollable for those less happy with slipping free from their earthly bonds to soar (briefly) through the air.

    Free Member

    Did you see someone had the nerve to call in and say we should be paying road tax!?? the cheek!

    Well I have a car but usually cycle to work. Can I use the ‘tax’ I’m paying on the car I’m not using as cover for my bicycle when I’m using it?

    If not, how about we pay ‘road tax’ based on our exhaust emissions just like cars?

    Free Member

    There was quite a few confused looking people at Sherwood last Saturday, it must have been another couple of lads that I took for a tour of the better bits of singletrack.

    BTW, I’d be in the ‘yey’ camp in case you didn’t guess it.

    There is plenty of great riding at Sherwood Pines, you just need someone to point you in the direction of it or spend a fair bit of time going around in circles looking for it to find the best stuff.

    Free Member

    Are you one of the two guys I showed around for a bit?

    Free Member

    On the question of how these closures will effect those ‘down the line’ I’d like to add my tup’ence worth.

    As someone who works in an M&S DC that supports two of the stores that are being closed I think its worth bearing in mind that when the stores were (pretty recently) opened we didn’t take on any extra staff to deal with the extra workload. The larger stores are the ones that require the greatest amount of labour to support with the smaller stores being slotted in around them on the loading and dispatch schedules. As a result no-one (other than the usual paranoid, anti-management few) is worried about the job losses.

    The logistics side of the business (DC’s, suppliers, transportation) has always been the part that the M&S hierarchy targets first for cut-backs when times are tough. As a result they are the areas that now have the least amount of slack for trimming, hence the decision on store closures and job loses at head office instead this time, which obviously grabs the attention of the press a little more.

    The Simply Food stores were an obvious target for closures really. The food they sell, although good quality and ethically sourced is unquestionably more expensive than that sold by some other companies and when money is short most people will dump ethics and taste for cheapness, hence the popularity of stores such as Lidl and Aldi.

    Free Member

    Dave Pearce Dance Anthems is now on Radio 2. Although he plays quite a bit of pap occasionally a good old dance tune sneaks through.

    I guess the children of the chemical generation are getting to that age when we are supposed to start retuning our radios to the light program rather than Radio 1.

    Free Member

    It’s all about education, adapting to the conditions and preparation.

    Indeed, but its quite difficult to teach people how to drive in snow when the majority of people in the UK live in parts of the country that rarely see the stuff, hence their unfamilarity with it.

    In Scandinavia on the other hand…….

    I will echo your comments on the fun to be had driving in the snow if you know what you’re doing though. I was lucky enough to be taught to drive in snow in Norway whilst on pre-exercise training with the RAF. 4 wheel drift in a Land Rover is great.

    Free Member

    There is a fantastic Indian restaurant on the Al Jahra roundabout if thats your thing. Marina Crescent is also a very good area to find restaurants of all sorts, though its not cheap.

    The Shark Centre is only really worth a look if you really, really miss bland shopping centres in the UK. Word of advice though, don’t chat up the local women no matter how stunning some of them may be as the local chaps (who are usually strolling through the Shark holding hands with their male lovers) don’t like it.

    Oh and I can heartily recommend the Radisson SAS Hotel in Kuwait City. Their private beach is pretty nice and many of the ex-pat ladies hang out there during the day.

    Free Member

    big_n_daft – Clicky.

    Israel is also one of the largest exporters to the US of small arms ammunition as well as being a huge exporter of weapon components and upgrades for aircraft.

    Of course a large amount of ‘their’ technology is actually someone else’s as Israeli weapons manufacturers are experts at reverse-engineering. Indeed this is one of the primary reasons that weapons exports from the US and other Western countries to Israel haven’t been a free flowing as they once were. Not that many in the west are that worried about the Israelis doing this for their own benefit but rather that they are more worried about Western technology falling into the hands of less desirable elements around the world due to Israel’s apparent lack of restraint over who they sell to. They are even known to sell to the Iranians (although moderate ones apparently, read up on the Iran-Contra affair), a country that doesn’t even recognise the right of Israel to exist!

    Free Member

    What’s wrong with the Lynx?

    Daffy – Its not the Lynx thats the problem here, it does what it was designed to do, its the Future Lynx that’ll be the problem. Great for the RN, sh!te for Teenie Weenie Airways.

    Free Member

    Rich – Dion who is playing the Sundissential room at Fantazia is an old friend of mine (from the good old days of Sundissential) and if you like your music hard enough to rattle your fillings he is well worth a listen.

    Free Member

    …the game will not end until both sides get leaders that realise that peace is more profitable than war…

    Since when has peace been profitable?

    Israel is a major arms manufacturing country (10% of all worldwide weapon sales) and has at hand a very useful proving ground for weapons it could potentially export.

    Free Member

    WHSmiths are struggling to get credit I understand, Boots too.

    Nearly everyone is struggling to get credit, it doesn’t mean that nearly everyone will go out of business.

    Free Member

    Oh and AW Helicopters. Then there might be a chance that the British military won’t once again have a completely unsuitable aircraft (FLynx) thrust upon them just to protect British jobs.

    Free Member

    Primark – Their clothes are cr@p but then again that may be because they are made by 10 year olds in sweatshops.

    Sports shops that don’t sell sportswear primarily to be used in sports activities (running from the police isn’t a legitimate sports activity).

    Free Member

    Remember, as soon as you see the flash drop to the ground face down with your head towards the flash with your arms by your sides. Allow the positive and negative waves to pass over you then stand up, put your respirator on, brush any dust or dirt off you and get yourself under overhead protection before carrying out any further decontamination drills or attempting to don your NBC suit.

    Free Member

    I’ve revived one from Ye Olde STW forum, the days of Badger threatening suing people of Stan’s No Tubes parodies.

    When the new forum proper is launched I may keep this one or move to another, who knows I might use my real name for a change.

    Free Member

    I can’t quite tell if this is actual begging (which there has been a fair bit of on STW in the past) or something tongue in cheek.

    If your bike had been stolen then I might have thrown a few spare bike parts your way but you have a bike, which seems to provide you with some enjoyment.

    Stop being a pikey and keep riding the Carrera until you have saved up enough to buy something else.

    Free Member

    I’ve noticed quite a few car showrooms around Nottingham have started cutting their prices, yet not much more than most January sales. How long before a few of the larger car retailer go to the wall?

    Of course if they fail as well as a few mobile phone companies it could seriously affect sales of cheap suits which may cause a downturn for the Arcadia Group.

    Free Member

    No doubt somehow its Margaret Thatcher’s fault. 😉

    Free Member

    Did you pop up to Stile Cop or just take pictures of train tracks?

    Free Member

    Cannock Chase?

    Free Member

    Thanks to BT Vision I’ll just watch Top Gear then The 39 Steps straight afterwards.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Sweet Jesus, its not Next Sale time again already is it?

    Still, could be worse. Could have spent your Saturday going from one retail park to another comparing leather sofas as apparently “we need some new ones”.

    Ended up buying a new dinning table and chairs too.

    I guess the ‘+1’ part of the correct amount of bikes equation will have to wait.

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