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  • Team GB squad for MTB World Champs (plus how to watch it for free)
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    All cardiac arrests are shockable, even when the monitor clearly shows an asystole, PEA or even worse, complete flatline.

    Free Member

    Minor change gives minor improvement, just how it should be. The industry makes enough money to survive, people keep jobs and bikes get betterer.

    Sadly I feel you’ve posted many of the negatives of “minor changes”, just from the other end of the telescope.

    “Minor change gives minor improvement” – So does the ‘improvement’ justify the costs that punters will eventually have to swallow, when the prior standards are poorly supported and they have to ‘upgrade’?

    “The industry makes enough money to survive etc” – But that shouldn’t be off the back of minor changes that (likely) give improvements that many punters won’t even notice. Genuine leaps forward in technology is one thing, tinkering with tiny wheel/hub size changes seemingly largely to drive sales is quite another.

    Free Member

    As others have said, wheels off and put everything in bin bags. I’ve done it many times to get around the absurd rules railways companies have. Even whilst stood in cycle gear I’ve never been questioned.

    Don’t follow the “take it on as is and deny it’s yours” advice though. That isa good way to get the train evacuated at the next stop and Bomb Disposal on their way (bicycles make quite effective pipe bombs).

    Free Member

    But then, I’ve not had kids, which is the single worst thing anyone can do for the environment

    That’s your ‘Thread/’ right there.

    Free Member

    4 Relief on NHS due to lowering immigration.

    Of course countered by the loss of excellent EU27 staff, who were recruited to make up for shortfalls in UK-trained staff.

    I’d call it a net loss.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    …presumably because they feel threatened by someone making a different moral choice about their food.

    Ah presumptions.

    Did they presume you were a vegan in this apparent debate you may or may not have made up, or did you previously inform them of your vegan ‘status? If it’s the latter, why did you feel the need to inform them of this?

    As an ‘omnivore’ I’ve never felt the need to lead with my nutritional intake status and thus have never got into debates with friends and colleagues who are vegans and vegetarians, even when I’m having a ‘non-meat day’.

    Quite simply, people who shoehorn their nutritional status into conversations or use it to define themselves are both incredibly dull and tedious. Eat what you want and don’t preach about it, because preaching is what religious people do.

    Free Member

    It’s a dietary choice not a religion.

    Questionable basis for following it, preachy attitude towards non-believers, demonising those not of the faith, willingness of some followers to use violent means to further their belief…sounds like a religion to me.

    Free Member

    Vegans get drawn into….


    Which group has somehow managed to shoehorn in the fact they have a different dietary preference when it’s likely its completely irrelevant to the topic in hand (see “vegan cyclist”).

    Personally I don’t give a toss what people choose to eat but its incredibly rare to see “omnivores” start these debates, rather its usually self-righteous vegans who throw the first punches. Sadly I feel this is likely a symptom of people who choose to use their dietary choices in lieu of personalities.

    Free Member

    Add Corbyn to the list as well, for being a terrorist.

    Obvious troll is obvious.

    Free Member

    We had 26″ wheels because it was hard to make light strong 29″ wheels, not because they are intrinsically a better size.

    That isn’t the same as this though is it?

    26″ bikes. Just an evolutionary dead end.

    We should have gone straight from the pioneering men and women of the Rough stuff fellowship to the various flavours of 700c.

    Instead we spent a wasted thirty years trying to make 26″ work, driven by marketing kool-aid and poor manufacturing.

    Materials technology changed, which led to the ability to build stronger, big wheels (and lighter, but just as strong, 26″ wheels). This isn’t/wasn’t as a result of “marketing kool-aid” or “poor manufacturing”, but as a result of new material/construction technologies becoming available at a price that made them accessible to bicycle component manufacturers.

    Free Member

    Yes, anyone who finds real benefits from a “pointless change” has just been fooled by the marketing teams.

    Choice-supportive bias is a thing too.

    Free Member

    Instead we spent a wasted thirty years trying to make 26″ work, driven by marketing kool-aid and poor manufacturing.

    I’d refute this completely, not the least because there wasn’t, until comparatively recently, anything to ‘market’ 26″ wheels against. Unlike when eventually 29″ and then 650b/27.5″ were dreamt up and the marketing departments went to town, 26″ was the “go to” size.

    As for ‘poor manufacturing’ this is also, I’d suggest, complete rubbish. 26″ wheels were made by all manner of quality of manufacturers and for frames built by all manner of quality of manufacturers, just as 650b/27.5″ and 29″ wheels are now. ‘Poor manufacturing’ may be responsible for the quality of a product but is unlikely to be responsible for retention of an old standard or move to a new standard. Indeed, given the maturity of 26″ wheels as a standard, its arguable that the quality of even lower end rims etc is pretty good.

    Free Member

    Biggerer wheels.

    There was absolutely nothing wrong with 26″ wheels but a lot of gullible people fell for the marketing BS, which dragged the MTB scene in that direction.

    Free Member

    I’m wondering what this will all mean about longevity.

    A cynical person might say that longevity isn’t JLR’d priority, indeed to safeguard future sales a degree of planned obsolescence is the aim.

    Why did sales drop off so much for the old Defender? Was it that it was no longer up to job demanded of it or because thousands of older Defenders were still happily chugging along, stymieing the market?

    Why buy new when there is huge aftermarket support available to keep your old Landy going, a’la Trigger’s Broom?

    Free Member

    It turns gritty…

    It most certainly does. Winter riding at Swinley eats components. Still good fun though.

    It’s been 12 years since I rode Swinley last, after moving to Nottingham from Church Crookham. I would love to spend a bit of time back down that way taking in my old haunts of the North Downs/Surrey Hills (I lived near Dorking too for a bit) and an afternoon at Swinley.

    Free Member

    Do you have a spare pair of Marzocchi Bombers laying around?

    Free Member

    I just use disposable tourniquets. Cheap and easy to use.

    Free Member

    Funnily enough I’m a member of a “weirdest thing you’ve seen on Wish/Alibaba/etc” FB group chat with some nursing colleagues. The ‘****ing machine’ has featured a few times and the follow-up conversations have been quite interesting.

    Free Member

    …and about half a dozen items later was what I can only describe as a ****ing machine.

    And there was me thinking that my browsing history was the reason I’ve been getting that ad.

    Free Member

    As @rone says, its stutter bump city at Sherwood Pines. The sheer amount of use the trails get means that even relatively long and straight sections seem to become washboard-like, with the approaches to and oddly exits from corners being even worse.

    Free Member

    Tempted I am, just need to price a rear tandem hydro hose….

    Yoda owns a Ute, who knew?

    Free Member

    I regularly “run” traffic lights if there’s nothing about…

    Regardless of how you try to justify it, you are part of the problem.

    Stop for red lights, as the law requires. Its that simple.

    Free Member

    This is developing into a very Hora-esque thread.

    Free Member

    Interesting that they showed the ‘upper camp’ part of Ballykelly (Shackleton Barracks) when discussing the interrogation of Republican prisoners, when the interrogations happened at the eastern end of the airfield site…

    Having spent a fair amount of time in Northern Ireland (the majority of that time in South Armagh) I do hope we never return to those times.

    An old colleague of mine lives in NI now and has visited a few of the sites we used to operate out of. Photos of what Bessbrook and G40 look like now are quite odd, given how they looked when we were over there.

    Free Member

    Maximum weight per towed cyclist – 90kg / 200lbs

    Well that rules out bloaters on their motability bikes.

    Could have been useful for when the electricity runs out and the thought of having to do all the peddling is just too much for them to deal with.

    Free Member

    Well, I doubt they will sell many (?any) of these to military customers in volumes anything like the old Defender. Sometimes manufacturers seem happy to shoot themselves in the foot. Over 200,000 Defenders have been brought by the MoD alone.

    More Pinzgauers and potentially G-Wagons is the rumoured long-term plan for the British military. At least reliability will improve!

    Free Member

    No, he should be ritually tortured then dragged through the streets before being strung up outside the Houses of Parliament next to the similarly treated figures of Farage and Johnson.

    The approach I saw used by insurgents in Iraq seemed quite brutal. Suspended from a lamp post by meat hooks pushed through behind the Achilles.

    Free Member

    Sounds like the fella might be into “gaping” too.

    To be honest though nothing in that thread is that unusual, pretty vanilla actually.

    Free Member

    Its quite simple really Binners. If being called a Blairite upsets you so much then keep your odious Blairite opinions to yourself. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…

    Conversely, despite you trying to use it as some sort of insult, I don’t mind being called “Comrade” or a “Socialist” so I don’t whine about it when you (quite often) chuck those terms around.

    Free Member

    A bunch of mtbers I used to ride with in the North Downs/Surrey Hills used to have a ‘Gnarly XC’ ride every year between Christmas and New Year, where you’d ride the most OTT bike you had for XC.

    I’ve ridden a Specialized Big Hit (same one I peddled back to Arc 1800 from Bourg St Maurice after spending too long in a bar post-decent), a Dialled Bikes UK Flow (24″ wheel jump bike) and all sorts of other stuff over inappropriately long distances. It would probably kill me if I tried it these days.

    It’s all a matter of perspective though I guess. My ‘main’ bike these days in a Cotic Rocket with 160mm Pikes. A decade or so ago a bike with that amount of fork travel, single ring up front and ‘tough’ build was pretty much considered a Freeride/Light DH bike. Indeed I had a 2006 Specialized SX Trail that I both raced DH on and used as my ‘Alps bike’, a bike very similar in design to my Cotic Rocket.

    Free Member

    Stick drop bars on a 1991 Manitou FS and you’re about there.

    Free Member

    I don’t want to lower the tone, but Gillian Anderson playing Margaret Thatcher looks like being my most challenging **** yet.

    Very good.

    Free Member

    The silence is, as usual, deafening.

    Boris is playing him like a cheap fiddle. Hardly difficult as he has all the political guille of a filing cabinet.

    I’ve just listened to Magic Grandad saying how he’s ‘protesting in the strongest possible terms’ about what Johnson is doing. He delivered it with all the heart, anger and passion of a bored health and safety bloke talking everyone through the fire regulations

    He’s just totally and utterly ****ing useless! Boris is clearly absolutely itching to fight a general election against the doddering,vaccuous old fool! And who can blame him. He’ll absolutely walk it!

    How is that working out for you @binners? Even your messiah Tony Blair is praising Corbyn;

    In the space of a week we’ve seen someone who is apparently playing Corbyn “like a cheap fiddle” lose their majority, 22 of their own MPs, the nuclear option of no-deal Brexit and even the ability to call a General Election (unless BJ resigns to force it), all to a bloke who has an allotment, as if that’s a measure of anything.

    Of course, truth be told, none of this has come about in the last week alone. Politics is a long game and Corbyn and his team have actually been the ones playing the fiddles. It would speak volumes of your character if you could find the smallest bit of humility and acknowledge the above, but sadly I feel that your own hubris won’t allow this.

    Free Member

    @singlespeedstu – I will admit that when my health starts to decline I will consider a motability mountain bike but, as with any non-frail cyclist, purchasing one now would be wholly inappropriate.

    Free Member

    Panaracer Smoke and Dart?

    Nokian NBX?

    I miss those tyres…

    Free Member

    Pretty busy at the mo.

    Loads of my mainland European colleagues have left (due to Brexit) and have been replaced by nurses from India. They’re very good nurses, but given the amount of time it takes to have your competencies signed off in Intensive Care (approximately 18 months) its causing a real issue with ‘skill mix’.

    Experienced nurses such as myself are having to mentor new nurses whilst also having to look after the most unwell patients and it’s quite knackering.

    A ‘positive’ is that us more experienced nurses are getting all the Bank shifts we want (at a far higher rate) but, given how relentless it is at the moment, even those shifts can’t be filled and we regularly run fairly tight.

    Ahh, Brexit. Whose stupid idea was that?

    Free Member

    12 pints and a double bagger minimum.

    Fugly, like all motability mountain bikes.

    Free Member

    You ain’t seen Bad Boys 2?

    Super Cop. Meet the cop who can’t be stopped.

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