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  • Hope Tech 4 V4 disc brake review
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    This has got to be a wind up but if it isn’t I’ll impart my tu’pence worth.


    The place is hardly technical, there is very little mud on the main trails to speak of that would clag up the minimal tread of a semi-slick and it gives you the best of both worlds, speed and a touch of grip.

    I wonder if Steve Peat spends his time trawling SDH for advice from the school kids over there?

    Free Member

    No, nowhere near as stylish as that off.

    Free Member

    That low flying Tornado has been outed as a photoshop BTW.

    Free Member

    Well if you can get to Nottingham you can have our old Palipod for nowt.

    Free Member

    I live in Nottingham and work in Long Eaton which is quite near enough to Derby thankyouverymuch.
    As someone mentioned earlier, Derby doesn’t really have a centre (much like Stoke) and just like the brown winking starfish of the Potteries Derby is a bit of a hole.
    I’m a Londoner by upbringing and I don’t miss the place at all as Nottingham has everything London has got except the people will actually pass the time of day with you.
    The crime thing is a load cods too. I moved from a leafy, rural village in Hampshire to an area walking distance from the ‘rough’ area of Nottingham (St Anns) and both my car and house insurance still dropped by a considerable amount (car insurance halved).
    Derby really is just like any other small provincinal city, dull, full of inbreds (not the bike sort) and people like one of my colleagues who considers going away on holiday as a trip to Centre Parcs in Sherwood.
    Nottingham is a proper city that can rightly stand shoulder to shoulder with any major city except you can be in the countryside within ten minutes travelling of the city centre.

    Free Member

    No, Trance X owners are not allowed in this clique.

    Having an extra inch is not big or clever.


    Free Member

    Roughneck – Were abouts in the UK are you located?

    I have a Palipod one sat gathering dust.

    Free Member

    RB – When we eventually meet I’ll make sure to use lube.


    Free Member

    Hora is now on my ‘to kill’ list.

    Bill Bailey must be protected.

    Free Member

    I love Kraftwerk.

    Free Member

    But Mini are also laying off staff, even though they are the only factory in the world that produces the Mini.

    Ignore that quote.

    Free Member

    How low can you go?

    Unusually pylon-less Tornado.

    Free Member

    I run a set of Pace RC40 XCAM folks on my Trance and because they are adjustable between 100mm and 130mm I can set my bike up to the type of riding I’m doing.

    If I’m out to have a quick blast about, nothing too technical, just XC whippet type stuff then I crank them down to 100mm but usually I leave them at 130mm.

    They are fantastic bikes, since I’ve owned mine I’ve not even considered getting a new full-sus, it suits me just fine.

    I might get it re-sprayed this year though as Giant do have a habit of producing some gopping paint jobs!

    Free Member


    Germany calculated 65% of its schemes cars came from cars produced within Germany.

    Honda, Nissan etc supply cars to the company car and hire car markets which gives them a constant trickle of sales.

    Mini are (as previously stated) predominately sold to private buyers, often as second cars, which makes them more vulnerable to ‘tightening belts’. Oh and what with the housing market slumping the usual non-private buyers (estate agents) aren’t exactly queuing up to buy new Minis.

    Free Member

    mini are actually probably one of the better placed.

    How so?

    Even BMW have stated that due to Mini’s being brought pre-dominantly by private buyers they are affected by the downturn heavier than most other manufactuers.

    I guess thats why they cut 850 jobs, a 34,5% reduction in sales.

    Free Member

    A cynical person might think that this is the British Government taking a half-@rsed idea and using it to buy off motorists, what with the rise in duty on fuel and other cost of living rises.

    Free Member

    ……point is the UK car factories can make cars again…..

    Which is good why?

    The two car manufacturers that are struggling the most are I believe Land Rover and Mini, one a manufacturer of large, fuel-inefficient vehicles and the other a manufacturer of ‘lifestyle’ cars that are often brought by people who live in large metropolitan areas where greener forms of getting about are available (cycling, public transport etc) or are second cars.

    Of course none of this though addresses the fact that the £2000 can be spent on a car built anywhere, not just the UK and as only 15% of the cars on UK roads are built here thats an awful lot of public money which is being turned into profit for foreign countries.

    Free Member

    Aren’t the green credentials of the scheme a little questionable?

    Which produces more harmful emissions, building a new car or running an old car?

    Is it more a scheme to create car sales to prop up the industry?

    Free Member

    I think I’m out too.

    I fell down the stairs this morning and have knackerd my ankle. 😳

    I did it in a supersweet and gnarltastic way though.

    Free Member

    brilliant idea – just make Swiss tax payers pay for your use of their motorways through their country

    My heart bleeds for the poor little darlings, living high on the hog off the back of profits from cuckoo clocks, Toblerone bars and Nazi gold.


    I’d stay clear of Switzerland altogether. They hate outsiders almost as much as they detest themselves.

    Free Member

    Those Lightning pilots scrubbed up well.

    Oh and low and fast, Mt Kent, Falkland Islands.

    Free Member

    Other makes of rotors that fit are available, such as wavy 203mm ones for £13.41.

    Free Member

    A propulsion chief doing a ground run on a lightning, sat on a crate as the seat was out, jumped the chocks when at max chat. It took off as it was basically a rocket. He was able to bring it round a circuit and land.

    I guess you mean W/Cdr Taffy Holden, a qualified pilot BTW, though not on the Lightning.

    Ejection seat was actually fitted (not a crate) but the safeties were fitted.

    Oh and a Banana jet beat up.

    Free Member

    Well Scottish people are actual people who come from Scotland.

    ‘Scotch people’ are people who were actually born elsewhere (and may not have any actual connection with the place) but go on about the country more than any right minded Scottish person does.

    Also known as plastic jocks.

    See also, Rod Stewart.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    also sooty and jim, been years since i have ridden with him
    :halcyon days:

    Shucks :oops:.

    Hopefully I’m going to get down to that there London for a long weekend in the summer, I may bring the bike with me.

    Free Member

    You want a tune that’ll stick in your head?

    Here you go.

    Free Member

    And this one. Naughty words contained within.

    Free Member

    Doesn’t feature a spaceman but a great excuse to break it out, clicky

    Free Member

    Well I’ll give you the simplified version as normally spouted by those Daily Mail types then.

    “Rant, rant, rave, rave, they only come here because we are such a soft touch. Turn up at Dover and get your free house, money in your pocket, free healthcare and they don’t even bother to integrate into society. Learn bloody English for Christs sake!!!!!

    I pay my taxes……..God Save The Queen……..Liberial do-gooders…… albino women’s refuge…..snort snort snort……Churchill wouldn’t have sold us down the river like this……flogging is too good for them…..”


    Free Member

    Having met 32 of STW’s finest the other day at Sherwood Pines on a ride, only a couple of who I had met before, I can quite confidentally say I’d happily meet anyone off here. How people put themselves across on a computer and how they are in real life are often quite different.

    BTW, I don’t put out on the first date.

    Free Member

    Stop fishing for Daily Mail readers ‘jackthedog’.

    Free Member

    jackthedog – In military parlance, is that a wah?

    Free Member

    Hmmm, Intergalactic?

    Free Member

    Seriously? Someone was banned for mocking floral tributes?

    You must be making that up?

    Free Member

    Ted Striker: My orders came through. My squadron ships out tomorrow. We’re bombing the storage depots at Daiquiri at 1800 hours. We’re coming in from the north, below their radar.

    Elaine Dickinson: When will you be back?

    Ted Striker: I can’t tell you that. It’s classified.

    Free Member

    No, the thread is no more.

    Free Member

    I don’t think the language being used is quite the same as that which was directed towards Ms Goody.

    Free Member

    The only sensible choice left for this country is a Military Junta.

    CFH for El Presidente.

    RB for Minister of Information.

    Me for the job of Lord High Executioner (I even get my own song).

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