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  • ‘If in doubt, sit them out’ – British Cycling publishes first concussion guidance
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    Some lovely Prince Alberts on here.

    I sold my (Mk.1) PA the other year and missed it for quite a while, until I built up this beauty that is.

    I’m thinking of buying a Love/Hate at the moment for longer distance riding (though I have no problems doing a few loops of the red at Sherwood on the Holeshot).

    Free Member

    If you ride flatties….

    Wow, you’d almost be as cool as this dude…

    Free Member

    If there was a problem yo I’ll solve it, check out the hook while my DJ revolves it….

    Vee to the a to the nilla, fool.

    Free Member

    In my experience Easyjet are very good when it comes to taking bikes.

    Tell that to the owner of the bike bag (and presumably contained bike) that I saw being dragged along the tarmac between the trailers of the baggage train after being unloaded from an EasyJet flight in Tenerife.

    Free Member

    How did the whole ‘rasta’ thing come about in MTBing and was it ever cool?

    Is it just a case of bored bike part manufacturers playing with their anodising tanks or were they originally made for someone and lots of middle-aged IT geeks thought “wow, if I buy someting like that I’ll be instantly cool”?

    Free Member

    Some air force, can’t even fight off a few chavs, is that why you had to be on airshow duties instead of fighting the baddies?

    Thats ‘Royal’ Air Force, thankyouverymuch and the theft was hardy our fault considering it was stolen from a police station car park!

    ‘Airshow duties’ BTW were considered a treat for those of us who deployed a lot and I was there rather than on some bone loggy exercise at Otterburn.

    Oh and yes, that is a bite.


    Free Member

    Sorry, has the STW forum turned into metrosexual central or something?

    MTFU, they’re only nettles ya big Jessie.

    Free Member

    We had one of military Land Rovers nicked when we did the Sunderland Airshow a few years back and to be honest we should have seen it coming as the locals seemed interested in trying to make off with anything that wasn’t nailed down. The RAF Waddington airshow is probably one of the best to go to, what with RIAT proving to be a bit of a farce over the last few years.

    Free Member

    If it weren’t for their completely cloud cuckoo, away with the fairies ‘defence policies’ I’d probably vote Green.

    Free Member

    I must say I quite disgusted by BNP’s comments on this.

    Having met Johnson Beharry VC when he passed through Headley Court for treatment for the wounds he sustained I must say you couldn’t find a more humble chap within the entire armed forces and I knew of not one service person there who didn’t believe he fully deserved his VC, those chaps on the ward who were only there due to his bravery were especially thankful of his actions.

    Free Member

    Wow, a Kona 5 Bar.

    That’ll keep the pesky ramblers off your land.


    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Those sheets do look a bit ‘Rayon’. Some people like using electrical devices in the bedroom but I’m not sure friction induced static discharges are quite the same (though a violet wand isn’t too different I suppose).

    Free Member

    I’ve seen Lilly Allen perform live when she was first staring out and supported the Scissor Sisters (don’t ask) and she was actually pretty good.

    Up to that point I pretty much thought like many of the blow-hards on here, that Daddy had made her career and some studio magic was involved somewhere. I was surprised to find she was actually pretty entertaining, not that I’d buy her albums or anything just I started to give her a little more credit for her performance.

    I still think she is a bit of a two-faced cow though on the whole “I don’t care what people think of my appearance/weight, I’m just me” shortly before losing three stone and bestowing the benefits of dieting to all who will listen.

    But yes I would, I bet she goes like a stoat.

    Free Member

    I need a gold-plated bicycle to get to work because my workplace doesn’t have a very weather-resistant bike shed and normal bikes rust.

    Free Member

    I reckon this country is actually nearer to open revolution against the system……

    A little far fetched methinks.

    As long as the general public have their flat-screen TV’s and a shiny new car paid on tick outside they’ll do nothing to upset the apple cart.

    If you shove enough microphones under people’s noses and ask enough leading questions its easy to whip up a hysteria, but once Saturday rolls around and Britain’s Got Talentless or some such tripe is on people soon forget.

    Can you really see Mr and Mrs Smith of Dudley forgoing their weekly trip to the supermarket in order to take part in a civil disturbance?

    Free Member

    Mid-life crisis and a lack of intelligence, pretty unfortunate series of events eh?

    Free Member

    I reckon if you had one currently there’d only be about 3 people get re-elected.

    Unfortunately if no one votes then the bugger who currently holds the seat remains in it for another term.

    Free Member

    Road bike? Pervert.

    Free Member

    Where ya going? Somewhere Alpy?

    Free Member

    Are you still at Gatwick?

    Sing the praises when you get to the other end and it’s still in one piece/is actually there.


    Free Member

    What we need is a big wall, a big gun and a big bag of bullets.

    The Palace of Westminster has a big wall, I’ve a No.4 Mk1 (T) sat in my gun cabinet and I reckon I’ve enough .303 to deal with the worst culprits.

    Just give me the nod (and the necessary documentation to make taking up this honorable duty legal) and I’ll be there within a few hours.

    Free Member

    There are a small number of clubs whose supporters still retain an aura of thuggery, B’ham, Cardiff, Millwall would instantly spring to mind. Leeds would also be high on the list.

    But Leeds aren’t even that good at being football hooligans.

    They talk a great punch-up but as some Forest fans discovered (not usually well-known for being a ‘hard’ crowd) they either run away or find out that Trent Bridge to River Trent is a pretty quick journey with a damp ending (much like a Leeds play-off run).

    Free Member

    I’m not a Forest fan Hora. The only Nottingham team I support are Panthers.

    Free Member

    I didn’t say all, as most of the English side of my family are from Yorkshire, thankfully none are Leeds fans though. Strangely the only Leeds fan in my family (brother in law) comes from Nottingham. I’d call him a glory support but……

    Free Member

    Hora, do you even follow football? When ‘Mighty Leeds’ were relegated from the Premireship a good few years back the local press in Leeds ran headlines decrying “one of the big clubs” being demoted, whinged that it shouldn’t be allowed (some even said it shouldn’t have been legal!) and such comments were echo’d by a few Leeds fans I know. They truely believe they are a big club, which they are for attendances, but these days for little else. Faded glories………

    Free Member

    High gate attendances for 3rd Div football, whilst initially pointing to fan loyalty, in actual fact proves that many Yorkshiremen are thick as mince and don’t give their famlies enough of the Giro money.

    Free Member

    And the majority of Leeds fans will teach their kids “we are a big and relevent club and, oh yes, you hate Man Utd”. You may be he, the Leeds fan that doesn’t hate Manure, but you are by far in the minority.

    Free Member

    Hate is a strong word but I’ve never particularly liked any Kona full-sus bikes I’ve tried. I’ve also never liked Orange bikes, which is probably because I used to assist on test days at a local shop which was an Orange stockist (as well as others) and I always ended up riding Orange bikes when the punters took the better bikes made by other companies and I couldn’t ride my bike instead as they didn’t stock them. The Five and the 7+ were a couple I really disliked.

    Free Member

    The ‘ladies’ one? Down in that there London public telephones in certain areas are plastered with such cards. Mleh level 10 for shock value, though I’m sure it would be ban-worthy in this wholesome part of STW.

    Free Member

    It was one of those rare games where I wished that neither side could win.

    Free Member

    RB – Have you just accused me of voting Tory? Just because I don’t fall over myself singing the praises of the current form of socialist opposition in the UK nor its recent forms doesn’t mean I vote blue. Try being a little less presumptious occassionally.

    Free Member

    I don’t think anyone is really doing that chakaping, just pointing out that its not so easy if you really want to buy ethically, especially if you shop in the High Street.

    Free Member

    So you’d rather buy from someone who hides their true beliefs than someone who is honest about them?

    I don’t believe in the guys politics but at least he doesn’t try to hide them.

    Free Member

    PP – If that post doesn’t draw them out nothing will.

    Free Member

    If you’re going to blacklist businesses with dodgy owners then its going to be a long list.

    I’m not surprised about his politics if it is true, the business is based in Stoke-on-Trent after all.

    Free Member

    Chuck Norris can count to infinity, twice.

    Free Member

    Well I’m undecided over who I’m going to vote for, though I lost faith in the three main parties a long time ago.

    Maybe I’ll sell my vote to an MP. They can always claim it back as a parliamentary expense….

    Free Member

    Not really Cheeseyfeet. I work for the worlds largest logistics company, who don’t own the majority of the aircraft they operate, nor the airfields they operate from, nor the airlanes and flight slots they have to fly in. Ownership of the infrastructure is not essential to operating a good service,it just requires the right motivation for doing so. Unfortunately in order to get companies to take on the burden of operating our creaking, massively under-invested network (hugely under the Tories and significantly under Labour) the penalties for poor performance have to be light or easily avoidable in order not to frighten off operators. Of course the flip side is that nationalised railways have even less motivation to provide a good service as penalties for poor performance only hurt the people imposing them and therefore would be unlikely to be used.

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