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  • Fizik Terra Artica GTX Off-Road Winter SPD Cycling Shoe
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    BD – Ketamine can be fun but the problem is many people take it in clubs like they would coke, in a ‘snorter’. The thing is coke snorter bottles are designed for coke, which is almost always cut with something else and therefore a larger bump is required to counter it being watered down.

    Ketamine on the other hand is most usually pure (medical grade) and uncut and when it is taken in a coke snorter its invariably a little more than should be taken and then you get the K-Hole with its resultant ‘stare into the corner and drool’ effects. This is the main reason it has quite a bad name in clubs etc as a ‘mong drug’, because folk don’t know how to take it.

    Free Member

    Dango – You’re just jealous.

    Still hanging around Leith Hill tower with a very clean bike, wearing too much armour and carrying a few pounds of assisted gravity?


    Free Member
    Free Member

    Your first time biking in the Alps and its the Mega!

    Are you getting out there a few days before hand to get used to riding proper mountains?

    Free Member

    Not all alcohol is bad, just as neither is all recreational drug use.

    Its about choices.

    Free Member

    Well the effective TT of my Love/Hate is about 602mm (23.7″).

    Free Member

    I saw Cypress Hill live once; B Real was so stoned he could barely stand ..

    I saw ‘The Pogues’ is Sheffield a few years back and Mr McGowan was so blitzed on a drug which is deemed acceptable mainly because the government says so (and takes a nice slice of tax from) that he couldn’t sing. He sat on the drum riser for the entire concert with a bottle in his hand.

    Free Member

    PP – Although you won’t be checking this thread I’ll fire away anyway, if only to make this druggie ‘looser’ feel better.

    Strange how you don’t consider your airing of opinion as being ‘clever somehow’ but consider those of other people to be so……

    Warning, the internet may contain opinions that differ from your own. If this is likely to cause offence step away from the broadband and put The Archers on.

    Free Member

    Repack – Nowt wrong with a Heli-Bedford, far more reliable than the ‘newer’ DAFs that were supposed to replace them.

    Slow as hell mind you, but reliable.

    Of course if you want a Bedford-a-like with armour, get yourself a Mastiff.

    Great for using to move homes in Peckham.

    Free Member

    In my youth I was very into my clubbing and used to get seriously caned of a weekend at clubs like Sundissential, but I never ended up in hospital or in a police station due to the effects of this apparently ruinous habit.

    Nope, I used to knock it on the head in the early hours of the morning on Sunday, let the effects wear off and be fresh as a daisy for Monday. I managed to hold down a responsible job, had perfect attendance, never felt a need to mug old ladies in order to buy drugs and maintained a ‘normal’ relationship with friends and family.

    Of course I can’t say that those I know a serious taste for that nice, legal and taxable drug alcohol can say the same about their lives.

    Taxed drugs = acceptable drugs.

    Free Member

    I notice fewer and fewer people are reading the initial post I made before commenting.

    I’m not building it up for singletrack riding with other MTBers.

    I want to build it up for commuting and the occasional fireroad/Tissington Trail type ride with my wife and daughter.

    I don’t want to buy another bike (CX bike or otherwise) nor swap/sell this frame and get another to replace it.

    I going to build up my Dialled Bikes Love/Hate and want to know whether fitting drops will be ok for the specific purposes I’ve mentioned.

    That is it. Not singletrack and for gnarly hucking type stuff.

    Thank you for the helpful advice so far.

    Free Member

    Scruff – When I was on the closing party for RAF Locking someone found one of the old WW2 air raid shelters packed full of similar vintage corroded 45 gallon drums with absolutely no idea what was within them.

    2 months later when I left the unit they still hadn’t worked out what was in them and there was quite a cordon around the shelter.

    I believe some of the West Moors site has also taken a few quid to ‘put straight’ over the years before it was handed over as public land.

    Free Member

    {In a change from the usual “anyone want a biscuit” line}

    Anyone want a line or a disco biscuit?

    I’ll rack a nice, big, fat one up for you Teej, I’m sure you’d appreciate a K-Hole.

    Free Member

    Woah there, they’re hardy ‘xenophobic comments’.

    ‘Ello Ello’ was at one point a seriously popular show, peak viewing slot on a Saturday and some would say a vessel through which many British people first toyed with the idea of visiting/experiencing France in person.

    That Gallic flair certainly makes you a little precious doesn’t it Juan?

    Free Member

    Do they teach IT at her school?

    Buy a new mother board with school funds and then have the IT teacher instruct the students on the workings of a computer with a hands on lesson.

    Lesson 1) How to strip a computer down for cleaning.
    Lesson 2) How to rebuild it.

    Free Member

    I work for M&S.

    Its all about Plan A baby.


    Free Member

    Well I’ve done my second civic duty of the day and have grassed the official to the electoral officer for Nottingham.

    He seemed a bit annoyed by what she said, he probably would have suggested Labour or something.

    Free Member

    A mate of mine is an Ipswich fan and I went to Portman Road with him to watch a game against Norwich. One of the songs they sing is,

    If I had the wings of a budgie,
    If I had the ar*e of a crow.
    I’d fly over the city of Norwich,
    and sh*t on the bast*rds below….

    Sh*t on, sh*t on, sh*t on the bast*rds below, below.
    Sh*t on, sh*t on, sh*t on the bast*ards below……..

    Free Member

    Some quality preaching there PP. Drink alcohol at all? Would it be legal if it were not taxed? Time for you to wake up perhaps?

    Free Member

    Thats nice RD, just the sort of inspiration I’m after. What length forks is that frame designed for (44.5?) and what size is it?

    Free Member

    I’ve a Nokia 5800 and although I was initially skeptical about its usefulness for work the large amount of S60 compatible applications that can be downloaded for it, often for free, more than make up for its shortcomings ‘as brought’. Where it can’t be faulted out of the box are its multimedia handling abilities (my iPod has a layer of dust building nicely upon it) and it mapping/gps/sat nav abilities. I don’t bother with either my work-supplied Tom Tom nor my Garmin for sat nav as the Nokia 5800 comes with great mapping coverage and its very easy to use. I did look at iPhones but quite frankly they are bricks compared to the 5800 and they have very few really useful extras over the 5800.

    Free Member

    Have a look for ice hockey kit bags. They are often cheaper and generally (in my experience) better made.

    I have a CCM one (for my hockey kit funnily enough) but I use it to carry my riding kit in if I fly to the Alps etc.

    Something like this. I got mine cheap in the US but you can pick them up cheaper if you punt around.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t vote UKIP if they paid me to do it, bunch of borderline racists and the Green’s, whilst having a few good ideas, have very little substance or just pure fantasy ideas on the majority of their policy matters.

    Free Member

    monotokpoint – I believe F1 cars now have to run ‘skiddy tyres’ so perhaps it is a technical term.

    Free Member

    M&S and Tesco are currently about the same for their currency rates.

    Free Member

    Ice hockey, now that is a proper mans sport.

    Go Wings!

    Free Member

    sooty, that’s because you’ve been giving it all away for a penny!

    Not quite the lions share of our throughput (or anywhere near significant in volume sold to be honest) but those products did prove popular.

    Free Member

    dj6061 – These ones?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure that all the economy really took a dip.

    I work for a rather large high street purveyor of posh ready meals and knickers and since Christmas we’ve had out busiest period of sales in 6 years.

    Normally we’d be thinning out the agency staff around this time of year but we’re actually struggling to get enough good staff in to cope with the workload.

    Of course because the bankers have had their bonuses dropped/cut the world must be about to end…..

    Free Member

    32 x 16 for off-road on a singlespeed! Thats the gear ration of choice for little girls.

    36 x 16 thankyouverymuch.

    Free Member

    ……explains that he based the geometry on an Inbred……

    Ah so he copied a DeKerf too, just by a slightly more drawn out route.

    Love ya really Brant.


    Free Member

    what a load of cockwash

    And he didn’t even read my initial post properly, otherwise he wouldn’t have posted that.

    For the less diligent amongst us,

    Ps, “Buy a proper road frame/bike” is not useful BTW, I want to make use of what I’ve got. If I buy another bike my wife may cut bits of me off while I sleep.


    I have most of the parts to build up the Love/Hate. All I lack is handlebars, stem and brakes suitable for a drop bar set-up.

    Free Member

    In fact the IAM teach you to get well over the other side bfore you even start to overtake…..

    I can’t say I ever learnt the ‘overtaking on blind bends’ maneuver when I did my IAM. That must have been an optional unit.

    Free Member

    I moved North, not too far from the Peak District but I still miss the Surrey Hills (used to live in Headley).

    ‘Deer Trail’ on Holmbury is still probably one of my all-time favorite pieces of singletrack to ride anywhere in the world.

    Free Member

    Very nice.

    PP – One point though.

    …’s better than anything I’ve seen from any UK designed/Taiwan made frame, finish and detail wise. …

    A bit of an apples and oranges comparison really. If a Taiwanese frame builder were given about a year on and off and 100 hours with which to build a frame I’m sure it would turn out to be the nicest-built frame you’ve ever seen, but the price might be a little over the £230ish price point most UK designed/Taiwanese built frames are sold at or near.

    Free Member

    The frame (Dialled Bikes Love/Hate) is disc only so I will probably be using Avid road-specific disc with the appropriate brake levers.

    Thanks for the responses so far folks. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the On-One Mary bars but I’ve also seen these advertised and they seem quite well rated. As I’m off to the states soon perhaps it’ll be worth waiting to buy some over there.

    Free Member

    Very nice.

    I’d have thought the two uses you want the bike for will require very different gears?

    Not really. I push quite a high ratio on my Dialled Bikes Holeshot which I currently use a damn sight more than any of my geared bikes at Sherwood and I’m not looking for supersonic commuting speed, just something comfortable. If need be though its easy enough to change a sprocket and fit a different chain for the occasional weekend trip out with the family.

    Free Member

    Damn, I forgot to add.

    “Please, no photos of Johnny T”.

    Free Member

    Those that live in the area near Rykers Cafe will understand the meaning of the term co*k magnet.

    Every weekend in the summer it becomes the alternative target (with the Ace Cafe being the other) for DFL motorbikers. Strangely come the winter you rarely see them and their race bike replica matching leathers anywhere near the place.

    To be honest with the huge rise in complete chod bikers over the last few years I’m quite glad I got out when I did, although I do miss my old YZF1000 sometimes.

    Free Member

    Thats some seriously impressive car handling.

    Damn ugly car though.

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