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  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    Are these racks any good? I’m thinking of getting one so I can use my Cotic Rocket for bike packing.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Strong weed will cause mental health problems imho.

    Strong weed can cause mental health problems, much the same as smoking tobacco can cause lung cancer. There are some people who use either/both drugs and never develop either/both side-effects. And that’s not “imho”, that’s based on research.

    In contrast, the relationship between cannabis use and risk of developing symptoms of psychosis has been well established in many different review articles.

    This research has found that early and frequent cannabis use is a component cause of psychosis, which interacts with other risk factors such as family history of psychosis, history of childhood abuse and expression of the COMT and AKT1 genes. These interactions make it difficult to determine the exact role of cannabis use in causing psychosis that may not have otherwise occurred.

    Regardless, the connection between cannabis use and psychosis is not surprising. There is a strong resemblance between the acute and transient effects of cannabis use and symptoms of psychosis, including impaired memory, cognition and processing of external stimuli. This combines to make it hard for a person to learn and remember new things but can also extend to the experience of deluded thinking and hallucinations.

    We also know that cannabis use by people with established psychotic disorder can exacerbate symptoms.

    Overall, the evidence suggests cannabis use will bring forward diagnosis of psychosis by an average of 2.7 years.

    The risk of developing schizophrenia increases with the duration and dose of cannabis use. Regular cannabis users have double the risk of non-users. Those who have used cannabis at some point in their life have a 40% increased risk compared with non-users.

    That said, it is important to view this increased risk in context. The proportions of individuals with psychosis among the population and among cannabis users are low. Current estimates suggest that if frequent long-term cannabis use was known to cause psychosis, the rates of incidence would increase from seven in 1,000 in non-users to 14 in 1,000 cannabis users.

    To the OP, if you want some more level-headed information/advice I throughly recommend;

    You’ll find a great deal of well-researched advice, complete with a significant amount links to useful references. You’ll also find honest experience reports, good, bad and meh. I recomend it as a reference site to colleagues in A&E and those I work with directly in ITU because it’s quite useful both for understanding what our potential patients may be using and what can be abused for its ‘positive’ side-effects.

    As for a 16 yo smoking weed, as long as he isn’t hammering it every night of the week I recommend a soft touch. In my experience, being overly prohibitive is the best way to push a teenager further into drink/drugs, as at that age much of the drive to partake is driven by a sense of rebellion.

    My daughter smoked her first joint when she and I were at a Green Day concert. By allowing her to try it whilst I was present I was both able to be there for her incase she had a bad experience but also show that it’s no big thing for us, taking a bit of the ‘rebellion’ out of doing it. To be honest I’d be a complete hypocrite if I were to use a blanket “drugs are bad” line with her as, although I was never a fan of cannabis, I was a massive caner back in my clubbing days. Yet I’m still here, holding down a very responsible job and getting along otherwise fine.

    Free Member

    I recently brought one of these so I could ditch the Camelbak for <2hr rides.


    It fits well in a number of places of my Cotic Rocket frame but I generally fix it under the top tube, leaving space in from for my lights battery back and space behind for my water bottle.

    As we as the two CO2 cylinders, inner tube and tyre levers, I’ve also managed to fit a multitool (I put the levers on one side of the inner tube, multitool the other) and squeeze a cash card and notes behind the inner tube.

    For the price I was quite impressed.

    Free Member

    That bloke in the back of the van looks peak STW.

    Free Member

    I hate to say Binners but you’re talking utter rubbish.

    Quelle surprise! It’s his raison d’etre, talk a load of cods and hope that no one notices.

    Free Member

    That’s vanishingly unlikely to be true.


    This is b-locks

    Fill your boots.

    Free Member

    Christ, family get togethers must be fun with you around. ‘Hey Grandma you ****, why didn’t you learn to keep your knickers on instead of ****ing up the world having kids.”

    All 4 of my grandparents are dead.

    Free Member

    I think we know where you stand on this

    And it’s pretty clear that you’re one of these simple folk who can’t tell the difference between anti-Zionism, criticism of Israel for its apartheid actions and anti-Semitism.

    Daft by name…

    Free Member

    Want to help the planet? Stop having kids.

    Having one less child saves the equivalent of 58.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions a year.

    Living car-free saves approximately 2.4 tonnes CO2 equivalent per year.

    Avoiding one Transatlantic flight saves between 0.7 and 2.8 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year.

    If you have more than one child you are the problem, regardless of how much you think your ‘green mindedness’ is helping. A permanent tyre fire in your back garden would probably kick out less CO2 equivalent emissions than that little sister for Tarquin you just insisted on setting loose on the world.

    Free Member

    So it doesn’t matter for everyone else but it does for you?

    No, not at all. My other bikes are a Dialled Bikes Prince Albert, a Dialled Bikes Holeshot and a Dialled Bikes Love/Hate.

    The Holeshot and Love/Hate feel different to the Cotic Rocket as they are more specialist ‘outliers’ but, other than not having suspension at the rear, the Prince Albert feels (to me) not a million miles away from the ‘modern’ handling of the Rocket.

    If having the latest geometry, wheels size etc mattered to me I’d have brought a bike that took clown sized wheels.

    Free Member

    As someone who took nigh on a decade break from MTBing and comparatively recently got back into it I can’t say I’ve really notice much difference in how I was riding back then to now, even given the obsession with ever bigger wheels and slacker angles.

    Admittedly my main bike is a Mk1 Cotic Rocket, so I’m still running 26″ wheels but it has a ‘slackerizer’ headset and 160mm Pikes up front, the kind of fork travel that when I bailed from MTBing was largely for bikes at the ‘Freeride’ end of the scale. I’m also running tubeless 2.5″ tyres and a single ring up front, again things generally found on more FR/DH type bikes way back when.

    Yet despite running ‘old’ tech I don’t feel off the pace at all on my regular Thursday night rides nor do I find myself holding up folks when I go to trail centres etc, despite others rolling around on ‘newer’ bikes (clown wheels etc).

    In all honesty, for the majority of riders and the majority of types of riding I don’t feel that angle changes, wheel sizes and all the host of other “must have” changes make much difference, it’s just that people try to convince themselves they do to justify their purchases.

    Free Member

    I agree their tactics are questionable and against the wrong target, but the sight of people being assaulted by a mob is, to my mind at least, very disturbing. Welcome to Britain 2019…

    What did they honestly think was going to happen eventually? Two weeks of disruption to the daily lives of Londoners, many who don’t have the luxury to take a few weeks off to go and protest something, culminating in some idiots jumping on top of the Tube and in doing so stopping you getting home from or to work?

    It’s all well and good claiming the right of peaceful protest (although kicking someone in the head is an odd form of peaceful protest) but eventually the reality that your actions are having a very real impact on the general public is going to lead to a backlash.

    XR were being tolerated by many Londoners, but XR decided to up the ante and take their protests beyond the agreed protest sites. You can’t claim the freedom to protest unhindered within a civil society when you step outside the agreements made with said society, to both allow your protest and reduce its impact on those who don’t share your view.

    Actions have consequences or, to put it another way…play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    Free Member

    Have to say, I find the ease at which a crowd will lynch someone disrupting their day (have only watched the same video as everyone else – didn’t look like they were just saying “look chap, we need to get to work…on your way now…”) quite worrying. Some responses on various twitter postings of the video were pretty alarming.

    Surely you understand that there are potential repercussions to every decision people take?

    The protests by XR in London (and elsewhere) have been going on for quite a while now and, I’d imagine, are affecting those who can’t afford to take time off/use alternative modes of transport/etc quite a bit. What we’re likely seeing is the repercussions of decisions made by members of XR.

    As an aside, the first guy who was pulled off the top of the Tube quite clearly kicked someone in the head. So we see someone make a decision (to kick someone else in the head) and the repercussions were a reply in kind.

    Whether the commuters should be dragging the XR protesters off the Tube is another comment I’ve seen banded around and, attached to that if without a hint of irony, the complaint that the Police should be protecting the protesters from such actions. As the XR protesters are breaking the law isn’t is right that (morally speaking if not legally) that members of the public step in to prevent such criminality?

    Ultimately I find it immensely ironic that, after all the accusations of the Police being heavy handed with regards to the XR protests we now have some XR protesters decrying the lack of protection they’re being given from those most affected by their actions.

    Free Member

    Perhaps you should read this Daft lad, from the Jewish Voice for Labour? Or are they the wrong kind of Jewish people to listen to?

    Exclusive: The Riverside scandal

    Free Member

    He has gone vegan though 👍👍

    How did you find that out? Normally vegans are so restrained about telling people such things…

    Free Member

    …I found the Swiss were a pretty racist bunch too…

    From my experience they are a very insular nation.

    It’s alright though. When SC Bern came to Nottingham a few years back for a Champions Hockey League game the fans sat behind the SC Bern bench chanted “Nazi Gold” for a fair while.

    For my bother, who has only attended NHL games and was sat the row behind the SC Bern bench, it was quite an eye opener.

    Free Member

    Glad you got your bike back OP, Cotic Rockets are a thing of beauty.

    A few people have mentioned the ‘bike rack’ issue. Given they’re such a giveaway, incredibly easy to fit and remove and add loads of drag when left on cars unnecessarily, why do folks leave them on?

    Free Member

    Lasher (South Africa) make a Foresters Hoe;

    Hoe – Foresters (with Rake Head) | FG00074

    They have a UK store but I couldn’t see the Foresters Hoe on there. Might be worth enquiring though.

    Lasher Home

    Free Member

    JAFCO Tool Ltd have just the thing though…

    Foresters Rake/Hoe

    Free Member

    Mcloed is really what you want, but you won’t find one down B&Q…

    Unfortunately not…

    Free Member

    You are Mark Francois and I claim my blue passport.

    How dare you Sir, how very dare you.


    Free Member

    All I see so far are some pretty amateur levels of pathetic middle aged man acceptance, so hold onto your cocoa and prepare to be impressed…

    After leaving the military and realising I could no longer fall back on Middle East tans, fresh war stories and my “nothing to do during downtime but hit the gym” sculptured body to impress the young ladies I made a plan.

    What profession features lots of young, often attractive females who may find a collection of old war stories ‘interesting’? What profession also enables you to routinely display your caring nature in front of said attractive young females and will occasionally find you at work social functions, where the ratio of attractive young females to men (let alone increasingly saggy middle aged ones) is firmly in your favour?

    Welcome to the world of nursing, where your dad jokes are laughed at by women young enough to be your daughters and where, when out on social functions, you turn full-on self-designated protector to ward off young, non-healthcare connected males from ‘your’ group of females.


    Free Member

    When do you need it for as I’ll be down in that there London on the 26th October and bring it/meet/drop it off* (depending upon where you are in that there London)?

    Free Member

    I’ve a few 26″ disc wheels with Q/R hubs knocking about which you can have for nowt.

    Where abouts are you?

    Free Member

    If you’re happy with Buffalo stick with that.

    I’ve not found anything that I like enough to change.

    Free Member

    Not a “dodge” at all and, for the avoidance of doubt, I’ve already answered your question.

    Oh, and it’s worth remembering that criticism of the State of Israel isn’t anti-Semitism.

    Free Member

    This puzzles me, was it:
    1. There wasn’t any anti semitism directed to her and she lied about it?
    2. There was anti semitism directed at her, but not enough to justify leaving the party and she lied about her reasons for going but not the anti semitism?

    Could you explain for the avoidance of doubt?

    Neither were relevant to why she left the Labour Party, she purely used ‘anti-semitism’ as her excuse. She has form for throwing around claims of anti-semitism when she doesn’t get her own way or feels her opinions are in the minority. It’s quite shameful that she does so with such ease when, in doing so, she actually undermines the fight against true anti-semitism.

    As an aside it’s interesting that a former National Executive member of the NUS is happy to jump into bed with a party leader who…

    …voted to cut the Educational Maintenance Allowance for 16-to-19-year-olds and voted to raise tuition fees, despite promising not to as one of the key policies that helped elect many Lib Dem MPs in 2010.

    Seems Ms Berger has an incredibly flexible and, at times, convenient set of principles.

    Free Member

    Anyone heard from him for the last week or so? No? Thought not.

    And yet, not more than a day ago you posted this on this very thread;

    It was on Channel 4 news.

    There he was, in all his glory. Like a local councillor at a town hall meeting reading out the proposals for some new traffic calming measures on the B375

    Stirring stuff.

    Maybe it didn’t get full coverage as most TV channels don’t want their audience going all sleepy bo-bo’s and missing their latest drama that follows the news?

    So yes, people have heard from him, you among them. Even for you this is an outstanding level of willful ignorance, or perhaps its part of an “Edge Lord” persona you’re desperately trying to craft?

    Go on, post something about 6th Formers or one of those ‘hilarious’ Monty Python things, wouldn’t want it to seem like you’re coming up with anything new to compliment your tiresome repertoire.

    Free Member

    to be fair you could say that about every american built car.

    Not anymore you can’t, much the same as ‘German-made’ hasn’t been a guarantee of quality for a fair while either.

    Free Member

    You don’t see that it’s in any way possible a nurse may touch their clothing with their hands at some point during a shift ?

    I’m sure they/I do so regularly throughout a shift but as posted previously..

    Free Member

    Have you ever thought about the daily life of a seat on a bus? Snot, food, dirty hands and worse, which then gets transferred onto the overalls of the nurse and carried into hospital.

    Not sure about what your local trust gets upto but;

    – The only nurses I know who wear “overalls” are flight nurses.

    – If you believe what nurses sit on can be easily transferred to their patients then its likely your knowledge of nursing procedures involves a search on Pornhub containing the words ‘face’, ‘sit’ and ‘nurse’.

    Free Member

    Dyson send you bits out if they break.

    I’ve never been able to test this with Numatic as my 25 year old ‘Henry’ just keeps on going.

    Made in Somerset too.

    Dyson are purely style over substance, not surprised they’re so popular on here

    What vacuum cleaner for e-gravel bike camping?

    Free Member

    Luciana Berger should have been the clue that it was far from recent. Read before posting. Now you’ve got me thinking about the way she was pushed out of the party…

    Just a point of order. Luciana Berger wasn’t “pushed out of the party”, she jumped before she was deselected and dressed it up as a statement against ‘anti-semitism’.

    She was in danger of being deselected due to her incredibly Blairite views going against those of a traditionally socialist-leaning constituency, a situation that only existed due her being parachuted into a safe Labour seat seemingly as reward from popping Euan Blair’s cherry.

    Free Member

    At our NHS Trust immediate NOK and admitted/seen by ED patients can generally get either free (on presenting proof of admission in the latter case) or heavily discounted (with a form signed by nursing staff, for the former) parking.

    NOK who are attending regularly can get heavily discounted parking also.

    Whilst paying for parking at hospitals is a contentious issue, for many trusts who have city centre sites and thus parking that gets used and abused by non-hospital visitors, its unfortunately a requirement. There is also the cost of up-keeping and controlling said parking and, as a nurse myself, I’d rather that cost came out of visitors pockets rather than the trust’s own budget, which would potentially reduce funds for direct patient care.

    One of the most annoying things is that the trust I work for funds an excellent, cheap bus service that runs between the three hospital sites, from and via various park and ride sites around the city, yet many people still choose to drive and and queue for ages to get parked.

    As for the OP’s issue, speak to the hospital PALS team. They are often very effective at sorting things like this out.

    Free Member

    When Bill Clinton visited Northern Ireland during the Good Friday talks Marine One and the accompanying helicopters landed at the base I was at. One of the White House aides asked if she could use the toilet in our office by the HLS. Before I could think it through I said “sure” and off she went.

    When she came back out she was blushing a bit, which may have been due to the extensive collection of Gentleman’s Literature pilled on the toilet cistern and the fact that the the walls and back of the door were wallpapered with artistic life photographs from said literature.

    Free Member

    KFC used to deliver to the nearby military training area for the troops who were fed up with rations whilst on exercise

    Yeah, I’ve ordered a takeaway to various training areas over the years. It must happen a fair bit as delivery drivers have never batted an eyelid when a bunch of armed and filthy looking reprobates have stepped out from the bushes at the lay-by they are directed to.

    I also remember a kebab van that used to turn up outside the gate at ‘The Tomato Factory’ base in Gornji Vakuf, Bosnia. It was best not to ask where he got his kebab meat from, in a country where livestock had to navigate literal minefields to stay alive.

    Free Member

    the brexit issue needs to be dealt with by a seperate referendum before any GE.

    There is only one political party backing a second referendum in any form.

    Free Member

    As @jimdubleyou says, this’ll be interesting.

    A hardtail frame is hardly the bleeding edge of bicycle design, so what are Sonder claiming as ‘their’ design?

    Many things look like other things, doesn’t make them the same though.

    Free Member

    How do you get lacteal secretions from plant products?

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