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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    26″ wheels will come back.

    The ‘tech’ is well understood, just need some new adjectives to puff out the marketing bumpf.

    Free Member

    Decaff Tea?

    Don’t you mean brown sadness water?

    Free Member

    I put some of those interlocking rubber tiles down on my workshop’s concrete floor and they do seem to make a difference. Given how cheap they were I was quite pleased.

    Free Member

    Pah, don’t people suggest “own them with your Bombers” anymore?

    Standards people, standards.

    Free Member

    I must confess I too have been looking at ‘skinny’ bikes recently, in particular the Planet X Full Monty.

    I feel so…dirty.

    Free Member

    I just use a couple of toe straps. You can pick them up for peanuts and they do the same job.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    I finished building up my new (to me) Cotic Rocket the other day. What a lovely bike it is.

    Free Member

    Ahh, adapters.

    I’ve just finished building up my Cotic Rocket to which I was going to fit my perfectly serviceable Hope Mini (Original type) brakes but binned that idea as I’d have to have brought IS to PM adapters and larger discs.

    Managed to pick up a pair of almost new XT brakes and discs for £70 so they went on instead.

    Now I have 2 x C2s, 2 x M4s and 3 x Minis in my workshop. It’s becoming something of a Hope brakes museum!

    Free Member

    Well this is an interesting little read.

    Free Member

    3673 miles apparently.

    Free Member

    Some excellent suggestions so far for what is one of my favourite cities.

    If you’re after something to do involving food on a Thursday night then you wouldn’t go far wrong going to Market Hall Nine.

    Free Member

    Ahh Farnborough. We used to live in married quarters in Church Crookham, right beneath the approach for the main runway. Not the place to live if you were on night shifts Airshow week!

    Free Member

    Senor J – Been tried before and failed.

    Pilots started using it as a waypoint.

    Free Member

    Ze Germans just love driving into other drivers.

    Free Member

    Musical equivalent of Andy Murray.
    Dull, boring, safe, beige.
    But adored by millions of middle England..


    Pure ‘Magic FM’ fodder.

    When I was at uni I worked for a company that did security/stewarding for gigs and I’ve had to endure some godawful over the years and Coldplay was among them. The only bonus was that every now and then you got to work a gig for a band you like, or in the case of Download, a weekend worth of them!

    Free Member

    Ha. Only Rosberg is under investigation (falling to stop with a seriously damaged car).

    At worst he could be disqualified. If he is found to be at fault at best it’ll be a points deduction.

    Free Member

    Gimp mask?

    Free Member

    As a nurse I work both day and night shifts. I use an eye mask when sleeping off nights.

    I’ve a stash of them, nab a few whenever I fly longhaul.

    Free Member

    craigxxl – Member
    Even in the 90’s they would sending notices around the armed forces asking for volunteers. lots of young lads had never heard of them and went to volunteer as the notices made it sound exciting. Luckily for them the senior ranks knew what happened there and stopped them from doing so.

    I did a few weeks at Porton Down in the 90’s, no extra limbs have grown since, no health problems etc. The joining instructions stated “personnel must have well-worn combat boots” so I’m sure you can figure out the testing was mainly physical in nature.

    The extra money was very welcome.

    Free Member

    lots of fake stuff,so be careful.

    Ain’t that the understatement!

    Aside for MTBing my other interests include ice hockey and, if you’re at an NHL game (or watching on TV even) you can spot spectators wearing ‘Aliexpress Specials’ a mile off.

    Of course some folks justify it by saying “The official ones are still just replicas” or some such tosh.

    Free Member

    I’ve dug some surprisingly big holes with one of these when in the military.

    Free Member

    Under any test Scotland is a country, it’s politically, historically, geographically distinct and has its own legal system, Parliament etc.

    Currency? Distinct economy?

    Start reading…

    The ‘Conditions for Membership’ bit is interesting.

    “a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competition and market forces in the EU;”

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    35% In
    37% Out
    28% No Vote
    Who is the majority and minority?

    Is this a hypothetical question or something? It just doesn’t really work as a direct question, given that “no vote, no voice” is a pretty well established concept. This leaves 2 numbers, and 37 is bigger than 35.

    I’m not entirely happy about the UK leaving the EU but some of the incredibly weak arguements being put about by quite obviously sore losers are embarrassingly pathetic.

    Free Member

    As I recall (and someone will correct me I’m sure) exports to the UK is 5% of the rest of Europe’s economy, while exports to Europe is 15% of ours. I wonder where the power in the exit negotiations is going to be?

    IGM – Aren’t 5% of 27 countries combined exports likely to be worth more than 15% of the UK’s?

    Free Member

    NATO isn’t strictly a ‘European’ organisation (the North Atlantic bit of the name should be a subtle clue).

    Free Member

    …similar but different.

    But as an independent Scotland would be applying to join as a new member nation (with all the clauses such applicants must agree to) how does that tally with moves towards an increasingly federal state?

    How free to do what they wanted would Holyrood really be? We’ve already seen the EU run roughshod over the will of the Greek people.

    Not sure the EU will be the land of milk and honey for an independent Scotland that many believe it will be, that’s if Scotland were even admitted.

    Free Member

    …but there is a huge difference with regard to the Spanish question – this would be about a nation trying to stay in the club while the remainints of the country that nation was once part of left. Nothing like the Spanish issue until Spain decides to leave – at which point their veto is somewhat moot.

    I completely disagree that there is a huge difference.

    – Sturgeon has zero powers to negotiate for Scotland with the EU, you’ve already acknowledged this. Yes she can chat all she likes, but until Scotland gets it’s independence from the rest of the UK it is, in effect, not much different from representatives of Catalonians or Basques ‘chatting’ to the EU.

    – Given the timescale it took for Scotland to get its last independence vote do you think a new one will come before or after Brexit?

    – Given an independent Scotland is really unlikely to happen until well after Brexit, Scotland wouldn’t be negotiating to remain in the EU, they’d be applying to join (with the aforementioned hoops to jump through).

    – Enter Spain’s veto…

    Free Member

    I believe a lot of people voted “Yes” for independence, not due to simplistic nationalism, but because they didn’t agree with the direction UK politics was taking and wanted a different sort of society. The sort of society that would not have voted us out of Europe.

    Playing Devil’s Advocate for a second…

    So many of those who want independence from a ‘London-centric’ government (that doesn’t have the interests of Scotland at heart) are clamouring to remain in a union with 27 other countries, based in Brussels, because they think it’ll be better for Scotland?

    Not saying I agree either way, it just seems a little….odd.

    Free Member

    IGM – Sturgeon can talk all she likes but nothing can take effect until the UK as a whole has left the EU. At which point all those talks will be likely null and void as a newly independent Scotland would be applying to join as a new applicant and would have to jump through the hoops of any other new applicant country.

    Do you think the EU would stick to any ‘agreements’ made by Sturgeon when she was not in a position to make them, or roll Scotland over a barrel when she is in even less of a position to negotiate?

    Also, how do you think Spain (with its ability to veto new member countries) would view admitting a newly independent country, given their own independence issues?

    Free Member

    I wonder how many people that could vote but didn’t bother are now wishing they’d dragged themselves away from the telly and voted?

    I reckon that if those who were more worried about watching TV than voting had done the latter then the Leave vote may have been stronger…

    Free Member

    I suspect Sturgeon will be trying to do a deal with Europe today…

    She has no legal right to negotiate with the EU for Scotland until they become a separate country, which would likely not be until after the UK as a whole has left the EU.

    As is, Scotland is part of the UK and it is the UK government that negotiates with the EU.

    Free Member

    burko73 – Member
    All this “hope house prices crash so I can come back here and buy a house in the fall out” pi££es me off.
    I had to save and do the right thing to buy a house, how does that help me and anyone else who’s bought a house recently if property prices crash and we’re all in negative equity? You think it’s the right thing to pick through the spoils of those who’ve had their houses repossessed and get a cheap deal on something the previous owners got chucked out of!

    So, say the house prices don’t fall, indeed let’s say they rise over time. When/if you choose to move home will you sell for the price you brought the property at, or take a profit driven by market forces? I’m guessing the latter.

    You live by the sword…

    Free Member

    …I’m sure some of the visitors these days go only so they can keep the wrist band on and let folk know…

    Had a patient in with Diabetic Ketoacidosis the other day and had to cut at least a dozen, extremely manky, festival bands off their arm in order to find a good artery to do a blood gas from. They seemed more upset about the wrist bands than the fact they had a serious condition that needed treating!

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Free Member

    So do all the white people in Australia not count as migrants?

    To be fair the Native Australians had a pretty lack border control policy… 😉

    Free Member

    bodgy – Member
    I blame squirrels.

    [Daily Wail Mode]All squirrels or just those nasty grey ones? You know, coming over here, eating our nuts, pushing good, British Red Squirrels out of a job…

    You know they breed quicker dontcha? All their baby squirrels putting pressure on the local trees and nut supply…send em’ back I say.[/Daily Wail Mode]

    Free Member

    zokes – Still not a customer

    blah blah blah….. Emotive crap….. Blah blah blah


    I’m sure someone mentioned ‘adults are talking” earlier?

    Free Member

    I’ve stopped in a few places of a chain called ‘Hotel B&B’ before on the way to the Alps. They’ve all been spotlessly clean, very cheap and featured gated car parks.

    The majority are next to Industrial Estates (you get what you pay for) but a few have been near local swimming pools etc.

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