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  • Pinarello Dogma XC Now Available To Buy If You Are A Hardcore XC Racer
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member
    Free Member

    “… i own an ebike…”

    With a login name like ‘sofaking” I’m sure that doesn’t come as a surprise to many.


    Free Member

    SaxonRider – Sorry to hear of your loss.

    I work as a Critical Care Nurse and unfortunately what happened to you friend is not uncommon.

    Obviously without knowing the full details I’m making assumptions, but quite often we see overwise healthly younger people become very unwell when admitted with respiratory infections. Overwise healthly people will ususlly ‘compensate’ for an infection and it’s when this compensatory mechanism reaches its limit that patients suddenly become very ill.

    The prognosis is often poor because such patients have often got very little ‘left in the tank’, so to speak, and they can rapidly fall into multi-organ failure.

    Free Member

    “…possibly afterburners…”

    Only of they were Johnny Foreigner aircraft. Royal Air Force chaps and chapesses serve Her Majesty in aircraft that may feature “reheat”, another invention of Sir Frank Whittle.

    Free Member

    Both Aldi and Lidl have had CO2 inflators in recently, along with spare CO2 cartridges. They were cheap as chips and have a tap/screw type flow controller on them.

    Free Member

    I view e-bikes in the same way I view mobility scooters.

    For some they are invaluable as a way to maintain mobility and avoid becoming secluded due to increasing frailty. Many though seem to use them because they’re lazy, or claim that they need one “cause of me fibro” or some other self-diagnosed ‘condition’.

    And before anyone breaks out the “you’re just jealous/envious” line, I could quite easily afford to get one just from my ‘war pension’. Perhaps one day when the injuries that qualify me for those payments worsen to the point I can’t ride an ‘analogue’ bike I might consider it, but for now I’ll keep earning my decents.

    Free Member

    Medium black please.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Just get yourself one of these then ‘nealglover’if it’s about the minimal pedal effort to movement ratio.

    Cut out the middleman, so to speak, with all that awkward recharging nonsense.

    The logical progression of E-bike idleness.

    Free Member

    I suppose you could just push those pedal things when the battery runs out.

    If you push them enough you’ll move forwards and the harder you push them the faster you’ll go. It’s old tech but seems to work alright if you are unable to rely on something else to do the work for you.

    Free Member

    Surely somewhere sterile like BPW will have charging points for electric Moto X riders?

    Free Member

    And what if it had been picolax liberally sprinkled?

    Advice for any Medical Students/soon-to-be-FY1 Doctors who may be on here. When Black Wednesday rolls around, if you find yourself on a ward/unit with easy access to Picolax, for your own good, don’t just help yourself to the nursing staff’s food.

    Free Member

    I’m not going to the Alps, but I’m going to Michigan, which has loads of French-sounding places.


    I’ll be doing my first long Bikepacking ride on the 132km High Country Pathway near Gaylord.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    BTW, that is the third nipple clockwise to the left, as if you’re looking at the wheel from above.

    Free Member


    Apparently if you turn them off and hold down the third nipple from the valve hole whilst turning them on again they reboot to the original factory setting.

    Ahhh, original factory setting. When 26″ wheels seemed to manage just fine and no one had started trying to convince people that bigger wheels would make them betterer er..

    Free Member

    I heard that the bike industry is going to stop updating 26″ wheels soon, which will potentially leave them open to malware and viruses. Is this true?

    Free Member

    That’s great, luckily nobody is forcing you to do what others clearly enjoy doing.

    Yet choosing not to ride road bikes is apparently “limit(ing) yourself”?

    Make your mind up.

    Free Member

    …Don’t limit yourself eh…

    Can’t think of anything more dull to do on a bicycle than pound along roads for mile after mile (or is it “k after k”, roadies like to use kilometers as it sounds like they ride further right?)

    Each to their own, but I’d rather keep away from the morons driving their idiot boxes around.

    Free Member

    Perhaps ‘BigJohn’ thinks The Mentalist is a documentary series, not a fictional TV show?

    Free Member

    Another vote for the Cotic Rocket here.

    Until I brought my Cotic Rocket a few months back all my FS experience had been on aluminium FS bikes, predominantly Cannondales with a few Specialized and Giant bikes along the way. As I own a few steel-framed HTs I was intrigued by a steel-framed FS and I’m glad I took a punt on it. It rides really well, feels great and is very solidly built.

    Free Member

    I 2nd the suggestion of plastic Berkenstocks; far harder wearing than traditional Berkenstocks but just as comfortable.

    Crocs are for Germans and theatre nurses.

    Free Member

    Epicyclo – I’m not convinced that an L60 is the way to go, least not if they want a vehicle transporter that can, err, go anywhere!

    The Leyland L60, the Chieftain’s Achilles Heel.

    Free Member

    Dust off and nuke it from orbit, only way to be sure.

    Free Member

    Received mine yesterday and fitted it today. Very good quality for the price.

    I reckon Keith Bontrager may need to review his comment about “light, strong, cheap” because it’s well-made, hardly a lump of lead and is far cheaper than the eerily similar Wolftooth Dropper Lever.

    Free Member

    An anti Semitic conspiracy loon. You must be so proud.

    Criticism of Israel is not Anti-Semitism.

    Stick to harrumphing over the top of your Daily Mail in the Drawing Room.

    Free Member

    I guess the people of Peterborough are not as led by what is printed in the Daily Express as ‘grimep’.

    Free Member

    I’m quite impressed by the robustness of the Zee mech I have fitted to my Cotic Rocket.

    Free Member

    What a bellend.

    Surprisingly, the fact he has a BMW (not for much longer) is purely coincidental in this case.

    Free Member

    I’m assuming we’re onto an African frame builder now?

    “Dear Friend,

    As a representative of the LORD Jordan OF WORTHING I am able to approach you for your valuable assistance to onshore quantity TWENTY (BRITISH) Gnarcissist frames that are surplus to requirements from the Royal COURT of Nigeria.

    If you can provide me with your bank account details WITH HASTE i will be able to include you in the first release of THIS VALUABLE PRODUCT!!!!

    In friendship,

    George Agdgdgwngo
    Transhipment Specialist
    Sick! Bicycle Company”

    Free Member

    Have you seen how thick people are these days, introducing an apex predator wouldnt end well.

    Depends upon your point-of-view. A little dredging of the shallow end of the gene pool might be just what society needs.

    Free Member

    An interesting topic and one that I’m no stranger to.

    Next month I’ll be back in Michigan seeing the family and will be heading to the UP for a few days riding, where both wolves and black bears roam.

    I’ve a ‘Timber’ brand bear bell which I fit to my bike when riding in Michigan, which makes enough racket to let wildlife know I’m around, but I also carry a Kahr CW45 in a shoulder holster just in case. The chance of being attacked by wildlife is incredibly slim though.

    Free Member

    “What would STW do?”

    Own them with a pair of Bombers.

    Free Member

    If you have bits really stuck onto the vinyl then I’ve always used what the wise old sage who used to run Beano Records in Croydon used to clean his records, a bit of lighter fluid (the type used in a Zippo) on some lint-free cloth. Works a treat.

    Don’t buy expensive ‘record cleaning fluids’, they’re generally just repackaged common products you can find much cheaper elsewhere.

    Free Member

    Just ordered one to replace my Tranz X vertical action lever.

    Free Member

    Oddly I was looking at these earlier. Might take the plunge now.

    Free Member

    She was completely out of her depth as both PM and Home Secretary. The kindest thing I’ve seen written about her is that she would have made a good Civil Servant.

    Free Member

    I’m a millennial. Better that than a boomer

    Yeah, but still shite compared to us Gen X folks!

    – Had to put up with Thatcher.
    – Didn’t have houses almost given to us like the Boomers did.
    – Partied way harder than lightweight Millennials do and came out the other side smiling.


    Free Member

    I know what colour it is.

    Bit crowded on that balcony…

    Free Member

    That’ll be a Powa Dfender

    Fools and their money…

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