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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • sootyandjim
    Free Member

    I thought this was something to do with the Hereford Hooligans…

    Most…misleading…thread title…ever.

    Free Member

    looks like sooty is out for a fight!

    Not at all, in fact I’m keen on the complete opposite.

    I’ve served in NI, I was at Bessbrook Mill when Stephen Restorick was murdered by Bernard McGinn, then read how McGinn laughed in court when his sentence was passed, knowing that he’d be released under the GFA.

    I don’t want Northern Ireland to ever return to those sad times, but the use of divisive language as displayed in this thread and the desire to see justice upheld, whilst ignoring the disparity in which said justice is sought, will only serve in picking at barely healed wounds.

    As has been said, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as seen in SA, would have been the way to draw a line under the sad events of The Troubles. Unfortunately the GFA has failings, and those failings are preventing everyone moving on.

    Free Member

    No plans to explain how you managed to read “held to account for criminal actions” as “the Army should get a free pass” then?

    Free Member

    …but par for the course when discussing how the army should get a free pass

    Putting words into other people’s mouths seems to be par for the course too.

    Did I stutter? Did I say the Army should get a free pass?

    I fully agree that members of the British military should be held to account for criminal actions,

    Just how did you manage to read “held to account for criminal actions” as “the Army should get a free pass”?

    If you struggle with a basics of English then perhaps you should address that first, leaving the adult conversations to people with a more firm grasp of the language.

    Free Member

    I’ve been in the back of one of these a few times. (Cant tell you why!)

    Free Member

    while occupying their country

    Nice use of divisive and factually incorrect language.

    Just for clarity, Aughnacloy is in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland, part of the United Kingdom.

    I fully agree that members of the British military should be held to account for criminal actions, but so to should members of of the Republican and Loyalist communities, who were given quite literal ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ cards under the GFA.

    Unfortunately, as long as one ‘side’ continues to be chased for prosecutions whilst others get off scott-free, and individuals such as yourself continue to use the language of hatred, divisions will continue to fester in Northen Ireland.

    Free Member

    How odd that YouGov polls are so optimistic regarding the Tories and so pessimistic regarding Labour, it’s almost as if there is some motive behind the quality of their polling.

    Oh hang on, wasn’t YouGov started up by Stephan Shakespeare, former owner of ConservativeHome and Nadhim Zahawi (who needs no introduction really), slumlord and Tory?

    Free Member

    The focus should be on the vigilante group, not the Police.

    Unfortunately these groups rarely seem to contain the brightest of individuals as the ’cause’ often seems to attract the kind of people who also talk about “muslamic rayguns”, people who have little understanding of important things such as the legal process.

    We’ve seen the idiocy of ‘Paedo Hunter’ groups previously.

    Free Member

    There also needs to be a recognisation that these “centrists” are often just as ideological driven as anyone else. Its just either they dont recognise it or dont admit to it.
    Its reflected in comments like “ideologically reactionary spiral ” which seems determined to ignore the fact that is precisely what we got from the “centrists” in the UK. The difference being the centrists seem to work on taking over all major parties and so removing choice that way.


    The Neo-Liberals who dominated the ‘centre’ in the form of Blarites and previous Lib Dems are/were as much ideologically driven and reactionary as any on the left or right.

    The issue is that when the political wind started to blow away from them they attempted (in the case of those billeting in the Labour Party) to damage the party from within, despite the change being democratically driven by the rank-and-file membership.

    Free Member

    …claim that the center ground is obsolete or no longer existent…

    So, who has the centre ground at the moment? Oh, and if you mention Lib Dems that is a hard fail.

    The lack of truly centrist parties, in England at least, is pretty self-evident.

    Free Member

    More moderates and centrists leaving front line politics.

    You say that like it’s a bad thing.

    There is no place for centrists in current British politics.

    We have three right of centre parties in the Brexit Party, Tories and Lib Dems. Centrists are incapable of challenging such a shift to the right without travelling that way themselves (as the Lib Dems have done).

    Free Member

    Pound for pound the old Dragon Lady (U2) has got to be up there with the loudest military jets.

    Used to see these all the time in Cyprus and the detachment had by far the best bar at Akrotiri*.

    (*Of course they were never in Cyprus and thus neither could that excellent bar have been…)

    Free Member

    Yeah, I know it’s not her natural colour…

    It was the colour she had her hair when I met her and that’s good enough for me.

    I’ve still no idea how I held it together all evening and maintained the ability to have a conversation with her, rather than turn into a giggling and blushing school boy!

    Free Member

    Having met Ms Ms Anderson in person (I wont go into details) I can confirm she is intelligent, witty and charming. The whole package you might say.

    Free Member

    Sorry but when I think ginger I think…

    Free Member

    What is it about the current crop of vocal libdem supporters that they seem willing to lie almost as much as Johnson?

    They are desperate for a sniff of government again and, as in 2010, will do anything to try and make that happen. All they do though is give succour to the Tories.

    Blatant lies, jumping into bed with homophobic xenophobes, wholesale adoption of Tory policies, there is likely no level to which they won’t stoop, in a quest to see Swinson in a governmental car.

    Free Member

    I’m in Bramcote, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for them.

    Free Member

    What’s it like, being you?

    New tactic from you Binners? Going the ‘complete hypocrite’ route?

    Makes a change from you building straw men and waffling on about 6th Formers.

    Free Member

    On the plus side my home in Nottingham will be closer to the sea by quite a considerable amount, with the bonus that Skegvegas will also be gone.

    I thought this was supposed to be a negative thread?

    Free Member


    You haven’t fixed anything @raybanwomble . What you’ve done is display an outstanding lack of political knowledge, specifically regarding the substantial difference between Communism (which features politburos) and Socialism (which among many other differences, does not feature politburos).

    Perhaps you should try getting your political information from somewhere more informative than the Mail Online comments section, perhaps The Beano reader’s letters page?

    Free Member

    What are you on about @Kelvin?

    – The Brexit Party is full of old Tories.

    – The Conservatives are, well, Tories.

    – The Lib Dems are led by an MP who stuck more to the Tory whip whilst in coalition than Gove and Hunt, have a number of ex-Conservative MPs (including a particularly nasty homophobic and xenophobic one) and a number of ex-Blairites who veer to the right of centre, in-line with the way the politics on this country has generally swung.

    That is perhaps the sadest thing about current politics. Lib Dem supporters still believe they follow a centrist party, despite their party being the happy resting place for Tory enablers, actual bigoted Tories and hard-line pro-corporate neo-liberals. Against this swing to the right accusations are then thrown at Labour, calling their progressive socialist policies “hard left”.

    We’re now being told to “vote tactically” and work with others, yet it is the Lib Dems who, through their campaigns of negativity towards other opposition parties and history of supporting the Tories, who have emboldened Boris Johnson and his ilk.

    Free Member

    @Kelvin – Interesting piece of daydreaming the Neo-Liberal Democract manifesto.

    I guess even they don’t believe they will ever get the chance to implement it (unless they jump into bed with their mates the Tories again and sell their souls for tit bits), hence their overwhelming reliance on a single issue to keep them in the news rather then pushing the rest of it.

    As I said, they’re a single issue party, and they’re as much extremists as the Brexit Party on that one issue.

    Brexit Party, Conservatives, Lib Dems – Three different shades of Tory.

    Free Member

    …and there’s a clear reason why the LibDems could win this time:

    You’re too funny.

    Believe it or not quite a few people are interested in policies other than Brexit.

    Lib Dems have as much chance of winning the GE as the Brexit Party. Two single issue parties at either end of the spectrum.

    Other than ‘revoke’ what policies do the Neo-Lib Dems have that weren’t copy and pasted from old Tory manifestos?

    Free Member

    The only chance to get Brexit is to “drain the swamp”, hopefully with No Deal, then start again. i.e. get out with No Deal then after that the politicians can argue amongst themselves until their face turn blue.

    Without wishing to be rude, are you even eligible to vote in the UK?

    Free Member

    Speak to some female Labour MPs who dare to speak their mind Graham.

    And yet MPs such as Laura Pidcock regularly speak their mind.

    Maybe, just maybe, it’s the message not the messenger that attracts the criticism?

    Jess Phillips, unfortunately, is only generally interested in the prospects of Jess Phillips.

    Free Member

    Why would the MSM be so keen to put the blame on the LFB rather than their political masters?

    Free Member

    Hopefully JC is one of them…

    Always good to see the politically illiterate happy to out themselves.

    73% of voters in Islington North voted for Corbyn in the last GE. You may not like him as a politician but it’s pretty obvious that his constituents do.

    Also please bear in mind you were responding to something ‘binners’ dribbled forth via his keyboard. He has a pretty solid history of talking complete cods.

    Free Member

    Building Companies are booming in Leicester.

    There is indeed a great deal of building going on in Leicester but (at least in the City Centre) much of it revolves around the two universities and accommodation for their students.

    This in turn is freeing up a considerable amount of residential accommodation, that has previously been snapped up by buy-to-let slumlords for student accommodation.

    Free Member

    The Tranz-X posts are the same as the Brand-X ones I believe.

    Free Member

    Well they’re not wrong, its definitely a statement of intent…

    Free Member

    I’ve been unfortunate enough to have had professional dealings (no, not like that!) with this person a few times, and everytime he comes across as an arrogant and narcissistic PITA.

    Politically speaking he is pretty much the archetypal self-serving, Blairite who, if the Conservatives weren’t such a openly racist party, would have slid into their ranks.

    Interestingly his spokespeople say he has been admitted to hospital, and that he has a cardiac condition that means that if he took cocaine it would kill him. Strange, I look after people quite regularly with various life-threatening conditions, who still chose to hammer legal and illegal drugs. Apparently it’s the high that they’re after and it overrules common sense. Whodathunkit?

    Free Member

    Motability Bikes eh?

    You know all the ‘chunky’ people being carted around on floating chairs in Wall-E? I bet they started on E-bikes.

    Good for the infirm, embarrassing when being ridden by people who consider themselves physically fit.

    Free Member

    Yeah they’re pretty good.

    You can spend silly amounts on an uppy downy post, but I really don’t think that you get significantly better quality/performance for the extra cost over the Brand X ones.

    Free Member

    It’s not often you get to see the ABs made to look so ordinary.

    Cracking game by England, hoping the Men of Harlech put one over SA now.

    Free Member

    [stw] hope you’ve told your insurers [\stw]

    Sod ’em.

    Insurance companies are the biggest scam merchants in the world.

    Free Member

    WTF is wrong with Labour?

    Says Tory Boy!

    Conservative Party Islamophobia

    Free Member

    The cake fine will be massive. Definitely won’t get away with a pack of Malted Milk biscuits.

    Free Member

    Dryden is not an expert…

    As a Consultant Microbiologist I’m sure he has a bit more knowledge of the subject than a layperson who has “done their research” though. Of course if that’s not good enough there is also another doctor referenced in that piece on the BBC website who works at…

    London’s Hospital for Tropical Diseases

    I reckon she might know a thing or two too.

    But you know, it’s a conspiracy to brush things under the carpet. Us Healthcare Professionals, although in professions based on science, recall about ignoring the science and fumbling around in the dark at the say so of The Government.

    Free Member

    So a mobile workshop then? Just like folk have had for decades.

    Yeah but “work van” or “mobile workshop” doesn’t have the pretentiousness that today’s artisanal organic structural tissue crafters require.

    Free Member

    Make one yourself. If you have the room to put one in surely you have the room to make one?

    They’re pretty easy to build, you can tailor it to your specific needs (size, height, etc) and you’ll likely get more for your money.

    Coming from a long line of carpenters I’d be shunned by my family if I ever shop brought something as simple to make as a work bench!

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