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  • On This Day: Christmas Card Throwback 2017
  • Sonor
    Free Member

    Why blame a government for you having a greedy dentist?
    I suppose we should have just paid up and increased taxes to cover it … i am sure you would not be moaning then would you?
    The NHS contracts allow dentists to opt out .. I believe it is termed free market economics so beloved of the right wing. Apparently it makes everything cheaper and work better as this example and the banking system so clearly demonstrate.

    I think this sums it up perfectly.

    Free Member

    Kathrin Hitzer, Skiing, shooting type bird.

    Magdelena Nuener, Another skiing shooty type bird.

    Free Member

    Rockshox pressures do seem to be out. I ran mine at the recommended pressure and they were too stiff.

    Now run them around 100-110psi.

    Free Member

    Thank you so far.

    I used to have one on my CV a few years back, but that was when I was doing IT, now its commercial/Retail electrical maintenance/installs. Working currently, but have seen a few jobs advertised which are proving to be very tempting.

    I’m of the mind to focus on the Skills/experience side of things.

    Free Member

    You want one of these…

    No you don’t. Overhyped IMO.

    I also think thats a reasonable deal.

    I’ve got an 03 Vivaro. The only thing I’ve had a couple of times is the “phantom airbag fault warning light.” (Renault electrics) Just make sure you have the special allen key for unlocking the spare wheel.

    I have seen these vans being sold from £8000+vat nearly new(roughly 2000 miles on the clock).

    Free Member

    OWG Seconded.

    Just useless sh*t machines.

    Free Member

    If we put the action taken by the government aside for the moment, I find it alarming just how some of you are using the freedom of speech card, just as an excuse to attack the current Government. I think some of you right leaning commentators here need to seperate the “let’s attack this Government no matter what they do” and “freedom of speech.”

    Have some of you even bothered to read how unsavoury this Wilders is?

    While I agree that the principle of freedom of speech must be defended, there are far more worthy causes to stand up and protect in regards to freedom of speech over than Wilders and his views.

    All this Government has done however is give this idiot is unrequired press coverage.

    Free Member

    Thank you Gus for restoring some order, TJ, I think you like others here have been fooled by Johnson’s charisma, he’s an intelligent fellow and knows how to play to his strengths.

    I seem to remember that people fell for another charismatic leader a few years back and we know what happened, what was his name…Tony or something.

    Free Member

    Endemic corruption at an institutional level.

    Tory calling labour corrupt. pot, Kettle, Black.

    Because, much like Ed Balls this morning, the left are desperately trying to tar anyone who is a Conservative with the BNP brush. It’s a rather sad attempt at saying “Look, they’re all Nazis, don’t vote for them!”

    Conservative and BNP, they did come together in the recent past, now where was it…that’s right, the London Mayoral elections.

    Free Member

    The UK contributes 3% of global emissions

    We do now, I wonder how much we contributed 30 years ago and I wonder how much China contributes to global emissions now that we have most of our manufacturing done there.

    I’d rather believe him than people given money by a government to provide figures to back up policies that allow said government to increase taxation.

    I always find it amusing that people think that Governments just love to tax us.

    Free Member

    Total said there weren’t going to be “no direct redundancies,” Meaning those on short term contracts won’t have them renewed.

    Short term contracts, don’t you just love them? Bringing job security and stability to society. 🙄

    Free Member

    If he eventually does drum lessons you don’t want him to pick up any bad habits, so start with learning basic 4/4 time. It sounds boring as hell and it will also depend on the attention span of a 7 year old.

    Sit beside him with sticks in hand and go through the motions of playing the time slowly and get him to play along with you. Then towards the end of a lesson, give him a performance on the drums yourself, this will demonstrate to him that if he does a bit of work he can achieve this.

    That’s how I would do it, although I’ve never had a lesson.

    Free Member

    Investor in “I can’t make any money out of your economy” hissyfit shocka.

    While we can blame this and previous Governments for what is happening, I think the population of this country should take a long hard look at themselves also.

    Free Member

    I think he’s been hyped so much that anything less than delivering miracles to get the US out of trouble will be seen as a disappointment.

    I hope he does well.

    Free Member

    Saw those three chinooks out near Knaphill(Woking)this afternoon, Heading back to base I presume.

    Free Member

    Rudeboy, I hope that your tea break was the regulation ten minutes, I wouldn’t want you to go up on a disciplinary without a union rep… 😉

    Free Member

    Because unions being greedy can have a negative effect on the company, thus resulting in the opposite of what is actually good for the workers they purportedly represent. That or (cf Andy Gilchrist) a negative effect on society as a whole. Meanwhile companies being “greedy” for their shareholders has a positive effect on the sustainability of the company, which whilst it might not be so good for the union members’ pockets in the short term, at least means they still have jobs in the long term.


    Have you noticed that as a result of companies greed recently that quite a few jobs have all of a sudden become “very” short term?

    Free Member

    Why is unions being ‘greedy’ on the behalf of mostly normal workers seen as such a terrible thing. Seems to be considered worse than companies being ‘greedy’ for their shareholders, which is standard practice and basically their entire raison d’etre.

    I’ve often found that the biggest complainers of “Union greed” have been those individuals/corporations who advocated the implementation of laws/weakening of unions for their financial own gain.

    Free Member

    There were a hell of a lot of people in this country who felt pride when her own party stabbed her in the back and got shot of her.

    Free Member

    The only part not showing desperation Stoner are the Lib/Dems and that’s because they can’t decide whether to be or not.

    Free Member

    A sign of desperation on behalf of the Tories.

    Free Member

    This is quite a good debate, but the main issue is being ignored. Bentudder has said while riders who crash on land are not suing the landowners, the insurance companies who insure the riders are.

    Hurtwood is a charity, if something like that happened to Hurtwood or the Shere estate…its goodbye trails. Until Hurtwood change their minds over having jumps and the like the point is moot.

    Free Member

    Juvenile? I think you need to read my comments again.

    Free Member

    I am also always amazed by people on this forum immediately rushing to condemn this sort of unsanctioned trail building.

    Perhaps it may be because those people realise that if this type of trailbuilding continues the landowners will grow weary of it and restrict any kind of riding on the land.

    The real problem is that the people currently self appointed to trail building don’t really do that great a job of it although you cannot fault their commitment.

    Ha Ha, I’m sure they’ll be really hurt by those comments…

    Free Member

    I think the trails that they would like coffeeking are the ones that the land owners don’t want on their land irrespective of sanctioned/un-sanctioned trailbuilders opinions.

    Free Member

    Oh yes, Nice one Ernie.

    Free Member

    Love this line Alwyn:

    I’m pretty sure the nationalized industries that the tories sold off were not national assets, they were government failures.

    What would you call those industries now? I’d call it a fantastic money making machine to the detriment of the population it supplies services to.

    New Labour’s not great, but I find it laughable that a change of Government to the Tories will somehow make it alright.

    Free Member

    Kathrin Hitzer

    Yes, she is German and unfortunately handy with a rifle.

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