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  • Take Care Of Your Trails 2024
  • Sonor
    Free Member

    It was recorded one Christmas for the shows Christmas bash, not for broadcast, According to my dad who worked on the show at the time.

    Free Member

    1 out of 3.

    One is waiting for a new wheel to turn up and the other has a rear hub that’s almost knackered, a shock to be serviced and headset bearings to be replaced.

    Free Member

    I use it to keep in touch with people who are now in various parts of the globe such as Australia, Canada, USA, Japan, Spain and France, also with people who I may only see a couple of times a year.

    I don’t have anyone on FB who I see regularly.

    Free Member

    No seriously, we used to ride rigids and we experienced all the symptoms listed above, so we got forks, Then some people decided to put rigid forks back on and complain that its not as comfy.

    Well there’s retardation of one kind going on.

    Free Member

    I have an 03 Vivaro, just done over 105,000 miles which is below the average.

    Aside from the usual servicing costs I’ve had:
    drive belt replaced as a precaution, alternator break, track rods replaced, gear box leak, the vauxhall dealer had the van for two weeks with that one, something happened to the gearbox as they were removing it and they had to send it off to a gearbox specialist. What was odd is that they were coy as to what had happened and they didn’t charge me anymore than what they quoted for replacing the gearbox seal.

    One of the bolts on the track rods(the one connecting the rod to the wheel) popped off while I was driving along which meant I was only steering one wheel and finally a bloody irritating problem with an the airbag fault warning light going on and off. Vauxhall can’t seem to find out whats wrong.

    The gear box problems have supposed to have been sorted on models from 06, but as always they are commercial vehicles and do largely have a hard life. I still like driving it.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    Blimey, this is a blast from the past, I used to go on Easter and Summer camps with the Scouts to Llangynidr.

    Stayed at Panteg farm by the Usk in what was the derelict farmhouse, which looks like it has been restored. A bit “chilly” for easter camp it was.

    Free Member

    I use Guhring drill bits, a bit expensive, a 12.5mm hss just cost me £12.50.

    And I use Ambersil Tufcut for lubrication when drilling metal.

    Free Member


    D2D a few years back


    I’m sure theres a 90’s satirical news show based on this…


    Free Member

    We may have great access to the land in this country, but there is a huge condition that comes with that freedom – we need to use our rights RESPONSIBLY.

    After “looking” at that article on the front page, people rant about rights but forget their responsibilities.

    Free Member

    No one mentioned Crawley yet?

    I’ve never been to Crewe, but a crater on Mars is named after the town.

    Free Member

    Is your electrician gonna change your distribution board whilst hes at it?? Is there already some kind of wiring in for electric heating already??

    If there isn’t any wiring in already its more than likely that some form of RCD protection would be required, which may mean a fuse board change. There will be two power supplies going to the heater, one for the storage(economy7) and one for the convector.

    I fitted a Dimplex Storage heater with convector a while ago. Bloody horrible things to put together.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Someone pulling out of the exit at sandown park giving me very little time and space to swerve and avoid his car.

    He was leaving a health and safety conference.

    Free Member

    From the 70’s, when we had proper Carrier aviation.

    Free Member

    The most appropriately named warship.

    HMS Daring with USS Enterprise.

    Free Member

    Jaguar, always loved them,

    Saab Viggen, Loved the paint scheme

    Westland Whirlwind

    Free Member

    Heading east to Nam…dagenham, or off to launch hellfires at helmandshire… or Essex.

    Free Member

    The Proper Beau fall lines or the Holey trail stuff as I remember them have just become a mess, an obvious eyesore and user conflict, I think those are the reasons why Hurtwood want to change it.

    As for T5, part of the trail uses an established walkers path, which also runs along the edge of the Graveyard and then into a busy(at weekends) car park. I like the final descent into the car park and have spent many happy moments getting acquainted with the holly bush on the corner. 😳

    Free Member

    Did jury service a few years ago at Kingston Crown court. Got selected for a jury on the first day, but didn’t get into court, in court on the second and third day, the fourth day a juror was ill so we went home on the fifth day back into court only to see the case dismissed on a technicality…the jury would have delivered a not guilty verdict anyway.

    The second week was a bank holiday, followed by the Queens birthday so the court was closed for that. Spent a couple of days in the jurors lounge which was alright as the jury I served on stuck together in a group and we did get a bit loud, got called on the final day, but not selected this time and that was that.

    Observations: lot’s of faffing about, point of law stuff where the jury has to leave the court. The prosecution case on the trial was just shockingly bad.

    Free Member

    Click on the pic:

    Click on the pic:

    Free Member

    I’d just watched Liverpool losing 1-0 to QPR in the League Cup (damn that synthetic pitch of theirs).

    I rather liked our plastic pitch. Workmen blaming the tools again eh? 😉

    Free Member

    **** sake, I’ve installed and serviced a few of these, all I can say is thank god for the antibacterial paint and air filter system.

    Will be using gloves next time.

    Free Member

    Also helps with jellyfish bites.

    Useful to know if showering in an aquarium.

    Free Member

    I don’t mind the odd trailside wee.
    Trailside poo? Inevitably you draw a line … somewhere.

    Compared to some of the rubbish you see at the side of the trail, at least it’s bio-degradable.

    Free Member

    Thats pretty pathetic that fences have been ripped up and signs vandalised. I wonder if that was done by the illegal builders there. Way to go, screw it up for everyone else, MORONS!

    I would say is that it’s just riders who do this sort of thing, whether they build unsanctioned trails or not.

    Just the everyday can’t see past themselves type of rider who doesn’t want their personal enjoyment spoilt regardless of the cost to others.

    Free Member

    The Shere estate(owned by the Bray family) own Holmbury/Pitch hills and parts of Winterfold. They control the commercial aspects of the land such as forestry.

    Friends of the Hurtwood (charity) look after the public access issues to the land, they don’t own the land themselves.

    If control of the land has been legally given to the trustees of hurtwood control then if mtbers became those trustees / formed a large portion of the friends of hurtwood, they would be in a position to change policies in regard to cycling / creation of new trails?

    Planning a coup? Good luck with that.

    It has been trustees who are mountain bikers that have already made Hurtwood more mountain biker friendly and you wouldn’t believe the work that goes into it just to get it to where it is today. of course this work is being undone by unsanctioned trailbuilding.

    I’m in for joining – start another thread to encourage it and then we all join within an hour to make it noticable.

    £350k, so we need 350 stw members with £1000 burn. Who’s up for that, there are obviously a few judging by the watch thread that’s going on now…

    I think you had better check which plot is for sale as most of that side of Leith hill is covered by SSSI’s, which won’t even allow you to fart on that land.

    Something from the Hurtwood ranger blog:

    Over the last few weeks we’ve been erecting some post and rail barriers opposite the ending of the new BKB trail. This was done to prevent bike riders using a footpath, rather than the road, back to Peaslake. This footpath is used regularly by pedestrians to walk safely into the village without having to go onto the road. Sadly the first barriers we put up were ripped out, so far their replacements are still in place, however the signs I put up, have been vandalised.

    Free Member

    Sonor, didn’t you hear? They closed all the pits thus leaving me with nothing else to do but peddle me communist filth on random internet forums in order to further the cause of the extreme left.

    I see. A rebel without a cause.

    Free Member

    How’s it wrong? Genuinely curious here… I know some of the land would be recently purchased etc, and most of that would be off limits I guess (Private Land), but how much is ‘just’ landed gentry or something of the like? I honestly don’t know, curious to know more…

    If it is all/predominately ‘inherited’/’old money’ ownership, then it kind of grates on me somehow…

    Aside from any revolutionary issues, 😉 The Hurtwood have operated the first right to roam policy way ahead of Scotland and the like. This has given us unprecedented access to this land. But it also comes with a responsibility to “not extract the urine”. The current owners have stuck to the policy started by their predecessors that while they own the land it is accessible to all.

    I’d hate to think what may happen kind of access issues there may be(aside from footpaths/bridleways)when the current Government starts to sell off forestry land.

    “As I was ridin’ – I saw a sign there
    and that sign said – no trespassin’
    but on the other side…. it didn’t say nothin!
    now that side was made for you and me!”

    Nice bit of responsibility there Arthur. Haven’t you got a coal pit to go home to or something? 8)

    Free Member

    they don’t want you to build. It interferes with their desire to negotiate with a group of people currently seeking to obtain sole trail building rights across Hurtwood that will result in the scratched in stuff morphing into exactly what any of us can find at trail centres across the nation.

    It is the Hurtwood and shere estates(the actual owners of the land) prerogative to “negotiate” with whoever they like.

    Trail building is a craft and it’s endeavours have the potential to improve the tired minds of many. Trail builders are not criminals and should not be treated as such.

    As a trailbuilder I understand this, but the land is not ours to do whatever we like on and the owners are getting tired of trails popping up all over the place without their permission. It has got to the point where they may have to threaten legal action. This is a sorry state of affairs.

    as I barrelled down it at full lick. Logs had merely been smashed out of drops and landings had been left strewn with debris. Had I come a cropper and ended up in the back of an ambulance would the person responsible be satisfied that they had caused this to occur?

    As I mentioned earlier the hurtwood ranger has not put these trails beyond use, incidentally you have brought up another issue…Hurtwood have stated that they don’t want jumps and drops(like CSS) on their land, because of the scenario you have mentioned.

    Free Member

    I don’t build any illegal trails there, but I did see one on Saturday that had been put out of use by lips taken out of drop offs and then large rocks on the landing of the drop off. The same on the run in and landing on a jump further down.

    The Hurtwood Ranger has not put any of these trails beyond use yet. More than likely someone “modifying” a trail built by someone else.

    Free Member

    If the landowners are happy with people to build trails and ride on the land, then surely trashing what you admit is an ‘innovative’ trail that has taken considerable time to create, just because someone didn’t ask the ranger, is an overreaction? Surely what’s needed is for the trailbuilder(s) to sit down with the ranger and the landowner to apologise, then firm up a defined set of rules for the land to ensure this sort of thing doesn’t happen again?

    This has already happened, The Hurtwood are happy for riders to use the EXISTING trail network which was defined a couple of years ago. Any trails built since then are not permitted, The trailbuilders who maintain the trails on behalf of the Hurtwood are only allowed to work on existing trails.

    The current issue is that the Hurtwood has other users such as walkers, horseriders etc, that use it’s land also, what it doesn’t want to see is a mountain bike trail through every tract of woodland on every hill, you also have to consider the wildlife that exists in the woods as well.

    It makes any kind of trail advocacy difficult, because unathourised trailbuilding is showing the other users of the Hurtwood and the residents of the area that mountain bikers lack responsibility.

    Free Member

    That doesn’t warrant an answer really.

    Free Member

    Miranda just isn’t funny. Sarah Millican is better.

    Free Member

    16″ breath, 5’6″, 90mm stem and 120mm forks.

    Free Member

    Kirov Class Nuclear powered missile cruiser.

    Free Member

    I get the occasional Blue-tit on my balls,(it is cold after all) the wood pecker loves them though, the tits seem to leave my nuts alone as well.

    The tits(Great/Blue, and long tailed) love my seed. Sunflower that is.

    Meal worms seem to be a favourite with those red breasted robins.

    Free Member

    This could turn into a Sparky’s moan session about those Professional bodies. Considering people are getting banned on this forum for swearing, I think I need to stop now.

    Free Member

    I was hoping those sort of muppets had died out in the recession.

    If only, there are plenty of five day wonders still out there. The “professional” bodies overseeing the Part P scheme are now getting a lot more stringent with who they allow into the scheme.

    Free Member

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