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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • son-of-mike
    Free Member

    @matt_bl – yeah, one way, 17.6LY. Bought in HIP 67086/Volnyov Base, sold at Toluku/Mistress Lilith Memorial (which was awesome to fly into, a station positioned just above the rings of a gas giant).

    – well, I’m certainly not flying to Hutton Orbital to buy them!!! ;)

    Free Member

    @perchypanther as molgrips said, pure genius.

    – yes, the silent space station “traffic controller” is a bug (as I understood from some streams earlier in the week at least). I’ve also noticed the mission alerts about delivery bonuses or threats don’t appear in the Comms panel but you hear the message alert.

    I took someone’s advice early on and I’ve been scanning & trading my way around as I go so hopefully certain things will be easier to unlock later. I’ve been trading on top of mission runs, been using Inara & EDDB, feels like cheating a bit. I traded tritium for the 1st time, about 13Kcr profit per ton.

    There seems to be NPC Fleet Carriers too. I docked on one in solo last night. Couldn’t do much on it though – no marketplace, couldn’t buy fuel. It would be good to see if it had an itinerary and if I could hitch a lift somewhere.

    Oh, and I got my Sol permit last night. Saving the tour for tonight. Any suggestions for sightseeing in Sol?

    Free Member

    Has anyone noticed any different comms chatter in the top left? On a stream last night there was something from a funeral barge like “too young, too soon” and I just saw a comment from a wedding barge “I’ve not written my vows yet, what can I say?”. Developers having some fun??

    And it looks like Chakpa is in lockdown. How ironic. Even in fantasy world I can’t escape it :)

    Free Member

    @convert – just to echo what’s been said up there, very open ended, play how/when you like. It’s been an expensive thread for me as I decided to get back into gaming after 20 years so bought a new PC (already had an old MS Sidewinder joystick :) ). I’d recommend a few YouTubers; Down To Earth Astronomy, CMDR Exigeous, Obsidian Ant, The Yamiks (a bit sweary). I saw the game described as a “second job simulator” – made me laugh, kinda feels that way.

    I decided not to play last night with the updates going in. Just updating my E:D now, I’ll hopefully unlock the permit to Sol so I can swing by Earth. One thing I saw last night that looked like fun was Exigeous taking a small, fast ship and racing down canyons on Pomeche 2C.

    Free Member

    Davs Nope – at the moment :)

    Latest gossip; Triple LTD was found in Col 285 Sector XN-D a28-2 A 10

    Free Member

    @matt_bl – don’t panic, Exigeous has Frontier online, they said missing Jameson & Davs are a bug and they’ll fix it. Phew.

    Free Member

    @matt_bl – apparently, latest update, it’s not a quad. A double void opal. TBH, stuff is coming in so fast on the feed it’s hard to keep up. Jameson’s crash site and Dav’s Hope are missing too, apparently.

    Free Member

    Although rumours of a quad 800LY from the Bubble, just mentioned in Exigeous’s stream;
    PRAEA EUQ SG-7 D10 AB 1 A Ring

    Edit: typo, should be PRAEA EUQ SG-Y D10

    Free Member

    Well, I got lucky. Stopped mining at 52t, checked the price at CD-52 557 and it had dropped to 1.1Mcr, went for some dinner, checked afterwards and it had just gone back up to 1.67Mcr, hightailed it over there and got 1.62Mcr for them. Woop. Picked up some polymers en route to Federation space and sold those for 5k/T profit.

    Free Member

    Currently mining in Borann (solo play)

    PSA: on Inara just now, LTD best sell at 1,505,511cr at CD-52 557 (Sewell Port), 132LY, 455Ls in system

    Free Member

    @matt_bl & @perchypanther – ah, thanks for the explanation. Makes sense I guess as inventory seems to come with you too. I am kinda tempted to use a few LTD’s as a lure to get my kills up though, might do that for sh!ts & giggles. :)

    Free Member

    A couple of questions for you to sus out an idea. If you store a ship with cargo in the hold will the cargo still be there when you return to use the ship?

    And, if you have a ship stored in a location with a full hold of cargo and you ask to have it delivered to your new location will it transfer over with the cargo and avoid interdiction for the cargo en route?

    I was thinking I could mine in my AspX, fill it, store it in Borann. Go and do missions locally in the Cobra and when I see LTD’s hit 1.6Mcr then fly the Cobra to the Best Sell and call the AspX to join me, free from risk of interdiction. Anyone tried this?

    Free Member

    @v8ninety – thanks for the tip about Inara and your stats. I didn’t know that. I knew you could save and share your ship loadouts via EDSY and but not about your CMDR profile on Inara. I’m off to check that out.

    Yeah, Kunti system – PMSL. I never noticed the description while I was there dumping my load of LTDs to add to their vajazzle stockpile.

    – o7, excellent work! Send us a postcard from Colonia!

    No gaming for me this weekend as I’m being CMDR Dad all weekend, I can’t risk playing it in case my daughter wakes up looking for me while I’m in the middle of avoiding an interdiction with a hold full of LTDs.

    Free Member

    @molgrips – yes MMORPG, I get that feeling. All the lore behind it etc. Apparently the “Jameson” character in E:D is loosely based on Capt Alexander Lascelles Jamison in the Traveller RPG from the 1980’s. It’s so open ended and I like that you can jump into a specific task, like unlocking engineers or just bimble & explore.

    The way I see it for me, I have a few specifics like unlock Sol, get a Python, pin an engineered FSD blueprint, get my name on a few “first discovered” tags. Then there’s higher level aims to slowly drift towards while just bimbling, like get Elite in something (probably trading), explore some sights & lore, stop using Inara/EDDB/Spansh etc, be more social (wing/multi-crew/play in Open).

    Jeez, it’s starting to sound like I need to write a PDP document for my E:D “job”. :)

    – what/who is Robigo? Is that an engineer?

    Free Member

    @matt_bl – yes, a scattering of surface LTD’s kept me ticking over. Very addictive, what’s behind the next asteroid, is it a core? Nope, more false positives, keep looking. Still getting my eye in but when I spot them they’re quite clear – big, lemon yellow space popcorns!

    Free Member

    I don’t think this counts as a thread hijack given the chat, so I’ll just leave this here with the comment that I enjoyed the first programme of this BBC4 series;

    Tomorrow’s Worlds

    Free Member


    You don’t need to be good at anything. Just join for a laugh.

    Ha, I might just do that – I need to remember, it’s a game – it’s not real. We’re not really getting blown up :)

    – top tip, noted. I’ll give it a go. I got up to Cadet last night, was just looking for faction rep missions and noticed my 2nd Fed Navy data one, I thought I’d have to do a lot of missions to rank up but it seems the 2 missions ranked me up one level each time. Nice. When I get to Sol I’m going to look for the Voyager probes.

    – yes, a Python is next on the shopping list :) N+1 indeed. Recommened-what-you-have – LOLZ, STW in space. Will a Cobra mk3 take off if it’s on a conveyor belt? Are we all wearing helmets in 3306? Sorry-Mate-I-Didn’t-See-You in the space dock :)

    I cracked on with Borann waaaaay too late last night. First rock was a core – then nothing for ages then 3 all in a row and 70+T of LTD’s. Sold. Boom. Now I’m Tycoon.

    Free Member

    Sounds like you’ve all been busy. I pretty much only read this thread on STW these days :)
    I took a break from mining at Borann in my AspX to kit out a Cobra mk3 and do some missions for the Feds. I’m keen on the permit for Sol. Made it to Recruit so far and lined up as many missions as I could in an area, got quite confusing remembering where I was meant to go next. Then some NPC was sent to hunt me down – he failed, I hightailed it from the fight as my FSD was already charged. I’ll get back into the mining before the deadline, I could use the top up to my cash, “only” about 300Mcr left in the bank. Plan is for a Python and something for dogfights to get my rating away from Mostly Harmless. Once I’m half decent at anything I might join in some of your multi-crew/wing action.

    – yes, I’ve been watching some of the analysis of the new Odyssey release for next year. I quite like the look of it but I’m not much of a 1st/3rd person shooter fan. I prefer space flight simulations, although I’d be very interested if base building came into it and it worked a bit like Sim City – zone it, set taxes, provide utilities, manage the population & resources. I just can’t believe how utterly VAST this game/simulation is.

    Right, time to get some limpets and head back to Borann!

    o7 CMDRs

    Free Member

    @mikkel you asked about pinning blueprints. Down To Earth Astronomy did a review of which blueprints to pin from which engineers. I’m nowhere near ready for that yet so I’ll come back to it when I’m ready to get upgrading. The summary is at 14:46 in this video;

    Free Member

    Looks like I just answered my own question, seems like “shared storage” and my stored modules are available in the new system. Nice.

    Ignore me, I’m wrong – they need transferred. Damn.

    Free Member

    @mikkel ouch. I’m chuffed I managed to sell my 23T for 38MCr just there.

    Does anyone know if you swap out a module and put it in storage if you have to go back to the port where it was stored or if you can pick the same module up at a different port?

    Looks like I just answered my own question, seems like “shared storage” and my stored modules are available in the new system. Nice.

    Free Member

    True, but I haven’t sold my LTDs yet, just on the way to do that now – just after I’ve counted my chickens before they’ve hatched!! :)

    Free Member

    @Son-of-mike no, you get what you pay, sorry.

    Gah! Thought I’d found a wee side scam. :)

    Free Member

    And what about this idea, say you’re outfitting a ship in a cheap location (e.g. LYR space), you have some empty modules and some spare cash. Can you fill up those module spaces, fly on to some other location where the module prices aren’t discounted and then sell the excess modules for a profit? You’re effectively the filling the unused module slots and using them as cargo space.

    Free Member

    @matt_bl Yes, in Borann, solo mode. 2nd outing more successful, 23 tons (96T capacity), getting the hang of it, need to learn thrusters. 125LY to best sell (14.5LY jump range just now), 11 jumps to destination. Chances of me making it there with my LTD’s??

    Does anyone know if you swap out a module and put it in storage if you have to go back to the port where it was stored or if you can pick the same module up at a different port?

    Free Member

    @perchypanther Good idea with the DC for recovering things once you’re inside.

    Just had my first go at core mining. Resulted in a rebuy. Found a core, eventually figured out the seismic charges, detonated, yay, fragments of LTD, move in for the goodies, going far too fast, smash into the bits while trying to remember the buttons for limpets. On the upside all the YT videos payed off, the first (& only!) asteroid I prospected was a LTD core. Ding, ding round 2.

    Free Member

    Game-changing! 😀

    Totally, while I was waiting for a new PC to arrive to play the game I watched LOTS of YouTube on this. And yes, the KGBFOAM filter was the first I applied. It was tip #14 in the video below. I like his tip #45 – fly at over 200 through the mailslot and they can’t scan you so you can carry slaves/contraband. Not had the guts to try that one yet ;)

    Free Member

    Greetings Commanders

    Another noob joining the fray (CMDR Eisler in-game). For me it’s a return to PC gaming after nearly 20 years (had never heard of Steam until a few weeks ago!!) – mainly because of this thread and nostalgia for a lost summer in the mid 1980’s zooming around space via a BBC B+. Thanks for all the advice on the thread, I’ll try to contribute anything useful I learn. But as said before, this game is HUUUUUUGE. The Galaxy map blows my mind.

    I’m harmless in combat, a dealer in trade and pathfinder for exploration. 0 ranks but 55% friendly with the Federation (3% Empire – I don’t care, I’ll take their cash!!). So far I’ve bagged a few bounties in my Sidewinder helping The Law, then upgraded to a stripped down Hauler to do some exploration & scanning and recently bought an AspX for some core mining but filled the 96T hold with a few runs of military grade fabric netting anywhere between 4.5k and 8k per ton profit. Still only got a measly 5.5million in the bank.

    Currently I’m making my way to Borann (in solo) with a plan to make some cash to get a Cobra mk3 and maybe a Python before I just go for a wander, do a few missions, upskill my killin’ skills and have a pop at A rating & engineering.

    Once I get the hang of the key bindings and a dodgy joystick that has a constant slow yaw to the right (calibration does nothing) I’ll maybe think about Open play and wings.

    Fly safe, o7

    Free Member

    I kinda lost touch with their work after Beaucoup Fish, but this caught my attention recently;
    Listen To Their No

    Free Member

    @unfitgeezer when you say it won’t work, can you describe any error messages you get? It won’t load? Is it the Teams app on Mac that you’re trying to use? Are you using the latest app? Teams for Mac OS.

    I’m not sure how it works in a student setting, have they been added to a Team? Do they get an Office365 account as a student? If they can get logged in at they should be able to open the Teams app via a browser. I use Chrome & Edge at work (on Windows though) and Teams via the browser works fine.

    Free Member

    @ampthill If you just need them to upload their assignment (i.e. you don’t need them to use the chat & meetings features of Teams) then the external user can be granted access to a specific folder via Sharepoint (FYI, Sharepoint is the file storage for your Teams content).

    Let’s assume you have a channel (& therefore a Sharepoint folder) already set up for the purpose of holding the uploaded assignments, open this folder in Sharepoint (you should have an “open in Sharepoint” button in Teams), then click to highlight the specific folder in Sharepoint and click the share icon to share the folder, enter the user’s email address, it may default to Read Only, type in a comment if you like and send the invitation to the user. They will probably be asked to prove they are who they say they are by an authentication link being sent to their email.

    All this assumes your Admin has turned on external sharing on the Team/Group. There are other settings to control what the user can do, i.e. disable downloads. But this might work if you just want to give them a place to upload files. Once uploaded you can use the “move to” feature to put the file into a different folder.

    We also use Guest accounts, basically we allow users with external email addresses to be added to a Team, there’s a policy and agreement they need to sign up to but I’m not too sure how it works in detail I’m afraid.

    Free Member


    It’s coming, it’s coming…

    Can’t come soon enough, this really hacks me off. #firstworldproblems etc

    Free Member

    I have a teams question! I am trying to share a notebook on channel (to a guest) but can’t find how to manage this. Is it a SharePoint issue?

    Assuming the guest is a member of the Team, in your channel, click the + icon at the top of the page (add a tab), choose the OneNote option, it’ll head off to find a list of your OneNote notebooks, choose the particular notebook, section or even page from the notebook. This will add the notebook into the channel. Anyone in the Team will be able to see it.

    If the guest is not part of the Team then what I typed won’t work. You could maybe share the notebook directly with them by sending them a sharing link from OneNote, you would be collaborating on it, just not within the Team space. HTH.

    Free Member

    @matt_outandabout Sounds like you’ve had a bad experience moving to Teams? We’ve had the opposite, lots of positive comments, people taking to it intuitively (who are not IT people). I think a lot of the features are things you would see in modern life, outside of the office, like in WhatsApp or Slack or Trello. The MS docs are, for the most part, easy to read and aimed at driving people onto the tool. Yes, primarily we use it for internal teams but we have plenty of Teams who interact with federated and guest accounts or who share content externally with agenices & 3rd parties. As long as you have it set up properly and have someone to explain it I reckon it’s a really powerful tool that will change the way our business (global company, 7000+ people) works forever.

    Free Member

    @scuttler Yeah, I love the background blur, no one knows I’m in the caves of Tora Bora when I’m meant to be working from home :)

    I was just thinking that today, like they’re sitting behind me whispering in my ear, very spooky.

    The Stream recordings are useful if you have people who can’t make the meeting or if you want to listen back to it. You can then create a Stream channel and link into your Team using the “add a tab” feature, then all the Teams meeting videos are located in the same Teams space.

    Free Member

    You want to have a meeting with just some of the members of the Team? How many people are you talking about here?

      You can set up a private channel within that team and add the members you want
      Or go to the Chat panel and create a new conversation with these people, then start a meeting in that conversation
      Or just set up the meeting in Outlook and make it a Teams meeting (by clicking the Teams Meeting button in Outlook)
      Using @Teams will just notify everyone in the Team

    There’s some good resources on the Microsoft

    Free Member

    @big_n_daft thanks for your sympathies. Yes, my ex went straight to the gutter of the internet for her “knowledge”. But now she knows The Truth.

    Her latest crazy statement is that because she’s a council employee she can’t go against the latest government guidance. And yet the fact that NHS & public health have a published schedule for catch up childhood vaccinations and all government ministers advocate vaccination doesn’t occur to her.

    Free Member

    @jon taylor – sadly, that’s the law. IANAL, but Green Book Chapter 2 (the bible for immunsiation in the UK/NHS) on consent to vaccinate people who can’t give their consent, i.e. a young child, advises that there’s a few medical procedures where both parents have to agree and if they can’t agree then it needs a court order. There have been court cases in the past (is this what they call case law?) which have resulted in this determination. I’m going to be campaigning for an explicit change in the law to make it clear that only one parent’s consent is needed for vaccination (assuming there are no contra-indications advising against vaccination). You’ll hear the antivax mob screaming from the rooftops once a vaccine is developed and offered for coronavirus and all sorts of misinformation will be pumped out by the antivax crowd.

    Also, if I was to take the JFDI approach my ex would not trust me with my daughter again and my contact would be impacted or some other blocking tactics used. Welcome to the world of acrimonious family breakdown.

    Free Member

    My other half said “Our daughter will not have any vaccinations because they’re not safe, or effective or even necessary because we don’t have these diseases anymore”.

    She’s now my ex and I’m fighting through the court to get my daughter vaccinated. :(

    If you know anyone suitably qualified to offer an expert opinion in court in favour of vaccination (e.g. child health, infectious diseases, immunology with medico-legal training) then let me know.

    Free Member

    @lunge – re: the dad drinking in the pub, firstly that’s heartbreaking, poor kid. Secondly, it’s possibly against the law, 1902 Licensing Act, section 2. Might be worth mentioning it to the bar manager.

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