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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • son-of-mike
    Free Member

    @v8ninety – haha, oops, sorry

    Free Member

    I wonder if it may be an idea to take discussions of war tactics to a private space. This thread now comes up on google results if you google ‘Akuntsu’ ‘war’ and ‘elite dangerous’.

    Proper lolz. Great, we’ll be on GCHQ’s radar now :)

    Thanks for setting up a Discord for us D0NK, that’ll be my first foray into that tool.

    Free Member

    @squirrelking – I pointed out the LCE vs IPP tussle on page 66 ;)

    Free Member

    I’ve just noticed there’s also a war between IPP and LCE in Kuwembaa. Is that anything we can use to our advantage? i.e. divide and conquer, so we force the Imperial Enforcement Division to fight on two fronts (if we get re-inforcements to bolster us, that is).
    Posted 4 days ago

    I just don’t know enough about the BGS mechanics to see how it’s useful to us.

    – doesn’t look like there’s a “target PP” option but here’s a targeting key binding guide from D2EA, some of the options might be useful in wings;

    Free Member

    I’ll happily use the carrier if parked near Tennyson.

    Also, I approve of Perchy’s proxy war approach, if for no other reason than to hack off LL mob with a series of elections to keep fighting.

    I’ll need to work a bit late tonight so I’ve sacked off my ride in favour of eating curry and playing Elite. :)

    Free Member

    4th largest squadron on Inara and 3 of their senior guys have showed up.
    They seem to be rabid, foaming at the mouth, mostly American, role-players who take this way more seriously than our bunch of time-poor middle aged part timers can deal with.

    OK, I don’t feel so bad now. I think we’ve learned a lot out of this. Maybe before the next war we sus out the potential for incomers to spoil/rock the party or create a diversionary war in another local system? The Syndicate didn’t seem as big or organised as LL so maybe there’s room to expand into that space at some point?

    – re: winning/losing stations via battles, no idea TBH but I took the “at risk of losing Tennyson” messages and decided to fight in the CZs closest to Tennyson. I do get multiple pop ups when I cruise into/past a CZ, 4 pop ups I think. Just thought it was normal.

    Free Member

    What about Williams Enterprise? That’s an NKL planetary base. You can hand in bonds and restock/refuel there. Has a large pad too.

    Free Member

    So, I PM’d CMDRs Awhitebuff and Sloan Kettering from The Syndicate. Message text;

    o7 CMDRs,

    New Kuwembaa Labour (Federation) are at war with Imset Patron’s Principles (Imperial) in Akuntsu system. This system borders some systems influenced by The Syndicate. We have won 3 days out of 4 and just need one final day to push us to overall victory but the Empire have called in reinforcements. Our loose coalition of CMDRs are calling on any Syndicate CMDRs to join the fight and push back the Imperial dogs. You both seem to have been active on Elite:Dangerous in recent months and were wondering if you could spread the word within The Syndicate or any other anti-Imperial squadrons you belong to. We have two days left to win it. Bounties and massacre missions paying well with capital ships and Spec Ops targets as an added bonus.

    Join the fight and win the war!

    CMDR Eisler

    Free Member

    CMDR Certacito seems to be the squadron commander for The Syndicate, PC player, UK timezone – but not very active since 2018. You can send private messages via Inara, apparently. They have a roster of other pilots. I’ll scan down the list for a player that’s been more active recently and I’ll drop him/her a quick note but I’ll struggle to be online for anything other than work tomorrow.

    I’ll just say something like, you guys seem to like making money, fancy a rumble with some Imperial types for a laugh, we just need 1 day of Win in Akuntsu against IPP.

    Free Member

    Just catching up. Barstewards! Yes, I read their blurb on Inara, I don’t see them backing down. I’d suggested someone asking The Syndicate if they want to step in to help – but they’ve got their fingers in pies in other local systems so they may be tempted to take Akuntsu at a later date. Or was someone chatting with a squadron of dads or allround decent chaps a while back? If so, asking for help sooner rather than later might allow other gamers time to get online.

    I probably can’t join in until late tomorrow. Thursday evening looking possible.

    Free Member

    Can’t get logged in till later either :(

    Free Member

    My nerves are down to 3% after my first experience in High CZ with D0NK. Good fun though. I’ve no idea why I have PA’s on my Python, nothing stays in sight long enough to hit it. MC’s are very satisfying though. :)

    Free Member

    @squirrelking – what’s your CMDR name? I found a CMDR Squirrelking – active 60months ago. I’m CMDR Eisler in game. Feel free to send me a friend request. I’m busy Tue & Fri nights this week.

    Free Member

    @D0NK & @Squirrelking – I could be free this evening too. Probably 9-11pm(ish). I might venture out of Solo if you want to wing up but my combat skillz are atrocious :)

    Free Member

    @Beagleboy – that’s a top tip from D0NK, look for mini-battles where the greens outnumber reds or pick softer targets (lower rank and shields down/hull damage). I usually turn up, float at the edge sussing out what’s what before I jump in.

    I’ve been trying a bit of pip management too. Usually go 2 Eng/4 Weap but hadn’t considered a bit of Sys when I’m on the MC’s. I seem to end up in a lot of jousting battles and struggle to get behind opponents. Any top tips for getting out of that position? Should I be trying some Flight Assist off tactics?

    I was only on for a short time tonight, I was wiped after a bike ride earlier (remember that hobby??!) but managed 2 wins in Low out at planet 11A. Took out two Cutters too, kerrrchiing!

    Free Member

    OK, does anyone know how to apologise while in a combat zone? Was doing quite well then accidentally shot a Federal Python. Next thing the entire radar goes red. Cr@p. Boost out to a safe distance and the Feds seem to be winning so I jump back in to target some remaining Imperials and once the battle is won they turn on me. Arrgh. Hightail it out of there to repair & restock. No bounties on me but got a pasting from their Corvette.

    Free Member

    Once I’ve won a combat zone and if I still have enough ammo I’m using a repair limpet to patch my hull. It seems to work.

    Free Member

    Given my lack of skills I’ll be working in lows. I think I won one at Tennyson. My 2nd one saw the Imperial fleet disappear after a few kills. I didn’t notice any signal that I’d won it outright though. TBH, I’ve got no idea what I’m doing :) Just shooting at IPP ships.

    Free Member

    @perchypanther – ah, OK, thanks.

    Free Member

    So in the Status panel I can see NKL and IPP, under conflict status for IPP it says “close defeat” and for NKL “close victory” with some sort of progress indicator. It looks like we’re about 40% towards victory (I guess that’s for the day). Am I reading that right?

    It also says attack Wylie Dock and defend Tennyson – how do you do either of these things? By winning conflict zones in those areas?

    As a “novice” in combat skill I’m out of my depth in combat zones, had a pop at two lows and the seemed to win in favour of NKL but do the NKL missions still count for the war? e.g. strategic data deliveries

    Free Member

    I’ve just noticed there’s also a war between IPP and LCE in Kuwembaa. Is that anything we can use to our advantage? i.e. divide and conquer, so we force the Imperial Enforcement Division to fight on two fronts (if we get re-inforcements to bolster us, that is).

    Free Member

    Well, that’s a fly in the ointment. Is there anyone we can call on to join the fight? Or does that risk losing control by inviting in another group? No idea if The Syndicate would want to get involved. They’re Independent but seem motivated by cash so combat bonds might tempt them. But we’re bumping up against them in a few systems so maybe they wouldn’t want us growing our influence on their doorstep?

    Free Member

    Ooh ‘eck. I’m off to the pub for a few beers this evening. Combat + beers probably won’t end well.

    Quick question about missiles. I’m in the process of unlocking Liz Ryder. Which is “best”? Seeker missiles or regular missiles? I’ve not got any plans to get packhounds just yet (too much other stuff to do first).

    Aye, indeed, Chewin’ The Fat in Space. I saw that Kirkintilloch carrier, although they should’ve called it The Kirky Puffer.

    Free Member

    OK, there’s a lot of similar sounding carrier names out there, a few creative ones, and then there’s this one; PA14 Yabass – nice to see a classic Scottish greeting 221k LS into space. Made me laugh anyway. :)

    Free Member

    @molgrips – to see how many markets you’ve traded in then go to Inara, create yourself a login (if you haven’t already), go to Commander (menu at the top), then choose Personal Logs & Game Statistics from the left hand menu. I think the Market Network value in the trading section is the number of markets you’ve traded at (169 for me).

    Free Member

    @beagleboy – wow, epic indeed. Well done on the exploration Elite. I’d recommend a Python as a multi-role ship. I’ve used mine for trading, mining, material gathering and some combat.

    I’ve done about 17 NKL missions out of Tennyson (trade, delivery & data) in the last 24hrs. Picked up a few high value missions so that, plus a bit of trading on the side, has seen my balance go up about 113Mcr.

    Free Member

    @matt_bl well, that’s a tad annoying. It feels like being ganked. There must be some way to see who’s visiting and influencing the system. I’m not back online until Tuesday evening but I’ll do what I can to regain some % points. If we can find out who’s influencing it maybe we can find them in Open and “persuade” them to Golf Tango Foxtrot? And top job with the Moon’s Spawn venga bus trip, I can’t join you this time but I applaud your community mindedness and would be up for hitching for whatever adventures in the future.

    how did you get your CMDR name tweaked? Did that need a ticket to FDev? When I set myself up the capitalisation wasn’t clear so ended up with eISLER instead of Eisler (named after an author of a sci-fi compendium that grabbed my attention as a 10 year old). I’ve been meaning to change the typo.

    My next big task will be a 5000LY trip to get some exploration done, thereby unlocking some engineers. Beagleboy is probably having a chuckle at that statement. I see 5000LY as a big deal so I’m gobsmacked at 18 months in the black.

    Free Member

    @squirrelking – yes, it looks like Moon’s Spawn is back in Akuntsu (I favourited it and Slumpy’s so I can keep tabs of where the action is);

    Also, if you have a shortlist for HOTASes (HOTI, plural?) then let me know what options you look at. I’m potentially in the market as mine has a slow but constant yaw & roll to the right. I think D0NK had a Thrustmaster of some kind.

    I’ve been busy getting a few more engineers unlocked, running the odd mission in NKL space etc. Had one great mission to source tritium for Wylie Dock. No worries, Sun Pef (Tousey) has it relatively cheap. Full cargo hold (176T), some for the mission, sold the rest for a decent 8k-ish profit and then the mission reward was 23 million credits. Kerchinnng!

    All that talk up there ^^ about weapons and ships is very impressive. I feel like getting a ground assault ship with some missiles. Fed Gunship looks promising. I’m on the verge of unlocking Bill Turner so that might open up some weapon engineering options. I’ll also be heading off at some point for a 5k LY jaunt to unlock a few other engineers. I’ve also booked myself a 5 day holiday on Sol, a place called Galloway, so I’ll be out of action for a while. :)


    Free Member

    @matt_bl – yes, I just noticed those useful little tips on the red demand numbers the other night. Very helpful.

    So, I’ve just taken my Python and done a quick in and out at Kunti to deposit my load of Painite (123T), I was well remunerated too (939,683cr). </SidJamesMode>

    Free Member

    Agreed. It looks lush. However, disclaimer at the end “Pre-Alpha development footage may not be representative of final product”.

    Free Member

    Or just pirate the pirates right back? Arrrrrr

    Free Member

    @squirrelking – and a whole new level of complexity I knew nothing about is revealed to me. I had no idea it was that detailed.

    Free Member

    @molgrips – yes, I’d seen restricted access on the nav panel when looking at fleet carriers. Some are completely locked, some open access and some open to wings or squadrons.

    Does anyone know if there is one single STW squadron across the platforms? The squadron page on Inara seems to show it’s possible;

    If so, what’s it called and I’ll sign up.

    Free Member

    @matt_bl – how does that work cross-platform? Same concept I guess? Just a little less social or with the PC only peeps. It’s a moot point for me as I’m busy all weekend so won’t be able to join in but I’d be up for this again in the future.

    Free Member

    Hmm, Glazkov Dock, I’d fly there just to listen to the air traffic controller’s voice. But she works for the Empire and I’m a Fed. Anyone know if the Feds take over the station if former Imperial staff are TUPE’d over to the Federation :)

    Free Member

    Hehe. Better not show him Elite:Dangerous then.

    Free Member

    Re: NKL election win, I think I can hear “Things Can Only Get Better” by D:Ream playing over the tannoy in Gagnan Port ;)

    Free Member

    FYI, FDev are hosting a live stream on Twitch this Thursday with CMDRs from the Deep Space Support Array – fleet carriers dotted around the galaxy to stop off at so explorers can buy a soggy sausage roll & Red Bull, think of Moto Services in space. If you can’t watch the live stream it looks like a video will make its way here;

    And this is a map of the DSSA.

    Free Member

    wow. So much expertise here in terms of weapons, ships, engineering & combat. Hats off to you. I’ll get there one day. And that’s what I like about Elite. I don’t see an endpoint to it.

    My guess is TTK = time to kill

    I ran a bunch of missions to benefit NKL yesterday evening, stacked them up and added some trading for myself to boot. Bank balance got some nice time bonuses too.

    Free Member

    @D0NK – thanks for the Reddit link for blueprints to pin. I’ll take a closer look tomorrow. I’d seen this one from D2EA, a quick scan and there’s a few similarities in choices;

    Has anyone ever had a comms message tip off from a “mysterious stranger”? I’m being asked if I want to go on a mission to collect some high value data, co-ords for a planetary landing, expect some opposition there apparently. No idea what it’s about, got it after one of my missions yesterday.

    Free Member

    yup, I’ve done that before. :) I think the Voyager probes are something like 2 million LS out.

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