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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • Just seen the article on the BBC about Raab saying use some common sense.

    It goes on to say

    However, the UK government put out a clarification saying people can only meet one person outside if you follow social distancing – not two people, such as both parents, at the same time.

    It comes after Mr Raab incorrectly told the Today programme that someone could meet both their parents at the same time “if there’s 2m apart”.

    So I could go to park to see my daughter (from 2 meters) yet my wife (with whom I live) would have to stay away. Presumably she could stand outside the park until I leave, and then go in and have a chat with daughter. How the **** does that make any sense whatsoever?

    Ignoring the fact this is probably a wind up…

    if effective looks brilliant

    2 minutes into that video he said it doesn’t work and wouldn’t recommend it.

    I’ve already gone back and erased King Richard IV, you know, Edward VIII’s son.

    I think you’ll agree its improved things immensly

    Still Hitler

    No Hitler = No WW2 = no national obsession with imagined past glories = no Brexit = no Boris Johnson and his cabinet of fools.

    On the other hand no WW2 = no welfare state = more **** up than we already are.

    Now I’m all conflicted.

    I warmly invite the OP and all STW-ers to fill their educational boots at any free museum/s of their choosing – when they reopen and observing all social distancing requirements

    So if its OK to get free education from a museum, why do you think its not OK to get free education from a university course?


    I’m always surprised by the bitterness on STW and the vitriol hurled at baby boomers because, apparently they had an easy life.

    If all this personal debt is written off, imagine how generation Covid will be viewed by their kids and grandkids.

    “All you had to do was sit at home on your arse all day and you got your credit card, student loan and mortgage paid for you. Now I’m having to pay for it”

    I’d rather free parks & museums than subsidised education undertaken for fun

    What’s a museum if not education?

    Now there are so many course and or info online that if you are learning just for fun you can do so without doing an accredited course.

    But there might be an issue with quality, depending on who put the course together.

    You might not get the same academic rigour as a properly accredited university course.

    Slits at top and bottom are likely to be for ventilation; I would guess cupboard was originally intended for food storage.

    Yes. That’s a 1950s kitchenette. Pre home fridges. When I was a kid you would always find them repurposed as tool cupboards in somebody’s dad’s garage.

    May be worth a bit now as retro-chique

    Only if you think being informed and not potentially spreading to others aren’t positive things.

    In that case just stick with lockdown. Its much simpler.

    If the objective of the app is to help end lockdown and get the country back to work, basing it on symptoms isn’t particularly helpful. It will just end up quarantining loads of people who don’t need to be and adding to their own levels of stress and anxiety. You’ve said yourself its it open to abuse so you must realise its a flawed idea.

    It should be based on a positive test, otherwise its useless.

    It is NOT based on testing but is based on symptoms.

    I think currently the UK has conducted about 1.2 million tests with about 186k positives. So loads more people get the symptoms than actually have the virus.

    If the app is just based on people telling it they have symptoms, won’t it just end up in a huge chunk of the country being forced into quarantine on the off-chance they might have been exposed? (rather than having definitely been exposed).

    South Africa current deaths from CV19 – 103

    Kenya current CV19 deaths – 17

    I think I’d like to see details of how those figures are compiled before basing anything on them.

    Rabbitting on

    I say that all the time. Had no idea it was rhyming slang! (ditto Berk)

    Slightly outside the terms of reference but


    Far enough away from the horrible neighbours to be quiet and peaceful.

    The mountain biking is probably quite good as well.

    Glasgow rhyming slang tends to follow the vernacular spoken word rather than the written.
    We’d generally say Deef rather than Def.

    Strange. Try as I might, I can’t read Perchy’s posts in a Scottish accent.

    My jeans are called Lesleys…Lesley Crowthers…trousers

    In the 70s you would have referred to them as Lionels

    Peacocks are hideous creatures.

    The Peacocks are to fletch the arrows, silly!

    I assume they’ve been banished from Flashheart manor?

    A wood, an archery lawn and some peacocks.

    Well I’ve just tried using a buff across mouth an nose in line with Scottish government advice.

    How do you wear a mask without your glasses steaming up?

    Is there a knack to it?

    thanks guys can I use the dried yeast i have ordered for baking?

    I once tried some bread yeast with home grown grapes – I got something vaguely alcoholic that tasted like liquid bread.

    I bought brewers yeast (and added lots of sugar) next time.

    There have been a few light a craft buzzing around here in the last few days after nothing for weeks. I assumed it was to keep their hours up.

    How do you want the words “Wogs go home” to be reported?

    How was it reported in 1976? And how did people react to it then?

    That would be quiet interesting to know.

    Perhaps Coronavirus causes sunshine and clear skies.

    Have there been any studies?

    With regards to manufacturing, I think you need to go back before WW2.

    Despite the UKs head start Germany was out manufacturing the UK well before WWI. There’s some stat which says German manufacturing hadn’t converted to full war production until about 1944 (which is a sort of WTF? stipe stat)

    Germany has always been good at making stuff, but why?

    Possibly because its a modern country. At the higher political levels at least they were always comparing themselves (and aspiring to) the older European empires ( all that “Germany deserves a place in the sun” stuff)

    As a country they were trying to play catch up – perhaps that concentrates the collective mind.

    EDIT: and when they did industrialise in the late 19th century, they used the UK as a model. The UK had industrialised by accident, in Germany there was more planning so they could avoid some/all of the crap aspects of the UK.

    Trying not to sound provocative, but are there many cases of teachers being infected during lockdown? I appreciate that numbers in school and “viral load” are very low

    As you say, at the moment viral load is low (eg Mrs SWSD is working 2 days in, 6 days out) and any really vulnerable teachers won’t be in contact with classes so the chances of a severe case probably aren’t that high.

    Having said that, since the beginning of March (when a lot of the middle class kids came back from their skiing holidays) over half the teachers at Mrs SWSDs school have displayed “the symptoms” and a few are still quite ill. Who knows if it was Covid-19 or not? If only there was some kind of test that you could do….

    Agree about Queen as national treasures. How did that happen?

    Well everyone who took part in Live Aid benefitted hugely apart from those it was intended to actually benefit so why single Queen out from the rest?

    Live Aid gave Queen a boost at a point when they were seen as ageing has-beens. But I thought it was Freddie dying of Aids four(?) years later that turned them into national treasures.

    I think if you look at anybody’s life in enough detail, you will find they have said and done questionable things.

    I wonder what Clapton things of that outburst now. Is he proud or is he ashamed?

    There was a thread on here back in 2012 where a lot of people moaned about the Olympic MTB course because it wasn’t anywhere near a mountain. I think they shut up once somebody tested the track and described exactly how hard it was to ride.

    So that was 30 minutes entertainment. WTF am I gonna do for the next three weeks?

    I could always post you some bow saw blades and you could sharpen then for me 😀

    Because lockdown.

    I think most hardware stores are still delivering stuff.

    Don’t forget we’re still due to leave the EU for good on 31/12.

    We could be on for a no-deal exit with industry and government that’s even less prepared for it than last time.

    I admire her balls.

    I assume you have to pay extra for that

    Of course they’re all working really hard at the moment, on no, that’s right, they’re in the first of their 2 week Easter break 😉

    Apart form the ones that are covering the Easter break and both bank holidays while having to ignore all that government advice about social distancing.

    No outside breaks. Short days – as in two hours. Alternating year groups.

    Possible, but you would probably need to restrict class size to under about 10 instead of the normal 30+ (as Mrs SWSD has found through experience) and also expect them to sit at their desks for the whole two hours. I suppose that might work at secondary school. But then you might just as well stick with distance learning.

    I use

    1. AlpineQuest running a very old Memory Map OS1:50k of the United Kingdom.

    2. OS map APP at £26 a year. I’ve had it about three years.

    The OS map app was a bit flakey but its got better. Its still a bit fiddly to download large offline maps but it can be done (I had the entire Offas Dyke path at 1:25k on it.) The only really annoying bit was sometimes it needed a data connection to view the offline maps, but that may have been fixed by now.

    The OS app itself is free (you pay for the OS mapping). If you’ve bought a paper map recently you can download it very easily.

    So you could try it out without the subscription before you decide.

    Unless the country is in total lockdown school closures don’t have benefits as large as we might imagine. As part of a stricter lockdown they do. I do’t see that as especially controversial.

    For me, the bit that is controversial is the expectation you can maintain an appropriate social distancing regime within a school.

    Prof Viner says …
    “There’s a whole range of things that schools could do to reopen in a way that involves social distancing at schools but keeps schools open.”

    Also says you’d have to maintain 2m rule within schools, would be a physical challenge

    Mrs SWSD has been “teaching” a class of 12 6-10 year olds. In a standard classroom you can space them to sit about 1.5 metres apart. Only they don’t stay sat still. And let them outside and all concept of social distancing goes by the board.

    Her opinion of that professor’s fine theories is that he hasn’t really thought it through.

    Re Chris Whitty

    According to the Mail Online this morning (sorry!) he is out of isolation and back at work.

    Apparently he’s the guy that suggested Boris might want to get his cough checked out.

    Hang on – I thought with symptoms we just need to isolate for 7 days?

    7 days ONLY if symptoms have stopped. According to my Boris letter.

    3,605 UK deaths according to that worldometer site.

    According to TiRED doesn’t than mean the lockdown isn’t working?

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