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  • XXL Singletrack Sale and “Unconscious Bias”
  • I could understand if it improved performance or carried some kind of street cred

    I thought beards were back in fashion for young folk.

    Specialite TA still do square taper. And their chainrings are excellent.

    I would go for Stronglight cranks with TA chainrings.

    The first word of Beowulf is “Hwaet”. Which you could translate as “right”. But using “what” instead of “right” at would be more fun.

    Report to police – he was trespassing

    Perhaps he was scoping out a cheeky trail

    What happens to your house insurance if you leave the house unlocked and someone comes and clears you out? [/I]

    Normally there has to be proof of a break in?

    he’s just broken and entered

    Except he didn’t break, he just entered. Not sure the police would be too bothered TBH. Best change the locks and use them.

    As long as we’re in Moscow before Christmas, what could possibly go wrong?

    Only if you are about 25

    My big success last year was making the garden more Bee friendly

    I’ve got plenty of lavender, but that Phacelia looks nice.

    My “lawn” is mainly moss in winter and clover in summer. So last summer I let the clover flower, which was great for attracting bees. Made walking around barefoot a bit of a gamble though :-(

    Just made a start on ours this weekend..
    We only bought the hosue last year, so its all a bit of a blank canvas apparently.

    The wife has been busy buying plants, and running around with a sketch pad.

    I’m just there for labour..

    Its already looking good. But you might want to relocate that Monkey Puzzle to the bottom of the garden.

    Last owner of my place turned the front garden into a block-paved wasteland. So I’ve just had a tonne of topsoil delivered to fill the two planters I’ve made. Filled them with flowering perennials bought as plugs. Could really do with making another two.

    Need to plant out the second strawberry patch and I might bung in a few potatoes.

    Tomato seeds have just gone in the greenhouse. Last years chillies (scotch bonnets) were too hot, so I need to find a milder variety.

    Would lack of discs be such a deal breaker?

    I know they have advantages with stopping power and rim wear, but calipers or cantis are perfectly good on a fast touring bike.

    Almost as bad as “in store” but nowhere as bad as “hardworking families”.

    I like “arse trumpet”. Its a phrase that is new to me. I shall try and work it into everyday conversation.

    LLoyds and RBS?

    Everyone has seemed to miss this bit:

    “Legislation will be introduced to allow HMRC to recover tax and tax credit debts of £1000 or more directly from taxpayer accounts, subject to rigorous safeguards

    Thought that might give the professionally outraged something to worry about.

    Well yes, they have certainly played an international PR blinder…..just look at the some of the comments on this thread for proof of that

    Wow! I didn’t know the opinions expressed on this forum carried such weight in international diplomatic circles.

    Does Barak Obama post on here regularly?

    Best thing for the interim government might be too let Crimea go. With elections coming up in the spring, they’ve just lost several million of their political opponents.

    And they would look better in the international PR battle. The victim of its big bullying neighbour and all that.

    Not much consolation if you are a Crimean tartar though.

    People who don’t split up don’t start threads about their long term happy relationships.

    This happened to me. It was a loose cassette lockring allowing the indiviual sprockets to wobble a bit.

    About the last thing I thought to check.

    i used them (a looong time ago) and found that even cheap tubs, were lighter, and gave a better ride than clinchers ime.

    I found the same, and not such a long time ago.

    I was always told by the old timers to use glue as it was more secure than tape, and it wasn’t a hassle.

    I do remeber a big pile up at Hillngdon circuit caused when someones taped on tub rolled off their front wheeel.

    That happens to my bikes all the time. I find a liberal application of WD40 and a 15 minute ride loosens them up nicely.

    The bearings are probably shot but as long as the cranks turn it doesn’t seem to make much difference.

    I blame these stupid external bearing BBs :-(

    St Patrick was from Wales

    Best guess is that hew was a Romanised native Briton from somewhere near Carlisle.

    The nursery could always close the soft play area on health and safety grounds.

    he’s very well paid with generous work terms and a gold plated pension

    Makes me think how great life would be if we ALL had someone like Bob Crow too look after us.

    Well paid jobs with the prospect of a secure old age.

    A real New Jerusalem in England’s Green and pleasant land.

    Curious here – if you’ve a degree from 20 years ago, what’s the appeal of an OU degree now?

    Sometimes its just fun to learn new things.

    I fancied doing a couple of their short science and maths courses. The sort that are aimed at non-mathematicians/scientists. But the cost was prohibitive for what would basically be a hobby.

    A friend has just built up a disk equipped On One Uncle John. That will take pannier racks and mudguards.

    It looks really nice.

    I was looking for some speaker cable a few weeks ago and found a 10m pair that cost £114,000.00 on Amazon. I cant find them any more but they have the same ones in a shorter 7m length at the bargain price of £75,905.00

    There’s a technique business sometimes use when trading on Amazon to undercut competitors on low margin products. Everyone is monitoring everyone else’s prices so if you let yours drift up your competitors may follow you. You then drop the price suddenly which in theory gives you a bigger market share for a short while and makes you more popular on Amazon rankings.

    There is software that does this for you – could be that someone’s software got it wrong!

    I think for it to be classed as ethnic cleansing they would need to eradicate all the other ethnic races

    And thats exactly what Stalin attempted to do in certain areas of the Ukraine, according to some (Ukranian) historians. And there are still people alive who remember it.

    I went down the NAS route and filed all my CDs away in a large cardboard box.

    After two years I find I’m missing the act of browsing, selecting and listening to the physical disk.

    So I’m going to get them all out and file them alphabetically. I’m looking forward to buying a new CD player and possibly a new amp.

    an insignificant Eastern European country

    Not sure I would call Ukraine “insignificant”

    Some guy on radio 4 just now who is supposed to have written the definitive biography of Putin.

    Talks about how Putin has a firm belief in “Greater Russia” and how bits of other countries really belong in that greater Russia.

    Sounds familiar.

    It’s still consumerism, but I have to be onboard with my brands in some way. I need to understand them and what they’re about


    All of a sudden 2014 has gone all 1914 :-(

    Daft question, but where’s it going? If it doesn’t react with anything it can’t be being used up

    Its used in rocketry – I don’t know what for. Apparently most of the current stock of helium was mined by NASA in the 60s and its running out.

    I was told by someone who makes the cooling elements for MRI scanners (helium is the coolant) that the helium you use to fill party balloons and make your voice go funny is so impure there is barely any helium in it. (She may have been exaggerating)

    If you’re the sort that can afford Windsor town centre prices and don’t mind the commute, then Winchester town centre might also be worth a look. Train to Reading and then Brompton to TVP.

    What are you going to carry with it?

    It can’t possibly compete with ships and if it is trying to compete with freight aircraft, most cargo carried by air is done so because of the speed. This thing is too slow.

    I think one of the original uses envisaged was disater relief. It can get cargo to places where there are no landing strips and do it a lot quicker than sending a ship

    That roundabout has sadly gone now and been replaced by an awful set of traffic lights.

    (The Slough one, that is) [/I]

    They’ve also knocked down the Brunel bus station and Slough College. Its a gross attack on Slough’s cultural heritage. In a hundred years people will be decrying the loss of 70s concrete architecture.

    At least the Library is still there.

    Unfortunately, the nearest place to Reading that feels like Paris is probably Paris.

    I quite like Reading as a town, but then I also quite like Basingstoke.

    Don’t forget all the cars will be linked into an traffic system so basically everyone can have a time slot to get to their destination.

    Presumably this would be a major government IT infrastucture project?

    You would be better off asking on this forum

    Flat as in it doesn’t curve back on itself.

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