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  • Sleeping Out: Bonus Content | Emma Osenton
  • Ahhh, Mr ‘50%’ Riis (who IIRC hit 60’something before the limit was introduced)

    I think his nickname in the peloton was “Mr 60%” :D

    Didn’t dopers have to sleep wearing a HRM to wake them up if the heart rate dropped to a dangerous level due to blood thickening to have a quick spin on the rollers?

    I think there were a number of sudden deaths amongst otherwise healthy cyclists in the 80/90s that were later attributed to this.

    Thats why, prior to a positive EPO test being developed, the UCI introduced the 50% haemocrit level – it was a “health and safety ” measure.

    I find that cycling rarely gets up into the same HR zones as running, there’s usually a 10-20 difference for a given intensity (going by feel).

    When I ran and cycled competatively I found the opposite! I could sustain a much higher average HR during a bike race than during a running race.

    Edit: Thats for an MTB race. Road races had lower averages as there is more hiding in the bunch.

    If you are never going to race, and the roughest surface you are anticiating are tarmaced back lanes (allbeit covered in mud, gravel and potholes) then I would go for an audax bike with 25c tyres. Spa cycles make some nice one.

    If you think you might end up charging down newly discovered bridleways, just to see where they go, a cross bike might be a better option, mainly becasue you’ll be able to fit 35c knoblies.

    or you could buy both :wink:

    For Crit/amateur races its a case of WTF you idiot.

    Wasn’t there a guy a few years ago who got banned by British Cycling for EPO. And he was a third cat!

    So it won’t necessarly turn you into Lance Armstrong overnight.

    I’ve read that stuff on HGH. If it was cheap and readily availble I would be tempeted take it. Feeling 10 years younger would be enough compensation for being unable to take part in competative sport.

    Like Moomins, I saw a critique which slated moomins for its opressive gender profiling. Look, a female character called Moominmamma, she’s been reduced to a job title, her only place is to raise kids!

    Shit, somebody beat me to it :(

    Homoerotic imagery in Swallows and Amazons anyone?

    Funny thing about that Triathlon option.

    Nowhere in that quiz does it ask if you can swim…

    The Rev Awdry wasn’t a fan of the TV series. Apparently he tried to base his books around real railway operations (as far as is possible with talking steam engines). He said the TV series departed too far from what would happen on a working railway.

    I liked the ones he did based on the Snowdon Mountain railway. The illustrations were all recognisabe locations.

    But that Guardian journalist is having the last laugh. She is being paid to write that load of absolute bollocks.

    I’m thinking of doing an article on the post-feminist deconstruction of Moomintroll. Should be worth as few quid. I’ll probably have to die my hair a trendy colour and get a few piercings to get it taken seriously though.

    I sit right under an aircon vent, so normally I have to work while wearing a jumper and coat. But at the moment its bliss. Folks from the floor above keep coming down to cool off.

    I can’t stand the **** tripe..

    negative message after negative message, all themed around guilt and pride and resentment

    utter **** hateful drivel.. medieval dross

    Can’t work out if Yunki is refering to Thomas the Tank Engine or The Guardian?

    You mean like when Ukraine secured its independence from Russia ?

    Ok, i’ll bite.

    Ukraine securing independance from Russia is like India securing Independance from Britain.

    Donetsk securing independance from Ukraine is like the London Borough of Southall tring to break away from Britain.

    This isn’t the 1930s any more Ernie. You don’t have to proove your socialist credentials by supporting the Soviet regime at any price.

    If the UK governmented want to re-establish the empire and had Putin’s territorial ambitions you would be amongst the first to express your disgust.

    Stop acting smug and presenting half truths and twisted facts to justify your Putin fanboism. Its getting boring.

    In this case, would the flight recorders add much to any investigation?

    Won’t they jsut confirm that the plane came apart in mid air?

    Someone wearing a clown outfit and riding a bicycle that’s been coated in superglue and ridden through Chain Reaction


    She muttered I should have a bell,

    You’d be surprised at how many people mutter this even when you’ve been ringing it right behind them.

    It works fine for me. It appears as a tile on the metro interface but runs on the 8.1 desktop.

    I upgraded the machine to 8.1 from Vista so I didn’t need to reinstall the original memory map software though.

    “new” insert noun here “on the block”

    Sherwen and Ligget seem to use this phrase about every 5 minutes.

    it would be a severely incompetent security service that wouldn’t have used this info to compromise individuals involved.

    Why would the security services have wanted to “compromise” government ministers?


    Octave Lapize to Henri Desgrange, 1910

    I find it concerning that if the authorities want a warrant to increase surveillance on any individual then this will be given by a politician rather than a member of the judiciary

    I think when they mention “Secretary of State” in this sort of legislation it usually means an authorised official. So in practice a memeber of the judiciary will authorise the warrant.

    Government’s behaviour and response does not answer the question of why this is being rushed through without scrutiny.

    Yes, there isn’t an emergency and this isn’t “emergency” legislation.

    I get the feeling the way it is being rushed through is just a bit of political posturing. Its an attempt to make the government look firm and decisive.


    I THINK this is the draft bill

    Its only 7 pages long, so have a read an make up your own minds rather than let the media frenzy sway you.

    And this law means that it’s legal for them to do it without a warrant.

    They’ll still need a warrant for a “live intercept” (i.e. a phone tap). I can’t see where it makes provision for routine trawls of all telecoms call data. Can someone point this out?

    Much as I would love to criticise Cameron and his “only the bad guys amongst us need worry” attitude I’m struggling to get offended at this.

    However, I’m only reading about it on the BBC website and knowing them, they will have omitted something really vital.

    The proposed law seems to clarify the requiement for telecoms companies to retain their call data records. All telecoms companies retain this for a certain period anyway, as this is how they work out how much to bill you.

    It doesn’t give the security services the right to access all this data as a matter of routine does it? Or is that the bit the BEEB have omitted?

    In my late 30s, when racing, I would see over 200 regularly. My mean for a 90min XC race was about 189.

    This was me as well

    But beware of transfering figures from one sport to another. I was told (and always found) that maximum heart rate and heart rate zones were different for running and cycling. I could always achieve and sustain much higher heart rates cycling than I could running.

    I’d go by how you feel rather than what your coach or even your HRM tell you.

    Kattusha is Russian for Cathy or Katie dunno what they think they advertise though

    I thought it was named after those multiple rocket launchers from the second world war. (in the same way as Leopard Trek was partly named after a WWII panzer). I think Katusha is indirectly funded by some fairy large Russion businesss including Gazprom is the French national lottery. Part of the jersey logo is a four leaf clover.

    Looking at those heartrates I’d guess Andy Sharman was right on his limit, whereas Laurens ten Dam was merely cruising up it!

    I did hire a van from Europecar, partly because of Tommy Voeckler.

    the thing that surprises me is that I have absolutely no idea what 90% of what they are advertising actually is.

    I was surprised when I found out that ONCE were the Spanish equivalent of the Royal National Institute for the Blind. The jersey logo even included a man with a white stick.

    I could never figure out what they were actually selling. Awareness, I suppose.

    [devils advocate]

    I think I prefer sharing the roads with people who see what’s going on at the side of the road and choose to ignore it than those who drive along in a visual tunnel believing they’re doing the right thing…

    [/devils advocate]

    Or, just goes to show that when driving on public roads there is just too much information for humans (who are normally thinking of about ten different things at once) to process adequately. And the sooner Google gets it act together and we all have self driving cars the better.

    Yes, I know I could join the forum and give them some inside information, but I think that would just lead to me getting a non stop stream of questions about fleet numbers, repairs, routes and allocations, when it’s just a job to me.

    Could be a nice little earner there for you – a subscription only West Midlands Bus mechanics blog!

    Given that without the monarchy we would probably be saddled with some sort of president, and that president would probably be someone like Tony Blair, I’d be singing God save the Queen!

    Though AndytheRocketeer is right, Jerusalem would make a better anthem than that awful dirge.

    Do you represent your country at the UCI world cup or just yourself as an individual?

    There are also many people who I consider to be overpaid for what they do – civil servants who earn more than the PM for instance.

    The assumption there is that someone who is very good at winning a popularity contest knows more about running a country than the people the Queen pays to actually do it.

    sprinting is a side show, GC is the Tour.

    Only form folk in this country who don’t know better.

    Might be an interesting exercise to ask a bunch of kids just starting out in the sport what their ultimate dream achievement would be.

    Would more go for being the best sprinter in the world or would more prefer to win the Tour De France?

    does that not make your colleagues idiots?

    Most of my colleagues don’t understand how a grand tour can have five or six seperate competitions running at the same time. But then I don’t understand the rules of rugby.

    It just depends what you are interestd in.

    I would put Cav a long way ahead of Froome even if he does win the tour again.

    I thought we were only comparing the reputations of British riders :lol:

    Cav did have quite a nice stripey rainbow jersey too, I think he won a race to get that…

    I did notice that after I posted the list. Wikipedia obviously doesn’t count it as a major win!

    it’s a little unfair to say he’s won less because he doesn’t win GC, he’s not that sort of rider.

    I agree. I’m just trying to point out that its a bit hard to argue one is “the best British rider”. One is obviusly better at winning stage races overall, while the other is better at stage wins.

    And in the context of good performance, is 9th in the Paris-Roubaix a better ride than a flat stage win in the TDF?

    Wiggins – GC jersey in one grand tour plus an IOC time trial.

    Roughly right?

    Not quite – Wiggins has won more races outright.

    Cavendish major wins

    Stage races

    Ster ZLM Toer (2012)
    Tour of Qatar (2013)

    One-day races and Classics

    Milan – San Remo (2009)
    Grote Scheldeprijs (2007, 2008, 2011)
    Kuurne–Brussels–Kuurne (2012)
    National Road Race Championships

    Wiggins major wins

    Grand Tours

    Tour de France

    Stage races

    Herald Sun Tour (2009)
    Critérium du Dauphiné (2011, 2012)
    Paris–Nice (2012)
    Tour de Romandie (2012)
    Tour of Britain (2013)
    Tour of California (2014)

    One-day races and Classics

    National Time Trial Championships (2009, 2010, 2014)
    National Road Race Championships (2011

    So they’re copied from photos? She’s talented, sure, but I don’t see how that makes her a “great artist”.

    A lot of landscape/townscape artists during the renaissance would use a similar technique with a camera obscurer. It helped get the perspecive right and all the buildings in the correct place.

    I suppose its a technique you have to master on the way to becoming a “great artist”.

    Even Picasso (or was it Dali?) did a lot of very “realistic” paintings before he moved on to the stuff for which we remember him for.

    I am starting to think it must be made up

    The key words in the OPs post are that Saville “told”, “claimed” and “boasted”.

    He was a twisted individual so its quite possible he thought he was making a joke, or he was just saying it to shock.

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