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  • 502 Club Raffle no.5 Vallon, Specialized Fjällräven Bundle Worth over £750
  • I think this is a bit harsh, of all of Lynch’s films; Dune is about the most coherent. I followed it just fine, perhaps it was just you?

    Unfortunately, whilst lynch’s plot was very (overly) simple,it was about the opposite of what Frank Herbert was getting at in the book. (IMO)

    I remember hiring a VHS of Dune to show my mates, because the book was so good. And then having to apologise afterwards because the film was so utterly shit.



    This is just picking a random word to see if anybody notices, right?

    You are assuming that the people buying, drinking and disposing of this product actually follow the brand or their sponsored athletes.

    They must take some notice, otherwise the sponsorship would be a waste of money

    Red Bull or Monster are no where near as bad as Coco-Cola, largest plastic polluter out there.

    Its red bull, monster and various “meal-deal” plastic bottles round my way. I’d never buy a can of Red Bull or Monster purely because of the association the brands have with littering. Perhaps I should tell them. If enough people did so perhaps they might take the “don’t be a tosser” message more seriously.

    Young lad in a football top dares to walk in a bit of open ground where no-one else is, bigger lad confronts him, goes to push him, trips up. Fin.

    I think experienced rambler hiker tries to go up the down escalator and football shirt lad points out this isn’t on.

    Though looking at the length of the queue it could have been just a bit of performance art to entertain the masses.

    When I bought some Indian stone a few years back, the pallets looked rough but the wood was seriously dense and heavy – makes me wonder what ancient forest was cut down for them. They lasted hours on the burner.

    BIL just purchased some stone like that. He was told the pallet wood was teak!

    I read somewhere a few years back that for every vacancy there were over 400 applicants.

    Probably a lot more now.

    If you hadn’t bothered looking very closely I can see why they would look the same, kind of like how a cucumber and a squash look similar.

    Why don’t you look a bit closer and come back when you’re a bit more educated and can actually contribute to the thread?

    And just like a Brexiteer, you get abusive when you’re called out.

    Good luck with your trade deals by the way.

    when you’re on the rivet time trialling along a nice fast empty road with a constant ‘ting, ting, ting’ from your brakes…

    better than the constant ting, ting, ting from your mechanical odometer.

    These arguments look like Brexit writ small.

    I imagine any breakup will be just as successful.

    Is it right that people like gr5604 have to sacrifice their 20s when others are enjoying life?

    When I was in my 20s I was shit poor. Everyone I knew was shit poor. Because we were trying to buy houses. I thought thats what being in your 20s was supposed to be like. At least its character building.

    It IS much harder now. But complaining that it isn’t fair that you can’t have your nice house AND you foreign holiday AND your stable of 3k bikes AND your T5 just comes across as millennial whinging and doesn’t really help matters.

    house prices should be roughly 3 x income – if you did this I would expect a huge surge in productivity and economic growth.

    Which they roughly were (+10%), before the 80s. How do we get back there?

    Not necessarily – we have shown real examples in this post of people able to buy houses for less than a price of a car, a £60k house with a £12k deposit & mortgage of less than £500 a month. Yes, if you want a nice, big house, in a nice area, then yes – a big deposit & a bigger mortgage over a longer term is more likely. My parents first house was a dump, in a area I wouldn’t want to live.

    As of just now, on Rightmove there are 34,000 properties for sale in England/Scotland/Wales under 100k and 181,723 under 250k. (out of 437000 total properties).

    A uni mate got into BTL in a big way.

    Ended up owning several streets of houses (all on the never-never, obviously). Reckoned he was going to be a huge property baron.

    It all went tits up. He squandered his wife’s inheritance and ended up bankrupt – now lives in a rented house.

    Hope that makes some of the landlord haters feel a bit better.

    We’re a crowded island,

    We aren’t.

    Brilliant, lets build a load of new towns in Scotland or mid wales where its not so crowded. That will solve it.

    where was the concerted challenge to the erosion of social housing from previous generations?

    From memory, everybody was quite happy. Tenants were given a “right to buy” and took advantage of it. But before you start pointing fingers, would anybody on STW turn down the offer of getting an ex-council house cheap?

    That right still exists for public sector housing. I know some people you are taking advantage of it, and who can blame them? So if you increase the stock of social housing, you’ll also need to remove the right to buy. I doubt any politician will do that.

    but I’m not sure it’d affect nicer, bigger places in the same way.

    Also seems to be a big shortage of nicer small houses – bit hard for boomers to downsize when they’re used to a bit of luxury and the only small houses are shit overpriced starter homes.

    Round my way, all the decent old two bed stuff gets sold and then immediately extended, so plenty of poorly designed “family” homes but nothing smaller.

    in the last 50 years, 3 very significant things have happened

    Also don’t forget that access to debt has increased. Its a lot easier to borrow a lot more money now than it was in the 1970s. Even in the late 80s mortgages were strictly 2.5 x joint income (even if you didn’t need an interview with the bank manager). Now you can borrow more, people are willing to pay more.

    So I had a play with the BoE’s inflation calculator.

    Those inflation calculators don’t really work for giving a feel for historical prices, becasue people didn’t live in the same way, buy the same things, or expect the same levels of material wealth as we do now.

    A better way of looking at it might be that in the 1790s a farm labourers yearly wage might be £18 a year. So the cost of the farm was 6 times a skilled labourers annual income. Probably still a much lower ratio than today. But it would have been much harder for a labourer to borrow any money at all, unlike today.

    At the same time £1000 a year would put you firmly into the ranks of the lower gentry, but most of those would have been leaseholders rather than freeholders.

    Maybe one day some city centre office flats will be viewed the same way. “I like in this old antique office space which was turned into a flat
    just last year don’t you know”.

    I thought it was already supposed to be very trendy to live in flats converted from 100 year old industrial buildings like warehouses etc. – all that exposed brickwork and canal side views don’t come cheap.

    Just give it a 100 years and the hipsters of 2120 will be living in ultra cool flats converted out of massive Tescos Distribution centres, B&Q warehouses or the HSBC call centre.

    so many folk flocking into Premium bonds odds have gone from 40.99 billion to 1 to 46.33 billion to 1……. those are some loooooong odds .

    Eh? Odds of winning a prize are 24,500 to 1. The prize pot increases to keep the odds roughly the same.

    why did they announce the changes 3 hours before they were due to kick in, and before they’d written them or passed legislation for them?

    Because they are incompetent. We all know that.

    “imagine if they did nothing” is no good excuse for doing something in such a poor manner.

    So they should have done nothing and caused a big spike in BAME deaths rather than try to prevent it, no matter how half-arsed their actions were?

    I’m looking at houses at the moment. Assuming it that link above, my first reactions are:

    Nowt wrong with the house or the photos (IMO). But that’s as long as you view it as a small three bed with a couple of rooms in the loft. Especially as it has very limited parking. Perhaps market it as that? I have no idea if £325 is a good price for a three bed house in that area but you may have to adjust your expectations accordingly.

    Secondly. Its been on the market since Jan 2019. Even if it ticked all my boxes I wold be wondering what was wrong with it. No point making an offer only for the survey t reveal something really nasty.

    Perhaps take it of the market for a while, re-think your selling spiel and then re-market with a different agent?

    Glenfairn is horrible. The only single malt I’ve ever drunk that was improved with an ice cube!

    Ardberg can be a bit of an acquired taste as well!

    Bought a bottle of Tesco’s own brand GlenFairn “Islay Single Malt” for £16.50

    I could swear its Ardberg.

    If it’s more efficient why do companies (credit card, utilities, holiday companies) and even HMRC go to great pains to say on the phone

    Call centres don’t really lend themselves to transforming to WFH overnight. I guess it’ll be desktops and a lot of specialised telephony and case tracking software. Call centre staff probably won’t have work laptops or be doing all their collaborative work on Teams/Skype/Zoom.

    * a Teams meeting is not the same as being around a table for a true working meeting.

    Quite right. A Teams meeting wastes far far less time.

    Probably cats competing for territory and marking “their” area.

    The only answer is to show them you’re top cat by doing a bigger, smellier shit than them.

    Tribe is an English word of Latin origin, apparently first used in 12th century.

    19th century translators of Tacitus used “tribe” to describe the different peoples within Britain, Caledonia and Germania although Tacitus didn’t. In his time tribe referred to a sub-group of the Romans themselves.

    I’m not sure an English speaker can Cultural Appropriate a word that has been in the English language since the 12th century.

    If Covid had come along in Stone Age times it would have likely fizzled out in wuhan after infecting a few dozen people in an isolated settlement.

    Not sure that would be right. I believe measles, tuberculosis, smallpox and all sorts of other nasties are thought to have crossed from animals to humans in pre-history and didn’t fizzle out.

    Aldous Huxley had it right in Brave New World. Live fit active healthy and productive lives until your mid-eighties, then keel over suddenly. None of that rotting away slowly in your old age. I think I’d prefer mid 120s to mid 80s though.

    Hand stitched from organic cotton by artisans in Hebden Bridge?

    If that’s what they need to do in order to stay in business then I’d say crack on.

    Yeah, I suppose if Amazon can avoid tax, then its OK for the small shops to evade it.

    (that’s sarcasm by the way)

    I’m not sure that is a particularly new view

    I remember that series in the 1970s “The World at War”. Most of the theme of that seemed to be that it was won by the side with the greatest industrial muscle and manpower, not by brilliant generals or masterful tactics.

    he looks increasingly unhinged;

    There might be something in that

    “It’s clear now that this virus does cause problems in the brain whereas initially we thought it was all about the lungs. ”

    I don’t get it that there is no way to “like” other peoples sometimes quite amusing posts.

    People who confuse not understanding something with not liking something.

    Between March and July the prize fund has gone from £100m to £106m and the number of prizes form 3.5m to 3.7m

    Evidence of people moving money out of their crappy cash ISAs and into something with a better return?

    I’d been avoiding the Johnson for a while. When I saw him on the news I thought he really didn’t look at all well.

    I’ve seen a few of these now, they’re invariably ridden with the same ability and road sense as the unlicensed ratty motorbikes you see pouring out of sink estates.

    “Riders will need a full or provisional car, motorcycle or moped licence to use the vehicles, and they must be aged 16 or over. “

    Presumably, if you ride like a dick, there is a remote chance you may get points on your license.

    Hillingdon Cycle Circuit is the same distance. I will regularly ride 30 to 50 laps.

    I knew a guy that once rode 100 miles on the Hillingdon cycle circuit (so about 110 laps?). He was training for the Etape, but we still all thought he was mental.

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