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  • UK Trails Project Launches ‘Right Trails, Right Places’
  • wow – jism isn’t on the swear filter!

    Yeah, that surprised me as well. And “unwashed cock”

    There’s a huge pressure on girls to conform to what boys expect of them or what their peers consider is normal. This has always been the case but ineternet porn has added a whole new layer to this. And forget anal, bondage or threesomes, even the posters on STW expect a certain type of “normal”.

    The comments above on shaving and bleaching are great examples. Yeah, lets put up with a shaving rash or the pain of waxing just because the pre-pubescent look is now considered normal.

    Some of you lot sound like you’re part of the problem.

    And what do you mean you don’t like oral sex? All girls love the smell of unwashed cock and the taste of Jism – its all over the internet, you must be weird if you don’t give head.

    They might come back. If our currency and living standards fall low enough, menial labour in the UK will become competitive again.

    Nicely sums up the STW attitude, describing steelworkers as “menial labour”.

    Train pulls in at the terminal and he makes to walk off. I tell him he’s left his coffee cup on the floor.

    When the train I use pulls into the terminal, a lady or gent comes down the train bagging up all the rubbish.

    Do you want to put some poor EU migrant out of their minimum wage job?

    he didn’t revert to a full “hunter-gatherer” lifestyle because he didn’t possess the knowledge or skills to hunt, fish and fashion tools.

    Even if you had the knowledge, I’m not sure a fulltime hunter-gatherer would be possible in the modern world. I’d think you’d need quite a big empty area to do all your hunting and gathering in.

    home made bows in the UK used at a target shoot are most likely to be Longbows.

    Nowt wrong with homemade kit but be careful if you want to be competitive though. Nobody would stop you shooting, but if you rock up expecting to win, need to be sure your kit complies with the category you think you are shooting in.

    There are quite strict definitions of what constitutes a longbow, and the rules differ slightly between different governing bodies.

    For instance, I have a 100% bamboo longbow that is fine for GNAS target shooting but would probably be lumped under hunting tackle in NFAS as their rules say there must be some wood used in a longbows construction (bamboo being a grass).

    what about the norse gods?

    I’d prefer the Greek pantheon. After all, the weather’s probably better and I imagine they’d wash more often.

    Why is the protestant god the right one and the muslim one not.

    To be slightly picky, they are technically the same god. Its how that God’s earthly followers interpret divine writ that has lead to all the differences that religious types deem so important.

    I know a couple of archers that switched bow-hand after injuries, and eye dominance doesn’t seem to be a massive problem for them…

    Modern coaching orthodoxy (for beginners at least) seems to place all the emphasis on the dominant eye. When I started shooting (in the early 80s) the hand you held the bow in just depended on whether you were right or left handed.

    With all the other things that can go wrong as you draw and take a shot, eye dominance is well down on my list of worries.

    Cougar, a square edge like a book is perfectly good enough if you’ve not got a bow square… just remember to fit the bottom nocking point 10-12mm higher than dead square from your arrow rest

    1cm sounds a bit high to me!

    I shoot off my hand so I know when its too low. My rule of thumb is just high enough that the fletch doesn’t cut into my hand on release.

    I wouldn’t go more than 3 or 4 mm above parallel.

    But then everybody’s different

    (five House Points to the first person who can tell me what work ideally needs doing before I can shoot it again)

    Well, a nocking point might be handy for a start!

    I was an instinctive archer. If you’d asked me before drawing where I was going to be aiming, I wouldn’t be able to tell you. Only at full draw sighting down the arrow could I co “yeah, about there.”

    Yeah, I can see how it would work with NFAS type shooting when each shot is taken from a different place. I was thinking more of the people I know who shoot target and clout where you mght be shoting three or four dozen arrows at the same mark.

    Mind you, I knew a few NFAS guys who shot in the “barebow” categories and were quite open about which part of their bow riser served for a mark at a particular distance.

    See if anyone else is using it?

    Surely its simpler just to keep an eye on the tide-mark

    Anyway, the toys can only track you if you connect the toy to the downloaded app via bluetooth. Just don’t download the app.

    I can’t get my head round this. What information could you possibly want to download from your own vibrator?

    Shelly’s point was that they expected their civilization to still be ruling the world for all time and their statues continually revered

    Not sure I agree with that. But then I suppose that’s part of the point of poetry – it means whatever the reader wants it to mean!

    I dunno,

    Three thousand years after his death we still know enough and care enough about him to write poetry, dig up his old statues and put them in places of honour.

    I reckon old Percy Bysshe was a bit wide of the mark there.

    My technique is, look at the target, select point of focus, draw, anchor, release, go look for my arrow.

    My techniquie is more : draw, release, anchor, swear, go for a sherry.

    Great urban myth though, when I hear it back again I’ll know it came from your mate!

    Yeah, its a bit like last summer there was a story going round that a certain well known Welsh bowyer had lost two fingers in a band saw accident and had given up making bows.

    Just before Christmas we went to a seminar he was organising. Standing around chatting you coulds see a few people subtly trying to check out his hands. However all ten digts were present and correct and he is still making bows.

    This is how urban myths start!

    Hence the “or so I was told”!

    Buy in fairness, we may have been talking about a different speed shooter. It was from a chap who did horse archery telling me about how it differed from “normal” archery and how a lot of these speed shooter techniques are what you use in horse archery.

    Lars Andersens

    Is he the speed shooter? Apparently he’s had the top joint on one of his string fingers removed to speed up his shooting.

    He got so fast and then couldn’t get any faster. So that was the next step!

    Or so I was told at the weekend.

    I don’t think I’ve ever met a barebow shooter who shoots pure “instinctive” as I understand the term.

    Whenever a barebow shooter describes their technique to me, its either gap shooting, point of aim or mark on bow.

    Someone once stole the plastic sliding bracket thing that clamps the front bike wheel onto my Thule roof bars.

    I rang Thule to enquire about the price of replacement, thinking it would cost a fortune, and they just sent me one for free.

    An Orangery still has a mainly glass roof. Its not that different from a conservatory.

    I understand your point about losing your books if/when Amazon stop supporting them.

    You would only loose them if you haven’t downloaded them to your Kindle or your Kindle packs up. Otherwise they’d just sit in your Kindle memory, and a Kindle will hold a lot of books. On the kindle each book is a separate file so you could also transfer them to another device. Not sure if you would be able to read them though.

    Is there a way of downloading books for cheap / free or are you tied to Amazon prices?

    You’re not tied into Amazon. E-books come in different formats and a Kindle will reread some, but not others. Some publishers release e-books with no sort of DRM as free distribution gets their authors known.

    The well dressed gentleman can never have enough hats in his wardrobe.

    Get it.

    You’ll probably have to drive over it a few times to give it a suitably weathered look though.

    There are a lot of modern expectations that contribute to this, some of them might be:

    Every one has a “right” to happiness. No, happiness is what you get if you are lucky

    Material wealth = success = happiness. There are other measures of wealth and other measures of success.

    Everyone has a right to a perfect relationship. Relationships need to be worked at and there’s no such thing as Mr or Mrs perfect.

    Surprised to see “Hot tub” on that list. Isn’t that a bit chav?

    And barbeque is something you do, not something you own.

    Even Metric sailors still measure speed in knots.

    Knot were placed on a rope at 8 fathom intervals and the number run out over 30 seconds counted. 1 knot = 1 nautical mile per hour which = 1 minute of arc. Or something like that.

    Now, go fathom that one …2 yards or six feet, or 1.8 metres!

    Fathom = the distance between a man’s outstretched arms. i.e two yards – we’re back to that Anglo-Saxon Kings nose again.

    Still doesn’t make it a good unit

    A mile is eight furlongs. A furlong is 220 yards and is supposed to be the length an ox team could plough before they needed a rest. A yard is supposed to have originally been the distance between some Anglo-Saxon Kings nose and has outstretched fingers. It all makes perfect sense.

    The best non-metric measure is grains. A grain was actually based on the weight of a grain of wheat, or barely or something.

    Kilometres (correct spelling), I’m 57 and live in the 21st century not the 19th

    Kilometres have been around since the 18th century.

    A question for somebody who knows about these things –

    How come weed is seen as less of a health risk than tobacco? You’re still drawing the smoke into your lungs. Is the smoke somehow more benign than tobacco smoke?

    Do you have a local PCSO?

    It might be worth asking their view. And they might be able to do something about it.

    Whats the best way to rejunvanate dry leather

    Or you could try neats foot oil. Softens it up a treat.

    Brexit is being blamed

    Unless I can’t see all the article, it doesn’t elaborate on why Brexit.

    Some people could probably do with walking a mile in other people’s shoes as a form of education. It might make making offhand uneducated comments a little more difficult.

    Can’t disagree with that. Unfortunately there are folk on this forum who thinks this only applies to those with a certain point of view.

    Right. But that’s demonstrably false.

    Is it?

    Because the Guardian are trying to make things better through its paper. The Mail is just trying to sell papers.

    Mail readers might also say their paper of choice is trying to “make things better”

    Or perhaps they’re both just trying to make money for their owners?

    Hot water machine thing at work

    The original had the handle on the side and the hot water spout on the bottom.

    It got replaced by one with the handle at the side and the hot water spout projecting from the front.

    I wander in, stick my coffee mug underneath the machine ( as I always did) and pull the handle. Boiling water pours out of the spout, all over my hand and forearm.

    I’ve just spent the best part of the evening fletching arrows in front of my fire with a bottle of good red

    Not sure I would associate anything to do with arrow making as a “slowly getting drunk in front of the fire” sort of job – too messy and too time consuming and too much scope for cocking it up.

    Renewing centre servings on bowstrings however …

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