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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • I’ve got some left over flooring in the garage maybe I’ll just nail them to the back of it

    How about using a bit of trellis and growing roses and ivy up it. Might look quite nice.

    So, is phillxx75 and hols2 the same person?

    is confused.

    Iz ure bik saracin?

    I watched a public accounts committee session on Brexit a few weeks back (I was really bored) and, to be fair to JRM, he was one of the few MPs in the room who was paying attention and actually seemed to know what was going on.

    Come to think of it, that’s slightly worrying.

    Surely any MTBer v landowner cases would be all over social media? Can’t recall seeing much, if any at all?.

    Down south a rider sued the Crown Estates for a four figure sum a few years back.  I don’t think it ever made the news and only came to light because it caused* a big shake up of some rather nice semi official trails.

    *well, it may have been one of several causes.

    But even then it feels like a huge risk.

    If you are buying a home to live in, and can afford the mortgage payments, what is the risk?

    Traffic Conditions? Did you spend more time drafting on the MTB?

    Like any chain outlet they vary enormously.

    Somebody told me there are actually three different types of Wetherspoon depending on the area – student type pubs, less affluent areas and normal areas. Don’t know if that’s true or not, but they do seem to vary “ambience”.

    I like Spoons, you can get a decent breakfast and unlimited coffee whilst being entertained by conversations straight of out of Derek and Clive.

    Solid fuel tommy cooker and a tin mug?

    Not quite as sexy as all those lightweight gas stoves but only costs a few quid.

    Black leather lace up shoes for work?  Surely your starting point is a standard pair of Doctor Martens.

    There has always been litter, but it does seem that the amount of roadside crap is way higher now than 25-30 years ago.

    I suppose there are  lot more people in the country, a lot more cars on the roads and a lot more packaged “convenience foods”. Most of the litter I see are “meal deals” (drink+sandwich+crisps),  take away coffee cups or energy drink/beer cans. Plus the occasional dirty nappy, bag of human excrement or bicycle inner tubes hung from trees.

    (Detailed observation based on spending two hours getting 6 dustbin bags of crap out of 200 yards of country lane on Saturday)

    I think councils used to try and litter pick along roads, but I’ve not seen anything like that for ages. I suppose they don’t have the money any more.

    I’d much rather people did other jobs than serve at checkouts

    I know a couple of people who quite enjoy working at checkouts. You can chat to people and its an indoor job with no heavy lifting.

    Not everbody’s cut out to be a brain surgeon.

    Once I’d racked up 25 years of CUK membership, they sent me a nice enamelled “winged wheel” CTC badge. That’s gotta be worth the wait.

    Great idea. But it needs to be introduced on drinks cans as well.

    Great thread this, very STW.

    On the one hand there are people trying to explain and to understand various view points surrounding the issue. Its quite interesting to someone who knows bugger all about it.

    On the other hand there are a couple of people who come across as just wanting to draw lines, pick sides and have a fight. You can almost smell the testosterone.

    Kind of funny really

    If your Nan’s assets were only about 40k in the bank it’s unlikely you’ll need a grant of probate. But you will need to complete the inheritance tax forms for HMRC.

    You need to trot down to the bank with the death certificate. If its a real joint account they will alter it so that it is a sole account in your mothers name and she can keep on using it as normal.  In this case, I don’t know if the money in there would technically still form part of your nan’s estate, perhaps a lawyer could advise.

    Power of attorney ceases at death. If the account was a power of attorney account it will be frozen until the executor gets it released. (I don’t know how this happens without probate).

    I’ve just dealt with my Dad’s estate and he had both types of bank account.

    Had a 4WD diesel with a full side conversion for about 6 years.

    As a camper its fine for 2, but maybe a bit small if you want to take kids/dogs etc.  Bear in mind that although its tall, its no wider or longer than some of the larger 4X4 you see around nowadays. So its quiet easy to park and you can drive it like a car.

    If you have one for any length of time, the rear wheel arches will need looking at as they all rust from the inside out.

    Fuel consumption is awful. The best you’ll get with a diesel is about 30mpg and that’s at I nice steady 60.

    What if the data is not kept in the UK?  Does the information Commissioner have any powers over data stored overseas?

    What I’m really asking, is it actually a race bike, or a sportive trundler for low ranking executives with more money than talent – er, sense? [/jealousy]

    I’m not sure anyone would fork out 10k of their own money on an actual race bike (ie. for actually racing on). The chances of smashing it up in its first bunch spill are far too high.

    Can you road race on discs nowadays?

     but the lessons could be wrong (unlikely in honesty given it’s a church maintained school)

    Don’t assume that teachers at a church maintained school know any more about religion that what they googled the night before during lesson planning.

    Anybody use one of those new fangled automatic washing machines?

    I don’t see the point and I think the rot set in when they brought out those top loading twin tubs.

    What’s wrong with an outdoor copper and a mangle?  It gives you a bit of exercise and teaches you the humility of hard work.

    never had one and wouldn’t know how to use one if I did

    completely pointless

    I used to think like this, until I got one. Now I think they’re brilliant. Its a magic cupboard isn’t it? Dirt stuff goes in, clean stuff comes out.

    Much a I dislike May, I find her take on events a bit more believable than a bunch of internet consipracy theorists

    Either this was a direct act by the Russian State against our country.

    Or conceivably, the Russian government could have lost control of a military-grade nerve agent and allowed it to get into the hands of others.

    Either the Russians are murderous or incompetent.

    I think I’d be worried about visiting TK MAX.  I mean, what does one wear?

    The group said the goal was not to replace human carpenters but to allow them to focus on more important tasks such as design.

    Interesting idea, but this comes across as a bit arrogant. Why should “design” be more important than actually making things with your own hands?

    Next thing you know, somebody will be adding electric motors to bicycles to allow mountain bikers to concentrate on more important things than pedalling :-)

    Anyone remember Jim Davidson and his “Chalky White” character?

    That was pretty racist even in the context of the time.

    All humour is at the expense of something, even if its yourself.  Poor taste or good taste just depends on if you find the butt of the joke acceptable or not. And that often depends on how you look at it.

    Look at all the debate about Love thy Neighbour.

    Try watching “It An’t Half Hot Mum”.  Casual racism, classism, homophobia and body shaming? or a clever critique of the morals and attitudes of the late British empire? or just a couple of ex-squaddie script writers trying to make some sense out of a traumatic time in their lives?

    I assume you no longer need your sheet sleeping bag then?

    Do they still have the ink stamps you put in the back of your membership card?

    To my shame, I clicked on the “possibly the most painful MTB video we’ve ever seen”. And yes, it was some rather dull out takes from what could have been a rather dull video.

    he been accused od taking Meldonium. From the bbc:

    It’s advertised as giving a mental focus, removing external stress so you feel sharper. There is a slight central nervous system effect, like with stimulants such as caffeine, which gives you a sharper edge.

    It would make a lot of sense for a head sport like Curling.

    only one person in that relationship can be the biological father and it is not stated in the news reports who it is

    I assumed they’d both **** into the same beaker (test tube?) and give it a good old shake up. Then there would always be an element of uncertainty over the biological father.

    I thought it was refreshingly entertaining for sports commentary:

    from memory:

    “Don’t look into his eyes, you’ll get lost in them”

    “he’s trying to warp the space time continuum here”

    “in 28 days they’ll be wanting to use their full money back guarantee”

    “He’s got room for a gold in his sock drawer”

    and, of the 17 year old who won it:

    “He turned up with a packet of crayons and created a Monet”

    Waiting for news of the central core – however, even if it missed the pad, it’s still an incredible achievement.

    Yeah. Two out of three ain’t bad!

    So they’ll try to reuse the rockets?

    Space X have been reusing boosters, and their dragon spacecraft, for a while. I think this is the first time they’ve tried to land three at once. Watching those two booster land together was pretty amazing.

    I think Musk just out-cooled Zaphod Beeblebrox.

    OP raises a mildly interesting point about different interviewee styles in different sports and gets a range of mildly interesting replies.

    cant see how it warrants this

    Should have said ignorant, patronising, demeaning and cringeworthy

    That Ventiko website – is that her sitting naked on the merry-go-round?

    Where has she hidden her Peacock?

    Might be worth pointing out the definition of taxable turnover

    If a lot of what Mrs DrP does is genuinely exempt, she might not be anywhere near the VAT registration threshold anyway.

    That’s the first thing to sort out before you embark on potential tax avoidance schemes.

    I assume you’ve read this?

    I had a lecturer who used furlongs/fortnight as a joke measurement

    15 furlongs a fortnight would be an oxgang, or half a virgate.

    I got slightly whingey the other day when I realised my daughter didn’t know what a gross or a score were.

    My favorite unit of measurement factoid is that before about 1300, the English foot was 11/10ths the size of the modern imperial foot. Which is why there are 220 modern yards in a furlong rather than 200.

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