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  • Fox 36 Float Factory GRIP2 Review
  • What about if a EU law was first proposed by the UK?

    And many EU laws will have been drafted by British civil servants. I once knew a bloke who wrote some EU law. He lived in Reading. Plenty of Brexiteers who moan about “sovereignty” just don’t get it that WE ARE the EU.

    Out of interest, if I order something from Germany now, and it’s delivered after 29/3, will I have to pay VAT/import duty when it’s delivered?

    this is off

    VAT on goods entering the UK as parcels sent by overseas businesses

    If the UK leaves the EU without an agreement, VAT will be payable on goods entering the UK as parcels sent by overseas businesses.

    The government set out in the Customs Bill White Paper (published October 2017) that Low Value Consignment Relief (LVCR) will not be extended to goods entering the UK from the EU. This note confirms that if the UK leaves the EU without an agreement then LVCR will no longer apply to any parcels arriving in the UK, this aligns the UK with the global direction of travel on LVCR. This means that all goods entering the UK as parcels sent by overseas businesses will be liable for VAT (unless they are already relieved from VAT under domestic rules, for example zero-rated children’s clothing).

    For parcels valued up to and including £135, a technology-based solution will allow VAT to be collected from the overseas business selling the goods into the UK. Overseas businesses will charge VAT at the point of purchase and will be expected to register with an HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) digital service and account for VAT due.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    We shouldn’t stay in the EU as we do not have the same political aspirations as the other 27 countries (same could be said for most of the other members) and we do not want to switch to the Euro.

    I’d always though that the political aims of the EU were to move to closer and closer integration, complete with unified currency and taxation systems.

    Always seemed like a good idea to me, but obviously not to the 52% and may-be not to many of the 48% either.

    In this context TurnerGuy’s statement makes sense. The UK as a nation is not fit to be in the EU, so what can we do instead?

    But you can’t possibly explore this because the debate on here has become too personal and too nasty.

    The advert is “needed” to give Gillette a larger share of the disposable razor market by associating their product with a modern and laudable message.

    The larger share the market will probably be at the expense of some of their competitors.

    So Gillette is really just exhibiting the old Alpha male drive to be number one, and damn everybody else.

    Quite funny really.

    I belive current thinking is that the universe is flat and goes on forever in all directions.

    Given infinity, it got to be a dead cert that there is other intelligent life somewhere. Not only that, but its possible that at some point the pattern will start to repeat itself. So in some unimaginably remote area of the cosmos, a bunch of middle aged ex mountain bikers could be typing out this same conversation.

    continuing to do the customs checks we do now (but no more) and the EU would let us continue as we are for months

    There’ll be no reason to do any more Customs checks than we do now. The tricky bit is that EU goods would now require a customs declaration. I’m told it takes about 20 minutes and costs about £20 to make a customs declaration and I don’t think anybody has yet worked out how that supposed to work at Dover

    My local micro brewery sells to Weatherspoons.

    If you’re brewing cask ale in small batches and selling to independents there can be a lot of wastage as each independent only buys a few casks. Any left over will quickly go off. He said Wetherspoons would give him a fair price for the entire remainder of a batch as they were confident they could sell all of it quickly.

    That said Wetherspoons do deserve some credit for their approach to bringing some disused but historically important buildings back into use without completely wrecking them.

    Last spoons I was in was on Monmouth High Street. Massive old 17th century coaching inn. It was full of people getting a quick bite and a drink while just passing through. So a bit like what the building was meant to be used for in the first place.

    I doubt anybody but Weatherspoons would have been able to make a commercial go of a place like that.

    Nobody in the British parliament has the balls to even think about revoking article 50 without a GE or second referendum. That’s just wishful thinking.

    May’s deal is the least worst alternative option to everyone in parliament apart from the DUP loons, (who can probably be bought off with another billion quid).

    So leaving the vote on May’s deal as late as possible will increase its chances of going through. With no proper alternative all the MPS will be in a bit of a panic and simply voting it through will be the safest thing to do for their own careers.

    I like breakfasts in Weatherspoons if I’m in a strange town. At least the food is reliable and cheap.

    Earwigging in on the conversations of the few sad old alcoholics just provides a bit of early morning entertainment. Sometimes they can be a bit like a Derek and Clive sketch.

    If you enjoyed The Exapanse, you might want to try some of Paul MaCauley’s stuff – “The Quiet War” etc. Similar but different.

    While we’re reminiscing, does anyone recall a younger reader book about a woolly mammoth with one red eye and one green one?

    Little Nose?

    I can even remember a distinct passage in the undersea adventure book where the main character battles with a shark and defeats it by sticking his thumbs in the shark’s eyes!

    I seem to remember one bit where a guy gets his foot caught in a giant clam while wading across a beach on a rising tide. In desperation he tries to cut his foot off, but the tide comes in and he drowns before he gets free. Not sure they’d have that sort of book in an infants school any more!


    Go on then…

    Gambling is probably at the most lax end of the scale and I’d see it as a priority to impose much heavier regulation and taxes ASAP esp on online gambling.

    Interesting that online gambling is an area where a business with no physical or legal presence in the UK is still required to pay UK tax.

    “Remote Gaming Duty is charged at the rate of 15% of a gaming provider’s profits from remote gaming with UK persons.” (

    Ok, 15% isn’t very high, but I imagine policing it can be quiet difficult.

    Do you want/need to keep it as open paddock?

    You could plant it up into a (very) small wood.  You can get subsidies to do that sort of thing.

    For most/many their “next”;

    The forces

    The criminal justice system

    Minimum wage/zero hours

    The trades

    You mean not all white males will go on to have successful international careers as scientists/engineers/IT mangers and get to waste time on STW?  Still, I suppose someone as to deliver all my Amazon parcels.

    I don’t remember anyone saying that installing your own home phone was pointless

    I don’t remember anyone saying TV remotes were a waste of time. (and you could quite easily “channel hop” before them)

    I don’t remember  anyone saying satnavs were useless when they were new. (although I know I few people now who have found they prefer paper maps)

    I all sounds like Fake History for the geek generation.

    Higher earners have more to lose if the country goes tits up.

    Perhaps they should be investing more to ensure that doesn’t happen.

    Looks a bit like the suspension on a Moulton AM

    I’ve got an article written in the 1940s about bow hunting for wild sheep and goats in the Rockies.

    Apparently they were considered a really tough animal to hunt because of the terrain and because wild sheep and goats are a lot cleverer and a lot more timid than the sheep you see on your average UK farm.

    I’ve no idea if these Scottish sheep are the same, and it would be a lot easier with a rifle,  but I could see why some American hunters might consider this a challenge (though I have no idea if it is or not).

    I’ve got a book of the Frank Hurley photographs, printed from the original glass plates and negatives. It includes the colour ones he took as well.

    The level of detail in them is amazing as you are basically printing from a really large negative.

    My cycling club has glass plates of  a cycle tour in the alps, taken before WW1 (so about the same era the Hurley photographs) and UK time trials taken in the 1920s.  Put them in a projector and look at them at 6 foot x 4 foot and you realise that image quality (apart from colour obs.) hasn’t really moved on much in 100 years.

    It looks like one of those old 1970s hairnet helmets with a hat over the top.

    Aldous Huxley with his enlightened trips to the island and The Brave New World

    I’m puzzled about Brave new World. Its always described as a vision of a dystopian future, but when I read it, it sounded like a brilliant world to live in.

    So am I “Post Woke”?

    Some posters seem to insinuate I’m incapable of seeing through content to identify the bias, then ignore that bias.

    Informed unbiased literature of heady weight, facts and background,

    Every considered that the “unbiased” stuff might really just be confirming your own biases and prejudices?

    To read an oath the bible is just part of the tradition

    I think so. Last time, the solicitor asked me if I was OK to swear on the Bible. I’m sure it wouldn’t have mattered if I’d said no.

    If it means fewer cans of red Bull and Monster littering the roadside, bring it on.

    I look forward to the days of independent News reporting with reasoned articles and no biased opinion.

    No article is, or ever will be, unbiased. You just need to work out what the bias is.

    I’ve got a book by Peter Freuchen that I found in a second hand bookshop.

    “The Book of the Eskimos”

    All about life in Greenland around the time of the First World War.  I think he was quite a character!

    Still makes me laugh


    The staff might be ‘diverse’ but you never hear a working class sounding announcer on there.

    For the BBC, regional accent (especially northern)   = working class. Isn’t that why they have all those trendy childrens presenters who speak like (I imagine) Binners sounds?

    I never realised eBay bidding was such a competitive pastime. Is there a league table?

    Slide rules

    TV repair men

    Black donkey jackets instead of orange hi-viz

    Dustmen who’d come into your garden, pick up your bin and carry out to the lorry on their backs.

    From that “how to spend it article” up there

    In the still slightly austere postwar Britain of 1967, …………… The new, monochrome page had an article about installing home central heating, then a relative luxury; about a new electric coffee maker; and about how to select and cook a pheasant

    Sounds like typical posts from the STW forum.

    Chamberlain snubbed the Soviets when he should’ve been courting them.

    What is this, a game of “suck up to the least worst evil dictator?”

    Legal as long as the arrow doesn’t leave you property. If they are shooting towards another house without an adequate backstop or overshoot it would pretty irresponsible. What counts as adequate might depend on the power and type of bow being used.

    Garden fences always look a bit shit. But as it’s you boundary you could try defining the line with a good old fashioned three foot chain link fence. Replant with some really vigorous native hedging and in a few years you’ll have a decent hedge. Neighbour won’t be able to trim too far back as the chain link will prevent this.

    Apparently, Pine Martins are very good at catching and eating grey squirrels, but not very good at catching and eating red squirrels.

    How would me leaving all my assets to the govt address the problem of generational inherited inequality or raise significant tax revenue for the good of the nation?

    Well, every little helps. And after all:

    Dead people don’t need money

    Or is it only other peoples’ money you’re happy to give away?

    100% inheritance tax ?

    There’s already nothing to stop anyone on this thread leaving all of their assets to the State if they really want to.

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