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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • Tobacco lobby has brought heavily into vaping companies. Its a nice resurgence for them although admittedly with more competition.

    And no excise duty on vapes. So potential for greater profit margins.

    £80 for some cotton twill work trousers?

    I would want them hand made by Hebden Bridge artisans for that money.

    8.5 degrees or 1.5 degrees, if you live in Bangladesh you’re still ****.

    Uffington white horse can only be fully appreciated from the air. Perhaps aliens like horses.

    “We’ve got about a dozen activists. We’re getting equipment, camping chairs and binoculars and the like.
    “Ideally, we’d be out there 24/7. It’s going to depend on the man power.

    Christ, they sound like a racist version of the detectorists.

    I wonder if there’ll be a gazebo?

    From here:

    If you’re importing goods that are not on the transitional simplified procedures controlled goods list, you’ll need to make the first part of your declaration by recording information directly into your commercial records. ”

    “After you’ve imported your goods
    A supplementary declaration will need to be made by the fourth working day of the month following the arrival of the goods into the UK.
    If you have duties or taxes to pay, HMRC will take your direct debit:
    for customs duties and any import VAT, on the 15th day of the month that your supplementary declaration is made in
    for excise duties, on the 29th of the month that your supplementary declaration is made in
    If your business is not registered for VAT, we’ll introduce a new method for paying import VAT. We’ll give more details shortly.
    If you’re VAT-registered, you’ll account for VAT on your VAT Return.”

    Simple! ;-)

    As you can see, it’s a fairly easy process that any consumer could work out in seconds and the processes needed to handle the £350bn worth of goods and services we import from the EU annually could easily be put in place at a national level in the 8 working days between the 19th and 31st of Oct, ready for ‘no deal’.

    Are you asking about importing for business purposes or for private use?

    Assuming “no deal” I imagine importing for private use will be the same as from any 3rd countries. I think the rules for business will be slightly different.

    I suspect that they would genuinely try and turn them around, back out to sea. No doubt after giving a few of them a good beating if they would, first.😟

    I think the racists imagine that is what they’d like to do, before being confronted by reality.

    I’m guessing migrants encounter far worse groups on their travels. By the time they get this far they probably know how to get round a few British yobs.

    How big, like really big? I mean, would we even believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is?

    I mean, you may think it’s a long time between now and your tea,but that’s just peanuts to all ofeternity.

    How much coast-guarding can you do when Wetherspoons is closed?

    The end (or at least, the beginning of the end) of the myth of British exceptionalism.

    From experience, burning plastic always produces that horrible sticky soot. I imagine it would bung your flue up pretty quickly.

    Not sure if it’s true but according to my programmes I watch the electronic chip used in computers etc was devised this way as were fibre optic cables.

    My dad was involved in designing an early IC chip for Ferranti in the 70s, and I remember him showing off these weird new plastic wires where you shone a light down one end and it came out of the other, but not out of the side.

    I wasn’t aware he was an alien, but it makes you think…

    I see there is going to be a film about Pastafarianism as well.

    The British Tomato Growers Association will probably have the answer.

    Dropping quill stems in favour of threadless headsets on road bikes.

    cartridge fit bearings instead of cup and cone.

    The selfishness drives me crazy. FOr example, my neighbour has built an extension on their parking area, so now they leave three cars and a van on the road all the time. **** infuriating tbh.

    That could be an issue for your local planning authority. Round my way the planners are getting very hot on having adequate off road parking, I don’t think they would let you build over a parking area.

    Coincidentally (or not) I’ve just read an article in a popular archaeology magazine by someone who argues that we shouldn’t be referring to Anglo-Saxon England.

    Not because of political correctness gone mad, but because the traditional story of Germanic migration/invasion didn’t really happen that way and isn’t supported in the written and archaeological record

    I’m not convinced as I don’t think it really explains why the English speak English and the Welsh speak Welsh.

    Sorry, can’t think of any witty puns, in englisc or otherwise.

    Suggest the replace the term “early medieval” with “dark age”. That might wind em up.

    a spaceship could travel to a star 32 light-years away, initially accelerating at a constant 1.03g (i.e. 10.1 m/s2) for 1.32 years (ship time)

    Lets face it. It’s probably easier to invent a propulsion method that will allow a ship to accelerate at 1g for years on end than it is to come up with a universally acceptable brexit.

    “Road Map” – to describe a set of pre-planned, cast in stone, organisational changes.

    Whenever I hear someone say “deep dive” I always reply, in my head, ” I’d rather muff dive”. One day I’ll forget and say it out load.

    Latest bollocks phrase that everyone’s started using where i work is “in this space”.

    Is a snowflake similar to a big girls blouse?

    The make gin by infusing grain alcohol with their chosen botanicals. At that point it’s gin but at about80% abv.It will be shipped to the bottling plant at that strength and then watered down to about 40% abc.(no point paying to transport the extra water)

    Yaaay!! I won a million quid!!

    just joking

    Anybody else liking the (irony?) that this last ditch attempt to save democracy from a Tory Junta is happening exactly eighty years after we went to war in defence of another European nation’s liberty?

    Perhaps Poland could invade, and save us from ourselves.

    Good luck to him if he gets away with it. It boils my piss that we have to pay to drop someone off.

    So it’s fine for him to dodge an advertised charge, and lumber the poor guy behind him with at best an argument and at worst having to pay his carpark charge?

    Pack in (paid) work and pay myself 24k a year for the next 22 years.

    Electric windows are a godsend if you live in a hot country.


    I thought health insurance was like most insurance. If you need it once you’ll probably be OK, but after that the premiums will go up and/or you’ll struggle to find cover.

    I said I’m not after any money whatsoever

    I think to go down the compensation route you would need to go the full on “glum” photo in your local rag. You and the kids outside ASDA looking really miserable as junior holds up the disputed toy.

    1980s sixth form drink of choice was the Purple Nasty – a pint of snakebite plus Pernod and Black. If you were doing it properly (and could afford it) you added a scotch to the mixture.

    The great thing was, when you woke up in the morning you would be just as piss ed ad the night before.

    Ahh, to be 17 again.

    It’s not a problem but the bank security systems will flag it up as possible money laundering. If you did it every day there would be questions.

    That would be the case if you were paying large amounts of cash into a bank account. I’m not so sure it would register if you were withdrawing cash from your account. After all, they already know where it’s come from.


    The “balance of nature” is a vicious fight for survival. Animals aren’t nice, they don’t play nice and they don’t follow any rules, even the pretty fluffy ones.

    I’m not sure I could detest any animal for just trying to survive.

    How long does a species have to be somewhere before its not considered invasive?

    I didn’t realise until recently that Sycamores are still considered by some to be invasive. They’ve been here since the 15th century!

    You don’t have to smoke it, there are other ways of ingesting

    So it would make more sense to legalise eating it, but not smoking it.

    leaving aside the drug making you high bit…

    Smoking tobacco is bad for your lungs
    Wood smoke from log burners is bad for your lungs
    particulates from exhausts are bad for your lungs

    So won’t smoking cannabis be just as bad for you lungs?

    Or took look at it another way. If smoking cannabis was legal, the government would be legislating against it because it is bad for you lungs.

    The whole story sounds a bit dubious to me.

    I suppose the internet has made me cynical.

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