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    centralscrutinizer – Member
    Or have I missed something ?

    I think we all agreed earlier, using your bathroom scales to gain a useful BF% probably wasn’t “best practice“.

    Free Member

    zilog6128 – Member

    To burn fat, you need to slow down. Long rides at max zone 2 heart rate so you body switches into fat burning for fuel.
    I thought this was a myth
    Yeah this is a myth that belongs back in the 80s along with Jane Fonda workout videos. Not saying you won’t lose fat this way, just that HIIT is way more efficient time-wise. There is no “magic switch” in the body where it flicks from fat to glycogen at a certain intensity level. The body is way more complicated than that.

    TrickyDisco posted test results, which IIRC, demonstrated that the ratio/amount of fat used in comparison to exercise intensity, varied inversely.
    The higher the intensity, the less fat TD was using and vice-versa.

    HIIT uses fat to fuel adaptation. Building muscle, for example, requires energy as well as protein. This is where you see people digressing about post-workout “burning” etc.

    molgrips – Member
    In short, there are lots of things you can do that will result in weight loss. Which one works for you physically and personally depends on your preference, your lifestyle, your goals, your genes and what you want to achieve in terms of riding.

    (My emphasis in relation to the OP’s comments)

    Free Member

    jonba – Member

    A very complex topic, lots of theories, lots of science which is why this has stretched to 5 pages. I find it fascinating both from a scientific point of view and in seeing how different people interpret science and media publications.

    My understanding is that your body will always use the most readily available fuel which will be you glycogen stores. This will be replenished either by supplies coming from digestion or from metabolizing your fat reserves. I don’t think your body preferentially uses fat reserves under any circumstances.

    During exercise, people use a variable ratio of fat to carbohydrate.
    Yes, carbohydrate is more readily consumed in the muscles in order to provide energy for movement, which is why we see people use a higher ratio of carbohydrate to fat, to provide the energy to sustain high intensity exercise, until those carbohydrate stores are significantly depleted, etc.

    Conversely, this is also why we see people at low intensity exercise. Sustain their activity using energy, a higher ratio of which comes from fat, while obviously using a lower amount of carbohydrate.

    Long and slow in order to try to reduce BF% is for a lot of people, V boring. I’d suggest dealing with boredom is part of the challenge one chooses to face, in order to achieve their goals, but Ho-Hey, each to their own.

    Likewise, HIIT is mostly employed to manifest physiological adaptation to improve strength, or whatever the goal is, for bringing about that physiological adaption.

    So in simple terms one makes their choice to do one or the other. However, some folk may try a bit of both, simultaneously, which would be very difficult to do, successfully, as pointed out in an earlier post.

    Free Member

    LS – Member
    This is pretty much the point I’m trying to make

    then it’ll be very hard to fit in without dropping something that probably gives a higher performance gain.

    Ah, ok, I see where you’re coming from now. I was focusing more on the fat loss Q, as opposed to improving performance.

    Free Member

    LS – Member

    The performance limit that the OP will hit is likely to come from his training restrictions well before his body fat, and if he’s doing intense intervals then trying to do both at the same time can be a knife-edge.

    Most probably. But if OP is wondering why they are not experiencing the expected BF loss, then I’d suggest “more exercise” isn’t the correct answer without addressing changes in diet to compliment the OP’s regime.

    Everyone wants to get best results for least input. If someone is max’d out for time available to exercise. Then that’s how it is.

    Free Member

    soobalias – Member
    if he spent more time training and less time reading this thread…..

    LS – Member
    For the majority of people there’s a clear correlation, that’s why it’s being suggested. Total time training in this case isn’t a lot.

    No, and, errr, no. As we all know, you can’t out-exercise a bad diet.

    I’ll try again. If someone wants to burn more fat, then it may be worth while getting to understand what drives fat storage. while also considering how and why fat is released for use.

    Lean people can be unfit. Fit people can be chubby. Soooo, perhaps we could:

    a) not rely on exercise to mitigate poor diet.

    b) address the issue of body fat reduction or lack of, and stop sniping at the OP for not exercising enough.

    OP has already explained how time crunched they are. So perhaps lets discuss BF reduction, within those constraints.

    And as for the anecdotal advise. It may have worked for you, but that doesn’t guarantee the OP the same results.

    Free Member

    ghostlymachine – Member

    Maybe you just aren’t that fit?
    Might explain the struggle to crack 4th cat?

    And, may be that wasn’t very polite.

    And for those who may have forgotten by page 3, a reminder of the question…

    Kryton57 – Member
    but why aren’t I losing more fat,


    Free Member


    I’ve never done the SatNav by data thing. Instead I’ve always used a phone based system, with Map loaded into the phone.

    Currently I have TomTom, Western Europe, down to street level, on the phone. So even without a phone signal, I’d be able to use the SatNav.

    However, recently, I believe TomTom may have gone to a data system, ie, no map to download and store. So if TomTom was a consideration, then check first.
    I’ve been getting update notifications, to update, but I have avoided doing so as I believe this will switch my phone from using the loaded map to using an online map.

    IIRC my map was approximately 2.2Gb.

    And to pre-empt the pitchforks. Yes, I know it’s terribly fashionable to use online maps, etc. But I don’t mind downloading and I prefer the advantage of being able to navigate even when I don’t have a phone signal/data link. Obviously the slight downside is that as time moves on, any map on my phone will slowly go further and further out of date.

    Phone OS is Android.

    Free Member


    Why hasn’t anyone mentioned “nutritional yeast“?

    I’ve been told NY is allowed.

    Free Member

    Radio head.

    A seemingly unending drawl, a morosse Cacophony, what a din and about as musical as a dog fart!

    Free Member

    onewheelgood – Member
    I still eat cheese and eggs (have my own hens)

    You can get cheese from your Chickens? Good effort!

    Free Member

    The last Defender

    No, there will be another.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    SaxonRider – Member
    So who on here still just rides a plain old 26″?

    26″ here. 26″ is where it all started and where I’m happy for it to remain, for me.

    Should the world of science, one day prove that 26″ is factually inferior to 29ers. Even better, because I’ll still be as quick as anyone riding 29ers. It’s akin to winning a grand prix in a car that doesn’t have the best engine, etc.

    And the cake will taste even sweeter, Because if 26″ is really inferior, then it’s the rider that made the difference.

    Free Member

    Kryton57 – Member
    but why aren’t I losing more fat

    First, grass hopper, you must understand how and why the body stores fat. Only then, grass hopper, will you understand what you must do to achieve your goals ;-)

    miketually – Member
    You’re probably better off using a tape measure and a mirror to see if you’re losing fat.

    Fair advise. Mike has a good handle on this, imo.

    Kryton57 – Member
    I do that. I’m not bemoaning the loss to date, just wondering why my body fat appears to be high.

    I refer you to my first remark :-)

    molgrips – Member
    It’s quite possible that your scales are talking complete bobbins.

    I think we can take it, those scales are definitely reporting in bobbins. :lol:

    suburbanreuben – Member
    On a non training day I have two slices of toast with marmite a 7am, a cereal bar at 10, soup plus 2 slices of whole meal bread for lunch.
    On a training days it’s 2 poached eggs on no buttered toast then that’s it until a soy protein shake plus the soup lunch after the turbo

    That’s a lot of bread you’re shovelling in.
    Most definitely!

    Free Member
    Free Member

    0.8Kg is still heading in the right direction. Stay motivated and focused while you’re still developing new habits related to diet.

    Free Member

    tomhoward – Member
    I’m an Apple fanboi

    The need to be middle class is strong with this one.

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    The poor, poor, bastards.

    Nobody said being middle class and out classing your enemies neighbours was easy.

    Free Member

    Metal Detectorists assemble.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    Just realised I’ve not put in my own entry:
    We have croissants for breakfast on Sunday

    Nice try… But, it’s what you have in/on your croissants, what you drink at the time, the paper you’re reading and the radio station you’re listening to while scoffing croissants that’s crucial to being real middle class!

    So, I’ll out win all of you now…..

    Has Library card and attends regularly!

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    Ah, so it’s actually you who’s the wrong sort of people.

    Now that is, middle class, class.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    You’re associating with the wrong sort of people.

    I wouldn’t call it association as much as me just mashing the throttle of my huge german car, as I pass the bus stop, so as to deposit a useful layer of soot and grime on the faces of those fortunate enough to be standing there.

    They’re not referred to as the unwashed masses for nothing so I see it as my duty to remind them of my superiority.

    Free Member

    kimbers – Member

    Whichever side you fall (ignoring tabloid hysteria) Corbyn has opened up the debate about Nukes, better than it ever would have been

    Needlessly! Come on, I’m sure there’s other, more significant issues of the day, that could use some useful consideration/debate.

    Have any of your noticed the state of the MTB industry?

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member
    I’m the dregs of humanity.

    You’ve been promoted?!?!

    perchypanther – Member
    You’re Scottish, it’s implicit. you have dicks for neighbours

    What? The English?

    My recent experiences have lead me to consider that UK society isn’t so much about class as just plain old one-upmanship. It’s like we all hate each other. Or is that just the Midlands?

    I’m Considerably richer than yaow!

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member

    Ok, we’re agreeing. They thought we wouldn’t use it so it didn’t deter them. Not much bloody use then!

    Not quite, the reasoning is flawed. Invasion by means of deploying conventional military assets where there wasn’t previously. Is and will be met with a similar deployment of conventional assets to repel the invasion, etc, etc.

    If someone decides to send us a nuke, then they can rest assured, that we can send one back! Well, so long as have them.

    Free Member

    I’m more middle class than you are

    What? You ride a Pashley?

    Free Member

    Kenny Senior – Member
    So week 2 finished

    Hey! Here he is :-D

    2.8kg since last Friday

    Great result. Sounds as if you’re lifestyle is changing to incorporate more activity, as well as adjusting your diet.
    I hope you’re enjoying the increased physical activity, getting out on the bike, etc.
    keep up the good work.

    Free Member

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    So, yes?

    Yes, but I loathe to say “too much sugar” or “refined carbs are bad” on here because I don’t want to argue and it’s been my experience most folk don’t want to hear it. Sugar and sugary things are nice to eat and so therefore popular with folk.

    Free Member

    brassneck – Member
    They seem to act as a bit of a sponge to higher GI foods eaten in the same meal and help regulate them too.

    I wouldn’t go so far as to suggest that’s the case.

    slowoldgit – Member
    So there’s something odd about fructose? I just wonder…

    In a seasonal climate, might the God of Evolution have smiled upon this? An animal that eats a lot of fructose in late summer and autumn turns it into stored fat, which is always used up by the following spring anyway. Not just hibernating animals, bears and hedgehogs being examples of this, but our cave-dwelling ancestors?

    Only now we don’t shiver and half-starve in bad spells during the winter.

    I think it’s a fair and robust view, especially as we can observe this happening in wildlife today. Fattening on ripe fruit and veg at the end of summer, in preparation for autumn / winter would seem to be commensurate with the way nature/evolution appears to operate.

    On a related matter, it may not harm the environment as much if we consumed fruit on a seasonal basis, rather than jetting plane loads of fruit around the globe just so as we can have strawberrys on supermarket shelves, all year round.

    Free Member

    slowoldgit – Member
    Thanks all: one question – does glucose derive from any sugars in the diet, or just from refined sugar?

    All absorped carbohydrates are processed to become glucose. The only exception appears to be the sugar in fruit and veg, Fructose, which seems to be metabolized in a slightly unique manner.

    We all need some carbohydrate in our diet, but there’s much more available to us than we typically need and for those who do no or little exercise, then even moderate carbohydrate intake will be excessive to requirement.

    Free Member

    antimony – Member

    Triglicerides were 1.0 (normal)
    HDL 1.4 (normal)
    LDL 5.2 (well above normal range)

    OP, glad you have a break down. Better than the test I had. I got one figure for the result of my last test.

    High LDL, indicates there’s sufficient resource in the body for the liver to produce significant quantities of triglycerides, which are transported within an LDL particle.

    anagallis_arvensis – Member
    So to sumarise solo you are saying avoid sugar too?

    Elevated triglycerides can occur when the liver has excessive blood glucose to re-process. So the message might be, if the diet has elevated intake of refined, easily digestible carbohydrates. Then those carbs needs to be used as fuel for exercise. If not, then expect to see elevated triglycerides and LDL.

    I imagine a VLDL as looking something like an airship. The carriage underneath the balloon is the protein to which the cholesterol and triglycerides are attached. The balloon is full of triglycerides and the skin/membrane of the balloon contains cholesterol.
    The more triglycerides the liver produces the more LDL particles may result and/or there is an increase in VLDL, which is an airship with a very large balloon.

    So, excessive consumption of refined and easily digestible carbohydrates, doesn’t just effect the waist line (a crude measure of physical health/condition) but also has a negative effect on processes such as LDL production, which day to day aren’t visible to the eye as a large waist line may be, but none the less is occurring anyway.

    Right, back to work!

    Free Member

    Firstly, while very rare, hypercholesterolemia is a real clinical condition to be taken very seriously and anyone diagnosed should follow the instruction of their GP and any specialists/consultants they are sent to.

    For the rest of us, having “high cholesterol” represented with a single figure, doesn’t really help the person being tested. imo.

    Therefore, sending that person away with the advice to change diet, increase exercise, is employing the “scatter gun” approach.

    Unfortunately, most of us are never going to have our cholesterol profiled to help us understand exactly what levels of HDL and LDL anyone of us may have in our blood at the time we are tested.

    To be as brief as I can, Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL) is a sub-category of “LDL” cholesterol (the bad cholesterol). VLDL transports elevated quantities of triglycerides, along with some cholesterol mixed in there too. Elevated triglycerides are the result of the liver processing significant quantities of glucose.
    After a while, floating around the body, VLDL eventually becomes “small dense LDL”, which can then adhere to artery walls and oxidize to form arterial plaque which narrows the arteries, etc.

    Why might there be significant quantities of glucose in the body, enough to elevate triglycerides? Well, that would be where diet comes in and I’ll leave it there.

    Free Member

    Tredz? :lol:

    I’ve always found them to be too expensive in comparison to most other online outlets, to bother.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Well they shouldn’t still be growing…

    Well get along to your GP, better to unnecessarily bother him/her about your sternum, rather than to miss something…

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member
    That’s your beer belly

    :lol: Usually, that may well of been quite true.

    However in the case of captain USA Molgrips esq, IIRC, has said he doesn’t like beer.

    Free Member

    I was part of the team that Engineered the dashboard on both the Mk1 and Mk2 Focus.

    I recall my first ride as passenger in a Mk1 Focus, on site at a plant in Turkey. Straight away it felt/rode like not other car in it’s class, at that time.

    TheLittlestHobo – Member
    Mk1 here. mk1
    It had complicated suspension which made it a very nice drive

    It was the first car in class, amongst it’s peers, to have independent rear suspension.

    For at least the last 15 years, Ford has worked to deliver ride and handling which is best in class. In my opinion, they ‘re pretty much on the money and have forced the other OEMs to at least try to catch up.

    The interiors though? Audi are still seen to be the leaders in that discipline, at least within the industry.

    Free Member

    Malvern Rider – Member

    ^Thumbs up! **** genres. Read great books.

    Can thoroughly recommend:

    Catch 22

    Snow Falling On Cedars

    Exactly. Thanks for the recommendations, will bookmark this thread for book titles to consider for 2016.


    Not a recommendation, but I’m currently reading:
    “The gods that failed us”

    Free Member

    Someone recommended a book to me, which was totally outside of my usual genre of reading material. Glad I gave it a try.

    The catcher in the Rye.

    Free Member

    amedias – Member
    that’s a genuine question there BTW, I’m not trying to be inflammatory

    No probs here, we’re just debating a topic :-)

    I think Bruce’s example ^^ helps describe my view. But my view is no more valid than yours. I’m just calling it as I see it.

    Going back to fully integrated HS, that was clearly a manufacturing driven change and if one was to go so far as to read what Chris King has said about FiHS. Then FiHSs aren’t helping front end rigidity. Is my read.

    Right, got to go now.

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