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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
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    CaptainFlashheart – Twaat
    Plus one


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    mightymule – Member
    Does she think it’s a date?

    Exactly! The person has lost their partner. Ask yourself why you are there.

    LeeW – Member
    If she’s still signed off work after her husband died I’m not sure she thinks it’s the same kind of evening you’re thinking of.

    Plus one.

    Free Member

    Discs don’t kill people….rappers Rabbits do.

    Free Member

    slowoldman – Member
    Is non intoxicating booze ok?

    What’s that?

    It’s what happens to booze which has passed the event horizon of a black hole.


    Free Member

    Anyone left the red mist/road rage mindset behind and what was the turning point?.

    During nearly 3 decades of driving, some years hitting 40K+ miles. I have had the opportunity to offer my opinion to other road users, numerous times…

    However, quite soon after starting to drive, esp when using the big road and witnessing just what does happen out there. I came to understand there’s no point remonstrating or whatever, with any other road user.
    I realized that no matter how much I may object or the manner in which I choose to do so. The other person isn’t likely to change their ways. If they are an inconsiderate, selfish, asshat, nothing I can do will change that, in any constructive way.

    So now I pretty much just ignore the muppets. That as well as being very good at seeing an outcome on the road before it happens and so avoiding in the first place. Not always, but often.

    So there, perhaps realize you are powerless to “educate” AND that it isn’t actually your job, change the way other road users behave.
    Just chill.

    Free Member

    nickjb – Member Rules are here: that said, the first rule is not to admit you are racing

    What…. The first rule of Bike club?

    There is no bike club!

    Free Member

    Never encountered an electric bike, during the commute.

    However, when someone does start the game by passing and you just “know” what’s happening.
    My typical response is to latch onto their rear wheel and just it in.
    Which I find deals satisfactorily with those types.

    Free Member

    Rockape63 – Member
    well, yes it does read a bit like that, but Ive actually been cutting down on the cakes and crisps, whilst not giving them up completely of course. Ive upped the exercise too, but its not shifting!

    Having been on holiday for a fortnight made me think more about my longer term strategy, but I need to be strong to see it through!

    I sympathize with your situation. As this thread and most of the others on this forum demonstrate, there’s more than one way to look at the problem.
    You may have noticed I’ve taken a view along the lines of trying to understand how the body operates with respect to accumulating excess body fat. How that happens and how to tap that excellent source of energy.


    Forgot to mention, I don’t see any reason to totally give up small indulgences. I think frequency is more often the issue.

    Free Member

    maccruiskeen – Member
    I don’t know how she’d going to be able to take a steady picture with that whilst ‘exercising’

    Well she wouldn’t, because that wouldn’t be a selfie then.

    And judging by the “grip” that lad has on that “device” that wouldn’t be a selfie either.

    Free Member

    4130s0ul – Member
    selfies as in DIY?…

    Surely the clue is in the title “selfie“.

    Free Member

    perchypanther – Member

    Lip up, Fatty

    No need for that. It’s just bad manners.

    Don’t become upset, you could busta blood vessel

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Change has a huge effect. Problem is, you then get used to it, so you need to keep changing it!

    Rotating through a variety of preferred/interesting to you, sports/activities isn’t a bad thing, if you have the time, especially if one takes into account, seasonality.

    Rockape63 – Member
    There’s no mention of your age which is a factor too. I’m in the same boat, 55 yrs old but probably fitter than 99% of people my age, but have edged up to nearly 16st. I’m 6′ 4″ which helps, but its the band of fat round my middle I find annoying and very difficult to shift.

    You describe the typical middle aged distribution of excess body fat in Men, it’s genes baby!

    I enjoy beer, wine, crisps and cakes, so I’ve only got myself to blame! I’m not going to go on a diet as I know I’ll never stick to it, but I’m trying to find ways of getting back to a respectable 15.5lbs without changing too much and so far its not working!

    Slight contradiction there. You appear to claim you could never stick to a diet, but you’re already sticking to a diet which includes beer, wine, crisps and cakes. The result of which appears to result in that annoying spare tyre.
    But you’re sticking to your current diet, no?

    Free Member

    weeksy – Member
    I think Froome really needs to pull at least a minute today or his title hope is over.

    I’m pretty much disappointed with CF. He doesn’t seem to ride with the panache and hunger to take the win.
    Seems to me he’s pinned his hopes on TT’ing his way to winning the GC.
    It also appears NQ suspected as much and has tried to build a cushion as he did during stage 15.
    Before stage 15, CF appears to have just “marked” NQ and that’s always going to make for a dull spectacle and be risky strategy for GC, imo.

    Free Member

    IHN – Member
    I thought the STW forum was a random word super computer
    Nah, you’re thinking of Renton.

    Surely you’re referring to that Chewkw.

    Free Member

    scud – Member
    It seems to be getting over this plateau where my body just seems to have adapted to the daily workload.

    So you’re claiming to currently be at, or around energy “balance“. That your weight is stable on your current diet and exercise volume, yes? That being the case, along with you expressing a desire to lose body fat. Then something may have to change, no? The amount of energy one derives from body fat can be influenced by diet and the type of exercise they do.

    Ime, nudging the body towards getting more or most of it’s energy from fat is what I’ve heard described as becoming “fat adapted“.
    If the goal is to reduce body fat, I’d suggest considering what it may take to enhance the body’s ability to derive more of it’s daily caloric energy expenditure, from fat, rather than carbohydrates.
    To become fat adapted.

    It will never be absolute, ie, burn one OR the other, however, altering the amount of energy used, to be derived principally from fat, is an adaptation a lot of people are looking into.

    Free Member

    MoreCashThanDash – Member
    Of all the great roles he played, I’m not sure Wonka would be the one I’ll remember him for.
    Blazing Saddles, See No Evil, absolute genius.

    But that’s the true measure. Doesn’t really matter what film you first encountered Wilder in. Once you saw him, you never forgot it and no one was quite like him.

    As others have alluded to. He gave his best and you saw it on screen. And good it was. obviously, in later yrs his best days were behind him. But do we see his ilk now? No! And we are all of us, worse off for that.

    RIP Fella!

    Free Member

    chakaping – Member
    One of the very best.

    Agree, totally. Couldn’t have put it better, myself.

    Free Member

    You’ve got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know… morons.


    Free Member

    mattsccm – Member
    If we were allowed or even encouraged to pee ourselves laughing at fat slobs then at least some might get the message.

    Shaming people with a problem and making them a source of ridicule and amusement isn’t a solution.

    I’d suggest education is the root to the solution. However, when there are those in the world for whom there is a vested interest in creating confusion about what to eat and what not to eat.

    The task of correctly educating those who would benefit, is almost impossible.

    Free Member

    I’m disappointed with the Gov, although not surprized.

    The sugar dealers have lobbied hard in the corridoors of Westminster, to win their case, threatening job losses, etc.

    I heard most of the R4 intervierw this morning (circa 7:40am). At one point the presenter challenged the soft drinks representative to qualify the nutritional content/value of a well known soft drink. The representative quickly side stepped that one, while having the “front” to complain about the targetting of the soft drinks manufacturers for a “sugar tax”.

    Imo, there’s currently more BS in Nutrition than in HiFi and the Space race, put together!
    Until some form of concensus is reached on that front, the purveyors of nutritionally poor food, will hide behind the confusion and continue to market their wares.

    While I agree with those members who are advocating personal and parental responsibility. Those comments are a little at odds with previous posts by the same, claming the Gov is there to improve our lives.

    The junk food/drink industry has for many decades, had a free reign in their field, hiding behind the myth that dietary fat was the demon. Now that dietary sugar is finally receiving the attention it deserves, one might have hoped that Gov would see the industry isn’t for changing itself and that self regulation, so far, isn’t providing the results the BMA and dentists have clearly suggested.

    Free Member

    Congrats to the winner.

    So disappointed for G, I was really hoping to see him win.

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    at present i eat ton’s of protein, veg, salad and not lots of carbs.just carry on the same

    Yeap. Mind the refined and easily digestible carbs. Include animal/fish fat. On a good diet you should self regulate intake quantities.

    Not sure why you’ll be completely immobile, during your post op recovery, esp after first week.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Armistead is World Champion. AFAIK, being World Champ takes, amongst other things, attention to details and the rules.

    I can’t say Armistead has doped or transgressed in some way. But her apparent attitude and statement smack of an arrogance and a disregard for her current status wrt testing.

    Statements about going to Rio, head high, doesn’t come across well, imo.

    Free Member

    MoreCashThanDash – Member
    Anyone who is so sensitive to the potential of drug related wrong doing in cycling needs to follow a different sport. Like Scrabble.

    Including Pro cyclists who do manage to meet their obligation to be tested?

    Free Member

    ferrals – Member
    The sad thing is doping is prevalent in most sports, as i understand it even in things like local club rugby. LA’s facebook post seems plausible, and I genuinely belive it, but the weight of history says otherwise so there will always be doubters.

    But more than this, we have someone who, AFAIK, has had the most successful 12-18 months of their career so far, now tainted/coinciding with a history of missed or screwed up tests, during the same period of time.

    So agree with Dragon, send her home because clean or no, it’s the doubt which now brings it’s own degree of toxicity.

    Free Member

    mrhoppy – Member
    It’s not that mobiles aren’t a prescribed method of contact, UKAD cannot call on the mobile as it constitutes advance notification of a test

    Right ‘O I’m corrected on that point.

    Free Member

    jam bo – Member
    did you actually read that? ^^^^


    This is a part of my sport that I accept and whole heartedly support
    I slept with my phone on silent in order not to disturb a room mate.
    Hhmmm. Possibly disturb room mate or, Miss a test. Ooo, tough one that
    Yes, calling a mobile phone may not be a prescribed method of making contact/finding a person to perform a test, but do you want to miss a test?

    I was Tested by UKAD later that week and produced a negative result.
    Useless against micro-dosing.

    Simon Thornton from British Cycling was put in place to check my whereabouts on a bi weekly basis.
    My dog ate my home work?
    Deferring responsibility isn’t the correct response, more so when you’re current status is two previous tests missed. (A status which was later revised after rulings on earlier attempts to test)

    IIRC, both Cavendish and Froome have missed a test during their pro careers, so far. However, both have clearly stated it was and always is their responsibility to ensure they are available.

    The entire business of modern day, top level, sport is disappointingly dark.
    Even “clean” only means an athlete is manipulating their physiology in a manner which is either yet to be banned or goes as close to the edge of what is permitted as is possible to get away with.
    I do not consider either approach to be in the spirit of true sportsmanship and competition.

    Free Member

    At what point is it reasonable to expect the individual to take responsibility for their sexual health.

    Different for those who already have HIV. Prep prevents the virus replicating and so should help those who have HIV.

    But for those who are currently clear. Prep should be available for private purchase, by the individual.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    I think they’re Polish, so are probably here to steal our jobs, claim lots of benefits and murder is in our sleep; that’s the way it goes these days right?

    And the dog, don’t forget the dog.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator

    Sometimes followed with “SHUT UP!” from the owner?

    Yeap, got that one too, truely irritating.
    As a fellow sufferer, you have my sympathies.

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    Fortunately I should be second on the list tomorrow morning. After surgeon has had his first whisky of the day to steady his hand [/I]

    If this is the fellow, you might want a second opinion

    Free Member

    Stoner – Member
    Doing under local so I’m expecting something more agricultural involving a metal file and a stapler.

    Have you considered a prosthetic replacement?

    Still, your injury doesn’t appear to have impaired your ability to type :|

    I hope you feel better soon.

    Free Member

    Nipper99 – Member
    So when the EU shifts money to help develop a poorer economy and presumably keep people there you complain when immigrants turn up here.

    No, I expect the faceless, autocratic, types in Brussels to sac-off a load of workers in Southampton, because it is Southampton!
    And use their tax money/money borrowed by their government. To fund an operation that subsequently puts them out of a job.

    That’s a beautiful thing, don’t you think?
    Go ask the folk in Southampton how they feel about it.

    Free Member

    Soooooooo. Back on topic.

    Out! Another (there are many) reason was Brussels giving 100,000,000 Euro to Turkey to support a plant to make the Transit. Which directly precipitated the demise of the Southampton plant.

    Workers in Southampton, paid taxes, some of which found their way to Brussels, to be handed over to a non EU country to Man-Up to take production of the very product the Southampton folk were producing.

    What did the EU do for Southampton?

    Free Member


    Initially read the title as:


    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member
    So a younger girl can do Solo’s job for less pay. And the answer…..?

    Not technically accurate. I have a wider, experienced based, skill set.

    It makes no odds whether she is Romanain or not, it happens in my industry all the time – it’s called (rather appallingly) juniorisation – but it is not caused by the EU.
    Yeap, an employee could be of any origin.

    There has always been competition for labour (bo supply and demand) and it’s a good thing.

    For who? For those who pay the wage bill??
    I find your lack of clarification reveals your bias in favour of cost reduction benefiting investors ROI.
    Directly at odds with those seeking to earn a better wage.

    Freedom of movement is a positive factor that should be encouraged not demonised.
    You still haven’t explained in detail how it’s helping me (please don’t try, its obvious we are of diametrically opposed views) and you haven’t stated whether movement should be controlled according to certain, prevailing, economic indicators/conditions. You know other countries monitor and control numbers of economic migrants. There must be a reason for that. Nothing to do with demonising folk.
    It’s my experience, uncontrolled economic migration into the UK is hurting those already here.

    Regarding comments about wage costs and business competitiveness. This is intrinsically linked to costs of living in a certain region of the world.

    Business want it any number of ways. A well trained work force, on as low a wage as possible. Preferably located in a sophisticated expensive region of the world which enjoys high standards of infrastructure and business/customer integration. Although I think you’ll find workers in such places require higher wages. I’d work for less, if it cost less to be here.

    As a side note I was surprized by you desperate efforts to drag the EU referendum thread down to hating foreigners, etc, etc. Even now you seem to be overlooking important comments while trying to divert the thread into being a race issue.

    Racism is a non starter in the first place as all humans are just that! Human and so we are all one and the same race.

    My only post for now.

    Free Member

    Good post. Nice to see some folk deliberately maintaining an open mind.

    Good discussion, so far.

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    Well it proves that the UK is dependant on immigration and it will now be harder for everyone which is great news for workers and business and may make the UK less attractive which will also be great for Project Make it AWESOME!! as the UK will lack the skills and numbers

    You’re just an angry, frustrated, remainster, now determined to paint as black a picture of the UK’s future, as you can.

    The optimists and nation builders will naturally ignore you and those like you.

    molgrips – Member
    Nonsense. There is more to it than that. Ease of hiring is a key issue for businesses.

    There you go again, sticking up for business and the super wealthy elite who begrudge paying minimum.
    Of course the Elite like the EU, it provides a lower wage bill.

    I’ve offered an insight into my personal situation, which, if nothing else may assist remainsters in understanding why so many folk voted leave.

    My story typifies how rigid and inflexible the EU has become. So much so to the point a major member has voted to leave.

    Brussels should see this as a wake-up call. A message that the EU of the 1950s has no relevance in 2016/7.

    IMO, the UK had never of needed to vote leave, if Brussels had been willing to review and revise anything and everything. Sadly that didn’t appear to be the case, then, although those such as Michel Sapin seem to be possessed of an intelligence sufficient to declare “nothing” is off the negotiating table, including one of the founding principles of 20th century Europe regarding free movement of economically active individuals.

    Interesting times.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    You’re just misunderstanding, seriously

    You nearly cost me the privilege of posting here. Your actions were avoidable. I won’t forget it.

    But what’s the difference between a Romanian and a Brit doing it? Is it because there are simply more people prepared to undercut you because the labour pool is larger?
    That is part of it and a major reason Sir Sugar et al like the EU.
    But also, wages that seem low for the UK are a handsome reward for those from other areas of the EU.

    Have you stopped to wonder. If our friends from Eastern Europe are a worthy and valued addition to an economy which already boasts more people than jobs.
    Why Sir Sugar doesn’t pay them the same wage as me?

    And if he does. Then perhaps he can explain his preference for people from the EU over those already here.

    Free Member

    MrSmith – Member
    But that happens with hot shot young graduates with sunshine blown up their arses from an early age, 2 of those can be employed for the price of you. They could be be from anywhere, British or EU migrants.

    Nice try (why am I not surprized someone tries to turn this into a race issue) but her nationality is irrelevant. The fact is she has unintentionally disrupted an economic ecosystem. I don’t blame her for seeking and working for a better life. But at what cost??????

    molgrips – Member
    I never play games, seriously.

    Your thread/posting history suggests otherwise.
    It’s ok, either you don’t need to admit past wrong doing, afterall its the web. Or you’ve become a reformed “character”…

    molgrips – Member
    Alright, but why is it significant that she’s from Romania? Would it not be possible for that younger person to be cheaper and also British?

    Sadly for you, I see the trap you’ve set there, so no pitch forks, tonight. Where she originates from, isn’t the issue. Rather it’s the EU policy of adhering to free movement without regard for the impact it may have. That is the issue. For me and many millions of brits. She works for much less and so **** the established, prevailing economic landscape. All to the benefit of the shareholders and business owners. Yippe-ky-ay!

    Everything in moderation, right? Including economic migration? Well, not in 1950s Europe!

    You can run-get your pitch forks now.

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