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  • Fresh Goods Friday 672 – The Metal Mullets Edition
  • Solo
    Free Member

    Shit happens, always has, always will.

    If, while driving, I encounter cyclists. I slow, follow, and continue to do so, no matter how many cars accumulate behind me until I can pass on the other side of the road!! Only when the road is totally clear, do I pass and I do so, with my NS wheels on the right side of the white lines.
    For me it’s a matter of pride, I give cyclists all the time and space I can, and to hell with other car drivers who might not.

    Sadly, when I’m on the bike, all too often I have white van man pass me within 4 inches of my handle bars…..

    So, it seems to me, that we the UK, need to make driving without consideration to cyclists as anti social as drink driving.

    Only question is, how do we do this?

    Free Member

    Yeah, the Shawshank redemption is a contender, for sure, imo.

    I think it’s the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.

    I hope.

    Free Member

    wealthy white middle class folk
    Oh, ok then, I’ve no time for distinction based on skin colour, so I’m out.

    Have fun.

    Free Member

    I believe I’ve seen two suggestions to my earlier point. Increase the MW or enhance/permit “trickle down”.

    The more I look at it, the more complex it becomes. I’m not convinced with TDE, but I wouldn’t discount it if I could see that it would really work. Raising the MW will send ripples through the economy, not least it would have an impact on inflation. My concern with MW is it appears to have the potential to turn whichever state/economy that introduces it. Into a less attractive place to build a business, when considered in comparison with alternative places where there may be no MW at all. Even if the person who starts/owns the business has a sufficient sense of social responsibility to ensure the employees are paid correctly. Who’s to say that company may not suffer from not being able to attract investment?

    I’ll engage with the immigration comments as far as, I don’t care about where you move to. If you decide to go somewhere to participate and to contribute, why shouldn’t you be welcome?
    However, from an economic perspective, the law of supply and demand would appear to be in operation. So, where it might be philosophically attractive to invite the world to come live next door. Common sense would appear to dictate that your new neighbours will have the same obligation as you, to contribute on all levels, ecomonically and socially.

    Not sure how we got onto the subject of MW, specifically, something to do with free fish, maybe.

    Frankly there’s loads to either agree with or hold against any of the political parties, besides the inescapable truth… Haters gonna hate.

    Junkyard – lazarus

    I assume its something we all basically agree on [ bar a tiny minority] and all we are really doing is discussing at what % and where rich starts
    Yes and maybe.

    Free Member

    I didn’t intend to post again, however, seeing as most folk appear to be playing nice.

    Someone posted about teaching a Man to fish. Continuing that point, I feel it’s offensive to anyone in FTE, to hand them Gov financed “top-up” benefit in addition to their wage.

    I see this mechanism as Gov subsidizing share holder dividend/ROI. I dislike the fact that folk might work a 40hr week and still not manage to pay for an acceptable lifestyle from their own, hard earned, income, free from Gov assistance in the form of state benefits.

    Were I in a position to do so, then rather than select the lazy option, just sit back and elevate taxation to fund handing out top-up benefits to the FTE. I’d like to explore the effect of somehow trying to address the apparent flaw in pay structures so as to enable those in FTE to realize their total income, through their “pay packet” alone.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    But they can afford it.

    Since experiencing a mild sense of amusement after reading that statement. I do find myself questioning the moral integrity of those who think they are entitled to judge what others can “afford”.
    While also remarking upon the slight whiff of hypocrisy regarding that statement, on this occasion.

    Something that still surprizes me is the obsession of the left to continue to strive to make rich folk poorer in order to hand out fresh fish to the poor.
    It’s the answer of the myopic simpleton.

    Forgive the Conservatives? On the basis of what makes a Conservative, possibly. On the basis that regardless of the colour of the tie they wear, they are all politicians. Certainly not!
    There are good people working in Government and there are bad people working in Government.

    Free Member

    I appreciate it.
    Likewise 🙂

    fervouredimage – Member
    Was that intentionally condescending?

    And like that wasn’t! The guy’s had a tough week, cut him a break.

    @GT1972, You don’t need me to suggest you ignore the idiots ^^.

    takisawa2 – Member
    Op, you’ve had a crap day.
    Grab a beer and chill out.

    Nice idea, I’ll log-out now and be joining both of you with a brew and a large dose of chill. Looking forward to a bike ride in the morning.


    Free Member

    As I said, I just need to share. I’m upset. It’s not been a good morning!

    If I may, seems to me, from your OP, that you’ve had a difficult week. I hope things become easier for you and the family, as soon as.

    Free Member

    Be so into enduro it hurts.

    Is that “STW” for, “Crashes often”.

    Items owned, for the “definitive” list of whether one is STW, might include:
    Flashy watch/es.
    Extensive collection of cycling related books, all of which have been read!
    Extensive collection of cycling specific, merino wool clothing.
    Overly powerful front light.
    Extensive collection of apple products.

    Free Member

    If your supplier will permit you to cancel. Then although it’s not my style to alter an order. On this occasion I would at least delay until I’d had more time to consider the entire plan.

    Sorry to learn of your woes. Initial thoughts are whether tub manufs produce tubs with removal valves so that one might pour in some conventional liquid sealant?

    Free Member

    I prefer DrP’s message. Move on from the dead end and demotivational blame game. History is history. Instead find a way to motivate people to complete 4/5s of DrP’s chart ^^^

    Free Member

    twang – Member
    Lego movie

    WTH? I must be sooo behind. Never heard of it/them.
    How many Lego films have I “missed” ?

    Free Member

    Oh, thanks for the PSA, btw.

    Free Member

    **has a lenovo**

    fasternotfatter – Member If you go for cheap chinese junk this is what happens
    Bit harsh. I bought because Dell no longer offered what I had always purchased from them, in the past, ie, flexible specs.

    Free Member

    Ooo, ooo! SSR! Totally brilliant film. It’s on the all time good list.

    Ripley’s game. Mostly undecided, leaning towards good if for no other reason than Malkovic.

    Free Member

    Still can’t decide if the Fast and Furious films are shittily enjoyable or enjoyably shit. Except Tokyo Drift, it’s just good.

    I might say the same about Top Gun. Ultimately, not good unless you count being that bad, as a kind of good, some, how…

    Both good & not good. Liked what seems to be the attention to details, with regard to the clothes, furnishings & the cars of the time, the costumes and the sets I suppose. But the story is a bit silly, imo.

    Free Member

    _tom_ – Member

    Caddyshack is brilliant you heathen.
    😆 Ok, I’m not sure I was dishing it. It certainly made me laugh, in places.

    Free Member

    IdleJon – Member

    Donnie Darko.
    Is that a Yay, a Nay or undecided?

    Free Member

    benji – Member

    I want to find a composer called Bite, to find out if Bite is truely worse than Bach

    I suspect you’ll find the cloakroom, down the hall, on your right…

    Free Member

    jekkyl – Member

    The Fifth Element.

    The Ex, loved that film. She must have played the disc until you could practically through it (not the hole in the middle).

    Free Member

    flyingmonkeycorps – Member

    The Fountain. It’s either one of the best or worst films I’ve ever seen, but I don’t know which.
    I’m that way with the Blues Brothers, just can’t decide. It’s either a work of genius or it’s poo.
    I can’t tell.

    Free Member

    infidel – Member

    Solo – I’m in the Brum area and have Archetypes on novatech hubs built by Mark at Overspoke in Bewdley on my commuter
    Thanks for the local recommendation. Noted.

    Free Member

    (it goes on for about a fortnight, and most of that is a close up on Harrison Ford as he looks out of the window)
    😆 I’ve never read/heard it described like that before. Very good. Oh, I mean, very bad, I’m guessing?

    Free Member

    So is that ^^ they are good, not good, or still undecided?

    Ah, DezB, right’O

    Free Member

    twinklydave – Member

    Where’s all this nonsense about not being able to patch latex tubes come from?!

    It was me, I was repeating what someone told me, years ago. I’ve been corrected.

    Free Member

    ton – Member

    there is no traffic to listen out for on the canal.

    Bach’s greatest hits, on the Canal. Sweeeet!

    Free Member

    Refused the Right to Vote.

    I’ve reluctantly surrendered my ability to vote (moved house and haven’t registered), so that they do not find me. Bummer!

    Free Member

    ANyway Solo where are you based? On the off chance we are close you are more than welcome to try out any of the wheels I have.

    I’m near Birmingham (not a native), I can travel, some. If you weren’t so fit and therefore I assume so much quicker than me, it might have been nice to have just met for a ride, with additional wheel chat too, although not simultaneously, as breathing while cycling has to be a top priority for an unfit cyclist, me.

    Free Member

    ElShalimo – Member

    Solo – the choice of music is what upset me not the riding and listening

    Ah!, ok. Well on that front, there is only one music….

    Anything else doesn’t qualify.

    Free Member

    What bike are you waiting for/building up over the next few months?

    I’m getting the commuter back together again. This time it’ll have RS685s and I reckon I’ll build it up around a Genesis Equilibrium disc, 2015.

    Free Member

    @CTM I was starting out from a point of knowing very little about individual wheel componentry and which brands, components and combinations would be worthy of a custom build. Hence my earlier comment, that I’ve mostly only bought/own factory wheels. The only custom build I have was fairly mainstream/safe in their spec. Hope Pro II, DT Swiss spokes and Open pros. They were for a disc brake road bike, a few years ago when, ime, choice was very restricted.

    So, back to the now, that’s why this thread and esp GT1972’s input will be very useful for me, as I consider what to get for the summer/best road bike.

    It’s a slight pity the Mavics are on winter road duty and getting a bit of a grinding. To limit the damage I clean the brake tracks between rides. But, my overiding philosophy is they are there to be used.

    Makes a hell of a difference on a 100km commute
    You commute 100Km! You must be fit as a butchers dog!
    😯 😀

    Yes they do tend to split. You can get patches but they need to be specific latex ones. I just carry a butyl tube as a spare and some normal patches in case that also gets holed.
    Thanks for the clarification, noted.

    Free Member

    Until you’ve tried watching this:

    You ain’t seen nothin yet!

    Free Member

    I’ll stick with open tubulars and latex tubes for training on the road bike though.
    I was once warned off latex inner tubes on the basis (I was told) that they tend to split, rather than hole. However, I’m not sure if that is an issue, if you can’t glue a patch onto latex, anyway?

    Free Member

    GT1972. Brilliant! I had heard about being able to ride on punctured tubs, albeit more cautiously, at least until you get home or for the pros, when the team car could get to them and provide a replacement wheel. Yes, I’ve also heard reports expressing a preference for how they ride, so it’s been good to have someone else with experience confirm this.

    My best road bike is currently on it’s bars and saddle, san wheels. So during the coming months I would like to buy a really nice wheels set. I like the idea of tubs, but at this stage I’ll have to put that idea on the back burner. The winter bike is currently on a set of Mavic SLS Ksyrium, carbon hub body, zircal flat spokes and the 3D ISM rims. I think I paid around £700 for them a few years ago and at around 1400g they’ve been good enough for me, so far. I’m also thinking of obtaining a pair of hope aero on ZTR 400s which provide the opportunity to try tubeless at a later date.
    Factory wheels, I know. I’ve had wheels built up for the commuter, years ago, but I’ve moved since then, so it would be a trek to return to the person who built those for me.
    Appreciate the advice.

    Free Member

    You can do this, with spacers, yes. IME, spacers come with the wheel/free hub. Not the cassette.

    Free Member


    Wow!, thanks for that, that’s great 🙂
    I didn’t post a budget as the sky cold be the limit, but for a mental safety valve which kicks-in and reminds me that I don’t know enough about wheels to blow big money on them.
    Actually I’m not familiar with about 80% of the brands you mention, so I’ll do some research, thanks.

    I’m afraid I am one of those who hasn’t ever ridden on tubs and would not do so, for the issues related to punctures. Going on now to jinx myself, I very rarely puncture when most of the folk I sometimes ride with are always puncturing.
    Actually, I know very little about tubs, like if you puncture, whether thats a new tyre or whether one repairs them, somehow.
    More to learn, for me.

    Free Member

    Make your own soup, better for you in so many ways and you can add HM chips if necessary.

    Free Member

    pictonroad – Member

    I only ask as I believe you are an actual GP and so I’m just curious.

    Or is she?.


    Free Member

    ElShalimo – Member

    I think you need to sit on the naughty step and have a think about what you’ve done wrong
    Tut Tut

    What? listening to music while cycling? That’s a no, no, in my book as with wearing ear phones while driving, but loads of folk seem to do it.
    With drivers I often wonder if they’ve considered that wearing ear phones may inhibit them detecting the approach of an emergency vehicle, which is the reason I’d never wear them while driving.
    (sorry, that went slightly OT)

    Free Member

    DrP, Thank you 🙂

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