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    ulysse – Member
    Told ya. Talk a lot, say nowt

    aracer – Member
    She didn’t talk at all
    :lol: STW classic gold, there!

    molgrips – Member
    Have there been shock results on election day that have gone against the polls by as much as 19 seats? What are the biggest upsets in modern times?

    Perhaps the Madrid bombings in 2004.

    And so we find ourselves on the receiving end of three significant terrorist events in as many months, the latest only days before a G.E.
    Then Labour use that event to criticize the Government without, it seems, stopping to consider that they could be doing exactly what the terrorists want, in using the latest attack to convince people to vote in a certain way.
    Imo, it’s no coincidence there was a terrorist attack, days before the G.E. and therefore Labour appearing not to understand the strategic significance of this, or that Labour do understand this and seek to gain by it, is quite disturbing, imo.

    Free Member

    zippykona – Member
    Whenever I’ve tightened stem bolts to the correct torque I can still twist it on the steerer.

    You have very wide bars?
    Your torque wrench needs re-calibrating.
    Your steerer tube surface, or corresponding surface of the stem is contaminated.
    Dirty threads are causing your torque wrench to record your specc’d torque, before it’s actually reached?
    You stem and steerer have mismatched diameters.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Nothing jingoistic about standing up for Britain
    Well – standing up for Britain when you could have been standing up for Europe – yes, a little jingoistic.

    So a European, standing up for Europe would be, patriotic?

    But a Britain standing up for Britain, is “jingoistic”.

    Another text book example of the intellectually inept left, resorting to slandering those who do not share their ideals.
    So, that’s really going to assist with the plan to bring the unwashed with you.
    Again, the left find it easier to stigmatize and deride those who do not agree with them as “jingoistic”. Rather than to really engage.
    Go you ;-)

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    I don’t think you did.. but we’ll find out if it stops doing it won’t we

    Repeating yourself and your opinion that I’m too stupid to know I didn’t want to be in Europe as it is, any longer.
    And to think you might have posted something intelligent, rather than once again, attacking a leaver, playing the Man.
    Still classy then :-)

    Oh and that’s not playing the man – that would be if I called you an idiot or some other abuse.
    Ha, ha. You claim leavers didn’t know what they voted for, but that’s not insulting, or anything, is it….. Of course, it really is insulting, but you known that.
    You know what you’re saying.
    You know you’re being divisive, perhaps hoping to start an unnecessary arguement?
    That wouldn’t be for the first either, molgrips.

    And yes I fully appreciate the problems that huge numbers of people face daily. I do not live in a privileged bubble. However, I don’t think those problems are caused by the EU, I think they could well get much worse after the vote.
    So in other words you blindly ignore people like me so as to retain your beliefs in your EU is wonderful, paradigm.

    Again, almost amusing. You claim to know the issues faced by those who felt they finally had no other choice than to vote leave, as if their issues, were yours, but you really don’t know.
    Have you ever considered a career in politics.
    You will conveniently over look facts such as when David Cameron was shut into a room with most of the other EU leaders and told not to proceed with a referendum.
    Why do you suppose that happened. Could it have been those in Brussels knew what was really happening, but seeing as they were doing Ok, they didn’t mind that others would suffer during the continued implementation of the Brussels plan.

    If they improve (as I hope they do) it’ll be because future governments have nowhere to hide any more and might start actually doing their job.
    LOL, more insults from you, when you imply we can’t see what you’re really saying in that statement.

    You now appear to be plumbing new depths of divisiveness on here.
    Just slightly cringe worthy you think the rest of us too dumb we can’t see what you’re really trying to say.
    Carry on!

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Yes. I firmly believe leavers have no idea what the EU actually does, or how it benefits them.


    Many of those who voted leave, knew exactly what Brussels was and was not doing for them.

    However, in true lefty tradition, don’t play the ball. Instead, play the Man and label all leavers as dumb, racist, etc, etc.
    Because that way remainistas don’t have to deal with the reality those who voted leave, were forced to deal with, in their daily lives.
    Very classy!

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    nor who is introducing the danger, the toddler or the bloke with the gun.

    And breath.

    Free Member

    TiRed – Member
    Patience. It’s not the cyclist holding you up, it’s the oncoming traffic preventing you from passing safely.

    Pretty much sums it up in a nutshell. Don’t pass until the other side of the road is clear. Then swing over to the other lane and pass.

    Pity though that when I look in the RVM, 99% of the time, the following idiot drivers then pass, usually with only the O/S wheels having crossed the white lines, if you’re lucky!

    I see lots of close passes, which make me wince.
    It’s frustrating to see, but until there’s a collective willingness on behalf of all drivers to be patient and pass only when it’s proper to do so, the current behaviours will persist.

    Free Member

    mattjg – Member
    I never agreed to give up my FOM rights, or those of my child. The right to freely travel live work and study in the world’s most prosperous free trade area and the crucible of western civilisation. Thousands of years of culture to share in, landscapes from the Scandi tundra, the Alps, the deserts of Spain and more.


    You’re saying that those for whom the EU wasn’t working, those forced from their homes, family, country. Were wrong and selfish to vote leave.
    While your justification to remain is your chosen lifestyle.


    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    Are any of you remainers planning to emigrate?
    By the time I’ll be in a position to, I won’t be able to. Thanks to Brexit. You have slammed that particular door on me and my family.

    Reminds us of how bitterly you complained about how the EU was forcing your fellow countrymen to leave their homes and country, just so you and your family could stay and enjoy living in the UK and EU.

    Seemingly, remainers want everyone to care about them and their ideals for society.
    While not caring a hoot, for those for who the EU wasn’t working.

    Ironing, anyone?

    Remainers participated in a democratic process and by doing so implicitly agreed to accept the result of the vote.

    Oh,hang on….

    Free Member

    grenosteve – Member
    Good news today

    Congrats. Whatever you’re doing, appears to be providing the desired result. Keep going.


    Free Member


    Go on that March, I genuinely hope it goes without incident. I expect the Police have a lot on at the moment.

    But while some on here have pointed out the 48% shouldn’t be ignored.

    Remainers Marches do look to me like the participants don’t care about those for whom the EU didn’t appear to work.

    Free Member

    Only one pic of a moulton, so far???!!!???

    Free Member

    Ime, Stumpy is on the right path.

    I’ve two VAG cars and whenever I’ve wanted to retro fit stuff, I scan the forums. Usually there’s a “how to” for the common retro fits.

    I have a VCDS cable and a copy of Elsawin, both of which are very useful.

    Free Member

    Thanks Cougar.

    Free Member

    Edukator – Reformed Troll
    What do you do with “vermin”? That’s how Ian Paisley described Catholics.

    I thought you were going to go wax something?

    To everyone else:
    There are people out there right now who are having a really bad day as a direct result of the events of yesterday.

    You’re free to start a religion thread as previously suggested.

    Yesterday a cowardly monster used a car and an edged weapon to attack unarmed people, resulting in loss of life.

    Ask yourselves if this thread is the right place to have a “my knowledge of religion is better than yours” debate.

    Free Member



    Free Member

    ton – Member
    like everyone else

    I’m offended at that remark!!!

    You clearly appear not to know or to care that by lumping me in with “everyone” you’re ignoring my inner Snowflake!

    Free Member


    Ok, well, you would appear not to be the only former offender to have been granted leave to return.

    Make the most of it, in a positive way.

    Free Member

    tjagain – Member
    shush. I’m in deep cover Don’t blow it for me

    Not exactly an unambiguous reply. I only ask as if that is the case, it would seem there’s been some sort of bannee amnesty recently??

    Free Member

    nealglover – Member
    Here we go again
    Another 24 pages ?

    Likely not, imo. I suspect Cougar or Drac may arrive soon and propose the thread has run it’s “natural” course and that perhaps we’d all consider abandoning this thread now so that it may RiP….

    Until the next time ;-)

    Free Member

    tjagain – Member
    I am trying to give you the perspective I gained from being the centre of repetitive arguments to being banned to sneaking back on here under the radar and then trying to avoid the same traps I fell into on my previous incarnation

    Are you telling me you are “The” TandemJeremy of Yore?

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    Does anybody understand what Tom is attempting to prove here?

    As far as I can see, it’s that forum member appears to approach topics such as this, with their owns prejudices. Go figure.

    Cougar – Moderator
    You posted that at almost exactly 2:30, known in playgrounds across the land as “Chinese Dentist Time.” You racist.

    LMAO! I have been, because my tooth was hurting.

    Remove temporary dressing from a month ago and rebuild cusp on LR7.
    £110 lighter and still numb.

    22 pages

    25 pages.

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    I actually find it hilarious that you can compare your experiences to syatematic oppression stemming from both individuals, the state and the media acting in unison.

    I’m not surprized by your comments.

    Carry on.

    I’ve got to go see the dentist now.

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member
    but we have no other conduit to the decision makers.

    They’re probably out riding their bikes anyway.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    I think CM does – here’s his post where he makes exactly that point:

    CharlieMungus » **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

    L,LOL @ ^^

    Free Member

    do they?


    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    Seeing as you dont care for giving thought to why someone might find a word being used both worrying and offensive – Ill give exactly no thought to your experience what so ever Solo.

    I’m fluent only in English, and even that’s marginal.

    Btw, I experienced worse while I was there, and that was only what I could understand being spoken in English.

    I was asking you to look at your own disbelief regarding my experience.
    You claim not to believe it happened, because you don’t want to believe it happened and that it didn’t bother me.
    Evidently there seems to be no room in your paradigm for people such as me.

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member

    I don’t believe you

    Not a surprize to me and not my problem.

    Please think about what I’ve just pointed out to you.

    Free Member

    CharlieMungus – Member
    My argument wasn’t to ban it so much as to say there are equal reasons for banning it as there are for many other banned words.

    But you have also made a judgement that it’s acceptable to you, to lose a word to the filter, when used for it’s alternative meanings.

    Others here have disagreed.

    Sometimes it’s not as straight forward as just blindly pursuing consistent application of a policy/rule.

    Free Member

    funkmasterp – Member
    I wouldn’t have taken offence.


    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    Have you, as a minority, ever been assaulted by someone screaming “limey”?

    Ah!, edit ninja be ninja-ing.

    Nicely selected context.

    Oh, help me, which do I choose I wonder, assault or being called Limey…. Tough one….

    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    Were you an ethnic minority in this context and were you living in a country with a history of institutional prejudice and economic favouritism


    Free Member

    slowoldman – Member
    Isn’t “Nip” just a truncation of “Nippon”?

    You mean like **** and Pakistan?

    I was once called a “limey”. We became friends.

    The comment was made in a suitable context. Although frankly I’d not have been bothered if the person making the comment had been trying to offend me. I wouldn’t have taken offence.

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    I am not reading any of it…..just hoping to get under someones skin enough for them to realise I may be speaking sense.

    Unfortunately, the core protagonists seem to display Elite forumite levels of thread perpetuation and procrastination, possibly in the name of irritating others while trying to win the internet, from each other.

    And anyway, don’t you realize? We’ll never reach 22 pages relying on common sense, alone.

    Free Member

    CaptainFlashheart – Member
    There’s a beaker over there.

    The one full of water, next to the bed?

    ton – Member
    this is just boring shyte.

    And yet, here you are ;-)
    Could it be that all your years on this Forum in addition to the passing of time, in general, has changed you and your opinion on these threads?

    Or perhaps you’re just stuck to the carpet at the moment.

    Free Member

    AlexSimon – Member
    hmmm – that’s in contradiction to other statements he made. Obviously nothing is going to be done.

    Suggestions in a Fortune cookie, to STW towers?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Tom_W1987 – Member
    Would you also agree, that considering googles data, that there is a good possibility that the most common use of the term by far – is a racial one?

    Confirmation bias, anyone?

    Free Member

    funkmasterp – Member
    Takeaway anyone? What type should we have?

    I sometimes go for an Indian, although the restaurant is actually owned and run by people from Bangladesh.

    Free Member

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