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  • SQ Lab 6OX Infinergy Ergowave Active 2.1 Saddle review
  • Solo
    Free Member

    Rode 170mm for years and years.

    Then for some long, unremembered reason, born from a good long moment of monumental stupidity on my behalf. I decided I needed to ride 175mm cranks and indeed the online literature supported this change in kit spec.

    Oh Lordy! What a total screw up! My most expensive fail, ev-vah!

    Since my experience, I’d suggest sticking to what you know, I am thus, highly suspicious of generalized formulae for ascertaining one’s most suitable crank arm length.

    Free Member

    I crack two whole eggs into the hot tunnel, trying to ignore the gurgling sound from within


    Free Member

    So basically that’s an omelette in cylindrical form, as opposed to the traditional disc shaped omelette.

    Wishing to avoid offending anyone, all omelettes in the present vicinity are excepted, of course.

    Oh, and to quote the old adage:
    “If it looks wrong, it is probably, wrong”

    Free Member

    the only winning move is not to play.

    Agree this is probably the safest bet.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    It’s a bloody minefield, and as a wise computer once said, the only winning move is not to play.

    What? Like this?

    Solo – Member
    Self deprecation, these days, also seems to be a bit of a minefield.
    Probably better to leave others to slag you off.

    Oi! You calling me a computer! [/offended]

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member

    I’d be happy if I could find a dry lube that would last for a couple of long days in dry conditions

    Too marginal to call, based on my experience. I’d go with what I’m using now, but depending on just how much you ride on each day and other margin but cumulatively significant factors involved. You might get away with it, you may not.

    I’ve also just squirted some white lightening dry lube over a chain, to get me by until I can do the job proper.

    I guess in the end, as with a few other folk here. Trying several types and settling on your preferred choice, will be a way to go.

    Free Member

    Going to the Zoo?

    I’d say you’ve just arrived.

    Free Member

    wwaswas – Member 
    wow, I’m as thick as an STW forumite todayMods – ban him/yourself!

    You might well be surprised, were you ever to learn of what the overlords think of and say about us mere mortals of this forum.

    Free Member


    Good post. (the first one)

    Anyone care to tell your average rapper that they can’t say “****” any more because it’s racist and offensive?

    Ime, that word, in that context, isn’t intended to be racially offensive. But rather, is employed to describe or imply a social status.

    Free Member

    scotroutes – Member What do you do if you are out riding for more than one day?

    As De Niro was once reported to have said “you torken tu me?”

    Ime, white lightening dry stays on for a duration inversely proportionate to how dry riding conditions are.
    The wetter the weather, the shorter the duration between lubing.

    Hope that helps.

    Example is, if I’m out in heavy rain for say 4 hours. At the end of that ride, I’d expect to have to re-lube.

    Ime, bit of a tall order, wanting a dry lube that fully resists wet conditions as a wet lube would.
    Caveat bring wet lube attracts more grime and crud.
    You pays your money…..

    Free Member

    maccruiskeen – Member

    Is the person in question actually a potato? And can a potato really be deemed by anyone, let alone itself, to be ‘great’?


    Free Member

    Ah, good point. When I apply the white lightening, I remove the chain, using the speed link, clean, then lay it in a small tray then cover with lube and leave it to set over night.
    Next day, thread the chain into the drive train and you’re off!

    Free Member

    I’d say depends on the context. Using mental health issues in derogatory ways is generally a bit frowned upon these days.

    Yeap, I seem to recall some of the supermarkets having to recall some halloween costumes, last year I think, for similar reasons.

    Self deprecation, these days, also seems to be a bit of a minefield.
    Probably better to leave others to slag you off.

    Free Member

    Ime, purple is a good lube, but my chain did go black as purple seems to stay wet enough to collect the crud.

    White lightening epic, ime, not a totally dry lube so again, chain was stickey enough to collect the dust and grime.

    Currently running on white lightening dry lube. Doesn’t last that long, so a slightly increased frequency of cleaning and re-application. But the chain stays it’s original colour and doesn’t gum-up.

    Free Member

    Prime Minister Boris anyone?

    Stretching the bounds of reality there, I don’t think Boris is even in the running for the Labour party leadership?

    Free Member

    You can just remove a cog from the 11 speed cassette and put it on a 10 speed wheel

    Possibly, you’ll have a bit of a strange gap between two of your ratios, but seems possible.

    AFAIK you need new derailleurs though
    Only the rear derailleur, ime.

    Free Member

    Not sure what’s available in your neck of the woods, but the Trek remedy 7 may be worth a look?

    Free Member

    cchris2lou – Member

    The Shimano hydraulic are 11 speed only. Currently running 10 speed.

    I’m running a couple of bikes that use a mix of Shimano 10spd and 11spd with no issues. The only rule I stick to is using 11 speed chains, but even then I use 10spd speed links as the 11 spd versions I’ve found seem to be the non-reusable types.

    The commuter has RS685 brake set which I got for a reasonable price from Bike24. I think the current Euro to GBP exchange rate makes buying from Europe possibly advantageous, at the moment.

    If OP is stuck with their original shifters then one of those cable to hydraulic converters appear to be an option. Not very sightly, but as the ones I’ve seen hang under the stem, the unit isn’t exactly “in yer face”.

    That R1 review seems to be quite positive.

    Free Member

    My temporary and unintentional diversion of the thread means I’ll leave it now.

    I agree with most, for me there is ‘just’ a limit I ‘feel’ about how much should happen in public. A limit without prescribing gender.

    Free Member

    But ultimately a good thing, because the points that I thought you were making were pretty homophobic.

    Sincere thanks for reconsidering my comments and removing your slurr against me.

    I retract my comments at you, also.

    Think what you will, this subject appears to elicit a response from you which should possibly see your ban hammer button, temporarily disabled.
    (I know that wont happen)

    I expressed my disappointment at some of the knee jerk responses to my post trying to hassle me for something I haven’t said.

    As GrahamS has shown you, we could have sorted this without your comments.


    Crankboy. Cheers.

    Free Member


    Well done for giving your second post, some more thought.

    Of course, as far as the others are concerned, it helps not to succumb to their own prejudices before pointing their fingers.

    It’s become unintentionally, quite amusing to see all those who’ve misinterpreted my comments and immediately type cast me.

    Is this dumbass Wednesday?

    Free Member

    I’m not sure which part about brain washing and “nature’s intent” you feel I misinterpreted from your post Solo.
    But I can understand why you might want to stop digging.

    Oh, grahams. I do like your public admission of your great dumbness, it’s as close as you’re going to come to apologising and so on behalf of everyone here, I accept.

    I might have felt inclined to assist you with the correct interpretation of my post. But as you’ve clearly demonstrated, you’re hindered on at least two points.
    Firstly, your over developed, “hair trigger” response combined with a desperate need to flame, clearly has made you appear to be beyond help.
    Secondly, your attempt to antagonize me in the way you have, indicates you probably couldn’t understand even if for pity’s sake, I did try to help you.

    Free Member


    Pretty poor attempt there, even by STW standards.
    Exemplary case of not reading the post, before hitting the keys in an unsurprisingly rabbid, knee jerk fashion.

    Your post, it’s so shambolic, there’s evidently no point dealing with it.
    Happy frothing.

    Free Member

    All bets are off though if I actually know the woman.

    What, your mother?

    I got so far then realised this is about the tail wagging the dog.

    Reading a particular members posts. It would seem that all you parents are going to have to stop taking your families to events where you might risk witnessing something happening that might be better suited to taking place in the privacy of a house.
    Or risking your children seeing something they haven’t been appropriately brain washed to accept.

    Some may feel a need to contradict natures intention, but that in no way empower them to gain a whip-hand over those around them.

    Again, its personal rights weighed against an individuals responsibility to those around them.

    Free Member

    richardk – Member
    The papers have given up on Froome already, he’s now ‘Kenyan born’ or ‘African’ rather than British.

    I’ve always considered Froome to be Kenya’s first TdF winner. From what I’ve read, he’s there as much as possible and I wouldn’t be surprized if he stays there, once his pro career is over.

    Free Member

    Alternatively, it all takes a new direction.

    France manages to push the suggestion of deploying the EFSM and gets other EU members to agree.
    Of course, Dave and George will refuse and remind everyone about the 2010 agreement.

    France and Co refuse to listen and insist on using EFSM.

    UK says no and is made to look to be the bad guy unless it agrees to EFSM and receiving a bill for the bail out.

    Free Member

    I’m bemused at speculation regarding conventional Gatso operation. The camera only has to control the time between 1st and 2nd photo. Road markings record distance travelled during the period of time between 1st and 2nd photo. Simple enough, usually, to be reliable and repeatable.

    OP, do not take the points,if any are awarded, for her. That would land you in a lot more trouble.

    Free Member

    jag61 – Member Mrs G
    seems to be my fault 

    Is all you need to know.

    (BTW, Shouldn’t that be Mrs ‘J’ ?)

    Free Member

    DrP – Member
    One sausage every 5 miles.
    Every 17th mile make an omelette..

    There! The STW resident GP has prescribed sausage and omelette, for everyone. For he/she, will fear no pig or egg!
    (Business must be slow, these days)


    Free Member

    I use a version of the Team Sky chef’s rice cake recipe. Kept the pedals turning during the MacRide in April.

    Free Member

    What’s the harm?

    This is the weaker of the two tests. The test should be the stronger.
    To prove the benefit.

    Lots of items have been unleashed into the public, on the basis that no harm could be demonstrated.

    I’d have preferred stuff to under go the burden of proving the benefit of anything new.

    Free Member

    And then centralisation of power and fiscal policy. 

    I’d hope that’s as unlikely now as it’s ever been and likely now, ever to be.

    When the EU parliament can’t even achieve sign-off for their annual audit, it’s not likely anyone would sign over total fiscal control at state level.

    EU is turning into a proper dogs breakfast and if Europe want the UK public to vote to leave, handing us a bill for the Greek bail out is a good effort in achieving just that!

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    ” Our bodies’ “intelligent design over millions of years”

    Lol yeah right, and yet our bollocks are still on the outside.

    Sounds like a complaint. However, you’ve no need to worry.
    In your case, I’m fairly sure it no longer applies.

    Free Member

    Brussels has just announced that with immediate effect. Any new Euro notes must be printed on Greece proof paper!

    Free Member

    I sheared an XTR SPD off its shaft, they were fitted new a few months earlier, pedal still attached to shoe. Put some Xpedos on and they went south. Fitted new Ritchey MTB pedals, creaking within a month.

    I bought Shimano road pedals and yellow cleats. I also got lucky on a pair of Rapha GT shoes. Job done!

    Free Member

    Take up wingsuit base jumping. And what Cougar said

    Wingsuit and catching STi, Simultaneously!

    Free Member

    Trying to be a tight wad, I refused to buy new shoes AND pedals so fitted some MTB pedals to the road bike. A few months later my road powah and awescumness saw me breaking mtb pedals on the road bike. So I made the switch.

    Free Member

    So just to be clear. Getting yourself into trouble will result in death or a fate worserer!

    Therefore, on the basis that once you’re doomed there will be no recovery or forgiveness. The only path to take is ahead of you, ie, more of the same.
    So, go straight to the pub!

    Free Member

    Living tissue? Um, yeah, got that, up to T2 where bad terminator doesn’t have skin/living tissue covering a hyper alloy combat chassis. As the naughty terminator is “liquid metal”.

    Holes galore!

    Edit: wiswyg beat me to it!

    Free Member

    What’s the view on built in sat navs in the centre console where you have to completely take your eyes off the road to view it? My wife gets really cross about these.

    Are you being serious? No, you’re not.

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