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    Free Member

    I’ve a 3ltr, V6 diesel A8. On a warm day I can get 50mpg, cruising on the M-way.

    Free Member

    I was informed, earlier this week, that DPF removal is now an MOT failure.

    Yes, personally, I’d not remove as they are there for a reason. But it would seem the “option” has now been taken away.

    Might be worth while ensuring any car one might buy, still has a DPF fitted.

    Free Member

    Drac nailed it. Ignore the scare stories.

    I’ve had plenty of Fords in the past, none were problematic not withstanding that consumables are just that, tyres, brakes,etc.

    I once bought an ex-co car, Mondeo Diesel 2 ltr, with FSH and 71k on the clock. Took it to 240k with no probs and could get 60mpg in summer, when theres higher ambients.

    Sold it for £600 and as far as I know, it’s still running.

    Free Member

    Think we’ve all been there

    Not since about 12 years old. Always pop a wheelie with my right hand hovering over the brake lever which has allowed me to get it back when I’ve travelled too far past the “sweet spot”

    Sagan appears to be fairly handy….

    Or this:

    Free Member

    poah – Member
     he is 18, an adult. has bugger all to do with you

    My, what an amazing tone of address you convey.

    CountZero – Member
    I didn’t get mine until I was in my forties! I have seven, and I’m currently looking into two more, but these will be a bit more complicated, and I’m probably getting them done at Electric Vintage in Bath.

    Yah, I know someone who got his first tatt in his 50s.
    He only needs to shave the pelt off his back and employ a mirror, to view it.

    As for the “you can just have it removed by laser”.
    I viewed some flesh, a few months ago, at an interim stage of tatt removal.
    Messy, very messy and imo, an entirely unnecessary thing to do to one of your vital organs.

    Carry on!

    hora – Member 
    Hes an adult not the OPs property.

    OP isn’t implying ownership, but was expressing how they FEEL for which the OP is receiving some unwarranted comments.
    You’re a funny bunch, you’re all peace and tolerance one minute, then venomous the next.

    Perhaps try to understand the OP instead of have a go?

    Free Member

    ahwiles – Member
    he’s 18, the concept of being 40 is simply incomprehensible to him.

    That is sooooo true.

    Also true, nearly all 40 somethings and older, I know. Regrett their tatts. Hide them or undergo the seemingly “uncomfortable” process of removal.

    But yeah, 18 years? He might hear you, but he aint listening.

    Free Member

    Just pop out the office, round the corner to the roach-coach and order a full Englardish, served ready for transport, in a polystyrene tray?

    Free Member

    **pssst! I think you’re now supposed to post a picture of Donald Sutherland, open mouthed and pointing. There’s still time**

    Free Member

    That is a euphemism I have not heard before….

    Phew! For a moment there ^^^ I thought Triffids may have invaded Didcot!

    Free Member


    Thanks for trying, but, I’m still lost, bit like this thread, perhaps?

    As for the original question. I’m not best placed to answer. Perhaps there isn’t one size fits all, definitive, blanket rule/answer to such a decision?

    Free Member

    Well, I caught up with that Sagan vid posted on page 2, iirc.

    He’s a lad! Although the podium routine was a little weird.

    I hope I get to see him ride many more tours.
    Good to see what appears to be a young man, enjoying himself as part of participating in world class sport.

    Free Member

    Err. I’ve not really been keeping pace with this, but a quick scan seems to reveal a lot of knives and axes.


    Free Member

    Hollowed and stuffed full of bacon and brie

    During my time in France I witnessed the preferred condiment for baguette consumption was Stella artois.

    Free Member

    That’s just not evil enough, how can we scald everybody on the highstreet”


    Free Member

    Brie? = fat
    Cranberry sauce? = refined carbs
    Bread? = refined carbs

    Ooooo. You’ll never burn all that off, ranting like that ^^^ go for a run….. now, NOW! Before it’s too late. Aargh!

    Free Member

    Quick straw poll?

    Not anymore. It’s now turned into a full-on, STW Thermonuclear pitch-fork-athon. Again.

    Free Member

    Do not lick from the floor as doing so will alter it’s glycemic load value and cause licker to gain weight so rapidly at to risk explosion.


    Free Member

    Nice looking bike. Enjoy!

    Free Member

    I’d suggest it would be almost impossible to distinguish, using your butt, the difference in the elasticity modulus between an Ali based alloy and Ti. When said component is fixed to such a system as OP intends.

    You pays your money….

    Free Member

    I read that this also annoyed the French (or at least some of them!) Think they took it as a suggestion that a French team didn’t have the ability to put together a proper GC challenge and it would take the backing of a foreign team

    It’s a sort of “we want a French winner, but we don’t want the Rozbeef to do it for us”.
    Which I can kinda see where the French would be coming from there. I read DB’s comments of possibly winning the TdF with a French rider, to be arrogant and patronising. Therefore, no wonder that kinda of talk gets DB’s short shrift with the French.

    Free Member

    Coyote – Member
    I think that the OP is regaling us a witty tale of how an inebriated female make several mistakes during a conversation.

    I was thinking more along the lines of a certain, soon to be, ex-member of the upper house.

    Still, if thats the extent of conversation on offer down the pub. I’d probably get incoherently drunk also.

    Free Member

    how many of you ride with elbow/knee pads regularly?

    Only when there’s carpet involved.

    Free Member

    Appreciate the advise and I agree. My analysis is they will take it all the way, regardless of what I do/whether I react or not. As I posted earlier, there was a car parking issue. PCSOs got involved and then things seemed to calm down. I guess they just got busy gardening instead,lol.

    Ref re-planting nasties. That had crossed my mind, but they’ve two little’uns. Who aren’t yet old enough to bounce bricks off my cars. If nasty plants hurt them, I would not like that. Not their fault their parents are cocks.

    I tried talking to them about the parking, earlier this year. I just received names in return. I’m not going on appearance alone, I have tried before.
    They appear to desire the confrontation.

    Hi :-) Pretty sure they own. In fact, the two houses opposite mine are let to students, with no bother.
    Who’d of thunk it.

    Yeah, reckon Trail rat is onto something. Looks like it’ll have to be the fence option.

    Free Member

    It has to be Eddy Merckx for me. I’ve no doubt that if we were to look back into his family tree, far enough.
    That we’d find some way to make him British.

    Even if he isn’t in agreement.


    Free Member

    Yes. Geraint has certainly earned a mention in dispatches.

    I hope he gets his chance.

    Free Member

    Sagan is still only 24 years of age, IIRC, quite young.

    Does anyone feel he could contest GC, one day?

    Free Member

    Yeah. I’m probably starting to wish Sagan won more stages.
    I feel he’s a good prospect for the future. But I also feels he needs a different team structure around him.

    Who knows?

    Free Member

    FWiW, I believe TS are “clean” but there’s already a “doping” thread on this forum.

    Free Member

    I hadn’t realised Quintana was only 25 years of age. Reckon he’ll be one to watch in future tours.

    Has a Columbian won the tour yet?

    Free Member

    OEM warranty would swing it for me.

    Esp as it’s VAG.

    Free Member

    Lol @ Loddrik.

    Yeah, if only that were permitted.

    However, as you can probably guess. Their extended friends and family would come to “visit” me if I yielded to such a base form of communication/persuasion.

    Free Member

    You have a point. Although my neighbour doesn’t know it. I did engage a solicitor earlier this year with a possibility of moving against them for breach of covenant. I didn’t proceed.

    The neighbour had decided to park a mahoosive van on the other side of my house leaving me the absolute minimum width to access my drive.
    Their house isn’t even adjacent to mine, but it’s up the road and round the corner.

    Free Member

    Yeah. Fence has come to mind.

    Just a pity if it comes to that. Initially, at least, fence will probably precipitate “hassle”.

    My house is detached. I keep to myself although I’m always polite to any neighbours I do see.
    Just depresses me there’s always got to be folk who are up for hassle.
    I guess live n let live is just too boring for some.

    Free Member


    Thanks for the info. The boundaries are clear enough for there to be no “grey area”.

    The neighbour in question is a young family, where father is shaven headed with tatts and mother is gobby. They’re the confrontational kind who feel they can do as they please and to hell with being a considerate neighbour. Clearly they thought my plants were an inconvenience for them when entering and exiting their car. Although they were mine and on my property.

    Obviously they know I can’t prove it was them.

    Wonder now what my next action should be.

    Free Member

    When TS was formed, BW was their first team leader and TS also announced their ambition to win the TdF within their first 5 years.
    Therefore, it was a fore gone that BW would be their TdF team leader.

    Free Member

    Hopk1ns – Member
    Surely any winner could be the winner because the course suited them?

    Very no.

    The tour organisers, it’s alledged, were so fed up with Merckx winning. That later tours during his reign were devised to suit others, in the hope of seeing someone else win.

    Merckx still prevailed!

    Free Member

    At that level of competition, it might be said.
    “You make your own luck”.

    Not a Wiggo fan, didn’t care for his hissy-fit and using the ‘C’ word.

    He held the peloton back during the tac fiasco, where a real attack could have been executed.
    But as others have pointed out.
    We can only discuss what happened at any point during any stage. But we can’t possibly know what Wiggo could have produced, had things gone differently for him during his tour.

    Free Member

    Walked away from 21 years “together” although I was on the road for many years. Not married.

    Was a big step, but self preservation can be a significant motive.

    Good to see others doing well, keep it up.

    Free Member

    As per my initial post, I have that feature. But my selector is just a big switch and the GB changes gear when it’s happy to, seemingly regardless of my input.

    Theres a tad of lag, which I believe the twin clutch system has addressed?

    Free Member

    I own both a manual car and an auto car. Auto is the traditional slush box. No issues although in the early days of owning the auto (my first) I did catch myself resting my hand on the gear shift.

    There is a manual over ride in the selector gate. But it’s usually ignored. I select ‘D’ and just go.

    I learnt myself LFB, decades ago. Pretty much useless in Audis these days for the fly by wire throttle controls. So as a consequence, I rarely LFB now.

    Get the auto if you want it, you’ll be fine

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