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    bearnecessities – Member

    Jeez do some folk go on and on. Stop procrastinating and come to the point.

    Yeah, rubbish summer.

    Free Member

    Thisisnotaspoon – Member
    More likely Tange(rine) like my fixie.

    You’ll need to use special assembly compound if you’re going the tangerine route. Chilli Mayo IIRC.

    Free Member

    cookeaa – Member
    Potato / Potato…

    For sure, drop outs machined from billet potato are very easily bent. Try to replace/upgrade to case hardened celery if the budget stretches that far.

    Free Member

    Wow, what a thread!

    A helpful member of this forum once shared some personal exercise data on another thread.
    They is “Trickydisco” IIRC.
    The data clearly demonstrated they burnt more fat while undertaking low intensity exercise.

    Carry on.

    Free Member


    The cleaner has just been round the office and it now smells as if I’m sitting inside an air freshener.

    Think I’m getting a head ache.

    Free Member

    I ride bikes.
    I stop at lights and other places I’m required to.
    I ride on the road.
    I give way.
    I over take on the outside.

    It ain’t difficult to ride a bicycle sensibly and considerately.

    Free Member

    Unfortunately, yesterday, I was given a brand, spanking, new <40 miles on the clock, Audi A8 to drive and I had to put fuel into the tank, to replace what I had used.
    Bugger! Eh?

    Free Member

    In a former life, there was the stereotypical domestic set up, including pets.

    It aint easy when they go, however that may be.

    Current lifestyle doesn’t permit responsible pet ownership.


    Free Member

    Similar here! Sitting next to the owner of an e-cigarette device AND who also pops out for several toats on a cigar, during the day.

    Proper stinking. He once returned to his desk, obviously straight after enjoying some cigar time. While I was eating my lunch. I had to stop eating, the stench was so repugnant.

    Free Member

    OP. If your son doesn’t sort it and eat sufficient amounts of food to sustain his activities then he’s most likely to experience one of the two following outcomes:

    If he continues to under eat, his body will eat itself.
    If still continues to under eat, his body will just make him feel too tired to move.

    Caveat being, I do not know if he may have any underlying clinical condition (obviously, I hope not). Which is why I expect you’ve decided to get him to the Docs, for a check. Obviously a good idea.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Evidently I can purchase a house. But I can’t make it into a home.

    I am lost.

    Free Member

    DezB’s red car shouldn’t have overtaken at that moment, imo. Oncoming traffic. In that situation as the driver, I wait for the other side of the road to clear. Looks like a fast country road so not generous amounts of width. I’d have waited, it only costs a few seconds and amounts to kak all in comparison to the time taken to make the entire journey.

    Vectra driver? Well posting naughty words won’t change what’s going on behind the eyes of that driver.
    8 out of 10 passes like that are deliberate, displaying a callous and in some cases malicious disregard for the safety of another.
    Shocking, just shocking.

    As a car driver, I’d never want another road/footpath user to come to harm by my driving. I just wouldn’t want that on my hands.

    Drivers like that suffer Tin box syndrome, with potentially deadly results.

    Free Member

    she says she simply didn’t know that was bad

    Claiming disbelief only indicates your personal perspective on the subject. So yeah, you know RB, 28 cans, 5 cans, whatever per day, may not be good for you. But how does your knowledge translate to being what everyone “should” know, esp in a marketing environment such as we “enjoy” today.

    I’d of hoped you’d accept that current nutritional advise, via the NHS, the web, wherever, is boring for most people, at best and down right incomprehensible to others, at worst.
    However, after reading 95% of the posts on this thread it should be clear to the meanest “intelligence” that most folk haven’t the first clue about how the endocrine system influences dietary choices and metabolism.
    Especially in the current environment of unchecked “health” advise and cheap, widely accessible refined and easily digestible carbohydrates.

    As per my previous post. On an internet forum, anyone may find it easy to scoff, laugh and generally mock those who might show as little interest in nutrition as an equal number of the population show no interest in politics or current affairs. Quite how this translates into some kind of “sport” I will leave others to decide.

    In the meanwhile, on the basis of what I’ve read here. Most should probably refrain from judging.

    Just, my, informed, opinion.

    Free Member

    I’m amazed her body has coped with the amount for so long. 

    But her body didn’t cope, hence the colossal weight gain.

    Free Member

    How can you let yourself get to 26 stone? I really don’t understand what is going on in these peoples minds. Surely you look at yourself and think “hmm, I used to have feet down there somewhere, perhaps I should do something about this”.Are people really this stupid?

    Without being drawn into an argument, ^ that does quite a good job of demonstrating the general lack of understanding by the public.

    By the time someone gets to 26 stone, the way their body is metabolising food, has failed, that person’s entire system has gone “hay wire”. In this case, likely hyperinsulinemia. So is it really any wonder, that when someone’s “system” has gone out of control. That we see an abnormal result.
    So where as someone might not understand the physiological reasons of how or why she got that way, having a cheap-shot is a bit, cheap.

    Pointing and laughing at her, while really not understanding yourself, the physiology is, well, you decide.

    Free Member

    Wipe a small amount of ‘spit’ over the valve after you’ve inflated the tyre to see if its working properly.

    This would not have identified my leaking valve. Twice I took it swimming in a basin of clear water and not one bubble of air did it release.

    What torque for valve inners?

    Oh, wait a minute….

    Patched tubes are fine, I’ve used patched tubes for years and added patches if required.
    It’s your money, but I prefer not to sling a tube for one patch.

    Free Member

    Sometimes I wonder if Humans can really handle their version of the “internet”.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    to foxtrot oscar

    Swear filter avoidance?

    Free Member

    Amused at thought of “dark” web, ie, hidden, secret, being discussed during a slow Monday afternoon on an MTB forum.

    Free Member

    Yup, he was weird as hell.

    He’ll fit right in, round these parts.

    Free Member

    teamhurtmore – Member
    Am I allowed to be a mountain cyclist?

    Yup! Just don’t wear lycra, cameras and don’t have any disagreements with drivers of motorised vehicles.

    After that, you can call yourself, whatever you want to.


    Free Member

    People who ride bicycles in, wanting to dissociate themselves from negative stereotype “bad cyclist”. Shocker?

    Free Member

    but my LDL and triglycerides are above the upper limit

    Interesting. Ime most folk are just told their cholesterol is too high, without any feedback about sub species of lipoproteins.

    Free Member

    nickc – Member
    As this has all the hallmarks of a food/weightloss thread, and therefore an argument between Solo/Molly, shall I get the popcorn* in?
    *plain obvs… :-)


    I had hoped folk round-ear might have noticed I don’t do that really, anymore. Imv there’s really no point to bickering about nutrition, on the webs.
    And the pay sucks!

    Free Member

    midlifecrashes – Member
    You will get hungry, this is a necessary part of losing weight.


    Free Member

    For me, mystery deflation was for one of two reasons.

    Loose valve inner, so I bought a couple of valve keys. Sorted!

    Hole through tyre. Hadn’t spotted the hole. Theory is the hole was opening when that part of the tyre was pressed against the ground and was “nipping” the inner tube. After a few rides, the hole munched clean through the tube.

    Free Member

    TV? What’s that??

    I haven’t had a TV for about 2000 years!

    Aye, I slipped the clutches of the goggle box around 5 years ago. Get more done around the house as well as more reading and cycling, yadda.

    Had I received the gift of fatherhood, I’m not sure what call I’d make on the matter of having TV in house. Judging on what I hear about TV, recently, I’m convinced I’m not missing much.

    Orses fur coorses

    Free Member

    legend – Member
    You’ll get your citizenship stripped for that sort of chat

    Can I have his membership? I’ve always wanted to be Scotlandish. I’ve perfected the accent and everything.
    Just haven’t got round to obtaining the mandatory, funny skirt yet.

    Free Member

    Strava going crazy

    Don’t worry, I’m lead to believe you can still ride your bike, without strava. It’s true.

    Free Member

    NASA recently completed it’s investigations and concluded that Hora has actually been abducted by aliens, in the past. Further evidence suggests those aliens subjected Hora to inhuman experiments. However subsequent tests to assess any long term side effects to Hora have been inconclusive.

    Free Member

    When required to do so, I use a Rotring 800 l, 0.5mm.

    Free Member

    cheekyget – Member
    Hercules middle name is reg dwight!,…lol

    That’s two names!

    Free Member

    ,they lied.
    They always do.

    Darth Vader is the OP’s father!

    Free Member

    Anyone speak Chinese?


    Free Member

    franksinatra – Member
    Today I am wearing pants

    I can see that, you’re wearing them on your head.

    Free Member

    There is a reflective strip of material placed on the dial face, under the needle of a gauge, to assist the reader in avoiding parallax error.

    Free Member

    Being a professional cycling heretic, I run a pair of tubeless road wheels, with tubes!

    I still have my first pair of after market MTB wheels.

    There is one TTD scotch egg in my fridge at home.

    Free Member

    stevomcd – Member
    I have a habit of shouting “Wa#ker!” to my group to let them know there’s someone I’m in control of the ride on the trail ahead.

    I’ve seen/heard that type of cyclist, before. Always seems overly serious, to me. It’s only cycling.

    Free Member

    4, anybody gone back to tubes and why ?

    4: Three people have but they are all dead now. Take from that what you want.

    I ran those Bontrager Mud X tyres, which claimed to be “tubeless ready”. But they burped once too often, so that was the end of that. While the tyres are good, the beads didn’t look clean enough, off tool to seal that well, hence I guess the burping. Could have been just a duff pair of tyres, but I ended up running tubes.
    Also, a nagging thought was based in sod’s law. That it would be just my luck, the sealant had dried recently before I collected a thorn.
    At which point, I’d be stuffing a tube in the tyre to complete the ride.

    I liked the Hutchinson sealant.

    No experience of “ghetto” but I’d suggest giving tubeless a go. Impressive when it works.

    Free Member

    chakaping – Member
    You lost me at “walkerists”

    Well naturally. He’s on a bike, you’ll never keep up.

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