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  • Mintel predicts £1 billion new bike sales this year
  • Solo
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    AlexSimon – Member
    It’s amazing how even with 50% off, everything seems so expensive!


    Free Member

    but the thread reads like a competition of people trying to out clever each other.

    Oh, if you’re new here, then you’ll find that all these threads go like that.

    You may also notice that these threads don’t really achieve anything. All parties remain bitterly entrenched in their opposition to the other side and on it goes.
    Minds are not open, biases are adhered to at all costs.


    Free Member

    Calais Migrant camp- a conversation

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    honourablegeorge – Member
    Mythbusters have, I believe, polished a turd

    How are they, with muppets?

    Free Member

    Got a set of RS685s on the commuter. I took advantage of the low Euro and ordered from Germany at significant saving, at the time.

    Very good brakes, ime.

    Free Member

    Riding with bars too narrow for one, is crippling and certain to cut all journeys, short. ime.

    Free Member

    Polishing a turd.

    Is, of course. Impossible. So on the odd occasion that a turd may require some, ahem, enhancement we recommend a leisurely roll in the glitter.

    Looks ok to me, I’ve created waaaay uglier bikes than ^^.
    BUT! Cable operated disc brakes? Oh no, not if it were my bike.

    Free Member

    The kerb is painted yellow as a mitigating measure to comply with guidance that footpaths/walkways should not guide peds to walk straight onto a drain cover. I had to have a footpath moved to comply with this requirement.

    This thread is of interest to me as I recently enquired with my LA about widening a drop kerb in prep for widening the drive itself.
    The drive leads straight onto the road without traversing a footpath.
    It’s driveway, 300mm of kerb, road.

    I get the feeling it’s going to be a long haul. The reply to my email, from the muppet at the LA didn’t even get my name correct it was also clear that the person in question had not read my original note!

    I get that perhaps there are some proper idiots working at the council/LA but what is disappointing is the seemingly default response from my LA for everything as being, “NO!” Now, what was the question?

    Free Member

    hels – Member
    this is a REALLY BAD IDEA

    Which was the general consensus during the article broadcast on this morning’s radio 4, today program.

    As far as I could tell, the women were all saying it wasn’t what they felt they wanted nor would it address the real issue.

    There was some sloppy reporting about this being Corbin’s idea, etc.

    I expect the iplayer will have this morning’s episode for listening to. IIRC (I was on the M1 at the time) the article was broadcast between 8 and 9am (the last 1/3 of the program).

    Free Member

    Effective policing is part of the solution, you can’t do that if there are no officers to be seen. Having cops on stations and trains would definitely provide deterrent and reassurance.

    Fair enough, yes, we might not, sadly, be able to achieve blanket compliance through social stigmatization alone. So yes there will likely always, unfortunately, be a need for some police presence.

    Which would bring us back to matters of cost. Which reminds me of the bbc article posted by Cougar where it reports that people complained of the Womens only carriages not being used or under subscribed.

    So to the point about increased cost of additional policing. I say it’s a price well worth paying.

    Free Member

    But since then there have been calls for their reintroduction. In 1999 it was reported that ministers were planning to introduce women-only carriages on London Underground trains. Last year Transport Minister Claire Perry toldthe Conservative party conference she was open to the idea of bringing them back to the wider rail network to reduce sex attacks.
    However, a report last year for the Department of Transport, by Middlesex University, said this would be a “retrograde step” that “could be thought of as insulting, patronising and shaming to both men and women”.


    Free Member

    @just5mins, why only JC’s solution? Would it not be good to hear the solutions from many politicians? Maybe they could discuss it in a big room somewhere and form a consensus about how to resolve the issue.

    Precisely! A solution, policy, can come from any side of the commons. Just so long as something comes!

    Preferably after the right people have been consulted.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    You’re not wrong. However, that’s the expensive answer, so it probably won’t happen.

    True, but taking a moment to reflect.

    The proposed strategy of ever increasing deployment of growing numbers of CCTV, officers, etc, seems like a slightly unfortunate direction to be forced into.

    Hasn’t an effort to get society to alter of it’s own accord, got a place in the ranking of desirable solutions?
    Of course and not only has it a place, it’s likely the ideal solution. Where no matter how pissed up or frustrated a Man may be, that he’d never think to stoop so low.

    Social stigmatism of such behaviour, just as we seem to have managed with drink driving, is a worthy goal?

    Free Member

    MSP – Member 
    You are about 6 pages too late.

    Edited in the name of peace for all Mankind and thread harmony.

    Free Member


    Please don’t turn this into a political arguathon.

    Lest our resident Mod helps you see the error of your ways?

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator

    Are we on different Internets?

    Wait,Are we on different planets?

    Yes, due to WiFi range limitations, different planets necessitates different internets.

    Lets keep this thread for the original topic of discussion.

    Men’s only train carriages is a different thread.
    Different planet is optional.

    Free Member

    though perhaps you got a bit excited about having something to pick at.
    No, I’m responsible for at least one use of the ‘S’ word, so it’s a fair cop.

    The text of the statement from JC’s website seems altogether reasonable to me. 

    Free Member

    Forgive me if this question has already been asked….. What specifically would the Ladies of STW suggest to Mr Corbin, were they to get the chance?

    Free Member

    83 times

    Oh my!

    Free Member

    nickc – Member
    I’m not convinced its the solution.I’m not sure anyone really thinks its the solution TBH, I think like a lot of stuff that comes from Westminster, it’s a discussion starter, like we’ve done here.

    Ok, fair comment. Perhaps I should have said that like others, I agree that segregation doesn’t really seem to be the answer.

    I agree with Cougar’s post at the top of page 3, multi faceted approach to altering behaviour of men who are inclined to behave in such ways.

    Not sure what you can do with a heightened or disproportionate fear and threat perception of some people. Just got to try to stop the bad behaviour.

    Free Member

    has also previously shown that 43 per cent of women aged between 18 and 34-years-old living in London had experienced sexual  harassment in public spaces.


    “It is simply unacceptable that many women and girls adapt their daily lives in order to avoid being harassed on the street, public transport and in other public places from the park to the supermarket. This could include taking longer routes to work, having self-imposed curfews, avoiding certain means of transport,”

    That’s dreadful. Are Women really having to take these actions, in the UK?
    I certainly had no idea, I’ve haven’t witnessed a Woman receiving undesired approach from a man/men so didn’t really have an appreciation of the scale.

    I agree with CG, as a society we need to sort this and while WoC might reduce a certain number of incidents. I’m not convinced its the solution.

    Free Member

    turboferret – Member
    On the toe overlap I’m not sure how I would address it, if at all.

    Before that ^ post I had already suggested replacing the fork for same model with increased rake (ime forks can be supplied as same model with different rake dims) or a different fork, longer rake.

    I have a bike with 50mm rake forks and it feels and rides just swell.

    Also, I seem to have missed the crank arm length you’re using, perhaps replace for slightly shorter ones?

    Just a suggestion

    Free Member

    hilldodger – Member
    But fundamentally, until you understand how energy is generated, stored, transported and utilised in biological systems you may as well stick to CICO /or “what works best for me” because all this half assed pseudoscience is going to get you nowhere

    I your particular case, and in light of TrickyDisco’s post. I agree ;-)

    A precis for Hilldodger:
    despite all that training my fat utilization was appalling.

    I then changed my diet (effectively followed the idave/four hour body diet) where ate a lot more eggs, no cereal and no high carbs. 

    The trainer told me my body had become fat adapted 

    It is what you eat, over how much. Type of cals over counting cals.

    Free Member

    day to day it’s really a matter of ‘eat less move more’ with a big side serving of MTFU

    Eat less? How do you suggest someone does that? Fewer calories, perhaps? …. oh, wait a minute……

    The suggestion to MTFU being made by someone trapped in a flawed and out dated paradigm is amusing.
    Much more amusing than the patronising remarks about how Joe Public is too thick to understand what you know.

    ELMM has an impressive history of totally failing to achieve its purpose.
    But it allows those afflicted with a misplaced sense of superiority to admomish the “weak” and get a kick while doing so.

    Alternatively, an intelligent person might question the wisdom of giving advice with such an ineffective history.

    That’s likely all the STW fun I can handle today.

    Free Member

    If you use up enough you’ll either drive your appetite up to the point where you’ll have to eat more; or if you can beat that with enough willpower you’ll go slower and slower on subsequent rides and you will end up using fewer calories and if you are anything like me you’ll feel absolutely shit and not be able to ride much at all .

    Good post and yes if you continue in that fashion your endocrine system will down regulate cellular activity to a) get you to slow your ass down and rest, b) to conserve remaining reserves and allow time for replenishment to support repair and adaptation.

    your metabolic rate slows down at this point too because I end up feeling really tired wanting to sleep a lot and unable to work.
    Yes, this is your system reacting to expending significant quantities of energy and is another anecdotal example that it’s not as simple as counting cals in or out.

    Kimbers. You’re so far wide of the mark, I don’t think I can help. Good luck

    Free Member

    curiousyellow – Member
     @SoloWhat do you think about the Twinkie Diet experiment?

    I think you remind me of someone who liked to stir things up like that.
    Happy hunting.

    Free Member

    shermer75 – Member
    My understanding is that they used people with a high BMI because these are the kind people who have the most to gain from losing weight, therefore making the trial clinically relevant

    As above. Do you test tyre puncture resistance using a tyre that already has a puncture or a standard, correctly inflated tyre?

    Conducting a which is best test on subjects who’s bodies already suffer a distortion of normal function is a trick someone is trying to slide by the reader.

    Believe and think whatever you wish to.

    Free Member

    Right, I don’t have loads of time, outside lunch break.

    I’ve quickly scanned the link as far as I could before the deficit model in that article went too far wrong.

    LoC doesn’t apply to the entire endocrine system in simple terms of plus and minus cals. The endocrine system will up-regulate or down regulate cellular activity as desired.

    At a cellular level LoC does apply, a fat cell, for example can only store or release fat (energy) a tissue cell can either use or not use energy in whatever form, glycogen, fat, yadda. So at a cellular level, theres your LoC.

    Insulin is the key, it controls fat storage and release. Insulin in the blood, prevents fat release.
    the longer the duration insulin is in the blood, the longer any stored fat remains stored and unused.

    this can be exacerbated by consuming high GI load foods and drink and not using the resultant serum glucose. Which is then shuttled off, by insulin, to finally end up as body fat.

    The higher glycemic load of your last meal, the longer insulin will be in the blood stream after that meal and the longer any stored fat remains locked away.

    Counting cals doesn’t address insulin response or whether a fat cell releases its fat. Number of cals is secondary to type of cals consumed.

    Free Member

    From the original article:
    We investigated ten male and nine female subjects who all had obesity with a BMI of (mean ± SEM) 35.9 ± 1.1 kg/m2 (Table 1).

    I’d not suggest running an experiment using subjects who at the outset already suffer with a related clinical condition.

    What next? Testing a flat tyre for puncture resistance?

    A great example of pseudo science at it’s worst, that’s been released onto the web to convince the public of a particular fact.

    One might be forgiven for asking why?

    Free Member

    There’s nothing controversial about refined and easily digestible carbs inducing excessive fat accumulation in people, besides causing other problems also.

    Therefore I’d suggest that anyone trying to prove otherwise or dish this information, certainly has an “agenda”.

    Free Member

    I would not recommend relying on CW as a useful guide to anything of a nutritional nature. I’ve read many of those CW articles and frankly, well, it’s mostly BS as are the meals they print.

    Cals in Vs Cals out, doesn’t apply at an endocrine level and is quite possibly the most common error made when trying to apply the law of conservation to the Human body at that level.

    However, the LoC does finally apply at a cellular level. But that doesn’t equate to the simplistic and incorrect advise of running a Cal deficit.

    Fat cells release fat when instructed to by any one or a combination of several hormones. However, insulin will block release of fat from the cell.

    If one is looking to get the best result for minimum effort to reduce body fat. Then a diet of low glycemic load should ensure a reduced duration for serum insulin and so consequently an increased duration for fat release to occur.

    Based on this simple process, you do not eat carbs to get “lean” not to mention all the other problems, consuming refined, easily digestible carbs provide for the body.

    Individual variance on this theme will be observed and I would hope its obvious why. However if we all have the same underlying physiology, then the same rule, broadly, applies. Anyone suffering a related clinical condition may have a significantly altered outcome and I suggest qualified medical advise, in such a situation.

    Free Member

    Dreadful, truely dreadful!

    STM I hope you won’t suffer with what you’ve witnessed there.

    I couldn’t see an eject in Drac’s vid. If the pilot stayed with the plane to impact then shows they did all they might have to avoid loss of life.

    F#*k !

    Free Member

    ton – Member
    this is for a 10 speed cross bike to be used for long road rides.i have plenty of 9 speed stuff laying about. i did not want to go the the expense of a extender

    You’ll use the 36 when you need it, same for the 12.

    Just ride the 9 as is and use a triple chainset if necessary.

    Free Member

    busydog – Member
    As Drac says ^^ better than the other option.

    Err? no. That was a silly comment.

    spursn17 – Member
    Every day/week/month that goes by has me thinking that I’m running out of time.
    This^Too much to do and so little time to do it. Don’t like getting slower as well.Somebody please stop time!

    Not at all. I can still spin up to 40mph, on the bike. The only difference now with “then” is as a Man in his twenties, I’d have seen double after such an effort. Where as now, I know I’m more likely to see the Devil.

    He’ll be waiting for me, holding an empty fire extinguisher with my name on it!

    Free Member

    It’s better than the other option.
    Age reversal 8O

    Yeah, getting older, it aint exactly a barrel O’laughs.

    Knowing that ageing and Death are essential to the evolution of our species, doesn’t help.

    Yay for happy, happy, joy, joy threads.

    Free Member

    Umm. That’s not my experience. Shimano have been utterly consistent and reliable for me during the last 20 years.

    Two possible explanations come to mind.

    You’ve unfortunately obtained “Friday afternoon” components or perhaps usage may have exceeded design performance parameters…..

    Hope you get sorted.


    Free Member

    No question, a lot of us go through some significant shit which can stay with us for much longer than it takes for the wounds to heal and the scars fade.

    For years after certain events one can suffer flash backs and random episodes of complete disorientation where one might not know who or where they are.

    In your case (OP) I’d suggest the following.
    If you still feel the irrepressible need to ride, then do so, any way you want.

    However, if you’re unsure or feel some degree of reluctant to swing your leg over a bike. Then don’t.

    There are alternatives and thankfully for you theres always tomorrow and you never know. Your experience may lead you in another direction entirely, or to return to cycling, at any, yet to be defined date in the future.

    Lets face it, cycling ain’t going away, so we’ll see you on two wheels again, when you’re ready.


    Free Member

    I typically break my fast around midday. Today I shall do so again, with a scotch egg.

    Free Member

    Usually 10-20 hours on the turbo will kill a worn road tyre.

    No doubt. Rollers eat road tyres too. I discovered this shortly after completing a ride which included a 40mph decent. When I noticed the tread had begun to come away from the carcass.
    I have schwable insiders now.

    Free Member

    Road tyres – how do you know when they need changing?

    Explosion followed instantly by loss of control ending in a crash.

    Works for me, every time.

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