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    Free Member

    You might consider a Trout light.



    Free Member


    Thanks for that, however, I had already considered that option, before posting…



    Free Member

    Agree with what others have written. ime, bar is better IF you can only run/afford one light. However, its better to run both a bar mounted and a helemt mounted light, imo, if your budget can stretch to it, etc.



    Free Member

    Aarrgh !. That should read:

    "I must point out that I am referring to one of my own lights and NOT a light from Trout. Just in case anyone was thinking that"

    I'm going to go have a rest :oops:


    Free Member

    Oops :oops:

    "Anyway, ran my light today while on a ride, it kept switching down to the L2 setting due to temping-out. I've now set the cut-in to 80 degrees. Running during a sunny day will mean higher ambient, but I like to test my efforts at the higher end of what I expect the operational conditions to be. Belt-n-braces, and all that."

    I must point out that I am referring to one of my own lights and a light from Trout. Just in case anyone was thinking that.


    Free Member


    Thank you very much, you're a star :D

    Posted on another thread about my 1st ride with my first 6 x XP-E.


    Free Member


    Thanks for the info, much appreciated :D

    Crickey !, after reading your cost break-down I think thats a very slim margin for you on your lights. Must hardly cover your initial R&D.

    Anyway, ran my light today while on a ride, it kept switching down to the L2 setting due to temping-out. I've now set the cut-in to 80 degrees. Running during a sunny day will mean higher ambient, but I like to test my efforts at the higher end of what I expect the operational conditions to be. Belt-n-braces, and all that.

    Thats the beauty of a light such as the Trout light, you can configure it to a level of light-output that you think is sufficient, assuming that the Max is too much. You can lessen the max-output setting to suit your taste, and stretch out your run time, Bonus !.

    Cheers :wink:


    Free Member

    Not sure, could be me, it looks nice and all that, but, has anyone noticed….its a road bike.


    Free Member


    Hi, e-mailed you recently. What Max current you running your XP-E at ?.

    As you know, I make the odd light, but since you came up with that XP-E job, I wouldn't even think of trying to sell the lights I make.

    Any word on when we'll be seeing the XP-G ?.


    Grtdkad. Interesting, but the page seems to indicate a price of £364.
    1850 lumens. Not sure you'd have too many people wanting to ride with you, unless you were out-front with that on full beam. Thats a lot of light.


    Free Member

    Another vote for the Deuter bags here.

    I've a Race Air Exp. I've had it for a few years now and still going strong, comes with its own rain-cover included, which you may not prefer, but isn't a faff, imo.

    Good thing about Deuter's "Air" system is that it keeps the actual bag off your back and so reduces how hot/damp your back gets.

    Fairly good stowage facilities too.

    I've the larger Cross Air Exp too, again, very useful bag.

    If you haven't already done so, check out the Deuter site.



    Free Member

    Lupine, expensive German lights

    XP-E About to be superceeded, but fave of the moment for some homebrewers, LED by Cree.

    MTE, a set of four LEDs in one "die" I think they call it. Just looks like a slightly larger XR-E LED.

    P7, think its a torch from DX

    Please correct if I've got any of that wrong.

    "what is enough" well, everyone has their opinion about that, and to a certain extent, it will depend on where you ride.

    If all you're doing is commuting, then obviously you won't need the fierce outputs some of the higher-end lights generate.

    Likewise, if you're going off road into the black, then someting like Trout's light is probably well advised.

    Trout has his own website, and he has issued a few threads on the Candle power forum, I think its called.

    So, where/what for, will you be using a light.


    Free Member

    Lol @ SFB.



    Free Member

    Yeah, the Aston better only be a show car. Couldn't see it being very poplier with those silly slots in the front.

    And those strakes up the side, echos of McLaren/Mercedes there ???.


    Free Member

    Oh NO we're Not ! :lol:

    And another thing to be corrected:

    Cake is good

    Beer is BEST

    Arguing is cr4p.



    Free Member

    I have an STW Subscription…


    Free Member

    Yeah, Carbon disc brakes on a bike ???, I suppose that if you set-up your pads to drag on the disc, then they may be warm enough to yeild proper performance, eventually…

    Oh, and they'll be cheap to maintain, wont they….

    Anyway, too much braking power on skinny tyres and they'll just lock-up.

    Its just a design exercise.


    Free Member

    Where as I would say that there is an argument for going with dropped bars, ref slipping through traffic.

    I've just put guards and road tyres on my HT. Then, on weekends, if I'm out for an off-road ride, its a ten min tyre change.

    Disc brakes are more common on MTBs too as we know, so better and more consistent braking during winter conditions.

    I know someone who commutes on a Giant SCR with guards etc. Light weight, but seems slightly more vulnerable to the ravages of riding salty winter roads and the rims are grinding away.


    Free Member

    "We're always arguing on this site"

    Oh no we're not…. :wink:


    Free Member

    2nd Mr A's comments. I have maps, but they are major faff while en-route. Best kept for dinning table planning and in-the-field back-up, imo.

    And, if you can sort yourself a GPS for between £50 and £100, all-in, then I reckons its worth a punt.


    Free Member


    Thanks for that, looks interesting.


    Free Member


    Happisburgh aint a great place to start.

    It'll be the "quiet lanes" for you initially. The quiet lanes are a network of…..lanes, which are…….very quiet, ie, not really any cars. Walkers use them too, so be ready for dogs.

    I know that WMTB issued a trail out of Wells-next-the-Sea. You may be able to track down the GPS file for it, if you're GPS enabled.

    Defintately HT for Norfolk.


    Free Member

    2nd what HH writes. I updated my phone OS from windows 6 to 6.1.

    Had to reconfigure and reload all my MM maps !.

    Goodness, can MS windows mobile be a pain in the behind, sometimes.

    Stick to windows mobile 5 or 6, is my advise.

    Good Idea HH, to buy a cheapy from ebay and run MM on it :wink:


    Free Member


    Good Post, sounds about right to me :wink:

    As for the age limit for cycling on the footpath. I drive, and most of the time, I'm happpy to see children riding on the footpath, rather than in the roads where I live. I've no problem with it and it certainly shouldn't be a deciding factor in this matter. The driver struck the child by the sounds of it, therefore his fault.


    Free Member

    Phiiiiil posted a thread on the STW forum, pre-hack, regarding a £50 SatNav he bought and then hacked into the WinCE OS.

    A few people did it and got TomTom running on the thing and Memory Map too and lots of other stuff.

    I think the down side was Battery life.

    So, while a cheap Windows PDA combined with MM might be a tempting Idea, just make sure your PDA has a decent/enough run-time.

    I have a windows phone and just run MM on it. Only thing is, I don't mount my phone to the bars, so realtime directions aren't really practical.

    In fact, in my limited off-road GPS experience, having a bar mounted, display isn't always very useful. The GPS signal could be 20m out, while you're trying to find a piece of ST maybe only 18" wide.

    I've an Edge 305 and use it more for pre-loaded road rides or for trakcing where I've been when I've cycled off-road.


    Free Member

    So angry I had to put my lunch down to add my two-penneth worth.

    I'm outraged to learn that F*#&ker in the car is chasing for repairs.

    Had I been the driver I had said screw the metal and plastic, is the child OK. And as for him shouting at the children. Just makes my blood BOIL !.

    There is no way on earth he can pin this on your friend, without his help.
    I'd go along the lines of getting the driver to provide witnesses and evidence that the children are to blame and therefore that your friend should pay-up. Which I would hope was not possible from how you describe what happened.

    In fact come to think of it, if the child was struck by the car, hence the damage to the bumper, then how on earth can the child be held responsible ?.

    What was the boys crime ?, not getting out of the way of a moving car quickly enough, WHEN he was on the footpath ?.

    Sorry to learn that the children are still upset about this, but hopefully no long term damage is done.

    I hope that driver gets stuffed for the total cost, sc*mbag.


    Free Member


    Yeah, Rumsfeld came to mind when I read the original post.

    Question ?… Whats on the other side of a black hole ?.



    Free Member


    Good point, I hadn't really thought about how else Mann could have shot the Cafe scene.



    Free Member


    Good post, you make some fair points, imo.

    Unfortunately a lot of items for sale in the U.K. are made in China/Tiawan or India. Resulting in the situation that you couldn't buy British, even if you wanted to.

    So its good that we still have the opportunity to do so when it comes to treating ourselves to some high end bike lights, such as the Trout light and Smudges Batts.

    Anyway, if you do get round to owning a Trout-Smudge set-up, I hope you'll be pleased.



    Free Member

    Yeah, as I wrote, HEAT is not the perfect film, but it has its merits, and to watch it, one can see that its classic Mann.

    Who, again, I'm not suggesting is the worlds best director, but I recognize his style and it can be visually pleasing.

    Just as When you watch films by Ridley Scott such as Blade Runner, Black Rain and Gladiator. You get a sense that he wants to work the light in a particular way. His style is also recognizable, imo.


    Free Member

    The driver is tortured, but only after he has missed the job. He calls DeNiro to tell him that he can not join the gang.
    DeNiro then recruits the cook in the diner he is in with Kilmer and they go to do the job.

    The film depicts the police discovering the plan to rob the bank, as the robbery is in progress. They got to the scene pretty quickly, all armed and armoured. Perhaps the bank was near to the Police HQ….

    Anyway, these events enable the film to lead into the shoot out, etc, so it has to happen that way.

    Its just that I don't think the police would have been on-scene so quickly.


    Free Member

    As others have said, I wouldn't go so far as to describe HEAT as my best all time film. However, I do enjoy the Michael Mann style of directing.

    Especially his night shoots, even as far back as Miami Vice which had some interesting night scenes.
    He's been critisized in the past for overly clean streets on his sets, etc. However, I think he gets a lot right in his scenes and I like to watch those night shots, the use he makes of street lighting and other light sources is entertaining and enjoyable to watch for that, imo.

    You see it again in Collateral, lots of night scenes, the part where the camera is pointed down directly onto the street grid of the city, while the helicopter just floats across the sky, classical music as the sound track, was pure MM indulging himself. I like to think.

    Also, HEAT, the use of that Moby track, again, great work and really suits the film, I think.

    I too do not like the ending, I do not believe that the charachter played by Robert De Niro would have diverted to wipe out a nobody and risk all that he had at that point. Kind of goes against how I had come to understand that character, up to that point in the film. Furthermore, the timing of the main heist in the film, how the police stumble across a plan for the robbery AND manage to turn up during the robbers exit. Was a bit much. But I'm not going to pull the film apart, its good overall and how else was Mann going to launch into one of the best street shoot-out scenes I've ever seen. The sound of the guns echoing off the buildings, the loud rapid firing, again very atmospheric.

    Great sound track, excellent camera work.



    Free Member


    Thanks for the update.

    I've mailed you too.

    lol @ post by CountZero :D

    Good choice McBoo, let us know when you get it up and running. You'll be ahead of the demand for lights this winter 8)



    Free Member

    Never understood people, cyclist or driver, who couldn't wait at a red light for a few minutes, at most. The alternative choice being to risk life and limb.

    Anyway, there'll never be a consensus, there'll always be those cyclists who know that the rules do not apply to them and that they can ride through a red. Its just part of the Human-Condition.

    I don't do it myself, but see it a lot and just wish they wouldn't. But I don't lose any sleep over it.


    Free Member


    Not seen the 600 before, what is it ?, an MCE, or a few XR-Es ?.


    Free Member

    Oooo. She nice.

    Lol at the T.V. cable comment, included in the original post, in anticipation. :-)

    I've ridden an older Enduro and liked it very much.



    Free Member

    READ THE **** POSTS !!!!.

    I know I could have sent the forks back under warranty, Sherlock !.

    To a shop that didn't advertise the forks as G/Is in the first place… !!. Call me cynical/suspicious, but I thought better of it.

    So, I decided to send them to TF-Tuned instead, off my own back. IT IS MY CHOICE and I admit that !!!. I waived my rights under warranty to have the Pros sort the fork instead. When I considered the cost to me to have sent them back to Merlin, it made better sense to me to send them to TFT !.

    I AM NOT MOANING !, I was merely imparting my experience with a paricular fork I purchased from Merlin.
    "I'm not bitter about what happened, I just know I won't give certain retailers a 2nd chance. And I posted my experience."

    I didn't start this thread, I was repsonding to it !. :roll:


    TD especially. I don't need warranty/conusmer advice from you. I wasn't complaining about the warranty. READ the Thread :roll:

    Del, At the time I bought the forks, I didn't even know about over-stock and Grey Imports, it hadn't crossed my mind and I didn't realise that the SLs were not a U.K. after market fork. Clear enough for you ?. I didn't think too hard about why something is discounted, lots of bike stuff is WAY over priced and has massive margins !. Why don't retailer then advertise their stuff as G/I ?…

    James, you obviously haven't read a thing on here, :roll:

    TW, same for you, read the thread.

    Idiots that jump in without reading the intire thread.

    My thanks to TB for their post :-)
    It made sense of other things I had heard, since my experience with these forks.


    Free Member

    I'm with TJ on this. Abus Granite, LONG, PLUS, motorcycle chain with numerical pad lock.

    THATS TWO LOCKS !, yes its all a bit heavy, but I love my bike and MUST KEEP IT !. Riding a heavier bike (33Lbs with locks) means I'm fairly quick when on the ST on my 26Lbs FS :wink:

    Seem to be a good compromise between cost and protection. Please forgive me, but….NO

    Really, get the best, don't compromise. If your bike is worth keeping, then some A-Hole will want to take it. If that happens, you'll be proper gutted, and the £20 you saved on your compromise, won't matter.

    Get the best, KEEP your bike.



    Free Member


    Yeah, good post. I liked it.




    Free Member


    Thanks for that.

    To anyone thinking of getting a Trout, I'd seriously recommend a Batt from Smudge to go with it. I've had a few.

    The quality is tip-top, the after sale service would put some brands in the shade, can't fault them, they're a very good buy.



    Free Member


    Seriously, good for you, whatever works.

    We've all been here long enough to realise that whenever such a subject crops-up. There will be contributers who have experienced "both sides of the coin".

    However. If an item is a grey import, then I believe the retailer should decalre this and leave it up to the purchaser to decide.

    From some of the posts here, it would seem that in the case of suspension forks at least, there are those who are happy and experienced enough to consider buying G/Is knowing that they can and will repair the fork themselves, should it fail, etc. I've no problem with that.

    I'm not bitter about what happened, I just know I won't give certain retailers a 2nd chance. And I posted my experience.



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