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  • Banshee release the new big travel Titan and 26in wheel compatible Rune V3
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    Free Member

    Anything useful on mousehold ?.


    Free Member

    Congratulations to you and Mrs Tinsy.


    Free Member

    Bontrager Mud X, for all year round.

    Not impressed though with the "tubeless ready" claim. I've tried, they've been a PITA tubeless, but that aside, run them with tubes and its my all-round tyre.


    Free Member

    What about those signs by the side of the road telling you not to speed.

    Its all bad you know.


    Free Member

    LoL at Aracer. Brilliant :-)
    Although I'm not sure I'd want the smell-O-vision upgrade for my browser.

    You might not be able to smell your lunch now, but depending on what you had. You might be able to soon.

    Free Member

    LOL at Zaskar

    Brilliant. Guess I'm on that diet too now.


    Don't forget
    "Damned Idiots"


    Free Member

    yeap. Its a spacer adjustment. I think they can go to 120mm……


    Free Member

    Welcome to bike-world.

    Doesn't matter whether its good or not, its the latest thing, so you've got to like it. Its the rules, sorry.



    Free Member

    For the automotive electrical issues:

    If you have engine probs too, I reckon they can sort that also.


    Free Member

    This is what happens when consumers decide they want cheap stuff rather than domestically made stuff. If you're concerned, think about what you buy, and attempt to ensure as much as what you pay over the counter stays in the UK.


    Very well put, imo. Totally agree.

    Not always easy though in todays "globalized" world, loads of stuff sold cheap in the UK, imported from abroad. Leaving us more of our wages to spend on over priced homes ?….


    Free Member

    I take it all the people so upset about this had bought Cadburys shares and had their say in how it was run? Or just stuff their faces with Dairy Milk once in a while

    Rubbish really. A handful of fund managers were lobbied by Kraft.
    This small band of people(possibly less than 10 individuals) holding collosal quantities of shares in Cadbury, made the buy-out happen.

    Share owning public never had a chance. But then again, share holders are only out for the returns, aren't they ?.

    So by holding Cadbury shares, I couldn't have stopped the take-over.

    Fund managers ?, funding peoples pensions…Its a strange system.

    If you worked at Cadbury, was just about to retire, AND had a private pension run by one of the Cadbury holding fund managers. Then perhaps the buy-out and subsequent profit for the fund, is in your interest ?.
    The profit the fund managers make from the sale of Cadbury, and return to the fund, is used to pay-out your pension.

    Question though. If we keep exporting our jobs….whos going to be earning, in order to buy anything ?.
    Cadbury was a UK employer and a global exporter, bringing in money from abroad, generating primary wealth. This could then be re-distributed within our economy, etc, through the channels of wages, taxation, retail consumption.

    The Gov goes on about how the UK invent brands, build them up and then sell them on, and that we could still do this now. But this doesn't happen over night, as mentioned above, Cadbury had been around since the early 19th Century, ending up a "blue-Chip" FTSE 100 company by the time it was deemed attractive enough for Kraft to borrow 7 Billion from….RBS to fund the buy-out.
    And all this against Mr Buffet's better judgement.
    Can we really "back-fill" the gaps left in UK industry when a successful UK company is sold overseas. As quickly as we are disposing of them into foriegn hands, who, like Kraft, will probably chase the potential for reducing the manufacturing costs by moving ops abroad and leaving UK workers to sign-on.

    Oh, I dont have the answer, look at this stuff for too long and you see how messy it gets. I just can't help thinking its a shame that people will be out of work because of this. And for those pointing out that the facory was going to be closed anyway. Well, perhaps that was because it was an easier choice for the directors than to decide to search for a way of keeping it open ?…When you run several factories and one isn't doing so well. You have more choices than just selling the entire company.
    Well, if you own the company, that is.


    Free Member

    Yeah. The ink on the deal is barely dry and the cuts begin.

    If we keep exporting jobs at the rate we have been, its going to get even messier. If thats possible.

    I am truely sorry for those workers.


    Free Member

    "but if you ignore the death threats"

    Like it.



    Free Member

    Yeah, it felt a little light when I picked mine up from where it had hit the floor after postie had rammed it throught the letter box.

    But then again, hasn't there been a reduction, or a price freeze on the Sub ?.

    Anyway, if the missing pages were going to be interviews, then I'm glad they've been omitted. I don't like the interviews, they are almost always skipped.



    Free Member

    I've an Omega DeVille. I'd stick to metal strap IIWY. The leather ones cost a fair bit and don't last that long.

    Good watch though. I wanted a watch that contained the new escapement.



    Free Member

    Definately another one here for Henry V, Branagh or Oliver.

    Gandalf's little speech about Death not being the end.

    Theoden at Minas Tirith, before leading his army into battle.

    Oh, theres loads, of varying quality…



    Free Member

    SatMap10 is Ok, friend of mine has one. Its a bit big, but runs MM, although, you have to buy the maps you want, again, in order to use them on the device as the maps that came with your MM wont run/load on the SatMap.

    For road I use a Garmin Edge 305. No map on the display, just follow the black arrow on the line. When I get to a junction, its pretty clear which way I want to go and I just keep on going. So this is fine if you're going to follow a pre-planned route.

    If however, you want the flexibility to extend or shorten your route. Then I reckon you need a map, which is where the SatMap would be useful.

    Using MM and the Edge 305 requires creating .crs files from the route or track you created in MM. This is all do-able, but its a few extra minutes to covert files before uploading to the Edge 305.

    My vote is for the Edge 305. Yes the SatMap is a nice thing and very useful, but when you've already got MM, its a drag paying out for the maps again, just so you can use them on the SatMap.

    Another thought, something I think a few here have done, is buy a GPS equiped PDA or phone, possibly 2nd hand from ebay or somewhere.

    So long as it runs Windows mobile (prefferably no later than WM6 or WM6.1), then you can run MM on that, no converting, faffing, with the MM files.

    But, I don't think a phone or PDA are going to give you HR or CAD as the Edge would.

    So depends on how far you want to take it. But definately know what you mean about having to stop to navigate at junctions, its a drag.



    Free Member

    Merlin have been known to sell grey-import forks.

    You may wish to bare this in mind.


    Free Member

    Glad you're sorted, even if I can't spell. (case should have read cause)

    Don't give up on cartridge bearings just yet. Just think, next time it'll be a breeze.

    I love the old XC hubs personally. – Me too

    And I'm happy I can get spares still, even after all these years.

    Sorted ! :D


    Free Member

    Thats a Mahoooosive pile of dough(saw that word on here yesterday and wanted to use it), but still not as big as UK Debt.

    ***I just had to***



    Free Member

    Did my XC rear hub last year. Don't recall it being that reluctant to spin though.

    IIWY, I'd take it apart and investigate. All that was in there before disassembly must go back, as it was.
    the freehub one wouldn't fit…

    This would case me concern.

    Other points have already been made, ref grease, quantity and viscosity.

    Good luck.


    Free Member

    Padowan does that g-shock also turn into a robot?

    Excellent !. Exactly what I thought when I saw it :lol:


    Free Member

    Mr C
    I thought I should get something bike related in there :-)

    But also 2nd the wistful lament others have expressed about not spotting the really hot and up-for-it Chicks that I knew, when I was a younger Man.
    But it makes me smile.

    God some of those girls were ultra gorgeous.



    Onion. I've been in the place you are now, you have my sympathies.

    Free Member

    Loads of regrets. Mostly for all the those things I've done, which, on reflection, were perhaps, regrettable.

    I would imagine most have a regret or two.

    I regret buying Michelin and Continental tyres, oh yes.

    Yeah, loads of stuff



    Free Member


    You don't mention the mileage of your 53 plate car.

    What does your local Ford garage say ?.


    Free Member

    It's a good job you didn't have to spell it out for her!!
    LOL at that, excellent.

    Hora, good luck, and good luck to all the fathers here, soon to be.


    Free Member

    I'm having my front wheel re-built at the moment, new spokes, new rim. Labour is 15 quid.


    Free Member

    Minimal hair, specticle toting cyclist, on bike with SIDE TRAILER.

    Whats going on then ?.


    Free Member

    Riding a bike while drunk is the nearest a human can get to flying.
    What, other than using a plane… :wink:

    He's had one drink and been out on his push bike.

    Get some perspective!

    Spot on there.

    I took this post to be a bit tongue-in-cheek. I don't think TJ is actually asking permission to drink his coffee.

    Lets not argue, pleeeaaaasse.


    Free Member

    Eeerm, there's a blue ford focus running round sheffield at the moment with this fitted. It's a standard two litre petrol engine with a very simple conversion kit that is fitted into the fuel system on top of the engine and there's an additional pipe run to the boot where the tank is. The engine hasn't been removed and everything else is standard, i pretty sure the engine management system wasn't touched either

    I think you have the wrong end of the stick. We're not going to BURN hydrogen !.

    The Honda uses hydrogen to produce electricity to run its electric motor, employing an onbaord fuel cell to do this. :roll:

    An incredible achievement in itself, to have an onboard fuel cell.

    I'm gonna try sticking to posting what I know. As I've pointed out, I've worked in the industry and been in the same room as some very clever men who have half the alphabet after their name, men who have sat down and looked at all serious altenatives, at the request of the car company "big-shots". For the reasons I have pointed out, hydrogen isn't a starter, imo.


    Free Member

    With hydrogen cars there is an intermediate step that can be used until more refuelling infrastructure is in place, you simply buy an add on kit with an hydrogen tank and keep all the petrol stuff as well. When you run out of hydrogen you simply switch over to petrol and carry on and if that runs out before you can top up with hydrogen you go to a petrol station.

    Yeasch !

    That car has two entirely different fuel systems fitted, not just two tanks, but two everything. Don't think its really feasible to make that engine either.

    Possible with Methanol, but better just to switch the entire vehicle over to one fuel.

    As already mentioned. Politicians and who they choose to listen to are holding things up at the moment. They're being told E-Cs are the way ahead, in this country GB has even spoken about investing in E-Cs.
    With advise like that being used to hand out the tax-payers hard-earned, its little wonder the car companies are making what they can claim assistance for, rather than what would really work.


    Free Member

    I'm slightly surprized this topic keeps coming up and yet even more surprized that there is no mention of methanol.

    I agree that the electric is not the answer and I'm worried by the UK governments apparent willingness to fund, subsidize, whatever, electric car development. As already mentioned, batteries aint nice things to make or to handle once they are spent. Unplugging a hot battery pack at a motorway battery replcement station isn't going to be a nice job either, and then theres the street parked cars getting a power cable to them, etc, etc. There are many arguements against the battery powered E-C, but it gets media attention because the car companies get money for electric cars.
    This is after incorrectly advised politicians believe that E-Cs are the answer to scoring green points.
    The green lobby need to get realistic and work with the concept of a world with cars in it, rather than aiming for a world without cars.

    Hydrogen fuel cell has some good attributes, as James May pointed out in his review of the Honda sold in California.
    However, the investment required to change-out the entire global fuel handling infrastructure to handle hydrogen. Makes this option prohibitably expensive.

    Mr May makes a good point when he highlights the fact that the Honda could be the car of the future, because its like the cars we already drive as far as once the tank is empty, you just refill and continue on your journey. I do not believe that battery powered cars offer that kind of useability.

    GM bacteria, conusming recycled waste to produce methanol would seem a likely answer, but one that right now, isn't fashionable enough for the media.
    Methanol, like hydrogen, can be handled in liquid form, hence being able to keep the format we already have of a refillable fuel tank, taking a few minutes to refill at a fuel station.
    However, unlike Hydrogen, Methanol requires only minimal investment to be spent on the global fuel handling infrastructure to move from handling petrol, to handling methanol. So methanol beats hydrogen on this point.

    I've worked in the car industry for many years now, been to many different Companies and sat in on a few internal presentations.
    Car companies are very focused on pre-empting the "fuel of the future" so that they can have product in place for it. Problem is the politicians, few of whom appear to want to "grasp the nettle" and fail to get down to the facts and plant a stake in the ground.
    Arnold tried it in California, a state in the world's largest economy, rolling out a Hydrogen fuel handling infrastructure. But few other countries could afford such an experiment.

    I'm just pointing out that battery powered E-Cs aren't the answer, and as tempting as Hydrogen is, its just a bit to expensive to roll out across the globe. So, perhaps Methanol has some mileage in it. When, if, people allowed to discover it…



    Free Member

    Tinsy introduced me to grapefruit juice and lemonade, with ice, after some hot summer trails.

    Very refreshing and good if you have to drive after the ride.
    Two of those Britvic sized bottles into a pint glass, top up with lemonade, and a few cubes of ice.



    Free Member

    Building up my 'budget' hardtail for winter duties

    Save your money, just don't change gear, then see how you like it.



    Free Member

    Classical music ?, its good stuff alright, but theres so much of it, who can tell whats going to flick your switch

    Scanning the thread, the suggestion of listening to Classic FM is a good idea. If you're new to it, I'd not get too bogged down in the detail, just listen and look at what is popular as its popularity is for a reason.

    Not sure if its still online, but one of the good things about Classic FM was that if you heard something you liked, then as long as you knew when you heard it, you could go online later and find out the details of that particular item, etc.
    7pm to 9pm week days is a good slot, imo.

    I don't claim to know much about it, but I know what I like and my life is richer for my liking and listening to Classical music.

    Good Luck, I hope you find something that does for you, what classical music does for me.


    Edit: I agree with others here, Ludovico Einaudi (one car ?) is good stuff too, imo.


    Free Member

    I like HTC. No, they're not perfect, what phone is ?, but I've had 3 HTCs now.

    HTC with Core Player and you'll be good-to-go.



    Free Member

    LOL at RA29erBNBATAI, like your post :-)

    Off – road, yes.

    On – road, no.

    Because thats just the way it happened. I was riding on the road, decades before I started this off-road malarky and didn't wear a helmet then. No body around my town did, you only saw riders in helemts on TV, back in the day.

    Back in the 70s helmet thingys made you look like your were balancing a bunch of bananas on your head and were strictly the preserve of the weekend warrior, pro racer.

    Its all been pre-determined anyway.

    As they say,
    "wear a helmet if you wish, but you won't live one moment longer".


    Free Member


    Surely/HOPEFULLY, there is a manual overide.


    Free Member

    Ok, found the site now and read the blurb.


    Free Member

    you will need to purchase a day permit to ride at Swinley, price £2, and this can be bought online

    What does this mean ?. I've never bought a permit to ride my bike before…Can someone explain, please.


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