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    Rockhopper – Member
    I don’t believe they lie as such – they just do their fuel consumption tests under ideal repeatable conditions so at the very least they allow you to compare figures from different manufacturers.

    I agree, think most of us see variation in consumption for any number of variable, influential parameters. IME air temp has a significant effect on consumption.

    Thus I’ve never really bothered doing the comparison. In my decision process for car selection, I have higher ranking priorities, than fuel figures. But they are still considered.

    Reading other people’s posts I’ve just realised I don’t have a clue what either of my cars indicate for mpg. I’ve set the info display to not show me any mpg info.

    Free Member

    The “Jubilee”

    Has anyone mentioned the “Louis Marchesi”?

    Free Member

    wilburt – Member

    etc and any others who arent getting it.

    Whoa there!

    The VW (possibly others) software fiddle is just the icing, even without that particular wheeze (no pun) most cars, petrol included, wouldn’t get anywhere near Euro6 in real world driving, the bigger car the less likely.
    So you’re saying that the targets set were unobtainable?
    Yes, you’re probably correct

    That’s why we cant hit safe air quality levels.

    Good luck on defining that.

    Free Member


    Do not go gentle into that good night…

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    In all seriousness, with that level of thirst and a weight issue I’d be getting checked for diabetes if I were you.

    That’s a seriously good point and good advice!

    OP. As above, I recommend seeing your Doc, who should be able to perform a simple urine test which may indicate diabetes.

    If that is the case, continue to seek your GP’s advice.

    Free Member

    rene59 – Member
    Question: If someone was about to order a new VW next week (one of the models in question) should they now be looking at another brand?

    Although I believe in “innocent until proven guilty” and so for now would personally avoid speculating about other OEMs.

    I have a nagging feeling Molgrips is probably correct ^^^.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator

    Other than the fact you’re a monumental troll, why’s that then?

    So, it’s like that. Forgive me if I don’t stoop to join you on that one. Stay classy.

    trail_rat – Member

    full is not a response. its a state of mind.

    There is an endocrine mechanism in place that produces a sensation/physical response that most people commonly describe as feeling “full”.
    Of course, that isn’t literally full to the point of bursting, but that’s the point where the body currently has enough to be dealing with. At that point a hormonal response elicits the feeling/state of mind commonly described as ” feeling full”.

    Of course this system can be compromised/corrupted by poor diet.
    Example? there have been posts earlier in the thread (not by me), suggesting that protein seems to make them feel full/satiated, for a longer duration between meals. This isn’t just anecdotal, protein takes longer to break down in the intestine, than fat or refined carbs. So, what you see is that food choices influence when our satiety/hunger mechanism/signal kicks in and for how long that feeling will last.

    Eat food that is quickly and easily digestible and you’re likely to feel hungry again sooner than you would if your body was digesting something that took a greater duration of time to completely digest.

    Therefore, whether you eat protein (especially that sourced from animals), fat, refined carbs, or any combination thereof. Those food choices will influence your perception of when satiety is reached, etc.

    So, select the correct foods and your body should respond accordingly.

    Or you can just call me names.

    how ever looking around it seems that not everyone accepts that.
    No problem with genuine disagreement.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    cokie – Member

    And Breath.

    Starting to think this is a troll.

    Yeap, me too.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member
    have some snacks, nits (not covered in stuff)

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, coated nits, nom, nom!

    Cougar – Moderator
    so if you eat till you’re full you’re eating too much

    Not really, the “full” response is the physiological mechanism to stop feeding and thus will always be the most effective control as that’s how people evolved to function.

    Perhaps those being Vegan, Vegetarian, fruitarian, etc. Might consider/declare their choices while recommending certain behaviours.

    Free Member

    wilburt – Member
    Do you think a 5.0 v8 petrol range rover could meet the Euro6 requirements if properly tested?

    For goodness sake! Firstly, afaik VW don’t produce the range rover.

    Secondly, yes VWs do pass the test, using a “defeat device”.
    So technically, they pass, just not in the spirit of the test and cert process.

    Free Member

    wilburt – Member

    the tax bands dont need changing, the cars just need to comply with them

    As JimJam has pointed out. They do.

    Free Member

    jimjam – Member
    It’ll come down to a debate over the letter of the law vs the spirit of the law. If VW cars can run in a way that makes them pass the test cycle then they pass the test cycle

    Yeap and the legislators probably need to ask themselves just what their true aim with such testing and certification was intended to achieve.

    I feel it would always have lead to some “work around”. Then as you point out, all that’s left to decide is whether those work arounds are within the spirit of the process/test.

    Free Member

    brooess – Member
    Surely this is a tacit admission that internal combustion engines have had their day and are doing too much damage to justify their benefit and such widespread use?

    I disagree. As Dmorts points out, the flawed strategy of trying to step-down emissions via introducing ever lower output bandings. Was always going to result in this outcome. Now, either VW are singularly delinquent and will be punished accordingly, or the rest of the industry may have had to resort to a similar strategy to remain competitive in the market place. In which case, well I think we can see where that leads.

    ICs are not as much the problem as the fuels we burn in them. I have to laugh at the stubbornly entrenched who refuse to consider anything other than a future where all cars are propelled via electric motors.

    Free Member

    Your car, your software, your problem 

    Possibly, although that may likely result in people immobilising their cars at best and destroying their engines at worst, subsequently giving rise to addition services provided by the incumbent break down/recovery sector. Where an ECU is reset or the car is returned to the stealership.

    In such a scenario I dread to think what Audi would charge me. As obviously, an ECU reset = new ECU…….easy money!

    On more serious note, there would be no blanket standard for emissions (notwithstanding current events related to VW), it would be a “free for all” as if it isn’t bad enough now, with the number of smokey, obviously non-compliant cars puttering around.

    Personally I’d like a more stringent visual smoke test enforced. I see too many old cars chugging around, releasing a continuous trail of black smoke.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    I wish you could get open source engine software.

    When you wrote that ^^ had you given any thought to the chaos which would occur if Joe Public could mess with their ECU?

    Notwithstanding developments an OEM has funded in R and D being reviewed and possibly used by other OEMs who hadn’t collaborated via resource or funding.

    Free Member

    jambalaya – Member
    I’ve always found it bizarre how manufacturers push diesel so hard, my guess has always been it’s as the margin on the cars and the revenue from servicing is higher.

    I believe history shows OEMs develop in a direction given by the markets, which are guided by the Gov and legislation of the day.
    Currently we see OEMs developing electric vehicles, at the behest of poorly informed governments such as the UK. UK Gov says electric cars are good, so OEMs develop electric cars.

    Actually electric cars are shyte, but that’s probably another thread.

    As for diesel, way back in the day, CO2 was the bad guy and Diesel was seen to be superior for obvious reasons. So OEMs seeing the writing on the wall from Gov who would move to tax/disincentivize petrol use. Decided to race ahead with diesel engine development. This was brought to the attention of one Gordon Brown, who moved to increase diesel duty.

    Fast forward a decade or two and we’re all racing around in diesel cars because of the advice of the time and now we’re all wrong and ought to be driving petrol or electric cars, whatever.

    Bio-fuel was/is the answer, but that’s probably another thread…


    Free Member

    molgrips – Member
    You’re all just playing this stupid game over and over. Sickening and infuriating

    That goes for all “sides”.

    It’s only taken 85 pages


    Free Member

    Yeah, Rapha have always gone well beyond the call of duty for me.

    On that basis, I’d suggest they’ll explain the decision and/or try to help in some way.

    Be nice, good luck.

    Free Member

    legspin – Member
    I have an Egde 800, it is so simple to use and always works. I have had it for about 5 years. You must be a special kind of Muppet not to be able to work one

    Mentioning muppets, count yourself among their number, for failing to read the thread, accurately.

    Free Member

    mrblobby – Member 
    though just for balance, I have a 500

    I came to learn the only improvement the 500 had over the 305, was battery life. In every other way, the 500 was inferior to the 305. For what I wanted from a computer.

    Free Member

    Heated seats, yup!. Leather was too chilly this morning and I prefer not to wear my coat/jacket when driving

    Free Member

    Currently, I find I use the term “The Rozzers” when I’m referring to, err, the rozzers. I’m sure it’s just a phase I’m going through.

    Free Member

    You can create a number of custom data pages

    Thats the gold standard, as far as I’m concerned. It’s a well documented reality of the cycling community that there is a wide spectrum of cyclist preferences and the specific tasks we use such accessories for.

    Therefore, any OEM that gets this and produces a computer which provides the capability to customise data to be displayed. In my opinion is likely to get the sale.

    My first Garmin, 305 edge, had the customisation I wanted. When I obtained a 500 only to discover a reduced ability to customise the data displayed, that along with other issues I didn’t have with my 305, really pissed me off.

    This is one customer Garmin have lost.

    Free Member

    I’ve reached the end of the road with Garmin, also.

    Last time I was considering buying another computer (currently I ride without rather use my Garmin) the Bryton comps looked useful.

    Free Member

    RustyNissanPrairie – Member
    I’m going to

    Take the car to work?

    Free Member

    tang – Member
    I don’t look like Dave btw

    Except during your days off?

    Friend of mine told me his wife once said to him
    “You don’t earn enough”

    Which, imo, ranks up there with the OP’s O/H’s comment.
    Anyway, eventually, friend got divorced, met someone else, moved to Europe and now leads a much happier life.

    It’s an infinitesimally thin line between “Banter” and delivering that “Crushing, one liner”.
    Go Figure.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    Has somebody moulded the MP for Rochester and Strood out of Playdoh?

    I’m not sure anyone has ever tried.
    Knock yourself out.

    deadlydarcy – Member
    I thank the honourable member DrJ for coining a new word. I look forward to seeing it used lots here in future

    Mods could add it to the swear filter.


    Free Member

    grum – Member
    because it just makes you look like even more of an idiot

    Hold that thought!

    Free Member

    I go to work to work, not piss around posting on STW every 20 mins

    One of the best posts on STW, EVER!


    Free Member

    I might request a bottle of red or brown sauce at the table.

    Nice, like your style, ordering your drinks in advance of your arrival.
    Do you request the bottle be served at a specific temperature?

    Free Member

    Trailrider Jim 
    Member It’s tea FFS and a bath is a bath, not a barth. Bloody southern/posh shandies

    Oh, no, it is Barth. But fear not, None taken.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    Thanks! I do try so.

    Well, you could start by trying to practice typing your smileys the way everyone else usually does. You know?, eyes first, smile last…

    Keeping with the secondary theme of the thread…
    People who refer to dinner as “tea” remind me of…..Nope! I’m not going to insult them.
    After all, they already know they’re wrong and lets face it. Who needs to argue?

    Oh dear Lord.
    Protect us from the Vikings, The Hungarian arrow and those who refer to the evening meal, using a word we use to describe a drink.

    Free Member

    17:00 to 18:30 is when dinner shall be served at Solo Hall….

    Unless I’m at the 19th hole, in which case dinner is probably overlooked, in favour of another drink, hic!

    OP your initial post provides an image of domestic bliss, to think of Family ‘P’ all sitting around the table, enjoying dinner together

    After all, a family that eats together, “sticks” together.

    Free Member

    As much as it may pain me to agree with Binners initial advice **shudders** (not the bombers)
    Along with other posts, I’d also suggest you ignore the cycling related comments.
    Obviously, seeing as you are working together, and as you’ve probably worked out already.
    Find another topic for discussion and take a different route to and from work, to your colleague.

    The world is awash with human asshats and we’re still producing more of them. Notwithstanding the fact that bad people, do bad things, because they can.

    Go figure. Yay!

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    Solo – I’m on day two of non-smoking. Its going to get a lot worse than this, before it mercifully gets any better.

    Well if you’re going to go straight from crack-cocaine, to non-smoking, then possibly not the best move. Try an intermediate step, how about a move to cigars? Perhaps the curved yellow ones.

    Think yourself lucky. Imagine having to live with me?
    Yeah, I bet those who do, don’t realise how lucky they are.

    Free Member

    binners – Member
    Dave famously said

    Oh my, are we feeling ranty today!

    Got some sand in not a very nice place?

    Perhaps you should try the decafe.

    Free Member

    So, you see? It’s the same ole names, posting up the same old shyte.
    It’s like you get to know how these threads will run, as does everyone else.
    Which kind of makes one wonder why any of this lot still bother.


    Free Member

    Oldbloke beat me to it ^

    Perhaps Hynde’s remarks are rooted in her experience and how that has effected her for the rest of her life. I would take this into account.

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator
    This is going to go well, isn’t it.

    Unlike the rest of us, this thread represents a yet to be determined degree of “work” for you.

    But try not to be so pessimistic, have hope.
    Members might just surprize us and get a good discussion going.

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