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    – Kielder 100
    – Isle of Man Challenge
    – Grizedale MTB Enduro
    – 3 Peaks CX
    – Marin Dusk till Dawn

    We are going to try and make the Thursday nigth ride before the event.

    Which event will that be then ?

    Free Member

    Do u not just put the mp3 u want to use in the correct folder, like u do with the desire? It'll then be visible in the ringtone selection list.

    Now thats what you would think, its what I thunk. But oh no !.

    Firstly, there is not file explorer installed whatsoever, so its off to android market for that fecker. Managed to get one that worked, 3rd time lucky.

    Then, we gets the MP3 file, places it where it needs to be, but the phone options menu doesn't list it.

    So, its off again to Android market for a phone ringtone manager app.
    We get one eventually, it finds the file, and set the ringtone she wants.
    Acept, it only plays like the first 3 secs, then repeats, so how flippin annoying is that ?.

    And as for message alert tone ?, well I gave it a quick go, I wsa going to have to try another list of apps in the hope of finding one that worked.
    However, after the ringtone debacle as well, I thought it best to put the phone down and let her just get along with it as is.

    Suppose I will have to sort it one day, but like I posted earlier, these are pretty basic requirements and theres just no excuse for this, given where we are now with mobile phones.
    Its the Manuf and the retailer being lazy.

    All just my opinion, and like Cougar, I'm way so not bothered for arguing.

    Night all.

    Free Member

    Its Ok, but like all phones, aint perfect.

    Biggest complaint is that the OS isn't finished, with the retailer / Manuf just telling owners…..

    theres an app for that, GO FIND IT !

    Bit of a cop-out imo.

    Basics are Ok, but you can't use your own MP3 ringtone or message tone, unless you get the appropriate app. But then you're left to discover which one will work and successfully alter the phone to operate as you want it to.

    I mean, ringtones and message tones FFS, should really be sorted by HTC.

    Google maps works though, so I guess its just a case of priorities….


    I hate Android, symbian, etc.

    I am sticking with windows, but others will flame that OS too.

    Free Member


    Perhaps this is one of those few occassions when an e-mail to iDave may be in order, for better understanding of why you might have levelled out, or just for additional info.

    I know hes not wanting to "hold hands" and I see what he means after so many have expressed and interest, replying to every question from every person who has wanted to give this a try, would be a huge task.

    But I would hope that the odd e-mail isn't the end of the world.

    Free Member

    I'm just not convinced about the chain/belt debate

    Well, I don't know about anyone else here, but tomorrow when I go to work, I'll have to use my pass card, and if has FORD written on the back !.

    Smaller engines have cambelts, we've just acquired a 1.6 fusion TDCi, and its a cambelt driven cam, to be changed at 90K.

    I wouldn't put it past Ford to want to change all their engines to belt driven cams, eventually, but my 53 plate 2.0 TDCi is chain drive, no debate about it.


    Free Member

    I looked into turbo costs about 18 months ago, IIRC a replacement was about £400, think that was exchange.

    I had visited the turbo technics site and spoke to them.

    Theres a trade supplying demand for refurbished Turbos, like I posted earlier, one has only to consider that cost against the value to them of the car, and whether anything else costly might fail soon.

    You don't want it turning into a money-pit, obviously ;-)

    Chain drive for the cam was one of the largest factors in deciding to get my first MK2 mondeo Diesel, and that was about 5 years ago, haven't looked back since.

    I just change the oil regularly, and fix whatever needs fixing, when it needs it, but with my latest one, nothing really changes, I just refuel it and keep driving.

    Ford test for 150K, so after that, you're on your own, but steer a sensible course, and they're good.

    177K in my last one, 180K plus with the current one.


    Free Member

    Turbo will go on any car. Its only a matter of when, and that can be greatly influenced by the user…Alternatively, get it changed out for a replacement. However, you have to consider that cost against the cost of the vehicle, etc, etc.

    Over 180K now in my 53 2.0 TDCi, they are CHAIN driven, so again, with regular oil changes (I do mine every 5K) it should just keep going.
    Smaller TDCi engines are belt driven.

    I don't drive my car hard now, as its mileage is high, but everything works fine, just can't fault it for what it is.

    Will get another, or a focus, when I can afford to change.

    Free Member

    Because I usually cycle……alone

    Free Member

    i see it as a change in eating habits, full stop, not three week weight loss plan.

    Same here, been on a version of it now, for around 2 months-ish.
    I do not intend to stop eating the things I do now.


    Free Member

    Goodness me, how difficult do you want to make it ?

    Just read the guide, use some CS and get on with it. Simples !.

    I think you've been following a different eating guide IIRC, but good on you for keeping with it and congrats on the weight loss.
    I hope you're happy with the results so far.

    Free Member

    iDave. yes, but if you remember, on that other thread, people were threatening to eat 6000 calories, or whatever, on their day off.

    Day off is just that, no rules, but thats still only 3 squares a day for me, and a few pints.

    Got to allow time for cycling too, can't spend all day with my head burried in the fridge.

    Free Member

    Don't forget the day off !.

    I reckon its got to help with new comers.

    Saturday is usually my day-off, but whenever you do take your day off, don't go mad and ruin your good work

    Also, try to dig-out the monster thread from here, about this. There are some useable recipe suggestions, which I found helped with choosing what to eat.

    Theres also some typical STW arguing going on too, but just ignore that.

    Free Member

    Only a FAD if you don't stick with it.

    Crazy ?, I'd say eating stuff that makes you heavy and unheathly is crazy


    Free Member

    People who want the iDave doc.

    Mail me and I'll try to sort a reply as soon as I can.


    Free Member

    Get your dietary intake right first, before you start exercising for 25 hours a day.

    Yes, we should all exercise, but if you're consuming 3000 cals a day, you're making a rod for your own back, imo.

    I took part in the iDave weight loss thing we did on here a little while ago. It works, weight comes off without having to go mad in the gym, on the bike.

    This then leaves you to enjoy your cycling doing as much of it as you want to keep heart and lungs in good order, rather than to trim the waistline, or whatever.

    mail me if you're interested and I'll forward the iDave doc, guide.


    Free Member

    I thought there was a sonic tool for this purpose ?, or have I just imagined that ??

    Free Member


    As I tried to explain earlier. I admire the mechanical watches for the Engineering achievement in such a small and self contained package, powered only by physical movement.

    Then for these little wonders to do so in a wide range of temps and environments.

    Its the 60s, and someone comes into your office and says
    "What watch for the Moon"

    Come on, surely you must appreciate the Engineering achievement of a fine, well made, Chronometre ?.

    Free Member

    When times were better, I collected a few pieces, but nothing of massive note:

    Breitling: Chrono Super Ocean, mechanical. Wish I'd got the Super Ocean now, but still happy with the one I have.

    Omega: De ville as I wanted a watch that incorporated the co-axial movement as devised by Mr Daniels. A landmark in the world of watch escapement design.

    Baume and Mercier: Hampton

    And a few other sub £100 quid watches, that I've kept for sentimental reasons, or just cos I like the look of them.

    I'm currently wearing an Argos discount special, after seeing another watch thread on here and spotting it.

    I've collected a few watches as I'm totally in awe of the little mechanical things. Although they have been developed over quite a period time, these miniaturized, enclosed, marvels of machinery, just stay on my wrist, working away to keep time, the only source of their power being physical movement.
    Just because the modern machanical movement has been productionized to the point where thousands are made each year, this doesn't detract, for me, from what they manage to do.
    If I could, I'd have commisioned a watch by George Daniels.
    A truely awesome watch maker and contributor to the word of watch making, and the father of the only new, viable, watch escapement for a very long time.

    Best watch ?, isn't that like asking for the best painting ?, surely an impossible question to achieve consensus.
    A person with a £10 watch, who is happy with it, has the best watch
    or the person with a George Daniels has the best watch

    I like this thread just to see what others like and own.

    Free Member

    Could contact Smudge, maybe he do this sort of thing.

    He is a battery wizard.

    Free Member

    Having owned a Focus in the past and now a Mondeo, I wouldn't ever consider getting a Focus again. A 2.0 TDCI Mondeo is bigger, faster, more economical, better value than a Focus

    Oh, thats a shame. I've had a few mondeos now and was thinking of getting a current Focus as the replacement, as I worked on the design for the Dashboard :-(
    Still, 18 months in France was OK, but that was ages ago.

    spose I'll have to stick with Mondeos.

    Free Member

    Almost PMSL at the branded impression comment, briliant.

    Mr SS. Glad to see you're still with us.

    32lb lost ?, my word, thats a lot, I hope you feel better now.

    Free Member

    LoL at SFB.

    If only it were that easy

    Ouch !, Barf, ouch !.

    The bomb-bay on that starship has hurt my eyes.

    Lets hope that picture isn't Mr Starship's dating website photo…

    Free Member

    I've incorporated the suggestions and lessons I've learnt, into my ongoing eating habits.

    I have like a bean salad type thing of my own design, in the mornings, which I much prefer to the two or three rounds of dry-white-toast, I use to have.

    I was having soup for lunch before I discovered all this, and as I really enjoy my soup, thats an ongoing thing too.

    Dinner is veg and lean meat stirfry, salads, veg chilli, steamed veg and fish, loads of different stuff, too many to list.

    Weight has gone down and I have stayed with it, in my own version of it, and expect to continue to do so. I don't miss anything, and on the "Day off" I may choose a sandwich or something, but its no great shakes.
    I never ate pasta, rice, spuds regularly anyway.


    Free Member

    Do I need a plug adaptor for my hair straighteners.

    Ah, the female mind. See how she was focusing on the most important part of her weekend….Doing her hair.

    It really is Mars and Venus.


    Free Member

    I certainly feel more educated about food groups now though. Still don't miss bread, tatoes or pasta.

    Not missing eating anything

    but this has changed the way Im looking at food, and overall havent been hungry at all

    In my opinion, this is all good stuff, and my congrats to those who are learning to incorporate the guidelines into their future, long term eating habits.

    Coincidentally, I caught the end of a radio interview on R4, earlier this week, with……
    The head of weight-watchers.
    He actually said "Diets don't work" !!!!
    Wow Mr WW, thats a global business you're holing below the water line !.
    Well not exactly.
    He mitigated that statement by saying that "Diet" as in a short term eating regime, to reach a target weight, but then drifting back to what you ate before, will lead to weight going back on.

    I was amazed to listen to this guy on the radio, and felt pleased that he was echoing what we have been saying and learning on this thread.

    Where as some of us may have understood that a diet as a short term eating regime, may not work. I for one wasn't sure how to modify my diet to achieve the results we are now seeing.

    This is where iDave's help has scored big points with me. With his guidelines I have now re-jigged my eating habits, for what I believe is the long term good.

    I am now leaner and lighter, and I'm happy with how its worked out.

    Day off tomorrow so will have a few beers, and a goody or two throughout the day
    This is a great line, its how my days off are.
    I don't get up on the morning of my day off, and lead a full-scale assault on the kitchen. Its just another day, but on that day, when meal times come round, I may have that cheese sandwich, and come the evening, I'll certainly sink a few beers, maybe even a piece of choc. But I don't go mad.

    Thumbs up to everyone whos given it a try, whether its worked for them or not, at least we've all had a bash at it.


    (Sorry for the editing, I pressed "send post" too early)

    Free Member

    PMSL at Trail_rat.


    Free Member

    Yeah, and on that note. I think thats all I can give.

    Its BFs if you're asking me.

    BFs may power and IC, they may power an electric motor via an IC, but without batteries.
    However, in the case of the later, I'd question the effects of sitting near a powerful electric motor, may have on the human body.

    But thats a different thread…


    Free Member

    Yeah, cheers Mat.

    I'm usually better, honestly

    Free Member

    Please, for the love of cycling. Leave it out.

    Molgrips. When you upset me, once I pointed it out, at least you had the spine to apologize. Take the positive from that, cos I don't TJ is going to provide any such thing.

    TJ. You could try exercising your "I think thats a silly comment – O'meter" filter, and just not fire up the flame-thrower.

    You've made some fairly dodgey posts yourself on here, and where as I don't want to argue, I do wish you'd stop hastling Grips.

    There, I waded in. happy now ?, both of you should have let-it-go, ages ago.

    Please:- CEASE FIRE !

    Free Member

    Not critisizing you Donk.

    I passed a group of people using bikes, not cyclists, earleir this week. They were on a very busy stretch of DC during the PM rush hour.

    I apporached them as the tail-end charlies were catching the others up.

    They weaved and wobbled their way across the exit of the DC, onto a slip road.

    Compared to the cars, it took them ages to get across the mouth of the slip road and I hated watching, waiting for them to get back onto soft-shoulder of the DC.

    Truely dangerous.

    I've even seen some muppet cycling along the HS of the M11, during AM rush hour. Mad.

    Free Member

    We need to focus on biofuels, yes, but a much bigger focus is needed on reducing the need to travel altogether. It really pisses me off that I have to spend however many hours schlepping across the country to sit in an office and hardly talk to my colleages. What a downright waste of energy.

    I am however working on setting things up so I can work at home in the longer term

    BFs are feasible, but sadly aren't effectivley available, yet, as we know.
    BioEthanol (E85) was/is produced, as you point out, from arable crops. These are 1st gen, and yesterdays fuel, albeit somewhat still-born due to lack of outlets, ready vehicles, etc.

    Producing BF from petro products would p1ss the whole thing up.

    2nd Gen BFs will be GM plankton eating our sh1t to produce a base product for BF.
    Theres a lot of energy in sunlight, hence looking to plants as little factories with amazing capabilities, powered by the sun.

    Very much agree about working from home. I sooooo wish I could, but my customers need to feel all warm and fuzzy about data security, project management, and those who have climbed the tree, need to justify their reserved parking space with being able to physically see their little empire.
    So all the soldiers must be at their desks… :-(

    Free Member

    do this on a dual carriage way 8O

    Nnnoooooooo way I ride DC.

    I chose life.

    Free Member

    Bad drivers just don't give a F*ck. They don't care about bikes, other cars, peds, LIFE.

    Ranting at them isn't going to change one damn thing.

    Same goes for road rage. While driving, getting upset with an idiot in another car, won't make the slightest difference. Your protests won't be heard and they will not improve upon their bad habits.
    So I don't bother with that either.

    They're a bad driver, they'll probably always be a bad driver, but the one sure thing is that you telling them, that you think they're an AH, isn't going to change anything.

    If you catch-up with said idiot, just open a door, preferrably a rear one, and leave them to have to stop to close it.

    Swearing at them will only lower you, and remember, they don't give a sh1t.

    Carry on.

    EDIT: Oh, and cab drivers, they double don't give a F*ck

    Free Member

    "cars with a petrol/diesel engine AND an electric motor "

    Aren't the answer, imo…….too running cars with a very much reduced or even no impact on the evironment, from their engine emissions.

    Perhaps rather than running around arguing about what car goes furthest, or what car is more costly to deal with envirnomentally, during its life time.

    Shouldn't we be just focusing on getting off petrol and diesel altogether, preferrably for something that when it is used to power a car, doesn't contribute to damaging the environment through what its engine emitts ?.

    There are a lot of techs out there now, trying to be the answer, ICs combined with electric motors, is one I think we can discount, for the long term future of personal/small group transport.

    Free Member

    Molgrips beat me to it.

    Ped saftey/protection in the event of a collision is now a main-stream requirement (at least in our region of the world – UK) and has significant effect on the final car design, in the effected areas of the vehicle.

    This is an example of a Gov/legislative body, leading the manufs in a certain direction, of vehicle design.
    Of course, something as emotive as people surviving a car crash, whether they are a passenger or a pedestrian, was always going to get, eventually, the politicians, thumping the desk infront of the manufs, until the manufs themselves realise that safety, while introducing extra weight and cost, is actually a very powerful selling point.

    As we know this didn't happen over night, look back to the 70s when the wearing of seat belts wasn't compulsory, and you can appreciate the situation of a Gov, getting what it wants from a manuf, can work, albeit, that in the case of safety, it did take a while.

    So why are we still burning 100% petrol ?.

    Well, the only thing I can think of is that when it came to introducing safety measures, there wasn't another large and powerful industry, losing out.
    Put side impact beams in your car, and everyone was a winner.
    (large companies pulling stuff out of the ground, weren't effected…)

    My short-term choice ?.
    IC engines running on synthesized methanol, and if we're talking wish-list.
    Then that methanol is produced using bacteria that are formed/created to consume waist that would otherwise linger in the environment, in landfill, or in some other form.

    Heard on the radio yesterday that some local authourity plans to power a fleet of vehicle from….human waist, I would assume that the hybrid/batter powered option was considered, but that instead, converted ICs were chosen to use this fuel and drive that fleet of vehicles.

    Free Member


    Dont let it wind you up. On here theres always going to be loads of differing view points, as we know.
    esp the weird, I haven't read the thread ones.

    As I stated earlier. I think I now why people have bought hybrids, I hope its because they've got a conscience about driving cars with respect to the environment, and so have tried to mitigate their need to drive and the impact that will have on the environment, by purchasing a hybrid.
    To those who have put their money where there mouth is, I commend you for trying.

    Unfortunatley, hybrids are not the answer we all hoped they might have been and I blame the manufs for offering that red-herring to folk.

    I really feel like getting the heads of the Govs and Manufs and banging them together. Telling them to "Pick one, and sort it out".

    Oh, and let me be clear, I work in the industry. But all this is just my opinion.

    I'd go for Oceanic derived biofuels, used in an IC, until we could come up with something else.

    I remember James May's comments after driving the Honda Clarity, the hydrogen fueled car on sale in California.

    Something like:

    The car of tomorrow, must be like the car of today, you drive it, when it runs out of fuel, you fill it up (in minutes) and drive it some more.

    Anything else, would be a step backwards. This means EVs, but hybrids don't fair much better, imo.


    Free Member

    Molgrips. Understood, cheers ;-)

    Lots of manufs have made strides in improving existing car tech, but how many have come out with completely new propulsion systems for the mass market

    As we all know, stuff has popped up into the news, over the years, but as has been pointed out, we're still stuck with what is generally a 100 year old concept.
    Where as we may never be able to get away from needing a steering wheel and seats. As far as power-train/source is concerned, its mostly been massaging the established format.

    So, why haven't completely different ideas been touted in an attempt to get off the IC and what it has historically run on ?.

    Thats not straight forward. Manufs will argue that so long as a Gov gave them a clear inidication of which Tech a gov would support, then they would make it.
    Its a circular arguement though, and for me it translates into:

    Manufs: "If you, the Gov, gaurantee us a market from which to fund the new design, we'll swoop in and take the money".

    Some Govs are reluctant to put a stake in the ground, for fear of backing the wrong Tech.

    We saw this with Gordon Brown and the previous Gov. It seemed, that they were making noises about backing EVs, but as quite alot of people on here seem to realise, EVs aren't the silver bullet some would have us believe.
    (I'm not knocking GB or the previous Gov, BTW)
    For me this shows how Manufs and Govs are pointing the finger at each other.

    I think I understand why people buy the prius. Imo, that may be misguided, but at least they are showing willing by spending their hard-earned, and in this repsect, the industry is letting the customer down by providing an unsustainable answer, as if we all have to jump onto every concievable alternative, until will land on the right one, and the manufs have made money, and employed loads of people, along the way.

    It aint easy to turn this ship around, when you consider how huge this all is.

    I would start with having an IC that ran on a sustainable power source, probably liquid form, as the global infrastructure is already in place to handle it.
    Then move on from there.

    Free Member

    I don't like to give it.

    BS, Molgrips. You insulted me on the cycle helmet thread.
    You never gave a damn. I invited you to correct your post, and nothing.

    You hand it out, but you can't take it.


    FWIW, I reckon it all starts with the fuel. Imo, We've got to sort it out, and get off the texas-tea.

    Annoys me when I read press releases from the US, raving about getting 23mpg average, from a monster of a car, and how that betters the competition by…..1 mpg !!!

    Yes, cars could be more basic/lighter, in the quest for greater mpgs, but I say get cars onto a sustainable power source. Surely thats got to be the highest priority.

    Free Member

    Yes, you bloody well did. You insulted me

    Well **** me. Molgrips exposed in "Can't take it, but likes to give it", shocker.

    Not so nice when the boot is on the other foot is it Grips ?.

    Free Member


    Thanks for that post, as more of the detail has been revealed, I can see why someone may decide to divert RD funds in that direction.

    However, temps in different parts of the world might mean limited application. Still, worth a look I guess, hence BMW's decision.

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