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  • Solo
    Free Member

    Still awaiting a liberal spread of winnit free lol cats…

    Free Member

    yer quite right solo,

    why on earth you have chosen to read all that drivel i dont know, im only here till the iBeefcake diet is released

    Cool ;-)

    However, why wait. Be original, start your own ibeefcake diet here.
    Then you’ll attract some cyber winnits to your thread.
    Can you guess who I might mean….

    Free Member

    It’s alright Darcy won’t get jealous…

    Sorry dude, you’ll find no quarter here.

    Perhaps thats your problem with the dating thing…..

    ***awaits another lol cat***

    Free Member

    i aim to please

    Yeah, I can tell by looking at your shoes.

    No, LoL cats are amusing, I do kinda enjoy them. But.. well, you know the rest.

    Free Member


    Ahem, I was suggesting that you and Mr d get the room.

    Phil… No change for you there then ;-)

    Who is going to start posting pictures of buildings and discussing architecture.

    EDIT: Hand would have been accepted, if both parties could cease fire…. Theres only so much simple, yet slightly Mischievous, sarcasim a person can appreciate.

    Free Member

    Bananas are beans…..

    Thats funny ?

    Free Member

    Speak for yourself Solo.

    Get a room then, perhaps ?.

    you might be

    i smiled.

    Yeah, but have you been reading his posts from the start, the long haul. Jeez. I mean, how funny can one person be, I ask…..

    Free Member

    Bananas are beans, so they’re in.

    You’re really not going to stop are you.

    Thankfully the one thing we’ve all learned is that nothing you’re posting is useful in a constructive way.
    We’re all bored with it/you now.

    Free Member

    Excellent post SpaceMonkey.

    Pinto beans have become a fav of mine too.

    Free Member

    I post on company time!

    I think someone wants a word with you…..

    Free Member

    I’m supposed to be riding a sportive in four days

    four days is a long time for a sportive, you must be really fat


    Free Member

    only if the fight lasts more than an hour

    ***must resist, must resist. Finds this more difficult than, err, dieting***

    Free Member

    Yeah, sure Molgrips.

    Back OT it is then.

    Free Member


    Ha !, excellent. So this is your thread now, PMSL :lol:

    Who started it chubby?
    You see, thats just class. The clueless assumption of size and weight.
    Check out the big brain on Mr Darcy, everybody :lol:

    Obviously hit a nerve, when I told the comedian he aint funny.
    Aaahh, Did I dent your ego ?.

    You are 19 years old and I claim my 5 quid.

    Free Member

    I offer you my sincere apologies pull your head out of your big fat arse.

    You’re all class.

    Make you’re mind up, either you’re sorry, or you are abusive.
    Though both are pretty easy from behind your keyboard…

    Free Member

    Solo, have you ever taken yourself too seriously?

    Probably not, but I know when I’ve had enough of your relentless crap.
    You weren’t funny when you started, and you sure aint funny now mate.
    Cheque is in the post, ref the admin.

    chef it up
    I like that phrase.

    Free Member

    Tuna salad for breaky this morning.

    Breakfast tomorrow will likely be lentils with Cod and bacon in there.
    Similar consistency to porridge I reckon and dead filling too.

    Also, all this chat about tea and milk. I did some time in Istanbul, all tea drank there was without milk, served in little figure of 8 glasses. And they loved it.

    I’m not a habitual coffee or tea drinker, but while in Istanbul I tried their milkless tea and it was fine.
    I think molgrips is right, you’ve just got to find a tea you can drink without milk really.
    I stick to water during the day, maybe the vino in the evening.

    Free Member

    Just what I was going to point out, that pulses are quite bulky, imo.

    However, I noticed that I just don’t get hungry between meals anymore and if I’m late for one, I can go a fair few hours before my body starts complaining.

    I’m going to give the gram flour flat bread thing a go, thanks Motivforz.

    TSY. If you’re pushed for time…… then, err, don’t post, may be…
    Had to laugh though at the drive my car to the gym.

    Have you ever taken a joke too far ?…….

    I’m liking the way you’ve come round to all this. Good stuff and good to see you are getting the results.
    Of course, if all this weight lose and training leads to Mrs Grips having ideas, you’ll have to call your next child “iGrips” 8O

    Free Member


    When is the “week of will and mind” ?. Is it during February ?.


    Free Member

    Spot on HillDodger.
    The Custard rule, err…. rules

    Has to be smoked bacon though – preferably with red lentils, chicken stock, garlic and a few spices. Major nommage.

    Most definately.

    Free Member

    Dave, in your emailed notes (from last year) you said you soak a load of beans/pulses once a week and then split into portions. Do you just keep these in the fridge? Or do you freeze them?

    After boiling, etc. Beans are diveed up into portions, bagged and frozen.

    When I have time, I will boil up some beans. Favs are Pinto beans, chick peas and Cannellini beans.
    When I’m pressed for time though, its the tetra packed beans from the usual supermarket suspects.
    I’m mostly on the tetra packs at the moment.

    I’m currently on salads, beans and the odd stir fry or chilli, along with that winning Combo, lentils and bacon.

    Free Member

    I believe that Soya milk is sweetened with apple juice.

    Its much sweeter than cows milk anyway.

    So, on that basis….. Probably give it a miss.

    I second Molgrips observations. I’ve been eating like this for quite a while now, since last year.

    One, I just don’t get hungry between my 3 squares, and I certainly never miss the sweet stuff.
    Although I do indulge in a bit of choc or whatever, on the one day in six.

    ITS ALL GOOD !!!! and its ability to do what it says, err, on the tin.
    Is for me, indisputable.

    I feel like I should have paid someone for something.


    BTW, at the moment, I’m “on the road”, have been for a few months now.
    No kitchen or food prep facilities to hand as I stay in a Travelodge, so that makes it a bit more difficult.
    Time perhaps to start up a low GI take away food chain, like Subway, McDs.

    One could sell chick pea burgers with complimentary carbon filter.



    Free Member

    TrickyDisco, Tazzy.

    Sorry, I didn’t know. Thanks for letting me know.


    Free Member


    Mate, that link might not be cool with iDave.

    Tazzy. Thanks for the soup.

    Free Member

    Some excellent posts coming now.

    LoL at the carbon filter comment :D

    Would like the lentil chilli soup, if its not too much trouble.


    Free Member

    LoL @ Don Simon.

    Excellent edit of the original post.


    Free Member

    I just wanted you to give me your version of the science behind it

    Ha !, I don’t think iDave is that stupid. Why would he waste his time giving you a one to one on the science.
    Your lack of understanding will only lead to a pointless arguement where you will question everything iDave posts, although he obviously knows a heck of alot more about this subject than you.

    What does it matter to him, or any of us, what you think ?.
    none of us are obliged to give you anything, yet alone any kind of explaination.

    Free Member


    Why do you do this ?.

    I suspect that you may be SFB, if so, I claim my 5 quid !.

    Perhaps you’d like to get a life instead of making yourself look a complete tit, on this subject.

    Don’t get me wrong, you don’t bother me. I’m just lost for a rational explaination for your stupid posts.

    I can’t find a reason, to my mind, why someone would waste their time to hunt down threads and post negative crap into a discussion between those of us who think differently to you, on this matter.

    Thanks :roll:

    Free Member


    That Steak dinner looks gooooood.

    I have changed the way that I eat. I don’t need to eat all the crap that I used to have!
    Couldn’t have put it better myself.

    Same too with Wookster.
    I can’t believe the amount and frequency of rubbish I was putting in my body!

    Once you get into it, it is an eye opener. Well, it was for me.

    I sympathize on the breakfast front. Difficult for some to break the pre-conceived idea that breakfast is a bowl of sugary, milky “goodness” that Nestle or Kellogs would have you think.
    But just remember that breakfast can be any food at all. Its just that you’re taking it first thing in the morning.


    Free Member

    I bet its one hell of a day though

    Oh !, oh yeah… :wink:

    Free Member

    in truth i should concern myself more with my alcohol intake as thats the root of my weight gain

    I know what you mean, same for me, I like a pint or two.

    My efforts are to try to keep drinking to one day a week.
    I don’t always manage it.

    Free Member

    I think the reason iDave chose to describe it as Low GI was that most packets have a GI rating on them, so it would be easy for people to deduce whats in and whats not.

    Alternatively, I think you can get lists of GI ratings for food items on the web.

    Obviously, its not practical to deal with questions for every individual food item.

    Just sticking with the idea of Low GI, not over analysing it, is how I’ve approached it.


    Free Member

    My very limited understanding of this (iDave eating suggestion) is that its to eat Low GI food.

    I think this is to avoid an insulin response when you eat something.

    But this is the extent and the limit of my knowledge on this, IF I am correct at all (about the insulin thingy)

    Surely iDave or molgrips will be along soon to set things a-right ?.


    Free Member


    Had one or two wobbles

    Aye, I know what you mean, but it gets easier with time, as I’m sure you know.

    And yes I realise, that on the face of it, its seems a bit short sighted of me not to do as you did. Buy the book and skip certain chapters, etc.
    But I just couldn’t bring myself to buy a book promising me incredible sex.

    I’ll see.

    You wouldn’t believe whats just happened while writing this.
    Our network is down today, so its a bit slow in here, and someone has just handed me a Mars Ice cream.
    Think I’ll keep it until Saturday…..I’ve just had lentil soup for lunch and I’m not feeling hungry.

    Free Member

    Why ?, why do you, why can’t you.

    I’m surprized you even bother replying, anymore.
    From what I’ve seen on here, what you have proved beyond all doubt is that there is an inexhaustable supply of nay-sayers.
    While I’m not sure why you still bother, I’m glad you do.

    How are you ?, still progressing with the changes to your diet ?. Are you finding it any easier now, have you observed any results ?.
    I’m hoping you can report some success.

    The 4 hour body. I had a copy in my hand, I reached up to collect it from the shelf in the book shop.
    However, when I read “a guide to incredible sex” I had to put the book back on the shelf. Pity really, but never mind.


    Free Member

    When you’ve got OCD as bad as me, its the only way you can look at your own bike.

    OOOOooooooh yes. I align, everytime. I have no choice.

    Think Melvin Udall and you’re some way there.


    Free Member

    how on earth do you know about dieting?

    Thats it, just there. You haven’t adjusted, you’re still thinking in terms that would please many marketing types.

    You are not dieting, dieting as the the marketing men would have you think of it, doesn’t work. I thought we established that on Alexxx’s thread.

    Look, I had the impression that this all starts with the person determining that this is going to be an enduring, permanent change to their eating habits, their diet.

    you do seem to posses a superior ability to be quite irritating when discussing this subject.

    Why are you trying to mess about with pretend / unfinished cheese ?.

    Just have your Carbonara on your one day off every week. Then you can have your cheesey source, with pasta and more cheese grated on top.

    Consider all the different places / cultures in the world where people exist quite happily without cheese, muffins, whatever.

    Ok, so you experimented by putting chick peas in with a ragu source, I think ?. And you didn’t like it. Well, at least you had a go, but then its just back to the drawing board, and not back to trying to eat what made you heavier than you’d like to be in the first place.

    If you need recipes, then have you spent a good amount of time on sites like the BBC food site ?.
    You know, you can look at a recipe, and if 80 percent of it falls into line with what you are wanting to eat, for whatever reason, then try it and improvise.

    Another site that freely lists recipes is the Jamie Oliver website.
    You can find stuff on there, and just convert them into a low GI version.

    For example. I found a Japanese style dressing / source, but it included mustard powder and……SUGAR !!!.

    So guess what, I deleted the sugar, and the mustard powder (personal preferrence on the mustard) and the result is still suitable to my tastes, I really like it.

    That example is just for a condement. But if you look at a lot of stuff, a lot of foods aren’t anything, until they are dressed in a source, etc.

    Take iDave’s mashed butter beans. They probably don’t do much alone, but mix in pepper, or mint, or whatever, and you’re away.

    Same for salads. Who eats a salad without a dressing of some type ?.
    (answers not required)

    Do you have any recipes that you actually like yet ?, stuff you’ll be happy to eat once a week / fortnight, indefinately ?.


    Free Member


    I cant help but think that you’re a bit of a wuss, with this iDave dietary suggestions.

    If you’re still giving it a go, cheese is out, a cheesy type source, is out. The suggestions of what to eat are quite clear and varied enough.
    Yet, you seem to be looking to find a way to eat all the things you use to, while trying to follow the iDave suggestions.

    What part of giving up the stuff that chubbs you up and replace those with NEW MEALS, don’t you get ?.

    I struggle to see just how difficult you’re making this for yourself.

    Stop trying to fudge it. You can’t have your old cake and eat it.
    So find a totally different cake.

    MTFU, I’d suggest that you spend less time on here going on about how difficult you’re finding this, and use that time to find NEW STUFF.

    Free Member


    Molgrips. I caught your “I’m on the diet” thread. All I’ll say is you can’t be half pregnant…But keep up with the good stuff.

    With the greatest respect to all, I would suggest that those who are genuinely interested. Look to the low GI strategy as a permanent change to their eating habits.

    Bean/Legumes, imo, have to be dressed for best and sustainable results.

    On the monster long thread started by Alexxx, I posted a few bits. I think, that if you find Alexx’s profile, you’ll find his thread on the iDave diet plan.

    A fav dressing of mine at the moment is:
    90ml low salt Soy source
    30ml water
    80ml rice wine vinegar – (Check which one you use, some have a higher sugar content, I use the lower Carb vinegar)
    45ml grapeseed oil
    45ml sesame seed oil

    Whisk it up and store in a jar in the fridge, use over a few days.
    I will poor it on a selection of beans and fish.

    Another dressing:
    90ml Olive Oil
    30ml White wine vinegar or lemon juice
    30ml Dijon mustard
    1g black pepper
    <0.5g salt
    Again, whisk and stick it in a jar, in the fridge, consume over a few days, etc.

    I use a fair quantity of beans in a Veg chilli.

    300g Quorn – you can use an unspecified quantity of minced meat, to preferrence.
    two tins of chopped plum toms
    one pepper, chopped, diced, etc.
    three average sized onions, sliced as you likem
    one carrot, again, as you want it
    I have used the Schwartz packet chilli mix, but I’ve recently moved away from these, using a handmade mixture of spices, etc.
    Chick peas
    Red kidney beans
    Pinto beans

    Sweat in olive oil, onions, peppers, carrots on the pot, until onions are soft and slightly golden.
    Add toms, beans, quorn, peppers, carrots, etc, and add your chilli mix.
    Top up with water if necessary.
    I usually let it bubble for about 30 mins, no less, after I’ve added all the ingredients and brought up to temperature, with the chilli bubbling away nicely, without burning to the bottom of the pan.

    I’d guess it would be similar for the meat version, but that you’d sweat off the mince first to ensure its cooked ?.

    Salads will be a staple this coming summer, with the Olive oil dressing above.

    You can buy dried beans, do the whole soaking and boiling thing if you like.
    recently I’ve been ridiculously busy so I’ve been using the tetra packs of beans from Sainsbury’s.

    Just whack a pack into a pot, add water, boil for 10-15 mins, I may throw in some garden peas, or other stuff, veg.
    Add some grilled Pollock, Salmon, Tuna. Dress with the Soy Souce or olive oil dressing above.

    Soups are good, seem to keep the hunger monkey at bay, and can be knocked up in around 20mins if you’re use to it.

    My current soup is Lentil with Bacon. an idea I got from someone else on here, during Alexxx’s monster thread.

    I wash the lentils until most of the dust is gone.
    Whack into a pot with water, bring to a boil, I then just throw in some bacon and anything else I fancy, veg, whatever. 15-20 mins boil. Jobs a good’un.
    Depending on how much water I use, I can make it into a Dahl type thing.
    I’ve got a curry stylee homemade mix you can throw in with the Lentils.
    I don’t have it to hand, but if I get he time I may post it.

    In the end, its gonna take a bit of work, but as I’ve posted before, its worth making the time to re-set your eating habits and the way you think about your diet.
    Improve your cooking skills, perpare homemade food from basic ingredients, as fresh as you can, and eat well.


    Have fun !

    P.S. Don’t forget your one day off, a week. Its not all work, and if you stick to it, pretty soon it becomes habit, and you become lighter.

    Big thanks to iDave :-D

    Free Member


    Low Gi.

    4 hour body


    BLah, blah…..



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