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  • Solo
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    muppetWrangler – Member

    This thread is very lacking in spoilers.

    Well what do you want?

    I’ve only read one online synopsis (damn!) and basically, Luke is missing, bad people are doing bad things, so a group of goodies will probably have to do something about it.

    Oh, and I supsect there’s going to be a few more of these films, because this flippin franchise just simply refuses to die, die, DIE!


    Free Member

    grey – Member

    The Death Star isn’t a star

    And that small moon? Well, it isn’t actually a moon… :lol:

    Free Member

    tenfoot – Member

    Boo – I just had a salad

    Very unsatisfactory.

    You should’ve gone for the Salad pie instead.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    I am sat in a coffee shop trying not to have any cakes for lunch, it’s bloody murder tbh.

    Then get yourself to a pie shop! Didn’t I read somewhere that the UK public are on average within 0.87 miles of a pie?

    Free Member

    SaxonRider – Member

    Thanks for that. Now I’m hungry. Time for a brazil nut.

    Haven’t you any Mackerel pie instead, for lunch?

    Who wrote the phrase on that poster? Robert Burns??

    Free Member

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    Not now you said that, no.

    Relax, Get yourself to the cinema or something, take the night off.

    Free Member

    You’re in Birmingham? UK? Wow!

    You’re so close I could probably see you from here. Will you be wearing the outfit?

    Free Member

    neil the wheel – Member

    And for bedside duties, a glass of water.

    Too cool off the barrel are firing, right?

    Free Member

    fasthaggis – Member

    Attack kittens

    Very good, just don’t go into the water…..

    There’s nothing more deadly than this:
    Oh yeah?…..

    That’s right! Man eating terrapins!

    Free Member

    rusty90 – Member

    I think we need to negotiate an arms limitation treaty.

    Too late. As soon as I hear the opening bars of Astronomy Domine I’m launching this

    Good luck, however, if you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. For you are in Elysium, and you’re already dead!

    Free Member

    maccruiskeen – Member

    Anyone who’s played “Kill Dr Lucky” knows the deadliest weapon is ‘Monkey Hands’


    Free Member

    bigblackshed – Member

    Obama has the US at Def Con 5!

    So, really, really peaceful then?

    Errrr….. Def Con “22”, then, perhaps?…

    Free Member

    slowoldman – Member

    Solo, I think we need to negotiate an arms limitation treaty.

    Whatever you say bud! Anyone who even threatens to unleash Ummagumma gets my attention. I’ve had to contact Ban Ki-Moon requesting an emergency meeting of the UN security council and Obama has the US at Def Con 5!

    Now, please, step away from the record player. Do not, I repeat, do not play Ummagumma!

    Free Member

    Oh crap! ^^^ UMMAGUMMA!?!?!?! No, no, please, no. Have you no mercy?

    Think I may have to reach for the ear plugs and the chaingun. But even then, I think I’d lose.

    Unless I can find something by……..

    Free Member

    Northwind – Member

    This is what you need

    I recently obtained a pair of these using my club card points.

    However, I’ve noticed a weak point in the home defenses via the duck pond in the garden, so I’m arranging to have one of these delivered.

    Free Member

    hammyuk – Member

    HnK USP Compact 9mm for concealed carry/bedside purposes

    Ah! So that’s where I’ve been going wrong, I thought I was suppose to use my other weapon of choice for bedside duties. Thanks!

    For something more protracted then I’ll grab all of those along with the ClawGear vest that carries spare mags and a 1911 in a chest holster…….
    Oh – and the leg holster with another 1911 and two spare mags because you absolutely can never have enough.

    Sounds as if you’ll be so heavily armed you’ll probably fall over and not be able to get up. So while you’re laying on the floor, prostrate and helpless under your load of weapons, I could just rock up and poke you in the eye.


    Free Member

    No light sabres?

    Free Member


    I use to have two of those, in different colours.

    Plenty of indiscriminate “punch” but they’re a bitch to park at the super market, even if you’ve opted for the reverse parking sensors.

    Free Member

    Rockhopper – Member

    Revolvers are reliable but offer limited capacity and are very slow to reload unless you know what you are doing. I’d go for a Glock 17 with its 17 round magazine.

    P90 for me, once I’ve disembarked from the runabout ^^

    It’s good for righties and lefties

    Free Member

    mrsfry – Member

    While your shooting blanks at a plauge of zombies, i’ll beating my way through them and calling for a airlift.

    Free Member

    nedrapier – Member

    Goodness, Solo, I hope that’s a hybrid?

    Haven’t you heard? the Price of fuel is dropping.

    The real PITA is obtaining sufficient quantities of depleted Uranium shells. Have you seen the prices recently? It’s day light robbery!

    Free Member

    For the commute:

    Free Member

    toppers3933 – Member
    He has the right to say whatever he wants to who ever he wants. He also has the right to be judged on it.

    I was going post about this earlier. There’s been some chat about the validity of someone’s PoV suggesting that some PoVs are more valid/worthy than others. Perhaps so, but I’d probably reconsider judging that person completely after they had provided me with a PoV I didn’t agree with or didn’t consider to be valid.
    Could it not be simply a case that in such a situation, the opinion expressed may seem invalid only for a lack of good reasoning. Therefore possibly don’t write-off that person, as much as feel that they just have a little further to travel in the sense of seeing the bigger picture.

    I struggle to believe for a minute TF really thinks his wife/GF is only good for two things. I’d bet if he’d taken more time to think about his life without the Woman he loves, he’d soon conclude she is more to him than that.

    Free Member

    Rockape63 – Member

    I just can’t believe that no one has used the word ‘Pikey’!

    I’ve heard the reports, but I haven’t heard or read his actual words on the issues of Women and homosexuals.

    It’s quite a sad thing to stigmatize someone for being homosexual. In my opinion you might blame someone for being attracted to someone of the same sex, as much as you might blame someone for the colour of their skin. To do so is utterly ridiculous.

    Then moving onto remarks regarding Women. If he thinks that servitude is all a Woman is good for then I genuinely pity him for lacking the ability to see and understand just how much more a Woman can be and indeed, people in general.

    Perhaps time will enhance his views of life and his opinions about his fellow Human beings, is the best we could hope for.

    Free Member

    Office/company Xmas do has yet to happen, however, I received the itinerary this morning. Yes, there is an itinerary, FGS!

    Arrive at the venue, at the strictly allotted time in order to be tagged with wrist band! :cry:
    Then the festivities will really lift off:
    0 hour to 0:45 Bar is open.
    0:45 to 1:20 Feeding
    However, at 1:00 to 1:15 Christmas speech? Who’s going to hear over the noise of feeding????
    1:30 to 2:00 Comedian, yes, a frickin comedian, FGS!!
    1:30 to 2:30 Nooo, please please no: Table top magician :cry:
    2:00 to 5:00 Pictures?????
    8:00 the fun ends, lights on, go home.

    Think I’m giving it a miss.

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    Post up what you were eating, we’ll tell you where the carbs are.
    Still waiting for OP to post list of typical foods they eat.

    wrecker – Member
    ? Fat is fuel.

    Spot on.

    molgrips – Member

    It’s a machine, but no-one knows how it actually works, and every example is slightly different.
    Isn’t that the performance of each individual machine and any part therein may differ, in comparison to any other machine, but that those machines are made to the same template?

    Anyway yes, it’s a very complicated “machine” and it has the ability to provide some very counter intuitive results, depending on your PoV.

    Scienceofficer – Member
    You’ve got carbs, fat and protein. Food is made up of combinations of all three.

    If you don’t mind me saying so, that’s quite inaccurate and very likely to confuse some folk.

    One “rule of thumb” I’ve noted is that nature doesn’t combine fat with sugar, AFAIK, only Man has cracked that one.
    But yes, there are 3 “Macros” Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates.
    Typically, one will find protein and fat combined (animals) and carbohydrates usually one their own, ie, fruit, veg.
    Man has screwed with this stuff and how deleterious such foods are for Human consumption is another subject, imo.

    Free Member

    tazzymtb – Member

    most flow battery technology is based on Vanadium, which again is non-renewable rare earth element which causes the same old issues.

    for an idea of how damaging rare earth extraction is have a look at the reports into Bautou which produces about 80% of the rare earth elements used in battery technology and electrical goods.

    if you own an electric car or hybrid thinking you doing your bit for the planet, you a deluded but well meaning

    Interesting, I had always been very sceptical about the final result for exotic materials contained within spent batteries, but hadn’t given much thought to the environmental impact of sourcing those materials in the first place.

    Pieces of information such as this only go to further reinforce my opinion as it currently stands, that EVs are not the solution and not worth considering even as a “stepping stone” to a different tech in the future. I just see it as a flawed concept for reasons such as this one, along with many others.

    Yes, fueling cars as the majority of us currently do, needs to change, I agree. It’s just that I don’t think EVs are the answer.

    Free Member

    MrSalmon – Member

    Doesn’t this apply equally to taxis we have now?

    Not in my experience. I’ve never had a taxi arrive with the added feature of a puddle of vomit on the floor. Furthermore, experience leads me to believe the driver would deal with such an issue before accepting any new business. However, I couldn’t comment on standards of taxi service throughout the UK.

    Free Member

    doris5000 – Member

    imagine how much space we could recover when we can get rid of (say) half of every car park because the all driverless cars just head off to the next job. that’s an extra football pitch outside every tower block and a decent real park outside each retail park

    I don’t agree, any space liberated as described will just be built upon, to crowd the growing population on top of one another, to prevent entering any green belt areas. New building in the UK is already ridiculously cramped and over priced, imo. But that’s another thread.

    However, your description of a driverless car reads to me as a taxi, a vehicle you hire for a specific journey as opposed to owning a car you are not required to pilot yourself, other than to program your destination, into the car and initiate the journey.

    A fleet of driverless taxis would be a mare, would you want the taxi which had been previously used by someone who had been unwell in the car or in some other way had soiled the vehicle? Obviously those who ran the fleet of driverless taxis would, probably rely on people refusing such a car, to indicate when the car needed to be cleaned. However, waiting for the replacement may make you late for wherever you’re going.
    Just as an example.

    Free Member

    amedias – Member
    Things that everyone wants but are expensive, often have a way of becoming cheaper if the effort and will to make them so is there…

    No doubt. My issue is solely focusing on electricity as the power source. When this issue is discussed I get the suspicion most don’t appear to really consider the enormity or rolling out a national charge point network, domestic and commercial. The quantities of raw materials required, etc. In addition to breaking down and scrapping what we have in place, rather than adapting it for new liquid fuels.

    doris5000 – Member
    i can’t wait for driverless cars. it’s gonna be ace.

    I can, regardless of how they’re powered, I’d never want one.

    Free Member

    busta – Member
    And we have a nationwide network for distributing it called the national grid

    As has already been mentioned. The current configuration of the national grid does not support wide spread EV ownership. Hence part of the debate is to address “roll out” of hundreds of thousands of charge points. I’ve watched the installation of charge points at University of Warwick. It was slow and expensive and so in my opinion, impractical on a nationwide / pan European level. Even before one considers maintenance of a charge point network.

    Free Member

    2 our whole economy is based on consumer debt based consumption, of which cars is a huge chunk.
    Yeap, they want Joe P to pay with as much finance as possible. Bankers aint doing the work they like to, unless they’ve leveraged each one of us to the hilt!

    Which is why Renault sell you the car, but only lease the battery.
    At which point the owner of the car becomes an endless income stream for the vendor of the batteries, on a monthly lease basis. Nice (for someone)! Extrapolate that scenario and you see customers being told they can’t have a replacement battery until performance has dropped below 50% of original, so for some time the owner of the car won’t be “enjoying” the full range capability of their car with a new battery.

    Electric cars are a red herring, which, judging by this thread, the public are swallowing hook, line and socket.

    The developed world already has sufficient infrastructure in/on the ground to transport, store and distribute liquid fuels. Liquid fuels are the technology to which future, private vehicular transport should look for it’s fuel.

    Free Member

    Double post. Sorry.

    Free Member

    ernie_lynch – Member
    And Hitler lived in Liverpool.

    Still does, according to some. Apparently he also kept a subterranean bachelor pad in Berlin.

    Free Member

    mt – Member

    Did he meet Corbyn?

    I think Lenin met Corbyn’s mother, once…..

    Free Member

    I hope the folk designing, printing and distributing those cards are caught. The sooner the better. Their very actions betray their utter ignorance of the subject as does anyone else who blathers on about over eating without understanding that such behavior is a symptom, not the cause!

    Free Member

    chipps – I work here
    I do point my jumbo lights down when in traffic – and I’m not sure that 2000 lumens on your city bike is really doing anyone a favour. My issue is with flashing bright lights as they’re hard to judge the distance away from it.


    Free Member

    deadlydarcy – Member
    More cheap smearing. No surprise there then.

    No surprize at all…

    Lord preserve those who dare disagree with the STW big hitters, eh?

    Free Member

    crazy-legs – Member

    Sick to death of bloody turkey. We’d still be eating it a week later. Turkey sandwiches, turkey stew, turkey salad

    Have you not learnt anything from our imperial past? Over abundance of post Xmas turkey is why the people of India invented curry!
    Thank goodness for India and curry!!

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