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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • Solo
    Free Member
    Forgive me, I've only " scan-read " the thread this far...
    Don't get around here much, anymore.
    kinda at the plateau of the D-K curve on the topic of nutrition, I hope Alan or matilda doesn't see this....
    Anyway, seen a lot of comments about carbs, carbs, carbs.
    If you're participating in a tour, then unfortunatey, you're going to need to consume refined and easily digestible carbohydrates.
    However, for every muther-luving " cyclist " one of us proles-on-wheels, out for a weekend six hour ride, to blow away the stress or the cob webs from the week?
    A diet of species specific, species appropriate food, will surfice, ie, the muscle meat of large ruminant animals and associated fats.
    Leave the carbs alone, they'll only upset the randle cycle or/and create advanced glycation end products.
    Glycation in cells is seriously not what you want to cause and certainly not as a matter of habit!
    Free Member

    I return from other dimensions to find STWF forum convo, on  vacuum cleaners??

    Not like the gud O’le dayzs then!…..

    Free Member


    Subsequently the most corrupt group of people on the planet, outside of politicians.
    And we’re supposed to believe them?

    Allow me to demonstrate:
    Prof Neil Ferguson promoted lock down and isolation as the effective actions against the “Thing”.
    Since when, Johns Hopkins University has conducted a meta-data-analysis which concludes that lock-downs had a negligible effect on mortality, but had tremendously deleterious effect on the wider population:

    Ergo, Scientists can no longer be trusted!

    Hilarious, absolute comedy gold.

    Free Member

    Full Member
    So with the current heatwave we’ve got here in the UK and countless other heatwaves/freak weather events in other countries like Australia and the US I’ve been pondering today…

    At what point do people start to change behaviours, not just in the paying it lip service sense, but people starting to make noticeable changes to their lifestyle to try and counter things?
    I’m not talking just buying a car with slightly better fuel economy but actually doing away with the car and dealing with the inconvenience of it?

    Obviously, some people have already started to make changes with the way they live their lives. Others don’t believe in climate change and carry on as they were. Some think it’s pointless with China/India producing huge amounts of emissions.

    Are we at the point where we’re screwed as a race or will we turn things around?

    Amusing how so quickly the car is homed in on, during a day of warmth, err, during our summer…
    So it was nothing to do with the little bit of the jet stream which broke out from the more northerly region of the jet stream and pumped hot air up from southern Spain, as explained on the BBC. LMAO. One day of high heat and it’s the end of civilization because people drive cars.

    Free Member

    Skin cancer rates amongst ex-pats in spain are worringly high compared to Spaniards, there is a reason for that, but let us not get bogged down in facts and logic. LOL!

    Agree, nature punishes the stupid… Ask Darwin?

    Free Member

    Nope, do any of us really ” NEED ” carbon? Nope!
    Most of you are too fat to benefit from the marginal weight saving.

    It’s a whizzing contest for those who are more easily parted from their money than their spare tyre.

    Free Member

    Extreme heat warning doom

    I guess 76 was “extreme” at the time, lol.

    It’s summer time, it gets hot here, so what?

    Staggered at the 1980 onwards generation who have been raised to be professionally scared of their own shadow. lmao.

    Free Member

    Do components made of Carbon fatigue?
    Strange question.

    Perhaps better to consider, what are the risk/rewards to using Carbon components.

    IMO, the rewards of employing Carbon are out-weighed by the risks when your Carbon whatever, fails.

    Free Member


    I don’t know you, I’ve never met you and I’ve no idea I’d like you if I did.


    However, I believe I have some idea of the courage required to leave an otherwise “settled situation”.

    I hope you and yours all find the peace and the future you wish for yourselves.

    Good luck.

    Free Member

    Our Zoe ZE40  is awesome. I haven’t been to a petrol station since we got it, which is ace. On off peak electricity it’s almost a tenth of the cost per mile than our other car that does 45mpg averaged throughout the year. It’s lovely to drive, accelerating rapidly, smoothly and quietly. We’ve not done many long trips, but we did a ~300 mile round trip at Christmas without problem; in fact quite the opposite, a free public charger meant it cost £4, we also got the best parking space at an otherwise completely full Oxford services

    My wife nearly ran out of fuel in the other car today, we’re so used to the car just being fully fueled every morning.

    go try one, you’ll love it

    In a few years time, reverse your situation.  When everyone is driving electric cars.

    You pull into the services and all the charge points are in use and for who knows how long.

    Electric cars are a ridiculous idea, but the industry won’t shy away from selling us all electric cars now and bio-fuelled cars in 20 years time.

    MTB Wheel size, anyone?

    Free Member

    somafunk – Member
    Tell him to pull his bloody finger out

    Nooooo! Think of the mess!

    Free Member

    jimjam – Member
    Audi A8 with traffic jam pilot. You won’t have to argue or convince anyone – they’ll want to buy it.


    Free Member

    tjagain – Member
    Cougar – don’t planes fly themselves these days even auto land?


    I’m not convinced Google is really that concerned about UK or anywhere else, RTA fatalities.

    Which then begs the question, “WHY” are they pouring money into this? $$$$$$$$$$$$

    Free Member

    I find, usually during a warm summer’s evening, a single, ice-cold, 330ml bottle of Heineken 0.0% lager, to be very refreshing.

    Free Member

    Wow, this has turned into a cosy little, left, echo chamber.

    Anyhow, I’ve got to find a new job now.
    I’ve been sacked by one Eastern european and replaced with another.
    (note: I haven’t named the exact country of their origin, that’s not the point, although I expect 99% will miss that point}

    The CEO and share holders will be pleased, another expensive resident labourer replaced with a lower skilled, cheaper, replacement.

    Yay for Europe!

    Free Member

    forzafkawi – Member
    That’s one of the books I bought. I reiterate, if you’re any sort of athlete it’s a load of cobblers.

    If you’re a couch potato who wants to lose some weight and the most strenuous thing you do is stretch for the remote, then go for it.

    Well, as a cohort of one, you’ll also regconize that your personal experience quite possibly shouldn’t be used as a reference point for others.

    As others have pointed out, one size does not appear to fit all, regardless of the fact we all share the same basic physiology.
    What may be true for you, doesn’t necessarily apply to the N’th degree for others.

    I’m working my way through the first video, now, informative!

    Free Member

    lodger – Member
    You will lose weight, but mealtimes will be a drag and I’d be surprised if you could maintain the training intensity.

    It might be worth clarifying that LCHF isn’t generally prescribed for sports, but rather a complimentary component of a lifestyle.
    Or where it may have a clinical application.

    nathb – Member

    The missus has recently switched to the above and is loving the benefits – full of energy, no cravings, no junk food and mentally feels so much happier.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    It’s an interesting point – I wonder what was going through Vettel’s head before the start.

    I was minded to make my comment, after recalling Martin Brundle’s comments about Senna and how he’d try to psych-out other drivers so that if they saw him beside them, they’d just get out of his way.

    My read is MV likes/chooses to play the part of arrogant, fearless, new-boy. Ultimately, imo, all parties need to reflect and work out how they are going to decide a corner in future.
    Luckily nobody was hurt, AFAIK.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member

    Define life changing?

    ….and I mean this from a point of genuine curiosity, rather than the usual nit picking point scoring snidey STW angle.

    The research I’ve done so far on ketosis appears to suggest that during ketosis ketones enter the brain differently to glucose.
    Furthermore, the transport of glucose into the brain has been seen to degrade with age. However, during ketosis ketones can still enter the brain and as such provide sufficient energy to effectively make up the energy deficit for a degraded transportation of glucose into the brain.

    There are several clinical applications for a ketogenic diet, one of the more widely known is in the treatment of drug resistant epilepsy.

    So, yes, the ketogenic diet can literlally have life changing effects.

    If you’re genuinely interested, catch the Joe Rogan podcast with Dom D’Agustino. I found it very interesting.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    However I do tend to agree that swerving across the track in the way Vettel did should be outlawed

    Indeed, wasn’t MV the subject of similarly dangerous driving, changing position in the braking zone?

    Furthermore, I’m also reminded that AFAIK, doesn’t SV has a very high number of points on his super license?

    Free Member

    dragon – Member
    Watch it head on and Max is going to his right and Vettel to his left, so both are to blame. If Max hadn’t gone right Kimi couldn’t have got through and the rest could never of happened.

    Not sure I agree entirely there.

    Imo that accident started with SV making a poor start which he then tried to recover from, during the run into the first corner. I think better racers would have made a different call.

    However, that doesn’t address the psychological war between SV and MV.
    If it hasn’t already been established, then both will want to prove to the other that in such a situation, They ain’t gonna budge. Who “owns” who, etc, etc.

    With the benefit of the wisdom of hindsight, it’s easy to suggest SV should have backed out, in order to address the larger goal of scoring points with which to take the title fight onwards.
    It’s not over by any stretch, but SV could and should have made a different choice, imo.

    By comparison, I believe LH has made several poor starts during the last 18 months, but when doing so rarely ends up crashing at the first corner, IIRC.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member
    Well that changed the WC in about 5 seconds – and it was all Vettel’s own fault

    Watched the start on YT and Vettel trying to put a move on a better starting Red Bull, precipitated results which would not please Ferrari.
    Sometimes I wonder what’s happening inside the helmet of car 5. Esp in light of Baku.
    Seems to me, that being a great requires at times that the driver arrests the red mist so as see the larger picture.
    in that regard LH seems to be a better racer than SV.

    Free Member

    Just when you may have thought this thread couldn’t get any sillier, you then discover Kato is a Queen fan!

    Edukator – Reformed Troll
    For jambalaya to sing:

    I want to break free
    I want to break free
    I want to break free from your lies[/i]


    Free Member

    Froome seems quite a likeable chap [/i]

    Operative word being “seems”.

    Looked to me as though he attacked Landa.

    Not a fan of how Froome races.

    Free Member


    Cheese, cheese, cheese.

    And what about the Bacon?

    Free Member

    Don’t ride a moped be in London and you should be OK.

    Free Member

    Car ‘b’ is at fault.
    The driver of car ‘b’ should have remained stationary and waited for car ‘a’ to complete it’s manoeuvre.

    Case closed!

    Free Member

    13 pages?!?!??
    I won’t be reading all that crap.

    loddrik – Member
    It’s bad enough at motor shows, but the type of people who are ‘into cars’ probably have that type of mentality.

    Although I hope someone spotted the irony of the OP.

    Also, :lol: at STW forum script for replacing the “I’m not reading all that shit” acronym.
    With an insult.
    Classy :lol:

    Free Member

    Cougar – Moderator

    Either I’ve completely misunderstood you, in which case I sincerely apologise

    Yeah, you appear to be missing something. Though that happens to folk who are afflicted with prejudices and preconceptions.

    Free Member

    zippykona – Member

    We seem to have drifted. ..

    As was expected ;-)

    Free Member

    scud – Member

    if you look at many of the universities now, so many rely heavily on the monies of foreign students, the Brexit vote has put many off and the papers today reported that Manchester and Cardiff Unis have both laid off a lot of staff recently?

    Got to pay the Chancellors £200K salary some how!

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    Thought you were an IT consultant – so probably on a reasonable salary?

    Bit beside the point there.

    How so?

    Free Member

    graemecsl – Member


    **Finger in each ear**


    GROOT for PM!!!

    Free Member

    graemecsl – Member

    I am groot

    Oh no, you’re not!

    (is it that time of year, already?)

    Free Member

    molgrips – Member

    Ok but what’s the solution? Have all the nerdy kids go to selective schools, or make comps better?

    What about all the shy nerdy bright kids whose parents can’t afford private school or there’s no grammar school?

    The inequities of life either crush them or make them.
    We need both types.

    Free Member

    km79 – Member

    Everytime I hear a tory has worked hard in order to afford something I auto translate to I got rich off the back of others hard work.

    But have you tried to get help for your condition?

    Free Member

    ahwiles – Member

    i don’t know, if you’ve got more spare cash you’ll probably end up spending some of it, on things that are subject to VAT….

    (so more money for the national pot)

    :lol: Yup! Cos there won’t be any tax rises to take that “spare” cash away from the toffs!

    Free Member

    FunkyDunc – Member

    At least in our communist state everything will be fair and equal

    Wow! Just sooooooo Wow!

    That’s so simple, I can’t help but wonder why no one hasn’t tried that, already.

    Free Member

    :lol: Yeah, my bad. I seem to have forgotten this is a sensible-conversation-free-zone.

    Carry on.

    Free Member

    aracer – Member

    Because the Tories weren’t trying to make any political capital out of it at all.

    Of course IF it was intended to influence people voting it would seem likely the intention was to get people to vote for the party more traditionally associated with law and order. It’s hardly Labour’s fault that the Maybot personally presided over a huge cut in police numbers.

    I believe the initial responses from all, included praise for the emergency services.
    Then followed in knee-jerk reaction stylee, by comments from Labour attempting to create a tenuous link between cuts to police numbers and the attack at the weekend.

    However, I believe the Police have been quite clear that more officers wouldn’t have made any difference to the outcome on the weekend.

    Many believe the Madrid bombings in 2004 did effect the outcome of the Spanish election three days later. Might it be possible terrorists are now trying to create a similar reaction in the UK.

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