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  • Sonder signs British Enduro Champion Harvey  Rollason 
  • sodafarls
    Free Member

    “Nazisms basic principal was about racial purity, so not unless they were black kids and that was your base point, you might be a fascist tho. “

    If, say you lived in London, and they were Black, and you hated them, would that be worse than hating White or Brown asshole vermin? Why?

    Free Member

    “Thing is Israel and Gaza strip are as bad as each other.”

    By what criteria? And who is “Gaza strip”?

    “Some 1,300 Palestinians, most of them civilians, including more than 300 children, and 13 Israelis, three of them civilians were killed during the recent three-week conflict in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel. (and let’s not forget, four of the thirteen Israeli casualities were killed by Israeli military)

    Amnesty international probably gives you the shivers though, eh?

    Free Member

    Remove her benefit and insist she pay it back regardless of her means to pay. That’s the only fair approach, eh?

    Free Member

    How did you all feel about apartied South Africa? I guess this “is very different”? eh?

    Free Member

    I say blame the teachers for not instilling them with self confidence and well being!

    Free Member

    It’s mediocre music for mediocre people, or at best people who are not mediocre who happen to have mediocre music tastes.

    Free Member

    “Would seem strange if they stopped making them after all the glowing reviews recently. “

    And a lot of those reviews insinuated that it was a better bike than the higher priced Enduro…

    Free Member

    Neither seven, just observations of human nature, a bad mood and too much wine.

    Free Member

    Sorry if anybody got all upset at my cynical comments, but I do have a rather negative opinion of the idea of “impartiality” in this instance.

    Free Member

    Have you considered a funnel? on sale at crc and merlin at the mo …

    Free Member

    “sodafarls, what you say may be true with ‘chalk ‘n’ talk’ teaching, but if you teach people how to learn then there’s nothing to hold the brighter ones back. “

    Can you expand on this? And can you explain how a brighter child will not be held back by the scenario where the syllabus does not progress as far as they are capable of over the course of a term/semester?

    I’d also like to be refreshed in the efficiency of modern teaching methods verus “chalk and talk”.

    Free Member

    Mixed ability classes focus all learning on the common denominator.Stream abilities with the pathway of moving up or down according to capabilities, and everybody is happy. Have the resources to help those in need of resources. But that is heresy, as it costs money.

    Free Member

    It’s speculation mind, my woman is happy with masculinity and common sense. Were she not, I’d get another one that was.

    Free Member

    “Sodafarls – what an incredibly stupid thing to say. “

    Prove it.

    Now correct me if I am wrong, but when did reality turn itself upon it’s head and ask for advice from strangers?

    Oh, it’s Objectivity you speak of? Well then I ask of the time it made itself apparent in the coven of Liberal media, and how it fayred? Can I observe such a phenomenen on t’interweb tonight? methinks not.

    Get a **** grip. What would you expect from a “marriage counsellor” but a stream of overeducated comfortably clueless but with a sense of entiltilement, female biased bullshit. Anybody know of “male” counsellors of that nature? I have a Psychology degree, can i have a job or might I suggest something ideologically unsound? Go buy some new shoes, indulge her lunacy etc… you owe me £200.

    Free Member

    It may not have held you back, but it may have held others back. I pity the “very bright child” who was inhibited from learning at his/her own speed as much as the child with learning difficulties who was not given as much attention as he may/she may have been were their situation accepted and facilitated. But that costs money… And more money for poor folk is money down the drain, etc.

    Free Member

    HTTP404, no need for ad hominen nonsense. You do seem to live in a rarified world to be honest judging from some of your posts. The funny thing is that should my partner and I pull our curtains apart, sneer, and make assumptions regarding your worthiness re our next dinner party, you would appear rather unworthy. We should move upmarket etc…

    Do you get the hypocrisy?

    Free Member

    Re 11plus, and then streaming.

    I went to a state primary, sat the 11 plus (hated the pressure then, and would never put my children through it at that age)

    Pased with an A, and went to the local comp, along with all the other children from the local schools .At 14 passed entrance exams to the local state grammar.

    Having a system were you can prove your academic ability a bit later when you may have a grasp on the concept is important. And a big “wise up!” to all that bollocks about everybody being entitled to great self esteem and confidence.Who is entitled to that in adulthood? School is education, in an ideal world it’s about finding a child skills and abilities and providing them with the best possibilities and options correllating to their abilities or interests at that time. It’s not about blowing air up a kids ass, filling his head with shite and neglecting to give him any skills to make a living. That would be neglect. Of course , it would be nice for all children to have similar choices and options, but that costs money…eh?

    Free Member

    “Hmm, streaming would seem like a good idea, for those that are high achievers, but what about the thicko* kids? What about their confidence and self-esteem? “

    I’d say that they and I would be a hell of a lot happier and profitable in life if genuine modern apprenticeships had been available as an option. But instead we were all chapparalled into tertiary education in order to fill the coffers of student loan companies marketing jobs that the govt(s) knew would not exist. And some people profited from cheap overseas labour, and called it socialism.

    Free Member

    “You’ve lost me now… [:?] “

    Yes, it does appear that way.

    Private v’s state. I’d like to think that every child regardless of it’s parents abilities should have an equal chance in life. Nobody would argue with that.

    Private v’s state re funding. More money equals more facilities etc. That’s quite straightforward. More facilities tends to correlate with better results at school and in later life, would’nt you say?

    Regarding streaming. Now I know the system that I experienced in N.Ireland is not one that became available in Britain. Simply speaking, I went to St Pauls comprehensive in a town by the name of Lurgan. StPauls was situated by an estate called Taghnevan, and that’s where most of its’s pupils came from…that and Kilwilke. Google both. Considering this was the early and mid 80’s, I doubt that many of the regular posters on this forum would be very impressed with the “pedigree” of my schoolmates, considering a fair percentage of their fathers had spent time at the Maze for being considered “enemies of the state” (remind me, who’s state?). And eventually released without charge after months of torture, as usual….but don’t let that bother you , i’m just illustrating the OP’s point.

    The educational system was apparently an experimental one…stay at the state comp, do ok, and sit an exam for the local state grammar.No fees or nothing.

    Now since this was back in the day of almost daily handstrapping, there was very little bollox in class. There was some of course, it’s natural after all for young men to act up a little, but nothing like what is apparently acceptable now. It’s not a zero sum game my liberal friends. Anyway, if you did ok , you could go to a streamed system in the state grammar. It was mixed by the way, girls etcs. So you tried. When you went there, it was kids from the same families, no-one could pay to put their kids there, and we all had passed the quite simple requirements to get in. Everybody, wealthy or poor. And we all had the same daytime teaching in the years prior to that. Of course we all did not have the same situations outside of school hours though, that would be nonsense. While streaming did me a favour by letting the teacher educate me and my classmates, streaming didn’t hold anybody back, the situation they came from may have. Don’t confuse the two.

    Free Member

    I usually burn it off with Paraffin.

    Free Member

    Your “Guidence counsellor” will most likely be an incredibly stupid card carrying feminist liberal type who believes what they read in the Guardian and Independent without questioning any of it as that would be “DailyMail-esque”, or a man who wants to **** “an incredibly stupid card carrying feminist liberal type who believes what they read in the Guardian and Independent without questioning any of it”. Or a Gay.

    That’s life, don’t come crying to me to complain about the way things are.

    Free Member

    Since no one as yet has answered my question regarding state funded grammar schools, and selection on academic ability, i’ll pose this question…are you of the opinion that streaming is a good idea in state schools, and for that matter, corporal punishment? I am.

    Free Member

    “I was really wondering if it is purely money that makes the difference?”

    (29mins pass…)

    “Yes money would help,”

    You answered your own question in the space of 30 mins. You don’t have a clue about the state school versus privately funded issue, do you?

    “All children should be given a equal start in life, but they’re not “

    Ever wondered why?

    Free Member

    “historically we have had a seriously crazy class society and I think a lot of that will always be ingrained. I don’t agree with it but at the same time it is hard not to see it in society.”

    Christ, reading that is depressing. Are all Brits who recognise this equally exhausted and willing to “accept” the inequalities of the “class society”?

    probably on the wrong forum for that question though, eh? 😀

    Free Member

    “I was really wondering if it is purely money that makes the difference?”

    Well, please share your opinion on whether it may help, in a school environment.

    Did you read the whab waving post a few weeks back regarding incomes? If you did you would know that the income of many that post on this forum is not very representative of the median income in the uk.

    And regardless of that fact, wouldn’t you say that all children should be given an equal chance in life, to succeed or fail, regardless of their parental income?

    Free Member

    “What does the extra money provide? In many cases private schools offer a selection procedure based on “academic ability”

    I had that in a state school in N.Ireland. Debate the merits of selection.

    “What would giving more money to a comprehensive change that would make it a better school?”

    Well here’s a suggestion…

    “(I) had things like mocroscopes (sic) and chemistry sets to play with. Learning was just fun/interesting for me. “

    One between thirty students in my state comp.

    Are you any closer to an understanding now?

    Free Member

    “sodafaris…..already got a Scott Sportster so maybe I’m just a sucker for ugly bikes! “

    Whoops, sorry…but I suppose you know your own preferences, asthetically wise.

    Free Member

    “but will throwing money at a child raise their IQ..? “

    Why do better off parents need to spend more on their children then?

    “or change their attitude to learning?”

    What was your attitude to learning at 10 years old? Were you aware of such a concept?

    Free Member

    The Orange, as Trek and Scotts for that matter look minging in exactly the same way. And George Bush rode a Trek.

    Free Member

    Your muscles crying out.

    Free Member

    What’s the opinion on state Grammar schools that feed from local comps at age 14, and if you do well at 15 or at your GCSE’S at 16 you can come join the streamed fun for A-levels or whatever alternatives are offered these days? Do they have them in Britain?

    Free Member

    “a classless society cannot exist where an individual’s merit is measured by commercial worth.”

    Funny isn’t it that the children given a much better chance at winning on the commercial scale later in life tend to have had a hell of a lot more spent on their education.

    But that’s not really of interest to you , is it?

    Free Member

    seven or eight years here, the only problem with them being that they don’t/didn’t give mortgages on shared ownership properties. After finding out last week that Lloyds are currently trying to scupper the Gaza DEC appeal, and HSBC invest heavily in Burma as well as the Canadian tarpits I’m glad I changed.

    Free Member

    Ps, I think you are more than likely a needle dick stupid selfish cockhead too.

    PPS, I’m neither happy nor gay.

    PPS, but I console myself with the knowledge that i’m not a boyracer.

    PPPS, You fancy Clarkson and his gimps.

    PPPPS, each to their own and all…

    Free Member

    Is it bad to be happy and gay?

    Free Member

    His main bugbear these days seems to be the Bilderberg crew. I can relate to that. Ever heard of them? Mr Blair joined them in the forest several times. He was your prime minister.

    Free Member

    I’d suggest paying £20 to get the head tube and bb faced. That’s it really.Everything else is easy enough if you take your time, and even what I would consider an expensive frame (ie my santa cruz )can have seriously lumpy edges which negate the point of installing a quality bb or headset.

    Free Member

    Go look at his website.

    Free Member

    There is no real defensible point in my opinion aracer. Nulabour don’t like upsetting ideas or opinions being given any voice. The idea that they actually are concerned about public order and satisfaction is in my opinion nonsense. Whenever the wrong type of protest squeezes through the many newly invented hoops and over the appropriate hurdles, all they have to do is apply the strong arm of the law (a police force with no qualms about going on the offensive in these situations) and a compliant media to report the story back to front to an apathetic and brainwashed populace to discredit the idea and frighten the potential protestors out of going on the streets in the first place. They also this time have in their quiver a substantial quantity of clueless card carrying capital “L” liberals willing to support them for the feelgood factor, as opposed to genuine liberals who are naturally averse to censorship of ideas.

    Free Member

    Tried to edit this bit

    “But then again, what usually happens a generation or two from poverty, is that people tend to have much smaller families.”

    to include

    “,education levels increase and “liberal values” become dominant….”

    but left it too late.

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